
Comments by gk (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Non Sequitur . . .
    Samsung is right--it's a business transaction. The groaning is part of the entertainment. Chalk it up as stripper shit. But I've known a few dancers, ones that were longtime favs who trusted me, who would sometimes say at the end of a long afternoon shift, "hey I really need it" and then they would really get it on. Proof was in the pudding, so to speak.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Customers that just sit with dancers
    One of three things are probably going on. 1) He's compensating her for her time in one way or another. This is business for the girls and the smart ones don't waste time. 2) She's not a smart one. 3) Or, the guy is a regular who's a "friend" of the dance crew by means of past spending on drinks, dances, spreading drinks around, dances around, or otherwise making the occasional (and now more frequent) dull day more interesting. This customer can get away with occasional face time conversation w/o money or dances/drinks because he evens up on things in the long run--because he's a regular. After all, there's nothing wrong with being friendly with people who you come in contact with (I thinks that's a pun)on a regular basis.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Buying shoes for a dancer
    Yes, buying shoes requires her to be with you, it's a strategy to get together on a normal basis. But if you have the more serious relationship, it's just a helping gesture.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I've been around a dancer-boyfriend breakup. Lot's of drama. In some respects, I'm the rescuer. Inside the clubk, drama is BS. When it's outside the club, drama is the price you pay to be human. Sigmund GK
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I go with O's proximiy theory. It's simply human nature, especially if it's anything longer term or involving sex. But you have to separate the party from the relationship--that's the hard part. I've had a lot of fun with dancers but I always try to keep them and the fun times in the "I bought it" category, even if we become friends. But when, and I presently am, in a relationship that turns serious, my personal feeling is that you have to back off as a customer. Maybe even avoid seeing her in a club. That's the test--to see if you can both handle things in that context and remain emotionally attached. If you can't, the relationship belongs in the other category, which means you should be able to emotionally write off the bad stuff--eventually. And Book Guy, women do call, if they need you. If you want a relationshsip with any woman, dancer or whatever, find out what she really needs and she'll call and vice versa. (Money's too obvious here, we're talking more complex stuff!)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Falling off the stage
    Shadowcat's right, the fuck-me shoes are almost criminal! They are a disaster in waiting everytime a dancer get's onstage, let alone walks around the club. I saw a friend of mine take a spill yesterday afternoon from shoes. And the shoes they sell now are not that well made in many cases. They straps start to loosen up after a few weeks and become prime safety issues. That was the problem I witnessed yesterday.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RE: BJ: stripper or wino?
    Referring to O's Cosmic Book of Really Bad Ideas, it would say that glory holes were invented for gays, then spread to hetero sex places. Why partake in something with such an unfavoriable origin?!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Commercial. A new term.
    Actually, you should have spanked both ass cheeks and charged her double!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    1. Both, which usually means you can toggle back and forth to get an alcoholic beverage. 2. Private booth, couch rooms strike me as too cameraed-up. 3. Cute, but unobstrusive. 4. Full range of beverages to match my mood and needs. 5. Don't go to strip clubs for food, but bar snacks are nice. I'm a big fan of munchies. Take that anyway you want.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    She's Got the Look
    Cute smile. Great eyes contact. Come get me look. Cute ass. Nice modest 34B-C breasts. Striking color of her dancer outfit--many things can stand out, it's just how they present them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite names for strip clubs.
    Names I've encountered that I like: Bottoms Up Playhouse Babes
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pay First versus Pay After in VIP
    As a general rule, I edon't pay up front. Would you buy a car before a test drive? I don't think so.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have dance prices gone down in your area yet?
    The discretionary money is dryng up and it will get worse, especially in the Great Lakes/midwest section of the country. Dancers are hurting because fewer customers are frequenting the clubs. This is happening all over in other establishments as well. But the SCs are probably feeling the pinch first because that's just play money and is kprobably the first to be cut. Everything's negotiable as someone said. It all depends on location and management, what type of cub and environment you're in.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When do you read/post on here?
    Think T-B is being sarcastic about the word, not you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ever had a stripper lecture you based on her high moral values?
    I've been lectured about driving, wanting to go to bars too much and assuming morals were loose.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    N.E. Ohio--retail spending is down. Discretionary spending is way down judging by my simple barometers 1) regular bar patronage--down 2) strip club patronage--way down 3) cars on the freeway heading downtown--fewer of them compared to five years ago. I do my stimulus duty, however.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "Stripper Weird" or Not?
    "Stripper Weird?" More like stripper logic, or lack of logic. Not meaning to be insulting, but just observant, it's sometimes hard to talk logicallly with strippers. Some just don't want to take common sense advice in some insatances. Maybe that's because they live "in the moment" and don't look at the horizon like the rest of us do. My take on another theme that came up in this string, a short while back a dancer friend of mine qualified for a mortage to buy a $286,000 house on her unverified dancer income! She's lucky she didn't pull the string on it because her work was interrupted and her cash flow ended. She would have been foreclosed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if your favorite stripper is a one way lesbian?
    Excuse me, but they want you to think they want your dick, that's their job. The reasons you might not always get your hook-up is they're married, or they're bi and you have to compete with other women for her attention and rarely, they lezzies. But as to the original question, who cares. As mentioned above, can I watch too?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers that do not look like strippers
    Zorro, sounds like a dancer who knows how to market herself. That would get me hot too. Agree, there are way too many school girl outfits out there. Maybe because that's what they really think they still are.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers that do not look like strippers
    Sorry, but I can't agree with you entirely on this one, david. I've met many dancers who look like the girl next door. I think what makes the dancer into a stripper is the outfit she wears and how she performs. Some are more successfull at creating this look and persona than others. But I do agree that some don't have to create it, they seem to ooze it from every pore in the bodies. But back to my point, I've seen many dancers dressed in their civies after work hours and they usually look just like any other girl. In fact, I bet that's what they try to look like. One dancer in particular was very intriguing to me simply because she was so "real." She was slender but not skinny, had nice handful breasts but nothing substantial, a shapely overall figur but nothing overly pronounced, nice brown hair simply cut which she wore almost down to her shoulders. --Point is, she WAS what you were looking for. Unfcortunately, she went back to her medical office career and doesn't dance anymore. Our loss.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    Yes, everybody needs a friend. Go for it as long as it lasts. I do.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Early Morning Visit, Talk, and Leftovers . . .
    My first reaction is best summed up by how's response. But after reading all your add-ons, I'm thinking maybe you should just be flattered that she felt comfortable enough to do what she did.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Clubs vs. other hobbies
    Samsumg, what I meant about perspective is what you meant. Sometimes it can be like an addiction!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Clubs vs. other hobbies
    I found I was more relaxed and happy after leaving strip clubs than after golfing. I learned that a long time ago. I don't know many golfers who are really happy with their game. They are always worried about improving something. I don't consider that fun. And in strip clubs you dont have the pressure of other customer wanting to play through, so-to-speak. Once you're on the course, it's yours to finish in you're own time unless you let your partne3r go looking for other balls. Strip clubbing can be more expensive than other hobbies or less. Like enythning else, it depends on how seriously you participate. So I rate clubbing very high relative to my other options. The challenge is to keep it in proper perspective.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Double standards.
    It's not a double standard. It's a personal standard. Women have a right to survive and sometimes this is the option they choose. The holier than thou types who would deny someone a choice in this matter are hypocrits. I have a daughter. I often hear the argument..."would you like it if your dauagher was (whatever)"? Well, given a choice to survive, I would hope all options are open to her also. That's my answer and I'm sticking to it. I do admit to a preference against partying with teenage dancers. For me it is an intellectually empty experience that is supposed to be a sexual fantasy on one end and a get-to-understand-you experience on the other, because these girls are so relatively--inexperienced they have little of the whole package to deliver. For the real young clubbers, this isn't the same. But in general, if an upper age clubber really needs a teen in the mix, maybe there are some issues going on that need to be addressed. We should all draw our own line in the sand where it's most comfortable. But don't let anyone use that line to denegrate the industry that so many women choose to participate in. SC, don't let yourself feel guilty or anyone make you feel guilty about something normal that you enjoy.