
Comments by gk (page 24)

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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Unpleasant odor
    Forgot to mention, if it's bad, as mentioned previously, just never go back!
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    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Unpleasant odor
    I like the grin and bear it answer. Or should we say grin and bare it? I've been tempted to mention something on occassion but I never have. Never wanted to make soomebody feel bad or self conscious. Of course, if its really bad, I suspect they know it!
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    The difference between a stripper and a dancer
    Most women in the SC industry call themselves "dancers." I've heard may times how they tell someone in the outside world what they do or what they used to do and I always hear "dancing" at a club. People know what it means. The dancer who tries to suggest there is a dichotomy of strippers and dancers has too high an image of herself and is one who I would probably avoid. And for this discussion I excluded trained formal dancing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club chains vs. independents?
    Indies are best for me. Chains are too restrictive. And in this context I define chain as either corporate ownership (as in DejaVu which owns the namesake and also Hustler Clubs), Christies Cabarets or an absentee multi-club out-of-town owner (not a multi-club local owner). Independent clubs are usually more laid back about about rules for customers, work rules for employees etc. In general this typically results in better milage for the customer and a better working environment for dancers. Corporate or multi-location/absentee owner clubs have that by-the-book aura about them. You can feel it in the vibe, you can see it in the way they impose and even cite the rules. For example, most corporate type clubs have a high presence odf bouncer tyhpes or bird-doggers checking on kprivate dances. Local clubs have more flexibiliy to be responsive to customer needs and to reward regular customers. The corporate types can only do this within the context of the policies and rules they have imposed on them. Of course, my rule of thumb is that you can always find a way to have fun anywhere if you have the patience and the funds. But my rule of thum also says that the locally owned deliver better times in a better atmosphere. And I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions--I've even patronized the exceptions!
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    15 years ago
    Would I Lie to You?
    Some of the more obviouys ones: -Iusually don't do this... -Yur dick is so much bigger that most other ones. However, really get to know a dancer and the stripper shit can go down to zero, at which point you have to decide how revealing you want to be about yourself.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Everything I need to know, I learned in a Strip Club"
    Patience. Selectivity. Beauty is more than the perfect 10. Dancers are people too. How to speak and translate stripper shit makes dealing with life's normal BS a breeze. Now on the other hand, don't grab ass in public.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Rent a room for an hour?
    I think I would be too embarrassed to ask for a room by the hour. However, once, I was offered a room by the hour.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Hookers looking for clients in clubs
    Recently found a pro at one of my favorinte clubs. She is a regular dancer there but it seems she has a second job. Or is dancing the second job? Well, after sampling her chat up and private dancing skills I found her somewhat unappealing on the whole. I would never pay for that in any other environment. But apparently, she's generating business leads at the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Now Giving VIP Credit for Articles
    Also loved the article on how to pick up a stripper. Lots of truth to what he says. BUT also a lot of hot air, ego and self-interest with his his own agenda. Wouldn't it be better if the articles were limited strictly to reporting or illuminating on a topic instead of sneaking in advertising as the "How to pick up a stripper" item does? Founder?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers on drugs
    Dancers at one of my favorite clubs regularly use weed while on the job and some regularly take percocets and vicodens. The place used to have a lot of coke heads but they've been pushed out by the peer group making it uncomfortable for them. There is a known heroin addict at this club who the veterans avoid and tell all the regulars to avoid as well. If any regular spends some time with her, he is then avoided by all the other dancers. The h-addict seems to bring in her own clientele, however. At this same club, there is one night dancer that I was getting to know who seems to getting way too high on drugs lately. Since I'm basically a day customer, maybe I'm just learning what she's really all about--I don't know. But she does tend to give better handshakes when she is happy. On one of my rare night visits recently I chatted her up at the bar, bought her two drinks and then headed to the private dance area with her. In that short time span she transformed from normal to a state of being unable to talk clearly, walk steady or even dance like she should. Because of her changing demeanor, I considered her somewhat dangerous to be around. So I cut things off, paid her some token money and left her for another dancer. At another favorite club, there is also a known heroin addict who is easy OTC. Most regular customers are warned about her as probably being "dirty." Some others there are known coke users. I've seen some dancers really spaced out at this club and one dancer in particiular has asked me twice if I have any "stuff" (drugs) to play with. I always disasppoint her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    New Kid in Town
    Sometimes a newbie can be fun. I like to joke that I "train" them. But sometimes it's not a joke. If they trust you, they are usually dying for advice and insights about hnow to get along, make money, survive etc. and will appreciate any help you can give them. You cna usually tell sooner rather than later what type of dancer they will turn out to be.
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    15 years ago
    Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame
    If you post once a week or more, you're all my my Hall of Fame List, I truly look forward to everyone's take on all the things we talk about.
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    15 years ago
    Breast Enhancement
    Prefer natural--hands down! Or should I say hands on? Real is always better, that's what I tell every dancer who asks if she should... But I never criticize the bolt-ons if they make that decision, I only compliment them. Natural feels better, and yes, the two enhancement options do result is a different sensations to the touch--saline is more like the real thing, while silicon is obviously something artificial. As to the personal sensation, I'm told it all depends on where the incision is made and if any nerves are cut. I've heard some say sensation is less, some say there is more. More may be a factor of self-esteem I suspect.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If it was your last time..where would you go?
    Lose your independence with a bang? A memory of your own? Go to Flight Club in Inkster, Michigan (metropolitan Detroit north of the airport). High class. Fun. Great food. Cigars if you like them. Great looking women. Any kind of dance you might want. Expect to blow some bucks; everyting from parking to seating costs something here. Drinks are on the high side too and so is everythning else--but worth it. But that's what it sounds like you want to do. Read the reviews.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the worst stripclubs in the whole country?
    I don't have too much to say about this one, BUT I agree that Chicago proper (as opposed to its burbs & x-urbs) delivers way below what you would expect from the second largest city in the country.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Which city has the best stripclubs in the whole country?
    I'll nominate Detroit. Great looking women, fun times and extras when you need them. Although outside the country, I'll also give an honorable mention to Niagara Falls, CA. Tampa has a good rep on this forum but I have never visited any club there. However, from Tuscl postings I have perceived a change in the SC club culture in Tampa that seems to have lowered expecations a little. I wonder if anyone else thinks the same. Is Tampa what it used to be?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Approaching a dancer when she is sitting at another table
    I think the "rules" and sense of decorum are all relative to the location and your relationship with the dancer. It's polite not to interupt anyone when they are busy, so that should extend to clubvbing. BUT there can be exceptions. When I walk in to my favorite clubs and I see favorite dancers at the bar with other guys, I'll walk by and touch her shoulder to acknowledge her. I she is one of my current close favs, I'll stop and give her a hug and stay stopo over for a drink when you're done. She know that means I want to spend money on her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Discussing TUSCL with strippers
    I just don't want to talk about Tuscl with strippers. I like the opportunity to exchange experiences beyond the radar of the dancers I usually associate with. There was one dancer who I broke this personal rule with and in a very subtle way it improved our relationship, but also changed it in negative ways. So I prefer to keep this to myself. There was another dancer friend, now retired, who was aware of the existence of strip club forum, but not with any particular detail such as names etc. She would occasionally allude to them and ask if they mentioned her or the club she worked at. I found I just didnt want to engage in conversations of this type so I avoid them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any clubbing is good clubbing?
    Sure, just know what yhou're getting in to and you can have a good time if that's what youy're in the mood for. Just mnanage expectations. But I usually avoid any club that is a no contact establishment. A reputation for overt extras isn't a deal breaker for me either, because you can always find a way to have fun as long as you avoid the no contact clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever give dancers performance advice?
    I'm rarely with a new dancer, but a couple time recently that's just what happened and they were both very interested in feedback. So I told them to be less tentative in their private dancing and more hands on because that's what custyomers want. They both understood. I've neverr had a veteran ask for advice. Now I don't push advice, but this those cases where newbies do ask, here's what I tell al the same thing: 1. Always wear your garter high, too low sends the wrong message. 2. Don't just move on stage, flirt, make eye contact. 3. At the bar or a table, be flirtatios with a customer rather than just ask for a dance up front. 4. If you're worried about guys touching you, you're in the wrong business. 5. Watch the successful dancers and learn from them. 6. When selling private dances, don't promise what you can't deliver.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bad Things
    Tuscl_brother, RE "One time when going through a fast food drive through and paying the cashier, she was giving me HEAD. You should have seen the cashier's face! Well I guess that gives new meaning to "have it your way!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever thought some part of a dancer outfit sucked but you didn't want to
    Here's myh take on this issue--Went to a seminar many years ago and the leader had a truism he was pushing--'everyboddy wants to be conned.' In other words, in most instances, we prefer the glosssed over compliment rather than the bare truth. (Yea, it looks great on you..no it's not my favorite color but it works for you...is that new, where did you find it, etc.) If an outfit is really something bad and it bothers you that much why would we be with her anyway? If we're with her for other reasons, to hell with the clothes. And if we are really close to her, we can afford to give her constructive advice that will help her eaarm more money with other customers. Getting less preachy, if I['m at astrange club, is IS the outfit that first gets my attention--but then the stuffing has to go with it!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cost of FS OTC?
    BR/GF relationships and one night stands aside (the normal bar pickup variety for instance), unless you cross the line and begin having a couple relationship, I truly believe there is no "free." Free means giving and receiving without any stipulations/expectations. Can you cross that line? Sure, You've done, I've dones it. But back to the norm--I currently have tweo dancer friende (not a couple relationship) but still friends that charge me $100 for FS OTC. I have others who want more but are not necessarily worth the difference unless variety intrigues me at the moment. And just recently found a dancer who is really a pro and wants some $300 to start things going--in other words she wants to charge escort pricing for someting that is available in the SC OTC world for less. Where do you think I'm investing my discretionary entertainment dollars?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bad Things
    Exactly, That's the one you look for!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mood killing conversation with dancers?
    I have a rule: the dancer has to have "permission" to tell me her problems--that is, she has to have a history with me, be a fav/friend, etc. If it's someone new, she doesn't have "permission" to get into sob stories and I usually tell her that and end things. Re dancers crying; had one or two who were friends cry over real personal or home issues. Rare, but it's happened.