
Bathroom Troll

This hasn't been discussed in a bit. Only in SC's have I ever seen bathroom trolls. The troll at St. James don't bother me, but last night I was in a club where I had to pee three times. The troll wasn't just present, but he was working it. I ducked in and out as quickly as I could, but on my third trip, I noticed that he was washing some guy's hands.

Excuse me, but male bathroom ettiquette, as I learned it, is that you keep conversation to a minimum, and only speak when you really have to. The biggest faux pas is touching another guy in the bathroom. Seeing the hands thing made my flesh crawl.

Am I wrong?


  • TimboAtl
    15 years ago
    I always wonder what kind of bad life decisions the bathroom troll has made to end up in this situation. These guys have to clean up piss, shit, and puke for a living. I guess I always feel sorry for them and give them an obligatory dollar. At least they aren't breaking into my car in the parking lot.
  • winorhino
    15 years ago
    I can't stand a troll in an SC bathroom. What? It's not enough that I am tipping everybody for every action at an SC? Now, I have to tip a guy when I urinate.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    I don't go to "club" clubs but did dinner one time at rumjungle in Vegas at Mandalay Bay. It's a restaurant that turns into a club around 11 pm. There was a bathroom troll and this was probably 8 pm. Cigars, the whole works.

    Can't say I've ever seen one wash a guy's hands. I've seen them squirt soap on a guy's hands, Spearmint Rhino in Vegas for example.

    I don't mind them. They help keep the place clean and cut down hopefully on some of the "transactions" that otherwise would be taking place there. I've known some of the attendants at OG in Vegas for years, they remember me from trip to trip. One even thought I was a local.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I ran into that a while ago at St James. The troll was a little overly aggressive in trying to be "of service". He was offerring to squirt hand cleaner on everyone, and got an attitude if you ignored him.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    Troll washing a guy's hands? Can't decide which adjective is best:



  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    One of them sold me weed. Good dude.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have encountered this twice. Both were in Atlanta clubs. They disgust me and I will NOT tip them. Pissing is a private thing.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Yeah they are so annoying. I just get over it and tip the stupid $1 though. Just as stupid as clubs here in columbus pushing everyone into tipping the door girl for taking your money for cover charge.

    I wonder if they make their money off tips alone or if they club pays them to be there?

    I wonder if any tuscl members are working as bathroom trolls lol
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I don't mind if the bathroom is large and spacious like at Kahoot's..but at a small club like Club X or dreamgirls the bathrooms are just too small to be having a troll in there.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    There is one club here in Columbus, Vanity. The door girl and bartenders do NOT give change $1 bills as change. They give you $2 bills instead. However, on busy nights they have a bathroom troll and he is pretty good about letting you exchange your big bills for $1 bills. Of course tipping him a buck would be nice.

    Also tipping for a coat check is low class and trashy. Cols Gold has a mandatory fee of $5 for the stupid coat check.

    When are clubs going to realize we go there for the dancers and the booze, NOT the fancy bathroom services, etc.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    At the place I go the coat check girls are HOT and friendly. I have no problem tipping them a $1 for taking care of my coat.

    The local Penthouse charges $2 for mandatory coat check. That bugs me but I still give the hottie a buck. It's not her fault.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    haha here in columbus the coat checks are run by men!
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    Am I reading you correctly Dudester- BT actually grabbed guys hands & washed them?? FTS, I've seen BT's squirt liquid soap on hands or practically thrust towel at guys, but never actually physically wash them. Yeah, normally can be another annoyance, but like ss1 I get over it & tip them, and take the the mints/candy.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    How would you all feel if the "troll" was female AND good looking?
  • sinclair
    15 years ago
    Clubs force drinks on you. You have to piss multiple times. Then you are expected to tip the troll throughout the night just to squirt soap in your hand. Retarded. I bet the troll has to tipout for being able to occupy the washroom for the evening.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    haha Clubber, that is a genius idea! I have not seen a female bathroom troll yet though. It would be even better if she was undressed. Too bad the amount of hot women in columbus willing to work in strip clubs is just not enough. They can barely fill the dance stages with hot women.
  • spudd
    15 years ago
    My last SC trip, was having lunch, so wasn't tipping any dancers yet. Once I finished lunch, strippers were coming on and sitting on my lap, preventing me from tipping. I stayed for 1.5 hours, getting 4 dances from two strippers. Before I left, I used the restrooms and tipped the troll.

    As I was getting out the door, it occurred to me that my only tip was to the troll. Still had alot of $1s in my pocket.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    At the one place I visit regularly with a troll, usually all he does is give you a paper towel after you wash your hands. The usual guy who does that is a decent person to talk to and I only tip him if I get a mint or tootsie roll, although I do wonder how he ended up in that position.
  • Jpac73
    15 years ago
    This may sound a little unsanitary but if you get tired of tipping them when you use the bathroom then don't walk up to the sink. After you take a piss, just make a straight line to the door. If he asks whether you need some soap, just tell him no thank you and keep moving.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    I like the nude idea!


    I don't know about you, but I was taught to NOT piss on my hands. Also, I am hygienic.
  • Jpac73
    15 years ago
    Clubber do you get that wasted that you can't piss straight and end up getting piss on your hands? Carry hand sanitizer with you, they make small bottles that fit in your pocket.
  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    I'm with winorhino, I don't need some one to wash my hands for me. potheadpl, I wanna go with you next time and get some good ganja. Nothing like catching a buzz and watching some fine titties.
  • DoctorDarby
    15 years ago
    The ubiquitous bathroom troll goes back to the origins of gentleman's clubs as manly havens for the rich and pretentious. Just like country clubs, they were staffed by people of a lower social level who were expected to "take care" of the higher class clientele. During the first half of the 20th century, it would not be unusual for a man "out on the town" to be regularly approached by bathroom attendants, coat checkers, shoe shiners, porters, cigarette girls, concierges, valets,and others at many higher class establishments like hotels, theaters, casinos, and restaurants, who would offer to perform menial tasks in exchange for your tips. By tipping them, whether they needed the service or not, upper class men proved that they were gentlemen of means with disposable income. If you were a regular, you generated good will, which in turn might come in handy later in getting favors, choice theater seats, a high class hooker, etc. Upscale SC's 9and hotels, country clubs, and casinos) are still operating on these assumptions about their customers and we go along with them for many of the same reasons. By tipping door girls, coat girls, shot girls (whether we wanted the wimpy, overpriced shots or not), parking attendants, and bathroom trolls, we establish ourselves as good customers who are playing the game and helping out all the little people who are there to serve us. It is outdated, impractical, and increasing rare in most places, but can still generate a certain amount of handy good will if we decide to play along. Not tipping these service workers sends the message that you are rude, arrogant, cheap, and most likely, not a "gentlemen," which could, I suppose, filter down to the dancers, bouncers, servers, and bartenders we depend on to help us have a good time.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Try reading.
  • daveyray
    15 years ago
    DoctorDarby ... absolutely correct.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Only in SC's have I ever seen bathroom trolls."

    I wanna say that I've very occasionally seen them in airport or train station bathrooms as well.

    "Also tipping for a coat check is low class and trashy."

    This I've definitely seen at some higher class restaurants, and I've never had a problem tipping them. Same thing with parking attendants.

    "After you take a piss, just make a straight line to the door."

    Ugh...if women only knew the sheer number of guys that use the bathroom & don't wash afterwards...yuck!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Let's look at this...

    A few assumptions:

    You are in a club.
    You maintain your hygiene.
    You go take a leak.

    Now at this point, your hands have touched something you wish to go out and have a dancer take into her mouth or somewhere. You might have washed your hands, but why? Did you piss on them or is your Mr. Happy dirty(What happened to your Hygiene?)? In either case, you don't stick Mr. Happy in the sink and wash him, but still you try to put him in a dancer. Makes no sense.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    Other bathroom patron: Ew, don't you wash your hands after pissing?
    Me: Why? I don't piss on myself, and I never put my dick any where I wouldn't put my hands.
    OBP: But what about when you eat, and have your hands near your mouth?
    Me: That's ok, I never put my dick anywhere I wouldn't put my mouth, either.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    getting your tits rubbed in a dancer's breasts probably brings more chance of getting sick than not washing your hands after taking a leak.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    samsung1: Likewise with fingers in kitties. Thus making the argument that you should wash your hands *before* you take a leak, not after.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Agree with the history of the traditions and manners. It no longer applies in a society where the middle class is going broke. The tips alone add $50.00 or more to a club visit. Iknow--if you can't afford it stay home. So I go only when I have real money to blow. No casual $100.00 visits.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    The last time I saw a bathroom troll was at PT's Showclub in Louisville. The time before that was at the Erie County (NY) Fair, sometime in the mid 80's. I ignored them back then, and I ignored the one at PT's.

    Like I want a fucking mint that's been stored in a bathroom, for Pete's sake.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I give them a $1 and take one of their life saver mints...then I went to walgreens across the street and found I could buy an entire bag of lifesaver mints for $1.99 or something cheap like that.

    I am going to suggest using female bathroom attendants this weekend to a SC manager I know lol
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    sam, that will not work. Ever tried to piss with a girls hand wrapped around your dick?
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Like I want a fucking mint that's been stored in a bathroom, for Pete's sake."

    Exactly. Ugh...you're all assuming that the bathroom is one of the cleanest places that you'll ever visit. Just imagine all those other club patrons that didn't wash their hands (even after taking a dump) that have touched those urinal levers or the sink handles or the dryer handles or the...well, hopefully you get the point by now...but I won't hold my breath...
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