It appears that a new club, The Palms, has jumped the last hurdle left for zoning approval. The club will be located at San Mateo and McLeod, just around the corner from TD's North, and next to the Defined Fitness. It will be interesting to see if they can succeed in this economic environment. All Fours went broke a year ago, and attendance at the remaining clubs appears to me to be down in recent times. Still an alternative to the remaining clubs will be welcome. I have heard it will be nude, so it will give Fantasy World a run for their money. Fantasy World has a weird setup, is pricy for what you get, and is only open late, so competition with a better nude club also be welcome. Keep you eyes peeled. I will post a review when it opens.
I'll be on watch for your review, but I'm not holding my breath. ABQ isn't exactly the kindest environment for stripclubs. I recall a Spearmint Rhino opening up in a very visible location near the intersection of I25 and I40- what happened to it? You mention All Fours (did that used to be Chapter II?). There was a nude club (Icehouse) that was around a while, shutting down several years ago. There's only 5 clubs in ABQ listed on Tuscl. I seem to recall 6-8 clubs in the past. I hope you get a prize for being the 1st to review The Palms.........
Yes, it takes a special type of club to last in Albuquerque. Spearmint Rhino morphed into the Eclipse Cabaret which eclipsed into nothing. Part of the problem was that if you saw the club from either interstate, it was not immediately clear how to get to it taking the nearest exit. Plus the strip club experience there was rather sterile and both TD's as well as even Knockouts offered a better experience for the bucks. Yes, All Fours used to be Chapter II, but with new owners. They did a bit of cleaning up, but it was still the old place, which was pretty dingy. Still with the right dancer a good time could be had. The owners didn't do much to promote it though. Chapter II used to have a sister club, The Palomino, over on the west side, but that is long gone in a massive redevelopment program. The Icehouse was expensive and the experience there was rather unfriendly, beginning with the patdown by the bouncer.
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