
What An Ass I Am!

I made my first SC visit in six months on a short trip to civilization earlier this week. I had a grand evening in my favourite oil patch club in central Alberta - many, many Kokanees were consumed, many $20 bills were tucked in the buxom bartender's cleavage, saucy chat with one of the stage dancers. And that, I thought, was that.

I roll into the office shack in camp this morning and check phone and e-mail. Holy Shit!! There, on my phone and secure business e-mail, were messages from that dancer I chatted with last Monday. I am so pissed off at myself; that is NOT the e-mail address I hand out to dancers! I called my office manager at her home in Calgary and told her to set up a new e-mail account, get new business cards printed, and notify all employees, clients, suppliers, etc. of the new e-mail addy. I am not the world's favourite boss this morning.

What a fool I am! It is important for me to have an uncorrupted e-mail account and I just blew it away in an evening of alcoholic frivolity.

Alucard.......you may have a comment??


  • minnow
    12 years ago
    fa: You're not the first, nor will you be the last person to do a dumbshit thing. Now that you recognized it, and took quick corrective action, go pour yourself a nice stiff one. (If you hadn't done so already.)
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    How is she different from any other spammer?
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Oh well, Art. It could be worse. I feel your pain, though.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You said it yourself Art. Rubbing your nose in it isn't necessary. Do you need alcohol to have fun?
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Shit, if that's the worst you ever do, you'll be getting off easy.

    I helped a girl out with some moving boxes one time, and one of them was an Amazon box with my home address on it. I didn't even have alcohol to blame. Fortunately, I saw it before she did, but she did wonder why I ripped one of the flaps off and put it in my car. When I told her, she laughed.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I've had just the opposite happen before. A dancer easily gave away her real name to me, without thinking. (No address, though.) She treated me to dinner for my birthday at a nice Seattle restaurant, with a view of Lake Union. When it came time to pay the bill, she plopped her credit card down where, accidentally, I could easily see her name on it. It hasn't caused her any problems since. I was a six-month regular of hers at the time. I'm now almost a six-YEAR regular of hers.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I've know the full real names of my last 3 ATFs & the addresses. They NEVER had anything to be concerned about with my knowing.
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    Hmm, why am I not more worried than I am. Should I be?
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    FA: given my work situation, I could see how that could be a serious problem. Although, I do have the same question as deogol. Why not just fwd her info to a personal email account and then have IT block her from your corporate account? Seems like overkill to nuke you whole email account without any evidence she'd try to do any harm.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Not really that big a deal, is it? It is likely that only you, your office manager and perhaps your tech support have access to your email and who is going to give you crap for receiving a naughty message anyway? You are not married, so no issues on that front. Also, how bad could her email messages be?

    I think you are overreacting. Now it might be different if you were a mid-level employee rather than the owner as HR and other employment policies regarding naughty messages kick in, but nobody is going to fire you and, unlike that mid-level employee, you can limit inbox access as much as you want.

    You probably went overboard in switching up your email just because one stripper had it.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Damn Art. And I had just sent you my resume!

    I once gave a dancer my business cell phone number because at the time it was the only way for us to hook up later! I've fixed that issue now.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    alutard: "They NEVER had anything to be concerned about with my knowing. "

    Depends. You are, indeed, a complete psycho. OTOH, you probably are too pussy to do anything even if you did have an "episode".
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Hmmm, this could be the first time ever, but I actually agree with the RickyBoy. What's the big deal here?
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Another reason that I have taken "alcoholic frivolity" out of my SC visits, since I've done similar questionable things when hammered.
    Luckily I prefer the nude clubs anyway.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I don't remember any dancer ever asking for my email address. I might have told anyone who did that I only check it maybe 2 or 3 times a month.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Another reason that I have taken "alcoholic frivolity" out of my SC visits, since I've done similar questionable things when hammered.
    Luckily I prefer the nude clubs anyway"

    Good for you lopaw. An example of having FUN without intoxication. Bravo!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Alucard: "I've know the full real names of my last 3 ATFs & the addresses. They NEVER had anything to be concerned about with my knowing. "

    Funny, I thought we were talking about strippers knowing OUR names and email addresses.

    - You are antisocial to the group - often belittling participants.
    - You tend to put yourself at the center of the conversation.
    - You wish to put controls on what others say - it seems almost every post is about promoting censorship, electronic "free speech" zones in new forums, etc.
    - (I assume) you are over 18 years of age.
    - You have a tendency to use gender as a criteria of what is proper when stated (see above). I have noticed you're making conflicting replies based on the gender of the maker. Interesting.
    - Surprising number of statements noting how dancers (the plural) appreciate and see you in a glowing light.

    Makes me wonder what the DSM has to say...

    I use to think Dougster was a little bit out there - but for the last few months I have been watching your statements and have been surprised at how they can be categorized. Dougster seems to be on to something.

    Granted you are an intelligent person and may be leading Dougster ... for all I know, you may BE Dougster having a chuckle at all the rest of us.

    Still... interesting.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I now return you to guns, boobies, and secrets...
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    For those of you who asked why I went nuclear over this, I will say that I am exceedingly anal about security. I had a very expensive lesson about e-mail security a few years ago.

    My industry is filled with spies, scouts, crooks, thieves, and assorted other ne'er-do-wells. The dollar numbers I deal with are rather large and the geophysical technical data are priceless. I make no excuses for being such a wuss about security.

    e-mail communication is my preferred method of contact with dancers. I never hand out my phone number and especially not my Blackberry info. I have several tame e-mail addresses for matters like this.

    Not the first time that my love of booze has bit me in the ass but the mellow memories of the great booze moments far outweigh the occasional disaster like this one.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    Should you venture to S. Florida, we'll protect you from the evils of booze, NOT! :)
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