
Who are these guys?

Detroit, Michigan
Friday, May 27, 2011 2:09 AM
I'm sure it's just me, but I'm a little irked by the guys who hit this site for information on clubs, but have not contributed any reviews for the rest of us. If you are too lazy to contribute any reviews for the rest of us or too cheap to buy a membership, why should we help you? I suspect some guys are trying to get free club information because they have not contributed any current reviews and cannot access the information that is readily available. I can understand asking for updated information if the last review in a city was say, six months old. That's rare Founder has made it easy for all of us to help each other by sharing information and we should honor and respect that tradition. Coming on this board asking for information without having contributed anything any the past is not being a true TUSCL brother.


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I agree totally.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    Oddly enough, the online world seems to have as many assholes as the real world. If these guys would post one review, wait a few days to get the credit, then jump on with a question, I might give them some slack. But, the "0" review guys can simply suffer our scorn.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    One word, er, symbol... "
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Then again...some of these guys are just completely new to the adult industry and want to get an idea of where to start. I'm ok with helping them out a little. New guys need to do their research before anything...then ask questions. It could turn out that some of these new guys will become great contributers in the future. Let's not get too elitist and chase them all off. Just sayin.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    SuperDude I'm sure it's just me, but I'm a little irked by the guys who hit this site for information on clubs, but have not contributed any reviews for the rest of us. If you are too lazy to contribute any reviews for the rest of us or too cheap to buy a membership, why should we help you? ^^^ no superdude it's not just you. i don't like the takers and brain pickers that give nothing back either. while i've been a member here i've seen seceral takers show up that have never contributed anything but continue to ask for intel. my thoughta are prove yourself before you come here asking for info. i relate it to the same thing as a stranger approaching you on the street and asking for important/private info. another thing that gets me is longtime members that hop in and provide info to the takers. i don't agree with it but that's their perogative if they want to do that.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Prim0. I agree with the idea of maybe some limited help to new guys. But notice you said that they should do their research before anything. That's one of my issues. Some new guys do not do their own research because they have not posted a review and, thus, cannot gain access to the reviews. They seem to want free info without contributing a review or buying a membership. In the future I will respond--rarely--with some info. I will remind them "as Prim0 said 'New guys need to their research before anything.'"
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    But even non-VIPs can read through several pages of the discussion board to get an idea of what ? have been asked already and how members have handled various requests for intel in past posts.......can't they do that? It would also help if potential "advertizers" or shills, depending on your point of view, were to read over the discussion board to see how members respond. They may be used to other SC sites that tolerate or even encourage it. Perhaps Founder needs to post a statement on the home and discussion board page about advertizing / shilling. As to those newbies seeking general 'going to my first SC info' I feel it's okay to respond briefly and to encourage them to join tuscl by submitting a review or paying membership fee. To those who are essentially seeking intel on specific area clubs without becoming VIP perhaps members should all respond with: "If you want the best info on the clubs in this area become a VIP by submitting a review or paying for membership like the rest of us."
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    +1 on Super Dude sentiments. To paraphrase a members parting siggy to his response to a freeloader on another site: "The internet- it's not just for leeches."
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    I only go to one club right now.. I really don't know what to put because the same thing happens on every visit when you go and see the same girl, I would just be posting the same review every week... lol
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    r123- "I only go to one club right now".... How about trying visiting some other clubs dude. You don't exactly live (or visit) in Stripclub Siberia.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    Because I get what I want from ladies I enjoy at my favorite club, no need to go around and become the new guy at a club again. Why mess with a good thing? When I'm done having my fun I'll move onto something better
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Realist--Your recent reviews show that you changed your evaluation of Imperial Showgirls in Anaheim, California. Good stuff like that is helpful. Some guy taking his family to Disneyland comes on here, pays no "dues," and wants us to advise him on where to go in Anaheim should read your review. That's were I will send him.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    real, If nothing else, dancers are always a merry-go-round. You can always mention them. But you need to widen your horizon a bit. Of course we all have our favorite club and dancers, but that doesn't mean there is nothing out there better.
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