Trend On The Uptick

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
Over the past several months I've noticed a large increase in the number of female patrons frequenting strip clubs. Granted, this observation is limited to Providence, RI and the clubs I go to. It also seems to me to be a chic thing to do on Saturday night, as kind of an extention to the regular clubbing scene.

As one example, the Foxy Lady in Providence had at least 50 female customers this past Saturday night. Then, another club where I hang out regularly (Club Desire) had at least 25 at just one particular interval. The ladies seem to come in with BF's and groups. Still others would appear to be Dancer's from other clubs and/or friends of Dancer's. This past Saturday night there were some that were hotter than some of the Dancer's on shift. I was going walley-eyed, not sure who I should be hitting on. Most like to get right up to the stage and get interactive with the Dancer on stage. But all seem to be getting into the party atmosphere that is the club. I'm kind of digging it.

Anyway, just wondering is it me - or are what are we seeing in this regard across the land??


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avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Yes - I'm seeing the same thing at some clubs. Much as you describe. In groups, with, or without boyfriends.

The dancers I've spoken too say it is a result of the Girls Gone Wild Videos - which I don't really get, because they have nothing to do with strip clubs.
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
More than a couple of times this year I've seen Brides Night Out in Austin area clubs. Usually its a group of about six or seven girls.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
I am seeing it more as well, both with boyfriends and in larger groups. I have also seen a bit of an uptick in solo lesbian women visiting clubs. I don't really mind the lesbians so much as they keep to themselves and are there for the same thing that I am, but the girlfriends and female group participants really create a weird vibe and I'm not overly fond of their participation. They are usually either goofy or snarky. Fortunately, I club mostly during the week, so I don't deal with this as much as those guys who club during the weekends, but there it is.

Many of the clubs that I frequent still do not allow women to visit unaccompanied by men, which in all honesty is a policy that I hope continues. The last thing that we need are girls pounding through clubs trying to hunt down or catch their SOs.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
Even right here on TUSCL there seems to be more participation, of late, by our women members. Of course, some are propsective dancers asking basic questions about starting in the industry--whom we're not likely to hear from after they make their decision. I've also noticed some new couples members that I hadn't before. It's nice to get the women's point of view on our topics. I hope they will continue to contribute.
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
I can confirm similar female patron sightings at one of my favorite Atlanta area clubs. They typically arrive on the weekends, are in their 20s, and party with boyfriends or mixed groups of girls and guys. I've seen a few girls-only groups, as well.

They definitely change the vibe in the club. I'm there to escape regular women in favor of my favorite dancer honeys. It's basic ogling and sexual self-interest on my part, and civvy females in the vicinity can only serve to dampen my release of inhibitions.

It's a free country, so I just deal with it. And over time, I'm sure I'll get more of a "fuck-em" attitude as I get used to their presence and go on about my business.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Haven't seen anything like this in S. FL. Of course the reason might be rather obvious. Since I am an afternoon visitor, I would guess most of the above occurred at night.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Clubber is correct in that this is a night time thing. Especially on Fri & Sat nights.I have seen everything already mentioned. I don't like it but there is nothing I can do about it. So I just grin and bear it.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I've noticed an up tick in perverts hanging out at strip clubs
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
As with many other things in the world, the old rules and traditions are fading away, sometimes good, sometimes bad. The idea of SCs as a male only preserve is dieing off.

Women are curious about the places men hang out and want to see for themselves. Lesbian women know that a high percentage of dancers are lesbian or bi. Women know that men enjoy the party atmosphere of SCs, where the regular bar scene can be slow and stiff. A guy in a SC may be ready to go, but in a regular bar still slow and careful. Also SCs are one of the few places where a woman can find men with money to throw away.

Women want to know what the competition looks like. Some are there to consider working as dancers and just want to see what it's like.

Any man who attempts to figure out why women do what they do, is doomed to failure.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
Yea, some more on fri/sat nights. 50 on saturday at foxy lady in RI seems unusual. Haven't been there in a while but used to be local/brown crowd and folks visiting from greater boston area due to interstate proximity.

As to is it a good/bad thing? Bachelorette parties sometimes stray off course when they can't find a male SC. For some reason the girls tend to be uppity which makes it a spoiler. Guess they can't get it through their heads that we're the same guys at them weddings.

College gals coming in with guy friends can be fun though. Some do that wanna be stripper for one night thing. Once, in myrtle beach at a byob club, had an unsolicited free lap dance from a gal while her friends were cheering from afar. Might have gone further as we were in one of the private back rooms, but the stripper I was with came to reclaim her rent money.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I suspect that as long as I continue to visit stripclubs during the daytime I will continue to be the only female customer in the place.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
A common comment I get from the dancers is that they don't really like the women customers. I don't know if that's really true, or they're just saying that for my benefit. Reason being: they don't spend money.

But that's not been my obervation. Maybe they're night buying lap dance after lap dancer, but the girls seem to love the tip rail and they often are very big tippers. So, I'm not sure of the truth.

The other comment I get from dancers - and I do believe this - is the female customers feel they can "get away" with more with the dancer on stage on stage than man can. Grabbing her boobs, licking her nipples, etc... Some dancers don't mind but others don't like it.

My take is the females haven't yet learned rules. In most clubs, what you can do at the stage is different than during the dance.

avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
As far as dancers not liking women customers, for the most part what's to like? Unfortunately too many of them are not what a typical dancer is looking for - they are either angry jealous bitches or drunken grabby trainwrecks. The rare times that I see couples in clubs I cringe & pray that the woman part of that couple acts appropriately and doesnt further set back dancer/female customer relations worse than it already is.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
I tend to visit black clubs mostly here in South Florida (although I am a white guy :)). I do notice a lot of chicks (especially in groups) and especially on Fr/Sat nights as others have mentioned.

I get the sense that a lot of the younger ones are there for the party atmosphere as I see them having a good time dancing to the music. But I’m sure some of them are lesbos.

I often wonder why the non-lesbo girls would choose to party in a SC? I guess for one, they probably feel that they will get less harassed by guys at a SC than in a regular dance club since there are “professionals” there (SC) to handle the job. I don’t often see the girls customers being harassed by the male customers at the SC.

With respect to MH’s comment – “Reason being: they don't spend money”
This is why for me personally, women in SCs irritate me. They don’t go there for the reasons one would go to a SC (i.e. get LDs, spend $$$) and thus often just take up space and often the good seats. But, I agree w/ others that is their right to be there if they want to be.
avatar for hammerthor
13 years ago
I'm a night customer for sure, as most of the clubs here are only open from 6pm on anyway. When I go alone, I usually keep to myself, and I'm usually there for a particular dancer anyway. Sometimes I go with a few friends, and if we're sitting at the tip rail, I make sure everyone tips, even if it means me forking over a few loonies for them to throw. I tend to be the only solo female in the club, though. Usually it's all men, or maybe one couple or group with a few girls in it.

avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
A lot of the clubs around here don't let in Female's without male escorts, some even have a 1:1 ratio kind of limit. Cheetah Pompano refused our party of 2 men & 5 women (2 GF's 3 single hetero women) entrance until a off duty dancer behind us in line convinced the door girl my buddy and I were "cool." The reason for the ban I'm told is that women are often in pursuit of significant others and cause a significant disturbance during the search, worse if they actually find him.

That said, I rather enjoy female customers in SC's in the paces that allow it - and it does seem to be on the rise. I rarely interact with the male patrons, but I often find myself chatting up the female customers. It's much easier to determine the mindset of a female in a titty bar than in a regular bar and I'm approached by them much more often than I am in regular bars.

Within my relatively limited social group I've noticed a much more positive response from the women when the "lets hit a strip club" topic comes up or when I mention that I might stop by one on my way home. Dancers reactions when I have a female in tow seem to be quite mixed, some dancers seem fascinated by female customers and will hang out with us knowing I'm not spending a dime on them and some that know I'm good for at least few dances/drinks won't come near me if I have a companion. What I have noticed with almost absolute certainty is that when I have a female with me she will talk to the other females in the club at some point. Either they will come to us or she will go to them, but they will all talk to each other.

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I've NOT seen this.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"I've NOT seen this."

Ah, yeah, I don't imagine these packs of women are hitting the clubs in the middle of the weekday afternoon, lol
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Trends? Upticks? Is txtittyfan shorting against it? (Like he said short through the uptrend in treasuries the last three years.) Is txtittyfan reshorting at these levels? Ooops... Can't. Margin calls wiped him out.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
@hammerthor - are you a female clubber? If so - great! It's nice to see another woman customer posting on TUSCL besides myself :-)
avatar for hammerthor
13 years ago
@lowpaw Yes ma'am! Still a club noob, just started in April, but so far have enjoyed the last few months, that's for sure!
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
I first noticed a real uptick in the number of female customers in several stripclubs nationwide about 5-7 years ago. The demographics of female customers have been pretty much what prior posters have cited.
How large is Providence club? I don't think I've seen 50 female customers in any club, maybe 20-25 tops. This has mostly been weekend night occurence, but still see some on off-peak nights.

Hardly a month goes by without some new poster inquiring about best clubs for couples, so maybe some uptick in that demographic. The clubs I've seen upticks in have mainly been larger/more upscale than average, so I don't think that rick has too many worries in his clubs of choice.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I think one strip club in my area calls it Lady's night where females get in free on Saturday. In another club, one night I saw a couple girls from the office where I work with their SO's. Years ago one night, I was sitting in a section of the club surrounded by tables of almost all females. I noticed not too many dancers were stopping by when I had several tables of females sitting next to me. I see lots of couples. Some female customers have surprised me. One snuck up right behind and beside me when I was tipping a dancer on stage. The dancer thought she was my girlfriend. She waved me over to her table and said she thought it was funny because she said someone else she knew thought we were having sex. I just met the girl and already I thought she seemed like trouble. Who thinks I'm sleeping with her? Her ex or spouse? I got away from her fast.

It makes me a bit nervous when a female who came in the club with a guy suddenly leaves him and sits next to me. It was never a problem so far. Happened twice over the years. They wanted to tell me something or ask me.

One girl tried to take me home like I was a piece of meat without even saying hi or telling me who she was. Weird I thought.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
All, thanks for the feedback on this discussion. There's no doubt that this trend is on the rise, particularly weekend nights. Late Saturday Night is peak. I'm telling ya, The Foxy Lady in Providence has become the epicenter of this movement with numbers on the steady rise. The sweet spot is girls aged bewteen 20 and 30. Don't know if the trend will last, but word is spreading for now. It's a freakin party at The FL and the way this is going- pretty soon (as a male) I'll be a minority at this club.... happens with startling regularity - but I hate being treated like a piece of meat, lol...

@lopaw and @hammerthor...yur both wayy kool...
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Thank you MADDOG_ROMEO. I think I can speak for hammerthor as well in saying that we will continue to represent what female stripclub customers should be - :-)
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
"we will continue to represent what female stripclub customers should be - :-)"

Naked? Sweet! Bring it on! Pics, pics, pics!
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
lol nice try, gmd ;-)
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Hey, a guy's gotta *try* anyway.
avatar for hammerthor
13 years ago
"Thank you MADDOG_ROMEO. I think I can speak for hammerthor as well in saying that we will continue to represent what female stripclub customers should be - :-)"

Yup! It's true, not all female club goers are jealous, grabby drunks!
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