
Update on TUSCL_Brother

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1:11 AM
This really hurts but I gotta it get off my chest. We have been friends for a long time but I never new. I have protected him for a year. He was not allowed on the internet.He got busted on an internet sting for kiddy porn. He will be sentanced finally Mar26. Max would be 30 years. His attorney says 13 months at Camp Cup Cake. As a grandfather of two I find this tough. Am I Really any better? I do seek sex from strippers.


  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    Child porn is in a league all its own. Trying to compare that to OTC extras, is, in my mind, like comparing someone who smokes a joint every now and again to someone who is a raging meth head.
  • sanitago
    14 years ago
    if he was involved in kiddie porn, I doubt he's going to get a short-term stay at a "Club Fed", especially if he either had a large collection or was involved in distribution. in those cases, judges and juries rightly tend to specify long, hard sentences. either way, I think he's going to find out what those kids went through as everything I've ever hear says child molesters and their ilk tend to be the target of everyone looking for 'jailhouse love', and I can't find a lot of pity in me for them.
  • mitciv
    14 years ago
    "internet sting for kiddy porn" Vague statement; the specifics are important imo
  • mitciv
    14 years ago
    Is it safe to say that if bro returns to this board it will be with a new screen name? Will bro forgive Shadow for "outing" him? How is bro's dad?
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Whoa. That's sad to hear. I don't even know what to say. shadow - lusting after 18+ yo strippers and kiddie porn is not even comparable.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    His father, now 98, does not know what is going on. Bro's sister and brother in law are going to move in with him. Frankly at this point I do not care.I still have gridget.
  • arbeeguy
    14 years ago
    Shadowcat "outed" Tuscl Brother? No, I don't think so. To be "outed" you have to be a person. Tuscl Brother is not a person, Tuscl Brother is a screen name,like Arbeeguy and Lopaw. Tuscl Brother is NOT going to prison. The person who uses the screen name Tuscl Brother may well go to prison, but even that is just speculation.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Having known someone in the same boat, they can get short time at a "Club Fed". Really would depend on their involvement. If there was ever any attempt at contact or actual contact, they would not get a short stay, according to what the attorneys said.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I second what lopaw says. This caught me by surprise and I am not sure what to say...this is a sad story. I also would not compare child porn to lusting over strippers. Can't compare apples to oranges...
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    I met TUSCLBro at the last "TUSCL convention" in Columbia at Platinum Plus and enjoyed spending an afternoon with him. This tragic situation certainly came as a shock to me. I don't know what his father's condition is but I have a 92 year old mother with Alzheimers so I know the stress he was probably dealing with. No excuse for involvement with child porn, but may have something to do with it. I will reserve my judgement on him until I hear more of the facts involved.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I'm surprised too. I'll hold off on any judgement since I really don't know anything about the situation.
  • curiousgeorgefun
    14 years ago
    Had a Guy who worked with me get caught with a 16 yr- old. He was a day over 18. He thought he was getting lucky at the club where she got in with a fake ID. She was drinking. He was convicted of rape and placed on sex offender lists. His picture was taken in his military uniform. He spent 6 months in prison. Got kind kicked out of Army. Lost everything. Another state I helped a 14 yr-old deliver a 29yrold's baby and nobody said a word. I'm not throwing stones because I don't know whole story. He probably was doing peer sharing and may or may not have known there was kiddy stuff there. Honestly has anyone had crap pop up and there were pictures there that you knew to erase immediately and get off webpage. What's the difference between "naughty school girls" and underage stuff? 3 weeks? If you are not absolutely certain erase it and certainly don't share it on peer-to-peer or bit torrent
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Sorry to hear that. I was curious why Bro had to drop off TUSCL, but apparently continued his SC activities. Guess this explains it.
  • judyjudy
    14 years ago
    You have got to be kidding me?
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    1) On sentencing-fed judges now have leniency in sentencing-used to be five years minimum, but today, if it's just possession,and nothing else, they can give probation, or just a year or two. 2) Two biggest ways to get caught: A) You have your computer serviced and the tech finds it B) You send someone an email with a pic, or pics. It used to be, as Pete Townson, if you were stupid enough to use a credit card, you got busted, but I believe all those sites are gone now.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    I have mixed feeling about someone in simple possession. Should someone go to jail for simply downloading pictures off the internet? Talk about curiosity killing the cat. The creatures who make it and distribute it though - they deserve time.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Trust me, he was NOT making it or selling it. What really surprises me is why. He was always a strip club monger. And they were girls. Not boys. I am sick over this. I have viewed some kiddy porn and it disgusted me. I do like young teen porn.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    No matter what his TUSCL persona was, he was apparantly one sick f....r. IMO anyone who partakes in any form of child/kiddie porn should be prosecuted. Trust me he was NOT making or selling it is about as credible as a stripper telling you your the only one she does this to.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I remember reading on here about one guy saying he was dating a woman and then he found out she was doing the dirty with her own father. now that is fucked up
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I've never stumbled across kiddy porn. I've seen all sorts of really fucked up porn, but never kiddy. People who view kiddy porn are guilty of child molestation by proxy. No sympathy for them. The Traci Lords case is different. I owned the Penthouse with Traci and when it was revealed she was underage, it suddenly became child porn. Laughable. Now, in my mind, there is a big difference between looking at porn starring someone who is a fully physically developed woman and that starring a prepubescent child.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Potheadpl, I do NOT want any shit on my drip stick. If you want to see some kiddy porn just to understand it go to [view link]. It is a 2p2 site. I have down loaded thousands of songs and about 30 full length movies. I have also seen 2 yo babies being molested.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    Sorry to hear this. From the tone/direction of the posts, it (sadly)sounds like this isn't a case of downloading some "Teens/College Girls Gone Wild" shots that just happened to have some 17.9 yo's in them.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    shadowcat, do you also upload files with limewire? Several years ago I received a notice from my ISP about how I was warned for copyright infringement for downloading Buck Cherry - Crazy Bitch mp3 file. I had downloaded thousands of songs but they only flagged me for that one. I was told by a friend to change my limewire settings so I can download from limewire but I won't upload/share anything. I have yet to receive another copyright infringement warning. I did try using itunes instead of limewire for a while. I spent about $300 on buying music before I realized I could be using this money on strip club fun. I went back to using limewire... lol
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    minnow, no it wasn't and that is what hurts.If he was a family member,What would you do? I love my 2 grandaughers. If anyone fucks with them, They are dead.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Sam, yes I do but I do not share. I am scared. My son, compter Guru, set up a private folder.What I down loads goes there. Yeah I know selfish but I gotta out for number one.
  • stripclubspy
    14 years ago
    Speaking of child porn, what is up with Dudester's photos? Are you telling me that girl is not underage? And that the poses are not sexually suggestive? And that his comments like "yes, take it off" don't cast a sexual nature on his appreciation of this girl's beauty? I would appreciate it if he would take down these photos. Do you all understand that possibly every photo you have ever seen on this site (or any other) is probably still on your hard drive? A few years ago, I accidentally deleted some family photos. After buying some software that is supposed to help you recover such files (waste of time) I went to OnTrack, the Cadillac of lost data recovery. They connect to your computer remotely and recover any type files you want. Well, they recovered thousands and thousands of images, the vast majority of which I never "downloaded" or saved. I'm talking every ad, every photo of a celeb that appears on yahoo's home page, etc. I would have thought that "temporary" stuff like that would be writing over itself over time, but apparently if your hard drive is big enough and has enough empty space on it there is no guarantee. There were photos recovered that were years old - I could tell because they were related to some news story. It was pretty scary. So, to everyone out there... kindly do not post any photos on this site that could get all of us in trouble!
  • I'm curious about the case. Any way this can be tracked online through court case records?
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    I agree with SCspy...those Dudester photos were kind of creepy. I guess he's taken them down now.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Oooopppsss...I guess I inadvertently violated my own rule to never post in any of ole scat's silly topics...sorry about that. I'll try very hard not to do it again. Since I'm here now, I'll just chime in to say that it's not really surprising to me that this was TB/Bones/ThisOldManPlayed1's secret all along. It seemed that every time his "cover" on here was blown that he'd quickly fade away. It's a shame that he couldn't control his demons to be online, but, from what I heard from a few others on here, he was into some freaky shit for an old man. What's really sad is ole scat's reaction to this whole thing: "Frankly at this point I do not care.I still have gridget." Exactly. Leave it to this tired old fool to make a horrible, life-changing event like this to be something all about himself. Selfish to the last I guess. So much for that "brother from another mother" and the junior high school "I'm best friends with the guy that has the highest number of reviews on this website" bullshit. Ugh...soapbox off.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    sc, What an honor! An attempted put down by our village idiot. You are obtaining the highest reaches of celebrity!
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    MisterGay: I think you're the selfish one by trying to make yourself look like a hero (as you always do) by using this as oppurtunity to take a lame shot at sc. I would imagine the point he was trying to make is that although Tuscl_Bro, whom he met in a SC and considered a friend, turned out to be fake, at least gridget, whom he met in a SC and considers a friend is real. MisterGay: no one considers you a hero for charging your windmills, trying to defeat the evil right wing, and "old men". The whores you go to such lengths to claim you repsect, do not respect you. At the end of the day you are just an idiot and a whore monger. Something you'll know you can never share with all your liberal buddies. Although not as extreme as Bro's situation, you are the one wearing the mask and hiding a secret just as he was. Fuck you, retard!
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    tittyfan: "Trust me he was NOT making or selling it is about as credible as a stripper telling you your the only one she does this to." This is huge leap. You are saying that everyone who views kiddie porn also makes it and sells it? I agree that anyone involved with it any way should be fried, but the law is going to treat them differenly.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Dougster, Once again, in your continued quest to be the board troll, you argue points that you make up in your own mind. My comment made no inference that viewers of kiddie porn make and sell it. Rather, my point was that S cat has no credibility in his comment that we should trust him that TB was not involved in it. After all, S cat and TB were great friends in the eyes of S cat, and I am sure that 2 months ago, S cat would probably have said "trust me, I know TB and there is no way he would be caught in a kiddie porn sting".
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    tx: "as credible as a stripper telling you your the only one she does this to." Look, retard: When a stripper tells you that it is *** a lie ***. It is not that she doesn't know if she is doing it with others or not because her judgement is a little distorted. It is *** a lie ***. Thus, by your analogy, when SC said TB was not making or selling, you are not saying he did not know, but you are saying that he was lying. But what basis do you have to go on? All you know is that TB was viewing it. Hence, you are making a huge leap in your efforts to attack SC (who know from your earlier posts you hate for whatever reason) here. You hoped no one see the error in your logic and now are mad when I called you down on it. P.S. Speaking of credibility. Aren't you the guy who claims to be an awesome trader but said to short treasuries the day before they bottomed because China was going to stop buying them? Let's see TLT was around 88 that day. Now it's about 90.5 plus about 2.70 in dividends. I also how like you said I was a "loser" for suggesting buying more US dollars when DXY was 78.5, just a few weeks before it climbed as high as 81.5. Yep lot of a credibiliy you have.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Just to clarify it, Bro was buying it from some outfit in (I think) Italy. That is why the postal service sting. I am not trying to justify what he did. I am appaled by it. His sister will be moving in to take care of his 98 yo father. It is hard to turn your backs on friends and family. I believe every word he tells me.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Dougster, You are such a misguided whit. S cat has no credibility because if he did not know his good friend was involved in kiddie porn, than he is really in no position to make definative statements as to the degree of involvement. A stripper is not credible because of the nature of the beast. Regarding your boring trading references, to anyone who gives a shit or wants to look at hisory, yes, I did short bonds a while ago and made a quick small profit. Dougster, in his typical fashion touted buying the dollar. I took my profit, Dougster said buy more dollars. They were about 80.25 then. The dollar has been weah the 8-9 months since. In the interim, I have contined trading profitably, while Dougster has held dollars for 8-9 months at a loss. Now the dollar has come back to his buy point and he claims to be sooo smart. When in reality, he has broken even. Dougster can only talk about it now because he can finally say he was right. Even a broken clock is right once in awhile.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    tx: Stripper have no credibility because *** they lie *** about everything. That is the nature of the beast. If your analogy was meant to be that someone has no credibility due to friendship, you should not have choosen strippers as the example. Do strippers lie to you that "you are the only one" because their friendship with you clouds their judgement? If that was the point, you should have said something like you have as much credibility as a new mother claiming their baby is not ugly. But of course, you aren't going to admit your analogy sucked ass, because you can never admit you were wrong about anything. You couldn't admit that your call to short treasuries the day before they bottomed was a disaster, nor can you admit that your reason was a disaster. You bought into the hype that China was going to stop buying them. This makes absolutely no sense as anyone who thinks about it can see. What are they going to replace them? There isn't enough of other currencies in the world. What will they use to buy commodities, if they dump all of the world reserve currency? Beleive me, if you think like the herd even when it defies all basic logic, which your short treasuries *long term* (i.e. not as a day trade) calls shows you did, you are not a profitable trader as much as you will to lie to others here that you are. As for my long dollar position, you can't even keep your story. You say here that I held them the whole time and hence am even. But in another thread you said that I was a "loser" for adding to the position when it was below the the initial buy point. Dude, if the initial position is even, but you add some on a dip below the buy point, then the position is a winner! Get a clue! You also said that I only talk about long dollar when I was right, but the truth is I mentioned it even when DXY down below the initial buy point (at 78.4) because I thought that was a good time for me to add. (This is when you said I was a "loser" for buying at that point, meaning you thought it would drop from that point.) Since then it got all the way up the mid 81s. IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN, BIG TIME!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have met with Tuscl_bro before and the reason he picked the name "tuscl_brother" is because he said shadowcat was like a brother to him... I consider him a credible source. A stripper has the motive to lie to get money out of you...shadowcat has no such motive.
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