Comments by minnow (page 87)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs with the most reviews?
    How far back does review count go? Back to the 1990's ? I'm skeptical about a club that gets less than 12 reviews per year, especially so on a club whose latest review is older than 6 months. OTOH, clubs with more than 100 reviews per year, or 10 reviews in last month indicate some degree of popularity.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Passive vs Agressive
    cf- Your lack of reading comprehension, intelligence, and humor continue to amaze me. Where in any of my 2 posts do I say that I favor sitting in a high traffic areas as my own personal strategy ? Put another way- if I suggest that someone take up bungee jumping, does that mean that I enjoy bungee jumping as a hobby ? I guess that I shouldn't expect too much from someone who makes a repetitive visit to a club that he thinks sucks and is a waste of time while apparently ignoring several other clubs in the area. Quite frankly, your reviews and posting history don't exude a very bright outlook on life and others. Continue to enjoy your darkness and seclusion, sir.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Passive vs Agressive
    "Looks like you are into that, not that I judge you." If that isn't judgemental, then I don't know what is. You also didn't get my post. Since you are so anal about being the dancers "first one", right outside dressing room (or any other high traffic area), then stationing yourself thusly should guarantee that she'll at least encounter you first. On second thought, if your lack of humor vibes I've picked up from your posts are on display there, she'd probably walk right by you anyway. Fyi, I'm not into sitting by restrooms, or dark corners. I generally have no problem getting a good stage or floorside seat,so I'll pass on your offer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Passive vs Agressive
    Gentlemen (at least ONE poster has dignity and standards, lol), and lopaw: One law of nature that manifests itself is that the dancers that are most motivated to approach you are the ones you're least motivated to spend $$ and time with, while the ones you'd be most "motivated" to spend on approach every other customer but you first. If I see someone grab a chair, and station themselves right outside dressing room or ladies room, I'll know its cflock. Thanks for the entertainment, all............
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Sneaky stuff this is
    Happy Birthday, vm !! Time does go by exponentially faster as you age, doesn't it ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Iowa
    King of Diamonds, Inver Grove Heights, MN: Really the best strip club in USA, or
    I view clubs making the T100 list as being the best in their particular area. Only ~ 60 total reviews average for clubs in #3 & #4 slot- REALLY?? When plenty of worthy clubs with > 300 reviews don't make the list. A club in Podunk, WI making #82 slot with 39 reviews. Yes, it is probably the best for many miles around, but should someone on a business trip to Madison or Milwaukee rent a car just to go there ? Tampa clubs from Orlando, or COI clubs from SoCal surburban jungle- YES. But this club? Meh.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Jealous PL Murders Stripper, a Mother of Five
    Sad indeed- right up there with the Socal mother of 3(?) dancer who got doused with gasoline, and set ablaze by an angry coworker dancer about 4 years ago. If a reliable address comes up for donations to surviving family fund, one should consider giving. (I recall a thread for Socal case donations being posted on Tuscl and the pink site.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip club entry denied
    Never during normal business hours. Some years back, about a week or 2 before Xmas,a smallish Columbus OH club was having a xmas party for employees only. Otherwise, no problems. Regular nightclub doormen can be bigger dickheads- I've been turned away by some nightclubs in the past for wearing non-dress shoes (running shoes), and once for wearing a plain leather jacket. If I think a potential strip club is of the upscale genre, I've just gone ahead and worn dress shoes. (Thank you, Rockport).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Trannys, REALLY
    OP- If it makes you feel better, I read that the incidence of transexualism in male population is 1 in 10000. In all my clubbing, I've only been "aware" of 2. In 1 case, "shim" was actually amoung the top 3 hottest looking dancers in medium sized Indy club back in the 90's. Two seperate former dancers clued me in, I had to look real hard for Adams apple, and voice was slightly deeper than average, but not enough to seet off alarms. In 2nd case, in a COI club, "shim" was freaky looking and had an obvious deep voice. No thanks. I've seen 2 other "maybes", that I passed on even stage tipping (both taller than average, with suspect hand shape/size. Still, between Pink Site stories of trannies in some Vegas clubs, and some Bangkok stories, I try not to get too deep "beer goggles".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    what part of hands off don't you under stand
    b69- The day that you learn to spell just might be the day that all males realize when "no means no".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    umiss- I put tranny dancers passing themselves off as female in the same category as a counterfeit art dealer peddling fake Rembrandts. But, given some pics I've seen out there, a handful could pull the con off. Which is one of several reasons why I favor nude clubs over topless clubs. As for your "positive attributes" question: Several years back a Las Vegas "showgirl" who was voted the sexiest of the month happened to be a transexual. Obviously, enough voters found "positive attributes" on "shim". Please go to some guess the tranny pic quizzes, and let us know how you do. Therein lies your answer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Chicago, IL
    Plenty of bases covered above, I'll add 2 more: 1) If I think dancer weighs more than I do.(I'm not a small guy.) 2) If I think dancer is a tranny.(One dancer that had the deepest voice I've heard on any dancer. "Shim" had been bandied about on local board about being a tranny.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Question for Stripperweb.
    shadowcat- that is why they want you to buy shots for them!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Exotic Dancer/Strippers having their bf's visit them at the club
    Unless dancer tells me, how am I supposed to discern the difference between BF, or a long time regular customer of hers ? If she's not available to spend time with me, I'll just move on.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miss the Wagon Wheel
    Vegas Recommendation Please
    Thanks to JQH for starting thread, and to all who contributed, particularly jester and latinalover. One club I'm surprised isn't mentioned was Cheetahs (one that JQH reviewed in his past Vegas outings). This club supposedly has lowest hassle factor of Vegas clubs. It isn't fancy, and doesn't have the high number of 9-10's. Perhaps it has slid in dancer attractiveness department, and interior more worn in last few years ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Best club in Detroit to get a handjob for less than $50 with out any valet parki
    Gee, motorhead, I thought you finished 6th grade. You're truly a master satirist !!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best club in Tampa or Jacksonville for a couple
    Ever considered Rachels, near MCO airport, Orlando? Too many young horny sailors in JAX clubs, I4 traffic between Orlando and Tampa can be a pain. Split the difference, and enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    What's the best club in _______? Anyone else find these threads annoying?
    Super Dude: BINGO!! We have a winner.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    What's the best club in _______? Anyone else find these threads annoying?
    tb1776- Tuscl has such a system in place. If you click on the city name under clubs, the page that appears has the top ranked clubs in order on the right hand side of the page. Even without that, how difficult can it be to scroll down list of clubs in city, note the ones with a grade above 7, and read more detailed reviews. How challenging is it to see which clubs are nearest to ones hotel on a map, and read the reviews for more detailed info ? Like joe says, some people are too lazy to read. Admittedly, some cities have a bewildering array of choices. Asking more focussed questions versus the general "best club" should be utilized. That is what pm feature is for.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    What's the best club in _______? Anyone else find these threads annoying?
    Nahh, that genre of poster is laying themselves wide open to have their chain yanked by veteran tusclers. I enjoy participating in, and watching the ensuing roastings.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are all club reviews BS?
    bj- Two things: 1) Were you as inebriated as you were in your early 2012 "adventure" @ Cheetahs- NYC when you started this thread."? 2) "It takes one to know one." Fellas, please review OP's review, and thread starting history. His 1st review of Cheetahs- NYC is a regurgitation of a thread he started about a credit card scam. Two follow on "reviews" of Cheetahs (both within qualifying timeframe for VIP credits) merely expound upon the drama of first visit. Fourth (and hopefully, final) review of Cheetahs (concurrent with started thread) reads like a lame story a teenager would submit for publication. I hear glass shattering at the rock the OP just tossed...........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What An Ass I Am!
    fa: You're not the first, nor will you be the last person to do a dumbshit thing. Now that you recognized it, and took quick corrective action, go pour yourself a nice stiff one. (If you hadn't done so already.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    No Mons For Me
    E_N: Did you enjoy the warm weather,or a good round of golf, or game of tennis? If you also answered no to those questions, then I'll call you a bonehead............
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Girls with bad business sense
    OP: My first visit to your subject club was the exact opposite of yours. One of the hottest dancers in club approached me at the stage flaunting her goods confidently, introducing herself. After a little chat, she asked if I'd like some dances. As we neared room, she mentioned-"oh, its just before 10, would you like to do the 4 for 40." Dances were definitely NOT uninspired airdances. She got subsequent VIP's from me on this and other visits. I've seen cases of other dancers in that club that get pissy if you don't buy the 5 for 100 VIP out of the starting blocks. At some clubs with 2 tier topless/nude options, I've seen same thing. Given price disparity, I can see the appeal from dancer pov of making the same $$ for doing half as many dances. But, with no takers, a perishable product just perished. It is possible that the bad attitude dancers have a sugar daddy, and are worth premium $$ in their own minds.........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    49ers Players Hit Strip Club Just Days Before Super Bowl In New Orleans (VIDEO)
    umiss: Hey, thanks for the correction. Now, can you tell me which city (LA, or Nola) have the best stripclubs, based on your own experience ?