Comments by minnow (page 105)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pointless Lies
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's a good one, CT. I haven't had OP's case happen to me. Many yrs. ago, at a "btlad" kind of club, a buxomish blonde expressed interest in meeting me OTC at nearby 24 hr. diner. She said, "look for the black Camaro thats parked near the front". I left club just before closing, walked by the Camaro (only 1 in the lot, and in place), and noticed a big black dude sitting in it. The same black dude I saw her speaking to briefly between our "dances", and closing time. Of course, "no show" at diner. I've questioned what exactly her motivation was for this whole setup was- was I supposed to tap on the window, and say "excuse me, I'd be happy to pay a few Benjamins for the privilige of banging this fine lady"??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    That Closure Thing.....
    Part 1 has happened, but not Part 2. I'm assuming it has happened to OP- curious what caused the "transformation".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    surreal night at an adult book store......
    Yeah, DJ, it sounds like you had a subpar experience. Place didn't even show a flick good enough to "keep you glued to your seat".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many TUSCL buddies do you have?
    I have met 5 Tuscl members, 1 of whom is a stripper. (She does have 1 review published). Interesting to meet, but didn't become too distracted from purpose of visit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    losing ATF status? part II
    With the travelling that I do, I really can't say that I have true "ATF" clubs. However, 2 former fave go-to clubs have dropped off my depth chart for being too greedy: 1) SF Centerfolds- Initial visit in the late 90's provided a cornucopia type of feeling, what with 3 levels, & different theme rooms. At the time, I rationalized $40 nude contact "upsell" as being in an expensive area. When they took away theme rooms, and jacked aforementioned prices up to $60, then $80, I quit going there altogether. 2) Bare Ellegance, LAX: I quit going nights there but still go dayshift. Club has a 2-tier price structure for day & night shifts. For the longest time, regular bikini dances upstairs were $25, maybe $30 with dancers happy to go up there for test drive or however many. Then 1 day new ownership took over, knocked out most of the upstairs booth, putting in a $500/hr "skybox" lounge. There were a few booths left, but not as many as downstairs $40 topless, which was pushed on non-skybox patrons.Asking dancers for initial test drive upstairs would ellicit an "attitude". I began to notice songs seeming to be more clipped. Drink prices were jacked up more, the straw that broke the camels back was the $1/dance surcharge added on to dances a few yrs. back.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother
    Sorry to hear this. From the tone/direction of the posts, it (sadly)sounds like this isn't a case of downloading some "Teens/College Girls Gone Wild" shots that just happened to have some 17.9 yo's in them.
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    15 years ago
    Bathroom Troll
    Am I reading you correctly Dudester- BT actually grabbed guys hands & washed them?? FTS, I've seen BT's squirt liquid soap on hands or practically thrust towel at guys, but never actually physically wash them. Yeah, normally can be another annoyance, but like ss1 I get over it & tip them, and take the the mints/candy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Personal Frame of Reference/Grading Standards:
    Interesting replies, fellas. Dudester & n_s have some good guidelines that are more meaningful than present grading system, though several of those are often covered in text of review. I find it interesting that "how" rated Club Z 1 point higher (7.33 vs 6.33), given his oft stated preference for extras clubs. I wonder which of the 2 clubs he'd choose to visit, if he could only visit one. DD- FYI, my Club X & Z are based on a composite visit to real clubs. Club X is based on Crazy Horse, SF. Club Z is a composite of 2 upscale Phoenix clubs- Babes & Christies.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club websites
    My idea of a good club website would be one that has several pictures of its dancers, their schedules (updated daily), and maybe a club db. The websites out there fall short of this ideal. Probably the best "local" would be Living Room, which has several dancer pics. Bare Ellegance & Jet Strip (LAX) has dancer schedules, but no/very few dancer pics, schedules seem to be updated biweekly, usually fairly accurate. I rather like Cheetahs (ATL) dancer pics, & club tour.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tuscl Top 40 lists: Dec 2001
    Thanks for the memories, ss1. I'd been to 9 of the T40, as of Dec 2001, been to a couple of "new" ones since then. Things change, what with some clubs going out of business, rising or falling in ratings, etc.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    new york
    Doc- I do mean "gouge"- pronounced as such, loosely spelled as such, bandied about by many of my colleagues. (and others). You won't find my intended offshoot of "gouge" readily on any online definition. This version, roughly, means a condensed agenda,list of do's & dont's, plus helpful hints for successfully completing a goal or program -- e.g, the "gouge" for training program, evaluation session, job interview, etc.// End of lesson & threadjack.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    new york
    To SS & plove- This is a review site FOR & BY CUSTOMERS, not a job clearinghouse for strippers. Most of us on site really don't want to read about a bunch of dancers being "rained on" for Xmas eve, but we would like to know if we can expect our club experience to be "trick or treat". Kindly go to stripperweb & with your agenda. PS- Any dancer coming here should refer to judyjudy profile as a "gouge" for dancer ettiquette on this site, taking special note of content/volume of pictures.
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dancer's shitty behavior
    Question for Shek: During that 90 minutes (esp. the timeframe past 20 minutes) did you not see, or were you not approached by ANY dancers that were as good ( or nearly so) as you favorite?? After 20 minutes, all bets are off, afaic. Hell, I can recall a couple of times when I said I was going to mens room & would be right out (like within 1-2 minutes), and both dancers went with other patron. If they won't even give me 1-2 minutes, why should you give your fave 20?? Regardless of how good a fave may be, I'm ALWAYS looking at alternate dancers. Within the 1st 20-30 minutes of club visit, I have my "draft picks" figured out, and how potential "free agents" ( new showups) would fare. In many cases, I have alternate clubs in mind (Thank you Tuscl).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Russian........ Play or Ploy???
    Thanks for replies, guys. A followup ??- Do enhanced/augmented breasts do anything for you in Russian ?? If thy're the rock hard genre, they don't do anything for me regardless of size.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is "High Mileage" to most people here?"
    Jpac, dude, you need to expand your horizons a bit (hint- its outside small town AL/GA).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do some bouncers let some dancers get away with more than others?
    I don't get too wrapped up in club politics, but recognize that it can be a factor. It seems that night shift surveilance is often more "rigorous" than day shift.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Talking with other customers
    I'd be curious to hear some followup from PAS about his potential job lead. That would be really cool if he ends up getting a new job offer as a result of a stripclub encounter with other customer. Sounds like he'd have an understanding boss!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs with beautiful young dancers
    Rc's post seems to have 2 aspects to it: 1) Desire to have people share their knowledge of clubs with good young eye candy factor (I'm assuming "young" being 18-24yo age group. 2). Commentary on ratcheting down of dancer attractiveness/standards. On #1, I experienced that on recent visit to various Phoenix clubs. My visit to Bourbon St. Circus was satisfying and frustrating. Satisfying because there's plenty of good young eye candy there, and I managed to get 2 dances "in the zone". Frustrating because I saw the 2 most gorgeous dancers that I've seen in the last 2 yrs "locked down" by a table right next to me for the course of the visit. On Rc's desire to see young hotties get naked, in some areas the more attractive dancers tend to dance in topless clubs. On my visit to ABCO ( a club with nude & topless side) the topless side had the more attractive dancers. OTOH, in areas with predominantly nude clubs (L.A. & Tampa come to mind) plenty of attractive dancers can be found in the nude clubs. On final point- yes there has been a lower % of attractive young dancers now vs 10 or more yrs ago. I put this down to increase in number of clubs (doubled since early/mid 90's. This has led to increase in number of mediocre dancers, AND "career dancers". Often a sculpted 30 something still fine, but perhaps jaded to a degree. Oh, there's young dancers coming into fold, but they're likely to be tatted or festooned with plastic jewelry, or just plain mediocre. The number of good looking but jaded 30 somethings or so-so youngsters outnumber the rare young beauty so, yes, I do recognize & appreciate OP's view.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Champagne room at Flashdancers, NYC
    Slin- Did you think of pming other FD reviewers, or just calling the club & asking them. I don't think any regular DB posters have ever been to FD.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tampa Bay Area
    Or, if Sheks & ss1's advice doesn't work for op, he can always drive back over to Bare Assets....... a lot closer than Miami or Columbia
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Higest price quoted for an OTC?
    p11- I think they do have a clue & they don't really want to f^#k. There's been some posts on pink site whereby dancer quoted horndog $1500(or something) to come to hotel, asking for 50% upfront with no intention of following through. Dancer made off with the $$$ after her shift. ss1- Last I checked, had roughly similar rates for various pornstars.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC's and Natural Disasters
    One night, I drove into Brass Flamingo, Indy when a blanket of snow was just starting to fall.( Christy Canyon was featuring that night). Three hrs & several inches later, I left, with drive home taking much longer than usual. Dudester- That 4" or so snowfall is fairly routine in Indy, I think Houston would freak out in any snowstorm. SC- I concur on ATL. Got stuck there once in "snowstorm"- felt lucky to even get a hotel van to the hotel.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    (Half) Naked Girls
    For the most part, I like dancers completely nude. I don't mind high heels still on, but the knee high boots & or covered stockings are coming O-F-F if I'm going to buy dances. In topless clubs, teddy's, etal, are preferred Off, with only a thong (single, not double, please) on.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Worst ripoff dancer price?
    At Silver Reign, West Los Angeles, pushes dancer drinks. A 1 liter bottled water (this is a nude juice bar) most pushed for dancer drink goes for FOURTY effing $$! (Regular customer drinks go for $6, non-alc).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    At the risk of being unfaithful...
    If you go to club website, (clickable link from here under club info), you can often get a free/discounted printable pass.