Lovin' the Drama

avatar for steve229
My regular dancers know I love dancer drama and always update me with the latest dirt.

Last night one told me about the knock-down, drag out girl-fight two dancers had in the dressing room a couple nights earlier. It ended when one girl pepper sprayed the other, pepper spray residue got into the AC, patrons started complaining, and they had to shut the club down early.

To be clear, I like the drama as long as none of it involves me personally. I just like hearing about all the crazy stuff dancers get themselves into, both in and out of the club. Anyone else feel the same way?


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avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
The only times I've cared for it were when I was talking with my favorite bartender or my ATF. The rest, I couldn't care less.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I have seen them get in fights over a customer. Like predatory animals marking territory they will fight over prey.

At the dawn of man, it was not uncommon for one or two women to share a cave or campsite with 4 or 5 men. This insured they would be impregnated and as result of this evolutionary history gals can handle more than one man. They may need an hour or so inbetween sessions....For the guys, working in a pack they could keep the pussy to themselves and safe from interlopers.
avatar for LoneLurker
15 years ago
"To be clear, I like the drama as long as none of it involves me personally. I just like hearing about all the crazy stuff dancers get themselves into, both in and out of the club. Anyone else feel the same way?"

Not me. This kind of stuff just doesn't interest me. I acknowledge the "information is power" angle, but I can't stand being manipulated in that way and so don't engage in it myself. I just try to deal with people straight up.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I hope we're talking about cat fight's and not gossip columns.
avatar for jaxman5150
15 years ago
I like drama too, its like a soap opera with boobs n drugs.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Shadowcat: bingo! Boiled down to its least common demoninator, it sounds crude, but it's really a form of sincerity offered and then rewarded.

Re: drama, being in the "audience" is fun sometimes. We all like a good show. But, agreeing with Steve, if it boils over and ensnares you, which can happen if one of your favs of ATFs is the subject, then watch out!

I've also seen too much drama actually cast a pall over a club for an entire day. Now this is a smaller place which always magnifiess a problem. But, point being that sometimes the drama isn't fun. Hmm, sounds like life.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Drama is entertaining.Once you get into a dancers head, you can get into her pants. I was with gridget last month.Another dancer that I knew had been living a lesbian life style joined us.She had told me earlier that she now had a boyfriend. I told gridget that she was now getting dick. So gridget asked her how she liked dick. This conversation turned into a laugh riot.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Jack, then head for "Foxy Boxing" night at Trumpps in Detroit.
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
There is nothing sexier than a chick fight. Nothing. I am with Steve on this one. If she gets her clothes ripped off and accidentally falls on my lap, even better.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Actually, sometimes, I could do without the drama. Last couple of times I was at Houston Dolls, I noticed that the dancers there were placing towels on seats before sitting. One of them explained that one of the dancer/waitresses was leaving a "booger" like residue on the seats. I always wear pants there. Also, I saw a knock down drag out there recently between a dancer and waitress. I've also overheard a waitress make a drug deal there.

I prefer the illusion. OTC gal tells me that one fight instantly gets you fired from St. James as the management doesn't tolerate certain activities, and they can afford to be picky about their employees.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Steve, was that at ye ole' Paper Moon??? If so, hard to believe there's enough "there" there to get so worked up about. Unless there are higher dollar generating activities transpiring there I don't know about. And from my visit I didn't pick up any such activity as being available.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I especially like hearing about the drama when it involves their sex lives.
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