
Worst strip experience ever!

Ok guys and gals, I just had the worst time ever at a strip. It's called nite moves gentlemens club in Latham ny. Paid the $11 cover and got a water I think it cost me $3 and they have a two drink minimum so I had to buy the other in advance. I sat down close to the stage and was approached immediately by a cute girl named Cory, we chatted a bit then she said she had to go on stage. I tipped her a few bucks while she was on stage( even if you don't tip while the girls are on stage they will come over to you and make you tip them!!) after cory was done on stage she asked if I wanted a private dance, which I agreed to a $55 dance which I think is 4 songs. So we get into the room and before she even starts dancing she tells me I have to tip her the cost of the dance! Ok I was going to argue so I face her another 55! As she starts dancing I put my hands on her and proceed to her breasts and she tells me that's another tip! So I say ok and she keeps grinding some more, as a put my hands on her breasts she tells me that I have to tip her and I say now! And she says yes so right in the middle of the dance I had to give her another 45 bucks!! Well I will never go back to this place again and it almost makes me never want to go to a strip club again, with an experience like this. I don't know how this place stays in business honestly.


  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    Dude, this clubs is known for this. I stopped going there. Believe or not it actually has gotten better since I was last there.

    Go to Capital Hideaway.
  • ranchboy
    12 years ago
    I know I stopped at capital hideaway first but they were open by accident the manager opened up the place and there was only one girl working. As 8pm rolled around the manager called the owner and he told him they weren't supposed to be open on Monday's anymore!
  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    That's kind of funny ... I know not for you ... they should of at least thrown you a VIP card at CH.

    Nite Moves is getting the nickname "Nitemares" around here ...
  • ranchboy
    12 years ago
    Oh I have a VIP card already! And he refunded my ten bucks! CH is great and everybody is really friendly, just wish they would get on par with the social media sites! FYI grand opening celebration I think is October 6th, but call first to make sure!
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Nite Moves, a strip club in Albany, N.Y., deserves the same treatment as the New York City Ballet in the eyes of the tax man. That’s the basic argument before New York’s highest court right now. Nearly a half-million dollars are at stake if the establishment wins the case and achieves tax-exempt parity with other fine purveyors of the terpsichorean arts. Public Radio International’s Studio 360 reports that the club has been victorious in the past:

    The case has gone back and forth. Nite Moves won the first round of litigation in 2009, but an appellate court reversed that decision a year later.

    At issue is whether exotic dancing falls into the legally defined category of “choreographed performance.”

    The Albany-area club, which serves neither food nor alcohol, claims that its cover charges and fees for private dances cannot be subject to sales tax simply because the dancers grind more than they jeté.

    In court papers Nite Moves’ Attorney Andrew McCullough has contended the state has often acted as “dance critic,” even allowing amateur dance groups tax breaks on ticket sales. Mr. McCullough has also had an author of books on dance testify about the standard moves in pole-dancing as well as the fact that legendary choreographer Georges Balanchine would sometimes go to burlesque shows for inspiration.

    The court is expected to issue a decision later in the Fall, and the ruling could ripple across the country, affecting similar cases in other jurisdictions.

    It is less likely any legal legitimizing of exotic dance will end up with collaborations between establishments like Nite Moves and, say, the Metropolitan Opera, but we can dream.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Should have left before any dances start!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Ranch, sometimes you just need to know when you are being hustled and walk away. It took me a few bad experiences in my younger days to learn that one should get up and walk away the moment that the shakedowns start. Now this can be a hard thing to do once you've already committed money for the dance, but when a girl starts pulling this crap and thinks that she has you on the hook, it never stops. At that point, all you are doing by continuing to participate is throwing good money after bad.

    My most recent experience with this happened a couple of years back at Tattletale in Atlanta. I paid $60 to go back to one of the supposedly more private VIP rooms. The girl that I took back immediately tried to hustle me for another $40 for a "better" private dance room and told me that she wanted $200 simply to allow full contact. Realizing that I fucked up by not working out all of the details before I got her back there (I was a little drunk that night), I gave her a $40 tip for her time and walked out. All-in that little non-adventure cost me a very quick $100, but I have no doubt that I saved myself a lot of money and grief by cutting bait.

    In any event, you should probably chalk this up as a lesson learned.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    You should have lfet the state
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @ranchboy: "even if you don't tip while the girls are on stage they will come over to you and make you tip them!!"

    And just exactly how do they "make" you tip them? Hold a gun to your head? Pick your pocket? Never heard of "No thanks" when asked for a tip?

    @rick: Seriously? After throwing away $60 for nothing, you threw away another $40 without getting even an air dance? Please tell me you were in danger of bodily harm from a bouncer or something.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @gmd: LOL. The $60 was just the room fee and was gone either way. Now the only question is how much more time and money I was going to waste on a bad investment. We were in a timed VIP room, not a LD area, so you can be sure that once she started dancing she was going to have more serious monetary expectations.

    Chasing after returns in the hopes of recouping money already lost is exactly the mindset that makes gamblers, bad investors and, yes, strip club PLs, go broke quick. As Kenny Rogers sang, you have to know when to fold 'em...

    Now one could argue that the $40 tip was not necessary, but it was a judgment call. I wanted to stay in the club for a while longer and did not want her squawking about how she received nothing from me after she went back with me to a VIP room. Now maybe I could have received a dance from her for it, but at that point I really didn't want anything more to do with her.

  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    When one of those cunts starts the shakedown routine, look them in the eye and tell them. Well, you just fucked yourself woman. I'm going to talk to your boss right now and tell him what a cunt you are.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Idk Vince, but I for one am not really inclined to involve club management in my interactions with strippers. More often than not, I am looking for a gal that I can stick something into, either ITC or OTC, so being front and center on the club manager's radar is not very high on my To Do list. In my humble opinion, dealing with the occasional bad egg just comes with the territory.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    LIve and learn or have no money!!
    I have gotten up and walked out of a vip room with the girls screaming at me that I short changed her. Fortunately we had been in there less than 5 minutes so he crap could not hold up with the floor walker. The best thing to do when a girl tries to rip you off is to bail immediately. The longer you spend with her the more beliveable her story is to the bouncer. We have all had ROBs.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    this is where you start being a penny pincher and asking the questions. It may be a turn off, but its your money, you didn't come to blow it on asking fees, but for fun. I always ask, how much, what's the "GENERAL" involvement (you never know what they may offer in the background) and how long. If the bitch says 300, then she's getting 300 flat or nothing at all.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    ranch- Thanks for sharing your story, and notch one more up in experience column.

    For many club patrons, $60 is a fair chunk of change, likely taking 3 hours of work (or more) to clear that ammount. As much as one may hate to bail out of the bad VIP example,(and say goodbye to $60 for nothing) you can gain some measure of value back by getting 20 minutes or more of oppurtunity cost back. If 5 minutes into VIP you realize it is just not working out, why not put remaining 25 minutes into good use by finding a better dancer.

    Then again, when rick talks about "knowing when to fold em", that could also apply to knowing when to bail from club for a different club, not just bail from a bad dancer. Another thread subject in itself..........
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