Exotic Dancer/Strippers having their bf's visit them at the club
New York
I've had several xgf's who were ED/strippers who wanted Me to visit them at the club or spend time with them there. I could denote or note jealousy and envy in quite a number or on a handful of patrons at the club or customers of their's by how they reacted in seeing me or ciunterreacted towrads My gf at that time. Instances went from harrasement,to totally ignoring her, to spreading rumors about Her or Me. If I had to break up with them over jealoisy and envy I was wondering what is your opinion on strippesr having their BF's at the club? I hope its not a repeat with My current or shall I say Sort of X or undecided ED/Stripper GF
You might say "Now wait, what about her dancing for the guy down the aisle!" I agree, but deep down 1) both know they are a customer and 2) doesn't stop jealousy either as in "Why is she spending all the time with that guy?" (A common complaint on this site!)
Boyfriend in the house: Don't want to be a 2AMer based on someone who (thinks) he really has something to lose.
Let's say she worked at Microsoft (I know - a real stretch, but let's pretend) would you go sit at her desk and watch her for 8 hours? I don't think so.
I know one dancer who's husband was always there when she was. I liked it because he was the designated driver, she would get really buzzed and totally lose her inhibitions. I heard that one customer asked her about FS and she told him to ask her husband. He did and was told $300.
Just playing devil's advocate, but lets guess how many have free tickets to plays, ballets, sporting events (I mean the ball kind, eh, well, you know!), etc.
I hear you. Your right. If Maria Sharapova was my girlfriend I would be at center court of every match!
-kills the mood
-creates drama
-ties dancers up who would be otherwise paying attention to paying customers
I had worked in clubs where bringing the SO during working hours is completely forbidden.
Stay home and I'll send her along when I'm done with her. Paying your rent is a small price to pay for being able to bang her without having to pretend to care about what she thinks or having to deal with her excess baggage.
Here I am months later and she's crazy. I ended it she went ape shit and would just call me all the time. After her anger stopped then she would call and text to get me that she was sorry and wanted me back..
I would visit her at the club but, it's hard to see old men and dirty men sit there grabbing asses, breasts and trying to see what they could get away with. She would always come to me and we would hang out but, if you wanted to date a stripper I'd say best not to hang out and visit. Or else you'll be paying out of pocket more than you want.
For a few weeks my free time was her work time so, it's the only time we would see each other. I did enjoy having sex in every corner but, I'd say best to avoid the extra drama and not visit your girl at work. It's kind of like watching a scene of your girl if she was a porn star. Unless your doing the fucking it's just going to cause problems.
That's my 2cents.
That RickyBoy sure talks tough for a guy who was to afraid to go to the club when both his favorite were working, because if he talked to one it might offend the other. So he just said stayed at home instead. Yep, real tough guy. Now, he's all like "if that guy ain't man enough..." Please Rick, you are the last person on earth who should lecture now.
But I hear you - just keep getting all of that hurt right on out now. :)