
Comments by gk (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Thirsty girls
    One of my favorite clubs has a big drink hustle and I admit to partying /drinking with the girls. But after a while its gets tiring. Too much sitting and watching them consume way too much alcohol, getting way beyond a buzz-on and then paying the tab for it wasn't fun anymore. I still get caught up in it sometimes, but I've been good at not playing this game as much as they would like me or any other regular customer to do. It's usually common in the clubs where they must sell a quota or they get a cut, as mentioned previously
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    15 years ago
    Under 21 Dancers
    Back in on this one. I like Scattergbrain's age formula. For some reason the math turns out just right on that one, because it seems I'm always attracted to women who fall in the formula age.
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    15 years ago
    Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes?
    I had a very good dancer friend who made well over $100K per year during the peak of her career. At her club she ws the top earner and I doubt if anyhone did as well as she did. Now we're talking midwest major regional market, not a big metropolis or resort destination where I'm sure big money is not only possible, it's more the norm. But that is also a factor of how many dancers an establishment keeps on a staff. I'm convinced that most successful clubs like to manage outcomes, that is, keep dancers from getting too heady (no pun intended) about success and money by manipulating supply (dancers) thus dilluting income. I know some dancers who live very well. But I know more dancers who just eak out a living from moment to moment. And by living in "the moment" they often have difficulty making long-term decisions about their money.
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    15 years ago
    Have you ever given your ATF stripper extras before?
    I will occassionally buy gifts for dancers that I have relationships with, but I always do this in it's own context, not directly related to any business. I would not hesitate to give money to a dancer friend under the right circumstances: --I truly know her situation --I know she truly needs something --I know it won't become a habit to ask me --but I also don't make a habit of doing this. I prefer this approach to making loans; I don't like to make loans to dancers. Tiping for service--my approach is to establish over time a standard $$/$$$ amount that I like to invest in any repeat private dance session rather than tip for good service. On more casual encounters I usually try to stay within her expectations of cost per dance. In fact, sometimes dancers have asked me how much I intend to spend on them so they know what they are dealing with. I think that works out well if you let them know you expect some value for your dollar.
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    15 years ago
    Best Detroit Clubs?
    I love Detroit! Electronman--good overview. While I don't get to Detroit as often as I would like, I agree with your assessment. Samsung1--yep, days are always better as a general rule, although there are plenty of exceptions. Maybe we should organize a Tuscl road trip to Detroit and a few of us could meet up there. I'm feeling that travel mood coming on lately!
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    15 years ago
    To V or not to V
    My ad-- If your erection lasts for four hours...call for more women!
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    15 years ago
    What is best thing a dancer told you she shouldn't have?
    I've been to the Admiral Theater, and unless things have changed greatly in Chicagoland, that not a very fun place. It was totally hands off and kair when I was there a few years ago.
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    15 years ago
    Shower Show Redux
    SuperDude, bought a co-ed shower once. Turned out to be a one-way hands on thing. Would not do it agaan--at that place. Would still be tempted, though, but someplace else!
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    15 years ago
    Dancer changing her look
    Yes, this has happened to me. Sometimes it's good, sometimes I haven't liked it. But most of the time it doesn't make a difference as long as nothing else changes. I've yet to encounter a really revolting change that chased me away.
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    15 years ago
    Under 21 Dancers
    The fun answer would be to say that I feel abouth them around their titties and their asses with my right hand, depending on where they are standing. But in reality: too young can't get a buzz on with you too inexperieced don't know how to flirt don't know how to give a good lap dance can't hold a decent conversation too close to your daughter's age.
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    15 years ago
    Sticky Fingers?
    Talked to a dancer last night who braggned about finding a day shift girl's bankroll in the private dance area. She didn't even bother trying to find out who lost the money (which wouldn't be hard--if it was a dancer), she was happy to make it her own.
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    15 years ago
    clubs on clifton hill. canada
    There are none on Clifton Hill as I recall, but further down Ferry Street/Lundy's Lane you come to Mints. Never been there, check the reviews. Go out about three more miles and you come to Seductions and Sundowner. Been to both; highly recommend them, although it's been three years since I lasst visited. Sundowern is a very hands on, satisfying traditionala higher end strip club, but not too expensive. Seductions is more of a, shall we say, participation environment that also has stripping. Both can be fun, just understand what you're getting into in either case.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Yes to this one. One of my favs from the past was a real wild girl. She liked to walk the edge, so-to-speak. So one day I told her I had a surprise for her. I took her to the private VIP room and presented her with a small gift, a little purse. Inside I had stashed a small g-spot vibrator and some anal beads. She was in a very happy mood so we got down to business with her taking care of Mr Happy first. Then I turned on the g-spot vibrator and played with her clit to warm her up, then slipped it inside her. This version was a small deal about the size of your thumb with a string on it to pull out, not the longer hooked-dildo type thing. When she was really getting into it I started slipping the anal beads into her ass. She's was a very anal person but had never tried them. But she went crazy as she nutted while I pulled out the beads. True story and one of my more wilder memories.
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    15 years ago
    How do you know what they want?
    Wasn't PL originally a euphemism for a customer who was too naive about clubbing to understand how to participate in the action to get maximum results as opposed to just gawking up close? But now it seems to have an expanded meaning to encompass people who spend too much time in clubs. If that's the case we all are indeed PLs. But I don't like the condescention. I prefer PR--Pathetic Regular! Regular--PR
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you know what they want?
    How is right. What they want is $$$. The phone number is usually just club/dancer marketing. If you're interested in doing more, put her on the spot by reciprocating with your phone number and hinting about what you want and see if supply meets demand. This usually levels the playing field quickly as to who is simply dancer marketing or who is OTC marketing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever misjudge a dancer's attractiveness?
    SCat, me too. I like to sit where I can see what's going on and who's approaching. Ironically I was thinking of starting a discussion on this topic of dancers who need to clean themselves better. What do we do? I suppose it's a factor of how well you know them and how bad it is. It's rarely been a problem, but when it is, I usualy just cut out fast if I don't know the dancer. If I know her, I'll cut her some slack if it's just a minor hygiene indiscretion. But if it's not, my question is this--would you tell one of your favs to go clean up a specific part of her anatomy and the severity of the problem?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Boyfriend in the club?
    I've had SO's pointed point. Boyfriends pointed out and even been introduced to a husband and invited out to their house socially! (I went! No funny business.But this was a unique situation. ) My philosophy is: it's a big world and there's room for everybody and many different attitudes. But, I would prefer that boyfriends don't come into clubs and be pointed out. If they come in they should remain anonymous. Many clubs hava a rule that husbands, BFs, SOs can't come into the club. But then there is every place else. I know a lot of dancers don't want customers to feel intimidated by the presence of a "friend." But if you get to know someone, maybe they feel it's a complement to share that with you. But most times, I think it's a matter of simply not thinking it through (insufficicnt capacity to go that far).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    ITC Habits/Preferences
    I usually have one particular dancer in mind who I will spoend money on when I visit a club with a Plan B if she is not available. Sometime when I'm in a different mood I might do ksome sampling. But usually this is not the case. More often when I do more than one I'm in scouting mode.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you inquire about "extras"
    Have a conversation with the dancer. "Interview" her as has been said here before. Ask her to tell you about her dances. If you suspect that she might be open to extras, ask her, "what can we do?" Simple direct approach, but only after you have a nice little conversation with her. IN doing this, let the dancer take the initiative to explain how far she will go without exactly asking for it. And Electronman: to reassure a dancer that you're not LE: Rather than touch her pussy, which she might not appreciate at the moment, Just take her hand and put it on your package. That assertiveness seems to reassure dancers at the beginning of a critical point in a discussison.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you limit how much you spend on one stripper?
    When I'm in a club, I usually plan in advance to spend private dance money on just one dancer. But as to time spent talking etc. at the bar or a table, that could be endless--or 1 to 2 hours.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    Gatorfan: "...do oragamy. Great one!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who the heck is Mr. Happy?
    Corolary to BaddJack's post: ...Senator, you're no Mr. Happy...but you are a dick. (Assumes we're talking about they typical U.S. senator.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tough times in the porn industry
    Imunutz says there might be way too much porn? Well, simple demographics indicates that over time, as the baby boom passes on, there will be fewer adult consumers of porn, strip clubs, etc. I think we're beginning to see the effects of this now, although it is exaggerated by bad economic conditions at the moment. The smart "staars" in porn wne into production and distribution. The rest just get older leave the scene.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs and morality? who defines it? whats your opinion?
    Is it Rev. Anderson or is it Senator Anderson? I see you joined this forum last Monday, so I really don't know where you are coming from. While we have had a few moral discussions here, the primary function of this forum is not to debate the morality of the SC club industry's employees or customers. The last time I checked we were still the land of opportunity. Sometimess opportunity comes in asymetrical forms. Does that make it wrong? No. Morality is a personal matter. You handle yours, I'll handle mine. The last time I checked we were still a nation of individual liberties--oh wait a minute, that might not be true. We have to fight and be vigillant about the erosion of personal liberties. Are you anti-liberty? Some comments: First, on the "killer question." Wrong! If my daughter, God forbid,ever faced starvation, not being able to provide for her children or dying for lack of any other job, I would hope that if there was nothing else available, she could find a job stripping. My killer question to you: are you saying the alternatives I've listed above are preferable? I have known several dancers with college degrees. They are now nurses, CPAs, psychologists, health care providers, social workers, business owners. I have seen their resumes and helped them prepare for job interviews and took pleasure in seeing them find mainstream employment. I think most of us would disagree with the assumption that strip clubs are bad places. They are places of escape, relaxation and comraderie. Selling sex? I know of no strip club that bills itself as a sex emporium. But what two consenting adults do together should not be a concern of yours. Some dancers enjoy what they do. Granted, some do not and struggle with it. But it's their choice and they've made it for various reasons. Who are you to pass judgment on personal choices that may or may not be the right ones for an individual? That's what life is all about. Most strippers need the big cash from limited hours stripping provides them because they have responsibilities/obligations. More power to them. If not for the job they chose, they might be a burdon on society and our limitedsocial safety net resources. Yes, some have complex issues they must deal with. Wouldn't it be better to help them through these than to persecture them for having difficulties? And finjally, as it's been noted, strip clubs exist because there is a demand for them. You don't need to be a part of that market if you don't want to.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pants or Shorts
    Summer: commando, dark cotton shorts are best. Other times, dark cotton pants. If you get a grind irritationk, wear underwear of your choice. Re microfiber or thin "gym" shorts--I've heard some dancers ridicule customers who wear these ino the club as being too obvious about what they want. Whether this riducule translates into poor customer service I don't know. This isn't a knock from me, I know some of our members prefer that attire, so if it works for them, so be it. I'm just passing this along. I also read in a dancer forum that girls don't like denim because it is a little rougher, but the poster also said no stripper would ever turn down a customer because he was wearing denim. This same dancer poster said cotton was preferable to wool, but I suppose that meant scratchy wool, not lightwight wool. However, if you want to be kinky...