
Thanks founder of tuscl

Few reviews from me. About to finally write another...happened to click on the suggestions guidlines for writing. Made me think thanks again for gettin this excellent source going and maintained.


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Yes, thank you sir !!
  • Otto22
    13 years ago
    We all owe Founder a great deal of gratitude.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
  • joesparty
    13 years ago
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    I'll add my thanks as well. We all owe founder a beverage of his choice, and then some.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    As I recall, the TUSCL road has had some bumps in it, but Founder always found a way to keep it going.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    Without TUSCL, I might have had a normal life. Thank you, Founder, for saving me from years of boredom.
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    I'll add thanks, too. Thank you founder for starting site, and continuing to maintain/refine the best stripclub review site around.
  • founder
    13 years ago
    you're all very welcome ;)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
  • troop
    13 years ago
    founder you have a great site but it would be so much more enjoyable if you elimininated the advertising spammers ;)
  • The men in my life that influenced me the most, in descending order: founder, my high school counselor, Hugh Hefner, my dad.

    Seriously, founder, not only are the short blurbs next to the 10 and 1 extremes helpful (I really like "Burn Clothes After" a lot), they're funny as hell. I haven't agreed on all the changes here, but those descriptions are a great improvement!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    "advertising spammers"?
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I am guessing he is referring to the shills coming on this site writing bogus reviews.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    no i'm refering to assholes like the fart sniffing blackstripclub spammer who's only here to start threads advertising his useless site.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I really have to thank the founder for TUSCL this weekend. Currently I am in a bush camp in Canada's North West Teritories sitting out downtime waiting for new equipment to arrive from the south. A dry camp, no TV, no good books, blah food, and internet for surfing only when the satellite time is not needed for the business of my company.

    Digging through the archive of old reviews, articles, and discussions of TUSCL has kept me sane and entertained this weekend.

    That, and blasting the monster horse flies with the howitzers we have to defend ourselves from those nasty beasties!

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