Comments by minnow (page 104)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    What strippers think of us
    Strippers KNOW (not just "think") that any one of us can fall for letting "the little head" do the thinking for us......
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Marriage through stripperweb
    ss1- I noticed that too. I've also noticed that at least 2 of the 3 were Tuscl members- 1 of whom submitted an article (nola), and another who submitted a club review, but under a different name. What a small world!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tax question
    Getting back on track- I pretty much agree with zeke. I'd rather write a check AFTER money owed has had a chance to accrue interest and divideds vs giving govt. an interest free loan for a yr.
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    15 years ago
    Rude Surprise
    Didn't happen to me, but a coworker went into a peep show, saw a dancer who he thought had not that big tits, but a fairly decent ass. Seconds later, found out "she" had a dick. Needless to say, he never made a repeat visit to the place.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Russian Strippers
    I've met several- I don't find them to be that radically different from their American counterparts, save for less princessy attitudes overall. They tend to be a bit more accomodating, but won't go as far as some wild US, mideastern, or some Asian encounters. Perhaps a more conventional, mechanical style. I wouldn't charecterize all encounters as "businesslike", but with many, a businesslike mien. Ah, variety is the spice of life...................
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I'm a Stripper not a Whore"
    "I'm a stripper, not a whore". "Go get a pimp and stand on street corner". Those phrases may become less relevant, in that the lines between the 2 are getting more blurred. I can see the business model (unofficial, at least ) of stripclub evolving in much the same manner as there are virtually few gas stations around anymore that "just sell gas" (and maybe a few sodas & snacks). Just about every gas station is a hybrid gas station/convenience store. Caters to "1 stop shopping" that so many time-strapped customers desire. Shoot, some "gas stations" have Subways or Burger King/White Castles in same "building". Are they taking business away from adjacent Diner or Waffle House? I've not seen those places up in arms over gas station setup. Absent the Subway or Burger joint, driver would have just driven to destination starved. So, an "extras inclined" customer isn't going to spend $500 on "1 way lite" dances. But, as a race car driver may not want to drive balls out all the time, but enjoy a good sedan drive, so it goes with strip club customers. Just don't expect them to pay Corvette $$ on a Malibu.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper Shit? Really ?
    How long did it take list author to type all this shit? I'd change capitalism to read: "How much can I make off this shit?"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Older vs. Younger
    I've bought repetitive dances from dancers between 18, and 45, so I don't really "seek out" any particular age. I've noticed (both dancers and general workforce) that those over 25 are more attuned to others, and have gotten over themselves by then. I'm curious what age(s) OP would consider to be "young", and "old" dancers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best near LAX these days?
    Yes-No-Yes-Yes: Question- What info are you really looking for? I gather that you have a trip coming up and will be staying near LAX. If so, Century Nudes was closed and demolished for new airport parking area. Most LAX hotels charge you an arm & a leg for parking, so I guess you're interested in close cab rides. So, Bare, Wild Goose, and Jet Strip are it. If you have car rental, your options are much wider- COI may be a good option if you have inclination/time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret deal to buy strip-club company VCG Holdings is off
    I don't know if that is good news or not. For the longest time, I liked the PT's club model- upscale appearance, attractive dancers, fun without going overboard on pretetions. That based on Indy, multiple ESL clubs, and isolated San Antonio/Denver. Though, lately, less enamored about changes at PT's Indy in last year or so (remodel, price increases). I have limited experience with Ricks- Houston was good many years ago, lately they seem to be jumping in and out of different clubs with no apparent rhyme or reason. Being too "corporatized" (thing Deja Vu & Spearmint Rhino) doesn't portend good things for customer enjoyment.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    f_d: Re- last paragraph- For that, may I suggest going to stripperweb or on the question of whether one can make a good living from not having "to do more than dance". Being that tuscl is a customer oriented site, and I'm a customer... Yes, there is a wide range of expectations, but, bottom line is that there are a lot of clubs (double the number now vs early mid 90's) AND dancers competing for a finite number of customer $$$. Couple in the crappy economy, those with discretionary income expect some bang for their $$. You're probably not that different from stripclub patrons in your consumer choices. If you found out that a dancer paid the same price for silk underwear that you paid for cotton/whatever, would you not seek out the store that dancer got hers from vs your store??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    finger in the kitty
    If it fits- put it in..........
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long should a 'song' be?
    ss1- In song clipping club, you pay more to achieve a certain level of satisfaction. Lets say the "magic number" is 10 minutes. In non clipper club, 3 songs will do, but the clip clubs may take 4, even 5. So, you're looking at a 33-66% inflation of dance prices. Would you continue to patronize a gas station that cost 33-66% more than another to fill up your tank?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Trainable"??? Yea or Nay??
    My cases weren't extremely low, like not taking top off, or devoid of contact, but in 1st case was simply lower than most dancers norms, and was easing into comfort zone, I suspect by seeing what other dancers did, and deciding she'd be better off moving more into their realm. Another dancer in a different area club was very attractive, and became well known on metro area SC board as having strict NFZ's- no repeat from me here. Second case, basic contact there, but dance was very mechanical. I did snag another dancer shortly afterwards, & spent a lot of time with her. This case may have been new to area, and not used to high contact levels- hence, she got "trained" on other customers dimes, or even might have had a little talk with 2nd dancer. Attitudes/comfort zones don't change overnight. steve- I'm surmising that your minimum acceptable mileage/contact levels are lower than a lot of board posters here. (I don't claim to be the highest mileage monger by any means, but I do "have expectations" of a certain minimum"). I don't have the patience/inclination to train a dancer on my dime. I'm curious what "training" was done. If its "Grinding Rythymn Technique 101", or how to rub boobs in a guys face, I might see it. But even then, dancers are competing with each other for YOUR (MY, OUR) $$$, and inherently aren't there to train the competition. Getting back to some board members "minimum standards"-- Either a dancer is comfortable with certain contact level, or she is not. People can change over time, how much time are you willing to spend. Slow metamorphasis in my 2 examples took 3-9 months, between 1st and next.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My Little China Girl
    One only has to look at % of Asian population in selected cities to see that finding them in clubs can very much be a hit or miss proposition. One night in an OH club (Living Room) had TWO(!!!) Korean dancers, while going to L.A. clubs have encountered none, or just 1.(Later has higher % of Asians). Steve & ss1- Curious how you reliably differentiate between the Asian nationalities just by looking at them, or upon initial meeting w/o asking? BTW, count me in as a fan of Asian dancers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long should a 'song' be?
    Funny that OP should ask this question, seeing that the clubs he's reviewed (I assume he lives in area ) L.A./COI are amoung the most egregious song clippers. So, I'd say anything south of 3 minutes should result in value downgrade. Getting "penalized" $20 or so every 6-10 minutes comes out to a $120-$200/hr effective surcharge on patrons- more than most make in their regular jobs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Will a topless bar strip homes of their value?
    If folks weren't bitching about stripclub, they'd bitch about airport noise (RE: article reference to "Airport Road"). A red herring/ strawman, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    On the road headed to Ft. Lauderdale area! Plan on hitting the Rhino one night
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ss1- Just for grins, don't bother logging in. Then go to Rhino review page- 1st page only. Please tell us the contents of the 1st few sample sentences in several reviews- I betcha OP isn't paying member.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    On the road headed to Ft. Lauderdale area! Plan on hitting the Rhino one night
    ss1- You don't have to pay for membership to post questions on DB, only to read full reviews.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tan Lines...
    IMO, tan lines are one of the more appealing visual aspects around- like 'em!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    E-man- I'm guessing you're not a regular or "recognized" at the clubs you're at. I'd wager that being so blatantly forward to dancers send off "LE alarm bells" in their head. So, unless someone is a well known quantity (eg-proven regular spender), they're not going to get answers. Really, SC's aren't the epitome of customer service. Hey, if you go to Shady Sams Used Cars, have a subpar experience test driving a clunker, do you really expect SSUC salesman to tell you where you can get a steal of a deal elsewhere?? Please let us know how THAT conversation goes....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2nd visit total opposite of 1st?
    I've had OP's experience in reverse- several clubs that I had a great time at on 1st visit, I brushed off a subsequent off night as one of those things (halo effect). However, if I have a bad experience on 1st visit, I'm not likely to return for another go. There's been a few times with a "lukewarm" 1st visit that have been an improvement on 2nd or 3rd visit, but not enough to propel club ahead of faves.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    About Albuquerque Clubs......???
    Its been a few yrs since I've been to ABQ- I've noticed in the past few yrs that lesbian customers have been more common in "regular stripclubs". Not majority to be sure, but noticeable in several clubs nationwide. Some nights at ABCO/Phoenix, 1/4-1/3 of stage dive patrons were lesbian customers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Big Fish in a Small Pond?
    W-e-e-l-l-l-l...... I know a few things about being a big fish in a little pond.(LOL) Its not just the clubs you go to, but the shift/time of day. A lot of clubs can be different animals on off peak afternoon/ early week night vs SRO weekend night.