Exotic Dancer/Strippers having their bf's visit them at the club

avatar for Djscudmaster
I've had several xgf's who were ED/strippers who wanted Me to visit them at the club or spend time with them there. I could denote or note jealousy and envy in quite a number or on a handful of patrons at the club or customers of their's by how they reacted in seeing me or ciunterreacted towrads My gf at that time. Instances went from harrasement,to totally ignoring her, to spreading rumors about Her or Me. If I had to break up with them over jealoisy and envy I was wondering what is your opinion on strippesr having their BF's at the club? I hope its not a repeat with My current or shall I say Sort of X or undecided ED/Stripper GF


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Not a good idea being there IMHO. Some cynical guys might think you're a PIMP.
avatar for stenton1
12 years ago
In my opinion, there is really no such thing. I have a gf who works at a club nearby, and she frequently asks me to come by, I usually only stop by to say hello and leave. It keeps her wanting more! I can't get involved in the jealousy thing, besides the only way to keep my perspective is to have someone else as well. You guys who are doing this will completely understand! A stripper can flake out at a moments notice! Just keep it moving, and your feelings will be spared! She can find someone else quickly, and do can too!!
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
It's only happened to me once that a dancer I knew in a club told me that her new b.f. (of all of a month) was in the club that night. It sure killed the mood for me, and I didn't get any dances with her that night.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I don't care but it is a fantasy killer for many.

You might say "Now wait, what about her dancing for the guy down the aisle!" I agree, but deep down 1) both know they are a customer and 2) doesn't stop jealousy either as in "Why is she spending all the time with that guy?" (A common complaint on this site!)

Boyfriend in the house: Don't want to be a 2AMer based on someone who (thinks) he really has something to lose.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Unless dancer tells me, how am I supposed to discern the difference between BF, or a long time regular customer of hers ? If she's not available to spend time with me, I'll just move on.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Why would a BF want to hangout with her at work?

Let's say she worked at Microsoft (I know - a real stretch, but let's pretend) would you go sit at her desk and watch her for 8 hours? I don't think so.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Was that BF or BFF?
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
The now closed Crazy Horse Saloon in Atlanta had a sign on the front door "NO husbands or boy friends allowed". I thought that it was a good idea but I don't know how it could be enforced.

I know one dancer who's husband was always there when she was. I liked it because he was the designated driver, she would get really buzzed and totally lose her inhibitions. I heard that one customer asked her about FS and she told him to ask her husband. He did and was told $300.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
My ATF introduced me to her bf at work one night. Within 5 minutes the bouncer escorted him out of the club. She explained that their s/o's are not allowed to visit them at work. She said that one dancer's girl friend made quite a scene one night. Lots of reasons to keep bf's, gf's, and bff's away from the workplace. Very few reasons to have them there. No good comes of it.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
A lot clubs don't allow SO's of dancers in clubs for a reason. The few times I've had the displeasure of witnessing one in the club it has been the bf who became jealous after seeing his whore dancing for others. He eventually got thrown out to the relief of everyone.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Motorhead: "Let's say she worked at Microsoft (I know - a real stretch, but let's pretend) would you go sit at her desk and watch her for 8 hours? I don't think so. "

Just playing devil's advocate, but lets guess how many have free tickets to plays, ballets, sporting events (I mean the ball kind, eh, well, you know!), etc.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago

I hear you. Your right. If Maria Sharapova was my girlfriend I would be at center court of every match!
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
I am surprised this isn't a rule at more clubs ... it's bad for business.

-kills the mood
-creates drama
-ties dancers up who would be otherwise paying attention to paying customers

avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
I hate the idea of having my hubby at work. He really hates the idea of seeing me with other men; thus making my shift uncomfortable. He had always been ok with the job because he does not see what I do at work.

I had worked in clubs where bringing the SO during working hours is completely forbidden.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Jealousy and envy? More likely pity. It is bad enough that he is not man enough to keep her off the poll, but to actually want to see it is a special kind of pathetic.

Stay home and I'll send her along when I'm done with her. Paying your rent is a small price to pay for being able to bang her without having to pretend to care about what she thinks or having to deal with her excess baggage.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
It should come as absolutely no surprise that this would be a complete buzzkill with the other customers. Part of the fantasy of the club is that the dancer, even just for a while, is focused on pleasing you. Having the husband or boyfriend present not only kills that fantasy but it also reminds the PL that he either does not have a real girlfriend at all or at least not one this hot. It also throws a big spotlight on cheating, directly on the fact that the dancer is cheating and indirectly on how the customer might be cheating on somebody too.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I've had a dancer laugh when she told me a couple of guys asked if it was ok with her boyfriend if she spent some time with them and they pointed at me. She was spending a lot of club time with me and I didn't immediately pick up the fact that she was thinking of going out with me. We were the same age. I'm not usually thinking of dating dancers when I go into a club. One dancer who got a lot more attached to me than I realized stalked me all night in the club one night and then threw a temper tantrum at one point accusing me of having sex with another dancer. My crime? I sat and talked to another dancer and or got some lap dances for about 30 minutes. She got over it fast but I didn't even suspect she was spying on me or was feeling attached. I thought she was probably sleeping around with multiple guys. Drama is more likely to happen when a dancer feels attached. Most of the time though, I would say there is no problem. This is like discussing the pissibility of an asteroid impact. A lot of hot air talk with almost nothing happening most of the time. Of course you never know when a rock might go BOOOM and break some windows.
avatar for Rivertwice
12 years ago
I met a stripper one night and we were chatting. She had a boyfriend so I thought great, I can pay her and not have to worry about the rest. Next visit she broke up with him and was giving me her number.
Here I am months later and she's crazy. I ended it she went ape shit and would just call me all the time. After her anger stopped then she would call and text to get me that she was sorry and wanted me back..
I would visit her at the club but, it's hard to see old men and dirty men sit there grabbing asses, breasts and trying to see what they could get away with. She would always come to me and we would hang out but, if you wanted to date a stripper I'd say best not to hang out and visit. Or else you'll be paying out of pocket more than you want.
For a few weeks my free time was her work time so, it's the only time we would see each other. I did enjoy having sex in every corner but, I'd say best to avoid the extra drama and not visit your girl at work. It's kind of like watching a scene of your girl if she was a porn star. Unless your doing the fucking it's just going to cause problems.
That's my 2cents.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy: "Paying your rent is a small price to pay for being able to bang her without having to pretend to care about what she thinks or having to deal with her excess baggage"

That RickyBoy sure talks tough for a guy who was to afraid to go to the club when both his favorite were working, because if he talked to one it might offend the other. So he just said stayed at home instead. Yep, real tough guy. Now, he's all like "if that guy ain't man enough..." Please Rick, you are the last person on earth who should lecture now.

avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Tough and dumb are not necessarily synonymous kiddo. Plenty of pussy to be had by playing the smart angle rather than creating senseless back channel drama. ;)

But I hear you - just keep getting all of that hurt right on out now. :)
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