Dancers with kids
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
We've discussed this before - strippers with kids are as common as snow in January in Michigan. Single moms that turn to stripping seem to be so prevalent that it is now just a cliche..."I want to provide a good life for my kid".
Nothing wrong with that, but I've noticed that dancers seem to go to the exteme to make their kids happy. More so than the average person. They shower their kids with gifts and take them places - it's almost like they are trying to buy their love, when in most cases the kid would rather have their mom at home more often rather then get another new toy.
There are probably many complex reasons for this, but I would guess most strippers had an unhappy childhood themselves.
Nothing wrong with that, but I've noticed that dancers seem to go to the exteme to make their kids happy. More so than the average person. They shower their kids with gifts and take them places - it's almost like they are trying to buy their love, when in most cases the kid would rather have their mom at home more often rather then get another new toy.
There are probably many complex reasons for this, but I would guess most strippers had an unhappy childhood themselves.
People all around the nation are putting themselves into deep debt and bankruptcy to buy shit for their kids when they should spend more time with them.
This is not a stripper only thing.
My family disintegrated when I was six. Soon, my mother found a boyfriend (a child molester who battered us all-that's another story). The singlemost important symbol from my "childhood" was my mother's closed bedroom door. It meant she had no time for us.
When I became an adult, she finally dumped the loser and married into money. Then she tried to buy my affection. I wasn't interested then, and I'm not now. Needless to say, our relationship is strained.
Had she instead used the money, as I suggested, for joint counseling/therapy, so we could get past that she sold my ass to keep a jerk in her life, we might be getting along today, but it's been twenty years since then and that ship has pretty much sailed.
When I see girls all sorts of fucked up, going out at the end of the night for more, always hungover and or sick from the night before, I don't see how any amount of money they spend on their kids can fix that..
I think dancers TEND to be more materialistic. Parents tend to teach their values to their kids, so it's no surprise that dancers TEND to show affection with things.