
Time and money wasted

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Sunday, August 12, 2012 6:34 AM
The "monthly budget" thread got me reflecting. In a few months, I'll be 52, and my birthday will also mark the 35th anniversary of my first trip to a strip club. When I think back on all the hours, days and weeks, and hundreds and thousands of dollars at a time I've spent in strip clubs over those 35 years, the only thing I can think to say is, thank the gods I haven't *wasted* my life away with unimportant shit.


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yep, seems like quite a bit of money until you ask yourself what you could have spent it on instead. Then you realize there are fewer things in life as worth spending money on as a fine whore.
  • Revolution
    12 years ago
    I gave up my monthly massage and several trips a week to my favorite drinking hole. I realized that - in the end - pussy was what I was after at each of those anyway. Easy trade.
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    52 and 35 ain't years to reflect or celebrate anything. Go fuck them strippers some more and come back when you hit 60.
  • Digitech
    12 years ago
    The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now, the place to be happy is here,
  • Digitech
    12 years ago
    And the way to be happy is...boobs!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Strippers have boobs and customers act like boobs
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    @Digitech and @gatorfan: don't know what you guys been smoking but them prose, leave it to microdong to write them poetry and shit.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    gmd: If you've "wasted" so much $$/time on stripclubs all these years, this begs the question how much time you've wasted logging on to tuscl..............// Uh-oh, I have to log off, can't be late for church.....
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I spend half my income on strippers and booze. The other half I just waste.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @digitech: very well stated, sir!
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @minnow: Why, *none*, of course!
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    I'm almost ready to offer a serious response to GMD's comments. Almost! I do think about the money I've wasted in strip clubs. The times I didn't negotiate, explicitly, what I expected and what price I would pay. The times I foolishly bought a drink at a price that would pay for another lap dance. The lappers with stuck up dancers I "knew" wouldn't do more than grind. But then I think of the money I wasted outside strip clubs - on women who insisted on turning off the light before taking their clothes off - on homes far bigger than I needed - on vacations to places with lousy SCs - and I realize the tiny amount I've wasted in clubs is truly insignificant.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    I have been a semi-pro whore payer over the past 20 years. It was fun, no regrets. I am slowing down now because I'm not finding the satisfaction at SC's like I used to.
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