
avatar for georgmicrodong
So this is going to be a bit skewed, just because of the distribution of people you regularly post on the discussion board, but here goes anyway, 'cause I'm curious, not to mention bored at work.

Note that the first question concerns what you *actually* do, not what you would do if conditions were in your favor.

1) What do you go to strip clubs for primarily?
a) To look at naked/topless/scantily clad women.
b) moderate mileage, e.g. playing with boobs, full contact lap dances, good grindage.
c) high mileage, e.g., heavy petting, wet fingers, stick shifting, LDs with happy endings.
d) Extras ITC, i.e. HJ, BJ, FS in the club.
e) Hookups for OTC that don't necessarily include sex.
f) Hookups for OTC that definitely include sex.
g) Something else entirely.

2) Are you doing all you *want* to do? If not, is it because of lack of availability, lack of funds, or something else.

3) If you had the means, would you go for more than you are getting now?

As for me: 1, f; 2, yes; 3, more of the same, yes.


last comment
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
1 To get the fuck off
a Naked better than not naked
b I have been to some clubs with moderate mileage why do you ask?
c Sure why not
d Definitely
e Go shopping or pay for their nails?
f Wherever the fuck
g I don't understand this question either
2 No I could be owning a mansion off Sicily
3 If I was getting more than I'm getting now wouldn't I be getting it?
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
My answers:
1) g - to see hot naked women, and have a lot of fund with the hot naked dancers going as far as I can and finally as gatorfan said "get the fuck off"

2) no - because of lack of availability

3) yes - I would be going to the clubs a lot more often and trying a lot more dancers.

avatar for troop
14 years ago
1, a combo of a,c,+f
2, no, the 2 lack of things apply and also a lack of hot quality women.
3, yes
avatar for HootnHal
14 years ago
Agree w/ OV i'm primarily a,b,&c-mostly the last 3 of c, & d sorta just hj several times, & one pitiful attempt @ e &or f- fairly stupid move on my part- had a few drinks and on leaving club the spinner in car next to mine motioned to roll down window, then she came to, & partlly in the window wanting to meet up north a ways, i reached for what i was seeing under the slightly open shirt w/ no bra restrainer device, didn't really have much time for an interlude, but made the fatal mistake of giving a down payment-did get a # & called a few wk. later but belive i talked to her mom. Right as the kids'd say, never did see her again.
avatar for mjx01
14 years ago
1) a + visit ATF
2) no - lack of availability where I live
3) yes
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
1) What do you go to strip clubs for primarily? c

2) Are you doing all you *want* to do? If not, is it because of lack of availability, lack of funds, or something else. Usually, but if not lack of funds.

3) If you had the means, would you go for more than you are getting now? Of course.

avatar for HootnHal
14 years ago
2-lack of availability
3- Sure, you betcha sure!
got sidetracked on above post.
avatar for glen_livet
14 years ago
1 a b or c depending on the club, the girls, my mood .

2 lack of time and disposable cash

3 I want to be like farmerart someday
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
1.d Fortunate to be able to engage in FS ITC w/ 1 dancer.
2.yes Satisfied with frequency, cost and quality. I don't think money could improve my current satisfaction level. Ask me that again in a couple of months.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
1) I got to strip clubs to meet new whores to fuck OTC
2) Yep, plenty whores willing to fuck OTC these days. Most seem up for anything once you get them OTC too.
3) Nah, unlike Payer11 and txtittyfan, I have plenty of money of SC'ing. Time, OTOH, is in scarce supply
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I'm just getting an occasional high mileage lap dance at 2 for $30 and haven't had too much excitement in strip clubs lately. It might have something to do with crowded strip clubs, no privacy, and trying to limit my funds to save up for future expenses and to cut back on other expenses. Who knows, if I had never gone to strip clubs, I might be a millionaire by now and the money I'm spending now would have seemed like pocket change. Somehow becoming a millionaire and having fun in strip clubs don't necessarily seem like compatible goals in life. Unless you already have a sizable nest egg and a great way to make lots of money.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I have noticed what I want in terms of mileage goes up the more I drink. What I get might be a different story. I know enough not to push it.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
1. B is what I primarily go for. C is what I want but can't get because of the area I live in.

2. No. But that's only because the lap dances in my area are over-priced ($60 minimum for 2 way contact) and they're only pastie/thong.

3. If I had the means, I would probably go more often than I do now. Nowadays, I only go about once month, sometimes not even that often. If I had more funds, I'd probably go 2 or 3 times a month.

Just one more thing I wanted to add: Strip clubs are a great place to relax after a long day. What's better than beautiful women, beer and ESPN on the tube? :)
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
1. B,C, & D
2. I'm doing all that i want & then some
3. Honestly I realy don't care what hapens just as long as I have fun
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Beautiful NAKED women, JACK and rocks, and ESPN on the tube.

avatar for RickWood
14 years ago
1. D (BJ or FS), F

2. I usually get what I want at my regular club.

3. Time constraints are a problem for me. A club visit usually means driving far enough to make it worth spending the night. With fuel prices continuing to rise it cuts into my stripper budget. I'd like to be more of a "regular" but time just doesn't permit that. I may get to go every couple of months and that sucks.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
1. A-D depending on the club and the girl. Occasionally when I'm really lucky and when the moon is blue I will get F.

2. No I never do all I want to do. Lack of funds, and lack of time, and sometimes the lack of the "right" girl.

3. Absolutely yes. Don't we all want perfect and beautiful dancers to have sex with us?
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
#1 - a,b,c,d,f
#2 - if I can't get all on my wish list in #1, it will be because of unavailability in that particular club.
#3 - more of everything. Somebody please open my kind of club in Alberta.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
1) What do you go to strip clubs for primarily? Often A, but sometimes C and D.

2) Are you doing all you *want* to do? If not, is it because of lack of availability, lack of funds, or something else. No, mostly due to lack of funds. That usually dictates which club I go to, although sometimes I just don't want to drive an hour to the place where extras are frequent, for various reasons.

3) If you had the means, would you go for more than you are getting now? That depends on how much I want to do OTC, and often I just want to drive home or to the hotel or whatever after the club.

avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
1) What do you go to strip clubs for primarily?
a) To look at naked/topless/scantily clad women.
c) high mileage, e.g., heavy petting, wet fingers, stick shifting, LDs with happy endings.
d) Extras ITC, i.e. HJ, BJ, FS in the club.
f) Hookups for OTC that definitely include sex.

2) Are you doing all you *want* to do?

Pretty much

3) If you had the means, would you go for more than you are getting now?

Absolutely. If I could, I'd make 3 to 4 trips into VIP.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
1) "c" (& "e" with favorite)

2) No, due to lack of time/opportunity. With travel time figured in, a visit to my regular club is at least a 4-5 hour commitment.

3) Would go more often if my favorite clubs were closer to me. Of course, if they were closer they would be in DC/VA and therefore lame, so scratch that idea.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
1. I guess I have a kind of a lap dance fetish...I really really enjoy them. That's not to say that I wouldn't take extras if offered. I just don't expect to find them in my area...ever!

2. When i get a chance. If I had more time and money, I'd be doing it more for sure.

3. Hell yes! I'd be there all the time!
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
"1) What do you go to strip clubs for primarily?"

Being a realist, I go to see hot women topless, and hope to see a little pink, with at least some hot one-way contact. If there is significant grindage and stick-shifting, then there will be a series of dances. I don't expect to get wet fingers or get unzipped or be exposed. If that happens, it is a very good but rare night. Given the clubs and the area, I don't expect any ITC extras and I don't even think about any OTC possibilities unless I have spent several different visits with a fav. And even then, I have come to think that anything OTC I push will take me into the black hole of SS put-him-off. If SHE suggests the OTC, it will happen. Once had a fav allow lengthy finger-banging and she did a quick FS at no extra charge, but she was drunk and it never happened again, even when I had a chance later that night.

"2) Are you doing all you *want* to do? If not, is it because of lack of availability, lack of funds, or something else."

No, I'm not doing nearly as much as I'd like to do. ITC extras are probably too dangerous in these clubs, but I'd surely welcome OTC. Unfortunately, I am really limited in my OTC, with little cash, little time, and the need to account for my whereabouts. And the smokey clothes are a problem. These hot little things that do $100 POP and don't charge half the time? Have never been that lucky.

"3) If you had the means, would you go for more than you are getting now?"

Absolutely. But the means are not there. Would also like to go to New Zealand someday, but I'm resigned to the fact that it will probably never happen in my lifetime.
avatar for minnow
14 years ago
1) a&b are my minimum expectations when visiting clubs. The more advanced stages are great when they happen.

2) No- lack of availability, different travel patterns/hours in job.

3) Duh, yes. Life is like a shit sandwich, the more dough you have, the less shit you have to eat.
avatar for Columbo
14 years ago
1) a,b or c depending on mood.

2) I'm happy with what I'm getting now.

3) Not interested in more, but then I don't go to clubs for extras. Just seems overpriced to me.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I agree with OV above. There are lines that, once crossed, there is no coming back. Some of the no-touch places I avoid today would have been awesome to me a while.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
1) My answer is F but then C is nice of course U and K are good choices
avatar for motorhead
14 years ago
Reading the list, I never got past "b", I was laughing so hard. Maybe I am just too fucking old, but oh my how we have progressed over the years when we now view "playing with boobs" as only moderate mileage. When I first started going to strip clubs, air dances were the norm and fondling tits was just something to dream about. Now, I wouldn't dream of going to a club without touching, licking, and sucking. Hell, even a year or two ago, wet fingers were the holy grail and now even that's pretty common. I've gotten to "e" but not yet "f".
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Interesting. Based on posts in various discussions over the past couple of years, I would have expected to see at least a few more "Yes" answers to number 2 and "No" answers to number 3.
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago
I like to see some flesh and feel a nice ass in my lap before going home to fuck my gorgeous stripper girlfriend. A good LD makes me good for an extra round or two later.
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