What makes you stop visiting a strip club?

avatar for sharkhunter
I was thinking a bunch of dancers asking for more money than I want to pay for dances. I believe it's been months since I've been to Platinum Plus in Columbia. I can easily get less expensive dances at the sister club in Greenville and my ears don't hurt going to the Greenville club.

If all the dancers keep asking for more than I want to pay and or the club cuts the songs short, I'll just start saying no to all
the dancers and stop asking how much the dances cost.

other things, obnoxious dancers, example shadowcat's recent review where a dancer told him to go fuck off when he refused 2 for 40.
Although if it's only one or two dancers, I might just think they are temporary.

The other thing is if I can never sit down because it is always too crowded. That seems to be less of a problem.
If the music is so loud I tense up and can't relax, that is not good.

Oh, one more, if I'm worried about club security where someone might vandalize my car and the club manager ignores
you, then I will avoid visiting that club.

How about you?


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avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I forgot to mention none of the dancers look any good would be a big reason. Fortunately, I don't see that problem too much.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
@sharkhunter: you need to get them prozac or something. Stressing out about them titty bars? WTF
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
1. Extremely loud music.
2. Dancers with unskilled hustles.
3. Gimmicky clubs.
4. Uptight/restrictive clubs.
5. Watered down and/or switched out booze.
6. Unattractive dancers.
7. Overbearing club staff.

That is all I can think of for now, but I am sure that there is more. LOL.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Another reason, club went from nude to topless only and they dropped byob or bring your own beer.

Basically the club became very expensive and not worth visiting especially with low mileage dances. That would be the Gold Club in Wellford SC. I haven't been there in 2 years. They drove most others away too. The club was packed on the weekend before the economy went downhill in 2008 and it was nude and byob. I was a regular at the club.

I thought this thread might, maybe a tiny chance, prompt some changes in strip clubs within driving range of where I live. Probably fat chance of that because if a club goes several months without realizing they drove away most of the customers, they probably aren't that interested in changing. I heard a rumour one club was being used for a tax write off. I don't know if that is true or not. I have fun clubs to visit and have no desire to visit others for reasons listed here.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“I can never sit down because it is always too crowded”

I’ve been getting frustrated w/ this myself and thus I do not like going to clubs on weekend nights as much anymore. I find myself having less issues in general going on weeknights or even late in the day shift (~5:00 p.m.).
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Broke would be a good answer
avatar for likes2look
12 years ago
I agree with gatorfan. Poverty will stop me.
avatar for Dolfan
12 years ago
5. Watered down and/or switched out booze.

I fucking HATE that shit. It happens at the SR here from time to time. I used to think it was the DJ's fault and the waitress misheard me - but I started having them repeat it back to me & tell me what they were handing me. I know what Jack Daniels tastes like & I know what Johnny Walker tastes like, and more importantly I know what they DON'T taste like. I really wish I could understand why they do that shit. 9.50 for some fucking off brand well Whiskey...

But rant aside, for me its all about the dancers. If I enjoy the strippers I come back soon; if I don't, I don't. The one exception is the "bad day" theory - which is basically that if I go to a club that is usually good and have a shitty time I'll often come back sooner than I would if I had a shitty time. If it sucks again it'll be a long time before I go back, if its good things return to normal.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I give clubs a whole lot of margin before I'll completely stop visiting.
The only reason I will completely write off a club is if I feel that I have been disrespected by either the dancers or the staff. It has happened a few times and if I ever return at all to that club it would be only after the present staff and/or dancers are gone and new ones are now in their place. Obviously that could easily take a few years. Thank goodness there are so many clubs in my area that I'm not sitting around sulking for very long. ;)
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Finding a better one.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
# 6,3,7,4,1 on rick's list, roughly in that order. In addition to these, jacking up prices will send me away. Like lopaw, some of those gripes won't send me away, but may result in putting club lower on my visit list. When 1 L.A. club with 2 tier (day/night dance prices) jacked up their rates, I quit going there at night, going only day shifts when prices are more reasonable.

At a FL club where staff is more strict at night, also cut back night visits there. In Dallas where I discovered a better nearby club, didn't quit original club completely. However, when 1 Indy club jacked up their prices where they were the highest in the area, that, plus a less loose atmosphere to start with caused me to completely forego visits to that club in favor of other available options.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Scanned ID...ran into it this summer. I didn't think it would bother me, but it really did. I won't go back there or any other club that scans ID again. This is an industry operating on the fringe of society, I don't need shady club owners or employees knowing my details.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
For the most part, the ones I quit visiting are ones that closed down. That would seem to be an obvious reason to quit going to one.

Not counting those that close, the only reason I really quit going to a strip club is that the dancers stop being worth it.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
I left a club early recently because the stage lights were aimed into the customers' eyes and flashing at an epileptic pace. I've also walked out due to obnoxious DJs and loud music. But most often I leave because I finish my first beer and haven't been approached by any girls who interest me.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"I left a club early recently because the stage lights were aimed into the customers' eyes and flashing at an epileptic pace. I've also walked out due to obnoxious DJs and loud music."

I left Baby Dolls in Dallas, and never went back, for similar reasons. The spotlights right over the bar are horrible. How can someone just relax, get toasty and begin to enjoy the talent with those damned lights shining right into one's eyes?
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I forgot about stage lights in your eyes. Made me want to wear sunglasses into the club before I stopped visiting but I didn't stop because the lights were too bright. I stopped because they stopped full time continuous nude dancing. Why bother offering nude dancing at all if dancers don't show up for 20 to 40 minutes in between a dance or two? Apparently they figured that out as well and just got rid of it. I see no reason at all to drive out of my way when there are plenty of other better topless only clubs. They must make some money because I believe the club is still running.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
I quit going at night and became a day shift regular because Detroit clubs charge $20-25.00 to sit in a booth at night. I can afford it, but it really grates my nerves to pay for a place to sit. I stopped going to one club because multiple dancers would routinely cluster in my booth, all begging for drinks and tips. UGH!
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
Dude, I don't pay it. I sit at the bar. If there are no seats at the bar, I might stand for a bit, but not all night. I'll go to a place like Bogart's or H8 where you can sit wherever you want.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
@rick: good list

#8 ATF (or in my case xATF) DRAMA!!! Sigh.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Low mileage is pretty much the only thing that would keep away from a club. Even if a few dancers were disappointing I am ever the optimist and would continue to return to sample the other girls.
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