Should I ever go back to this club.

avatar for nickifree
I went to one of my most visited strip clubs today- Perfect 10, just outside Austin. I went in around 2:00pm and had a very good time and spend a tidy sum of cash (lots of great looking girls). Around 6:00 or 6:30, some of the night shift girls started coming.

Now anyone who has read my profiles may recognize that I seem to have a problem with black girls in strip clubs. Well I do. And that is because whenever I turn down dances from black girl, I quite often will get some lip and a nasty attitude. Since I am a black middle age man I know I get this probably more than non-black men.

So today one of the late shift black dancers (unattractive, but not quite fugly) came in a little early and immediately started to hustle the crowd. For every one else who turned her down she simply smiled and seemed to say "okay, have a good evening". But when I turned her down, I got the typical scowl response of "Oh you don't like black girls".

Now that response, I gotten used to. In fact when I'm in a strip club with a lot of black dancers I will not sit at a table. I'll hang out at the bar instead because I will consistently have to put up with a black dancer's attitude.

But tonight something different and utterly provoking finally got to me. This same dancer walked by my table about 30 minutes later. I had just ordered dinner and the place mat, utensil and salt and pepper shakers were already placed on my table as I awaited my meal.

So this ho' picks up my salt shaker and begins sprinkling salt onto the place mat and then walks away, with an evil grin on her face. Naturally, I bring up the matter to my waitress to relay onto the night manager. She dutifully reports the event to manager.

She reports back to me that the manager will be right over to discuss the matter and pinpoint the manager. She points right at me when she reports to them manager, and since I am a regular customer- he definitely knows who I am. Well the manager figures he will just blow me off. I waited an hour, and nope no manager.

Now I've been a regular customer here for a number of years and to be treated with such disrespect and disregard by management is unforgivable. Perfect 10 is mostly urban rap/hip-hop night on Tuesdays, and so I suspect he felt it was no big deal. But I've spent tens of thousands in this club- and this is the respect I get?

Should I ever go back?


last comment
avatar for vinstud
13 years ago
I think this girl found out that you are the black guy on tuscl that does not like black girls.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I supppose that really depends on how much you like the club and what your other options are. Do you just want to let it go or not?
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
I wouldn't let one bad night spoil the whole deal. I too had a bad night involving a bouncer at one of my favorite clubs. I don't know if he recognized me and/or knew that I've spent thousands in that club, but in any case, he didn't make me feel very welcome.

After a couple days, I got over it and went back. All is as it was before, so I'm glad I didn't knee-jerk out of there forever.

Go back, and unless there's a pattern of abuse/disrespect there, forget about the salt incident.
avatar for snowtime
13 years ago
If you have other options, I would choose to spend my money there. Also if you really spent as much as you indicated, I would be inclined to let the owner know how you were treated by both the dancer and manager.
avatar for Corvus
13 years ago
I would not stop visiting P10 due to this one event but I would for sure talk to the owner or day manager about the disrespectful behavior of that bitch. And I would be sure to relay to the owner/day manager they get one more strike before they lose your business for good. Sounds like days are most definitely better for you than evening visits.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
I'm a Black man in my 60's. I know, all too well, this attitude from Black dancers who act as if we have some moral/legal/racial duty to buy dances from them. Nonsense. They go out of their way to make my evening unpleasant if I don't cave into this bullying. I have changed clubs, written managers and warned offending managers. One tactic I have used with limited success is to buy dances from White dancers in full view of Black dancers. This will provoke a table visit with "attitude" in full display by a dancer who wants to tell me off--again. I then tell the 'ho that her constant "attitude" just cost her the $500.00 I gave to the White dancer. No respect, no money.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
...warned offending dancers...
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I had no idea this happened to anyone.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
An historian or psychologist could write volumes about the insecurities Black people exhibit towards one another. From whining that Pres. Obama is not Black enough, to strippers shitting on Black customers for being "disloyal," we are still dysfunctional. To discuss this, out loud, is race treason. To allow it to continue is plain stupid. The larger problem is beyond my ability change. The individual nastiness of some Black dancers is something I can and will address. I go to SCs to be entertained, not insulted. Only Black customers with real money have the clout to get the managers to force Black dancers to change. A Black guy who nurses one beer for two hours, has no clout with managers.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I'm a young black patron and I haven't noticed a bad attitude from black dancers. But I also don't see many black dancers working in the strip clubs around here (usually there are only 2-3) so I'm not in a position to agree or disagree with you.

And to answer your question, you should definitely go back. Based on your reviews, it seems like Perfect 10 is one of the few clubs you really enjoy in your area, don't let one bad experience ruin it for you.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Superdude-Thank you for the insight. I walk around in a little bubble sometimes and I guess I didnt realize what patrons go through.
avatar for Bogeyman1
13 years ago
Superdude congrats for sticking to your principles. Sometimes dancers need to be reminded to treat us as clients and not PLs.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
You whined to the club manager about a girl doing something silly? Seriously? And all because she sprinkled a little salt on your place mat? Wow, do you need the club manager to hold your member when you take a piss too?

Man up and deal with it. If she doesn't like it, tell her to move her skank ass along. And if this place simply has a crappy atmosphere with black girls who feel entitled to your business, then go to a club with all white girls.

Sorry to say it this way dude, but all that complaining to a manager will do, in most cass, is make you look like a drama queen. They don't want to hear it and won't take you seriously anyway. A strip club is an economic "call of the wild" type of environment and the managers are there to make sure that shit does not fly off the hook, not to make sure that you were appropriately coddled and that your sensitivities were fully accomodated.
avatar for pascochick
13 years ago
it wasnt on your food, just the place mat, right? i'd let it go. even if the manager approached the dancer, she would probably just say, she was playing around. not purposely sabotaging your meal.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Confronting a Black dancer with an "attitude" about her bad manners, runs a 50% risk of an ugly public confrontation. She just might go off on you. It has happened. I know. Discussing it with the manager is safer, even if the end result--no change--is the same.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I'd avoid the place for a while. I'm sure you got other options and who knows, the grass may be greener on the other side. Also, FWIW, this doesn't surprise me that this was a black stripper that did this. In my experience, at least 90% of black strippers are a complete waste of time, in large part because they have a poor attitude.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
"Confronting a Black dancer with an "attitude" about her bad manners, runs a 50% risk of an ugly public confrontation. She just might go off on you. It has happened. I know. Discussing it with the manager is safer, even if the end result--no change--is the same."

Absolutely. And while he is asking the manager to protect you from that big, bad dancer, maybe he can ask him if the manager to snag a spare tampon for him from the dressing room.
avatar for jacobs.patrick7
13 years ago
What are the chances next time she starts eating your food? Still going to the manager?
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
rickdugan's got a point but what you did was a reasonable option. Some managers will intervene, others will not. I have seen some black dudes at a couple of clubs get similar treatment from the black dancers. This may reflect, in part, resentment born out by recent stats. Interracial marriage numbers show one unusually high skew: many more African American males marry non-AA females than African American females marry non-AA males. Not sure why that is. Such huge imbalance does not exist among any other ethnic/racial groups.

I love black girls. So does Robert De Niro. And many others but obviously not too many. In my not humble opinion, they are the tops.

Back to your question: It looks like neither the (black) girls nor the manager respect you. Since you've been going there for a while, it probably means you ain't spending enough for them to give a shit. Stop going to that club and don't be a pussy asking others what to do about a no brainer situation.
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
I appreciate all the comments (even the less than helpful ones). As far as I see it if the managers/owners of P10 don't give a shit about dancer's attitudes/respect toward one lone customer, then eventually that same discourse will continue with other customers.

In the end P10 will quickly become Sugar's.

avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
I just wanted to add that I am not surprise that the posters who are black certainly understand that I am addressing a systemic issue and not an isolated one.

It's outrageous that one can't go to a strip to have a good time without having to be concerned about the eventual rude behavior and confrontation which arises simply because you won't buy a dance from someone.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Next time, tell her you'll get a dance after she dances to kanye's Gold Digger.

It may be ugly, but the beauty of strip clubs and the primal nature of women selling thier bodies is that it strips away the pretensions of society and shows who we really are in all our flaws.

On the grand scheme, before I die I hope I can see the day 90% of our racial wounds are healed. But, it took one hundred years between abolition and civil rights, so who knows how many more generations will need to pass. Hopefully we can keep talking openly about it, till we get there.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
There are LOTS of clubs where black dancers are non-existent or token few. Most of the SCs I go to are like that, and I love black dancers. So not sure what the fuck you're whining about.

There is a systemic problem. Agreed. But it's really not a problem since most SCs hardly have any black dancers. And the few that have, the dancers complain to me that they have trouble getting dances. Not from black guys but guys like myself, young and old-fat-and-balding. And these black girls are hottie spinners. And are cool, well-mannered, intelligent, and the list goes on. They are the tops.

So bout a third of my regulars are black girls. What's sad but admirable is that they are VERY loyal to their boyfriends (and girlfriends) who are all black. They are a bit liberal with the sex thing -- thank god! -- but emotionally there's a wall I could never penetrate. That's why I respect them, unlike you fucking whining pussycat. Probably why no one in them club of yours respects you.

My advice to you nickifree: get a real guy friend who'll kick your balls when you start whining again about a non-problem.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
If this happened in a restaurant without a bunch of drama queens around, would you still go there?

What level of abuse are you willing to take?

What are you willing to pay (in terms of abuse) to see some naked women with your dinner?

My opin: SC are a bit like Conan the Barbarian shit. Hang out in the fringes of civilization, expect the uncivilized.
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
Nowadays, around this part of the country there are often more black dancers in the club than black customers. That may be what's driving the hostility that has developed in the last few years.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
I'm *white* and I've gotten that reaction from black dancers.

On the other side of that coin, there are a number of black dancers in local clubs who actively, to a greater or lesser degree, avoid black customers, especially the younger ones. Most of the ones I've spoken to about it *claim* that they've had bad experiences with young black men.
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
I would not let one bad apple keep me from going back. But I sure would want her in the kitchen where my food was being prepared......
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
I would not let one bad apple keep me from going back. But I sure would want her in the kitchen where my food was being prepared......
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
I would not let one bad apple keep me from going back. But I sure would want her in the kitchen where my food was being prepared......
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
No dancer of any race has any business making a customer uncomfortable for not buying dances. Such conduct is bad manners and bad for business. Looking for a non-confrontational way to handle the situation reflects the customers good manners--not his alleged wussiness. It also shows street sense, because some dancers have thug boyfriends who will confront a customer in the parking lot at 2AM. "Did you dis my woman. Take this!" Glocks are everywhere.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
@Player11: you are a fucking liberal east coast democrat racist cause none of my redneck friends would say such shit. And what's with them duplicate postings? Are you a fucking middle school kid in them liberal households where they ain't kicking your butt enough?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
As Yogi Berra would put it – my situation is similar but different.

I am a 42 yr old white Hispanic (look more Anglo than Hispanic) and I go to black SCs about 90% of my clubbing. Black dancers are definite my favorite b/c of their physiques/curvaceous-bodies and their full-contact aggressive LDing.

I have definitely noticed that I get better/kinder treatment at the BLACK SCs than most of the black customers. I feel this may be b/c:

1) Most of the black SCs I visit are dives and I notice the black customers there do not tend to spend too much $$$. I think black dancers are under the impression that white customers (at least in a black SC) will often spend more $$$ than the black customers and this one reason I feel I often get better treatment
2) One thing I’ve noticed that if one is the only white person amongst a black environment (SC or not); you will often get treated in a much “softer” way. I think that black people feel most white people are scared/intimidated of black people especially in an all-black environment; so they’ll (black folks) try to be extra nice as not to “scare off” the white person. I’ve noticed that in an all-black environment, black people will often treat me is a softer manner than they’ll treat each other. This is another reason I think I get good treatment from when I visit black SCs.
3) I have also noticed a significant difference b/w black dancers at an all-black SC and black dancers in a white club. Black dancers in white SC usually carry themselves with a lot less attitude sort of speak.

Some posters have given the OP a hard time for how he went about it. SCs are often not staffed (managers, dancers, bouncers, etc.) by either highly educated people nor the most esteemed people in society (for the most part - some are better than others of course). So if one is an educated person whom treats others w/ respect, it is understandable that you should expect the same kind of treatment. But I think “degol” said it best – “SC are a bit like Conan the Barbarian shit. Hang out in the fringes of civilization, expect the uncivilized”.

Shit similar to what happened to the OP will happen from time to time in a SC – it’s like rainining during the summmer time – we don’t like it but it happens. I think most of us whom have clubbed enough have had our situations when we’ve been ill-treated in a SC.
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
nf- Judging from this thread, and another one, you have bigger issues beyond whether you should go back to this particular club, or not. I'm white, but I'm sensing your discofiture over facing attitudes from undesirable dancers of your race. If I'm sensing it, then black dancers are doubly sensing it, and seeing an opening for bullying you over it.
You'll have to learn to deal with it or else keep letting those incidents spoil your club visits.

Typical club mgt., and good customer service care is an oxymoron. Do you really expect P10 mgr to fire the dancer over spilling some salt on your table ? At most, he may have had a brief talk with her- which likely went in one ear and out the other.

I will say that I've encountered the most acute sense of entitlement from some black dancers, like the one who just would not go away from my stageside seat. Finally,I just asked the stage dancer for a LD when she got down. Black cockblocker got PO'ed and all, injecting "race card" into the rant. I simply stated/restated my preference for stagedancer. She never bothered me again on subsequent visits. HTH
avatar for moralee
13 years ago
P10 is head and shoulders the best SC in Austin in terms of both physical setup and dancer quality, and you would be penalizing yourself needlessly if you allowed some dancer attitude and management indifference take that club out of your playbook.
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
From the reponses in this thread it looks like my options are:
1) Ignore the dancer and go back.
2) Just start buying dances from black dancers.
3) Stop patronizing this club.
4) Stop patronizing strip clubs in general.

I think the results from the options would be:
1) Each visit gets progressively worse and ends in confrontation or altercation.
2) In addition to the cover fee, bar and wait staff tips, there'll also be the "buy dances from black girls so they won't harass you fee".
3) Visit Rick's Cabaret instead (which is practically across the street) where I've never seemed to have had any disrespectful dancer since they took over ownership of the club.
4. Hmmm. You know, option 4 just may be the best option of them all!
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I have been in many clubs all over the US and the point is that any dancer that is rude and makes a scene for not getting a dance should be talked to by managment. I get dances from all types and colors of girls and many things help make that decision. Attitude is a major factor. Age is another. (I do not get dances from children) I knew a guy that liked thick girls and another the only liked narrow hips. Dancers need to learn that a refusal is not personal most guys are looking for a fantasy and she may not be it and copping attitude doesn't raise you score. I am an old whiteguy and a while back I went into a club I frequented and sat down to have a beer and a very very skinny 19 yo black girls sat down on my lap with out asking and began to press for a dance. When I repeatedly said no she played the race card to which I promptly retorted I don't care that you are black I do not want a dance from you because 1] you are scrawny, 2] you are under age, 3] you are rude and 4] you have on to much cheap perfume. She threatened me with the manager and to tell the other girls and I told her go ahead. She got up in a huff and a little later two (one black-8.5 one white-7.5)other girls came and asked if they could sit. I knew the black girl and had gotten a dance or two from her. They told me I was the first one that her full court press and threats had not gotten a dance. They also told me to get her out of the dance room you had to physically push her off you at the end of the song or she tried to charge you. They thought it was funny I pissed the "little bitch" off so much that they gave me a two girls for the price of one (first dance only). Stick to your guns and money you may as well spend the way you want before the government confiscates it.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
I find these race questions fascinating. My life has been as white as white can be. I can really make no useful contribution to this discussion other than to say that you must defend your own interests vigorously.
avatar for rogertex
13 years ago
I'm an austin strip club patron too.

I'm disappointed the manager didn't show up - especially for a regular customer. P10 almost always has awesome babes.

I'll boycott this club too - starting tonight.
Just to show customer solidarity.
There are plenty of other fine clubs in Austin area.
If a few other regulars do this - the management will turn around and give you the service we all expect.

I find black dancers to be extremely hot and sexy !
but no dancer should show attitude when a customer declines a dance.
Send 'em my way next time - ok buddy !
avatar for nickifree
13 years ago
Rogertex, Well I realize a couple of things now. One is that my problem is that I am too nice turning many of these girls down. I have noticed that many other guys are somewhat hostile to dancers they aren't interested in.

I was in a SC in south austin earlier today, and nearly the same shit happened. I declined a dance from an aggressive unattractive black dancer and she called me an asshole.

So why be nice when it gets you the same results.
I'll go back to P10, but the next bitch that gives me lip or pulls a stunt like this one will at least get a verbal beatdown. I am not going to put up with shit like that.

If the P10 managers can't coral their ugly bitches. Then I'll just treat them with the same disdain and insults that other customers herald at them.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@nickifree: "Illegitimi non carborundum"

Don't let the assholes turn *you* into an asshole.
avatar for steve3003
13 years ago
@nickifree: microdong is right. Also, if you're a nice guy by nature, talking the talk won't translate to walking the walk. More likely you'll get a close encounter with them heavyweight bouncer or an equally well-proportioned dancer. So stay safe, and resist the temptation to whine. Girls don't respect guys who even give off a whiff of whining. Us guys find it annoying but otherwise don't give a shit. Them gals are wired to take it out on you.

A recent case in point: a couple of my mixed-doubles tennis partners, both ladies in their early-to-mid 50s, are super nice, well-mannered southern dames. But we got to talking about Andy Murray (before he won gold) and I was surprised how viciously these two genteel ladies were piling up on Murray for being a whino. If regular gals are like that, strippers will be 10 times worse (the term PL should be a hint).
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