
Comments by gk (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Food, Strippers. or Politices?
    In Ohio the law says you have to be wearing socks/stockings in some form to serve food. So you can imagine all the get-up that might turn out to comply with that in strip clubs. Scantily clad waitresses with white socks and tennis shoes is not the prettiest site. Of course, it's not the baddest either. Then there's the full stripper regalia worn by some servers, but with pantyhnose. And of course the fake tux look on a girl--just what I want to see,nice boobs hiding under a pleated formal shirt. OK, I did my part. I don't know if I can talk politics anymore, I have to save my energy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the most?
    In Club A--when she grabs my crotch. In Club B--when she strokes her hand down my back. In Club C--when she comes right to me after I tip her on the stage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Zorro's question isn't really that complicated. Morality is the wrong context. Buyer beware. This age old principle is the proper context and should guide every consumer purchase. It means due your research before you put your trust in a product or a person. In this hobby, the research is different, but the due dilligence is the same as for anything else. You have to determine what someone is selling you before you understand their pitch. They all start out selling the fantasy, which isn't real. So it's wrong to confuse that conundrum (purchasing something that isn't real) with morality. It takes time and research to understand that what they say is required to get ahead--because that's what the typical customer wants to hear. When does it become real? Does it ever? That varies by each personal encounter. So don't put it in a moral context. If you are, so shouldn't even be here.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sarah Palin Porno!
    All the Palin stuff is an attempt to deman a Republican woman candidate for the second hightest office in the U.S. What would be said if stuff like this was said/done to democratic woman candidate? Re McCain--I prefer him to the kid. But like the other post said, he has run an inept campaign. Hope that's not a sign of how he would run his administration. Re the economy right now being the result of Bush--nice try but the facts say otherwise. GDP has been expanding under Bush. Jobs go overseas due to globalization--not presidential policy. The financial crisis was brought on by bad social policy--affordable housing. Policy that said let's juggle or ignore the rules so anybody who previously would be laughed out of a loan office was now given a mortgage. With no proven income or steady jobs, many of these defaulted--and we should be surprised?! Blame the social planners and their political enablers who foisted this on us and nearly crashed the economy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone a pornstar
    Current era--Alysa Klash (the former star/live-in of Seymnore Butts) Hot! Back a little--Ginger Lynn, a wild one! Way back--Lisa Thatcher, hot young girl next door type. (look her up!)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    sc or escort
    10inches, if you're ;in vegas, why not do both? Having done both, there's something about the strip club hunt and potential relationship that is usually missing with escorts. Clubbing makes for a good party that ends with a nice bang (ptp). Escorts, you're in and out (ptp). But ITC is not always great, as has be noted. I tend to side with Shadowcat on this one. Arbeeguy: it would seem that many of us do have "strong rapport" as you call it with one maybe two establishments. So Shadowcat's PP relationship isn't so much out of the ordinary, it's just that we learn so much about it because he talks about it a lot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Day shift vs night shift
    Here's my take. Definitely day shift for all the above mentioned reasons. Most dancers know that day shift brings in fewer customers but with more discretionary income to play with. Most dancers who prefer day shift actually prefer the customer base and their wallets. Of course, then they do have to deliver a higher standard of satisfaction. Except for a few discriminating hobbyists, night shift is usually populated mostly by the "hey, boobs!... or "hey, naked women" crowd who act like they never seen or never will see it again. As a cohort, they have less money to spend. Dancers who prefer this shift, in some respects, are making a statement that they don't want to dance for older men or do extras. Now that's a generalization. Plenty of exceptions.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    I'll go with maturity, good attitude and ability to please any day over an untested hardbody. But those elements don't always come in the same package. Sometimes you have to accept one and give up something else. For me, ability to please (dance-wise or beyond) with the right attitude is the winning combination. But I prefer this to be in the 25-35 age range. That allows for a variety of women but as long as the ones in the upper end of the range make an effort to take care of themselve physically, they can compete for my attention. Other feedback: Like Imunutz, I believe some can be trained. But with this you're talking about an investment in time and money before you get any payoff and then, there is no guaranteee how well someone will learn. Sometimes you have to bail out on teaching. But that's also part of the fun. And like Dudester, I will sometimes "audition" a dancer who gets my attention. I'll even use that term with her or my friends. But if I don't return to her it's because I didn't see the right elements in the formula or she didn't show any willingness or capacity to learn how to be better. At the moment, I'm having some nice times with a couple mid-20 somethings at a favorite club, both ITC and OTC. And then there's an ongoing thing I have with an older "retired" dancer who's really great fun to be with in many ways--I'm talking conversation, going out as well as sex. With the younger ones, I might have the latter, but not always the best of the former.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Lovin' the Drama
    Shadowcat: bingo! Boiled down to its least common demoninator, it sounds crude, but it's really a form of sincerity offered and then rewarded. Re: drama, being in the "audience" is fun sometimes. We all like a good show. But, agreeing with Steve, if it boils over and ensnares you, which can happen if one of your favs of ATFs is the subject, then watch out! I've also seen too much drama actually cast a pall over a club for an entire day. Now this is a smaller place which always magnifiess a problem. But, point being that sometimes the drama isn't fun. Hmm, sounds like life.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Double standards.
    Clubber, agree. Normal needs context and it's not the same for everybody. In my libertarian point of view, normal has some leeway for flexibility, but it has boundaries that are defined by certain absolutes--you don't kill, you don't hurt, you do-unto-others-as-you would-have-them-do-to-you, etc. Back to the central question--if my daughter needed to enter this industry, yes, I would want to see if I could help her find her other options. But I would not judge her negatively or turn her out of my life for it. And one reason (but not the only reason) I shy away from younger dancers is that they are sometimes the same age as my daughter. That's more of a respect thing than an aversion. And I can still enjoy the hobby.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers do NOT get aroused by fondling their boobs?
    There's a lot of myth associated with boobs. Rubbing them doesn't necessarily turn the woman on. But it can sometimes. In a stripclub, letting them be touched is part of the job. All the dancers I've talked to seriously about their boobs want them touched, rubbed and treated like any other part of their bodies: with care and attentiveness to--whatever. But, I've also met a few pain freaks who would like their nipples squeezed. Otherwise, maybe grabbing boobs in a strip club is like a handshake--hi how are ya!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
    Authorities seek to clean-up bikini coffee stands
    Grab N Go. Good name for a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers with kids
    Good point jac10781--this topic of how you focus on your kids, or how you don't, can apply anywhere. And EvilCyn's point is on the money too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers missing stage rotations...
    I always ask the dancer when her next stage stet is to avoid this problem. If she's close, I usually say let's 'wait'. Of course, if you're in a small club with only a few dancers working, you can't win, so just get used to it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Clit rings...
    Confirming, all the girls that I'm close to who have them like them and never complain. I suppose if one were on the large side it could possibly get in the way (from her perspective), but the ones I've encountered were on the small side.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers with kids
    I agree to a certain extent, in fact everybody with a comment is also right. But from what I've seen it boils down to the simple fact that strippers are in reality just like other people in this respect, they WANT to lead a NORMAL life, for themselves or for their kids. So of course most of them will be focused on their kids, are you if you hav e themn? But for one reason or another, many of them, not all, CAN'T lead a NORMAL life, so they have to work harder at doing the normal things and that's what most of us have observed. The can't part results from lack of diverse job skills, relationships with loser men and even a bad start in life resulting from a lack of a solid family relationhship, etc. One or a combination of these things makes life a strugggle for them in ways some of us never have to deal with. So in many cases, the focus on the kids is not only their main focus, it is their only focus.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    Saving a stripper is insulting to them. Help them be what they want to be, whether now or in the future. Sometimes that's being a stripper. Sometimes it something else. Sometimes is both. But "saving" is too judgmental for someone in this hobby.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    Too much hearsay about size without verification for this board. I propose that the U.S. Census Bureau begin establishing national metrics on this subject starting in 2010. We already have the SIC codes the and NAICS codes for manufacturing etc. We could call this the P-scale or the D-scale or somethinbg like that. And with this new data in hand (no pun intended) the federal government could then look into the equal opportunity side of it. Every guy in America should have the right to be borm with a BIG penis and now your local politician could be empowered to do something about it, comparative wise, that is. And for the women, think about the possibilities, use the data to choose your man on the P-scale. Forget dating services. This would put the lie to those that say nothing good could ever come from the strip club hobby. Thank you njscfan for being the inspiration for all this.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Insisted that You Have Sex with Them?
    Two, because it was/is side money they want. One other one because that's all she did in her club. It was in Canada.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Am i Normal?
    I hope this was at home and not in a club!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many Dancers have proposed marriage to you?
    One. Partly sincere, partly opportunistic.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    Shadowcat, when things are "always all about the money"--that still leaves you in control. When things get to be about emotional attachment, things get complicated because you give up part of the control. I like to keep strip clubs and their associates in the 'keep-life-uncomplicated and stress-releaving column.' When we make the lose-control decisions, strip clubs move over to the "complicated column" where they don't belong! Of course it's easy to screw this up. But on the other hand, is's ironic to see how suspicious some take it when the dancer, on her own initiative, willingly spends time in conversation for the sake of companionship and we wonder what's up.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Meeting other TUSCL members...
    I only take friends to strip clubs who like to have the same fun as I do. That's a select few. There are only two local friends I trust enough to share my club experiences and insights with. But even so, there are times I prefer to go by myself. It's a mood thing, I guess. However, I would love for the chance to meet a fellow tusclers. I would make a day trip for it--assuming the venue is a great club--with some advance notice.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    what do u guys think?
    You lost perspective. It's certainly not unheard of for this to happen in the strip club industry.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    Everyting should be negotiable between you and the dancer. The clubs want their cut and thjey will get it somehow, either by drink prices, dance price add-ons room charges etc. But the business between you and the dancer is your business. I try to give a reasonhably consistent amount to each regular-type dancer each time I visit them based on how long I spend with her and what she delivers. Yes, songs are part of the variable, but not always. What's important in the long run, is for the dancer to understand how you fitr into her business picture. Regardless of wheether you tip big or modest. Be consistent so she can depend on you and she will take care of you just as you are taking care of her with your consistency. In other words, try to set your own price/budget within the wiggle room you have.