
Now Giving VIP Credit for Articles

respect for others goes a long way
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 12:25 AM
This is from a post by Wallanon: Somehow it seems the spirit of the Articles section has taken a turn for the worse. There are some nice articles here to be read, buried somewhere amongst the dozens of rejected reviews that somehow land here. Wouldn't it be a better idea to just add a few more lines to what you wrote, guys (you know who you are), and get credit on the site for it than to simply dump it here? To their credit, at least the most recent review dumpers bothered to tell us which town the club was in. Just so this article isn't a total off topic waste, here are some interesting things that could go in articles: * Details about a club that you'd like to share but don't want to put in a review. Maybe there's a story to share that you didn't factor in to your ratings. * Something of general interest to the strip club scene or club enthusiasts o Something you really like about the scene o Something you really hate about the scene o Tips and tricks you don't mind the world reading * A summary of the scene in a particular town (something I'd especially like to see) * An open letter for whatever audience you're looking for...got rant? * Lessons learned...it's hard to spend much time in these places without something going awry Guys, you may have gotten a rejected article email. Don't take it personally. We are trying to make the article section actually worth reading. For each published and approved article you will get 4 weeks VIP (Just like club reviews) Thanks Guys! Have Fun!


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Founder, I don't think this will fly. Club discussion boards do not work either. There is simply not enough interest. I have thought about writing an article on Mexican whore houses but who would really care to read it. Most of what you have suggested is already being posted on the general discussion board.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, it's already flying. I just cleaned out the trash. Write your article, I bet it gets the most reads of all of them.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    It is much easier to read through the articles now. Thank you for taking the time to filter through the material.
    15 years ago
    Love the article on how to pick up a stripper. I could see that stuff working. Problem is though, I would think it would work because in the gal's eyes she wants to have a relationship with you. Then you're up a bit of a creek, as in they move in and don't want to leave...
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    I agree that it's entertaining, but that's not an article so much as it's an ad for the guy's books. It's also a recipe for how to not have fun in a strip club: Sit next to a speaker, don't let her sit on your lap, don't look at her body, don't say "stripper", befriend the male staff. Gotta love that line, “I can see there a lot of lonely, desperate guys in here who’d love to pay for your company. I'll text you a little later, so watch your phone. There's a very cool bar right down the street, I'll be there later on, I'll have my buddy John the bartender make you one of his world-famous margaritas." Don't forget to wear your harvest gold leisure suit.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I would be interested in reading about Mexican whore houses!
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Ducedly a grand idea and proposition. I will certainly contribute something in the next few days.
  • ShotDisc
    15 years ago
    I think this is a major mistake. When the article section was first introduced it was supposed to be like a blog, if I am not mistaken. Blogs are designed to be stream of consciousness, anything goes. I am pissed because I just got almost 12 "articles" rejected. Some of them were originally posted almost 18 months ago. I have been a member here for years. I have never had a review rejected and if i did i would never post it as an article. Suggesting my articles should be discussion topics is presumptuous and waters down the discussion board. if i had wanted them to be discussion topics, i would have put them here in the first place. I am not shy to start discussions. You are making a big mistake with this.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Hey, I got a bunch of my old articles "rejected" as well, but I don't think that it's a big deal. While I too disagree that some of them would be better on the discussion board, I might just try & combine some of them into longer posts, particularly the ones that were about Canada, since we don't seem to talk much about Canada on this discussion board. The Articles section on this website has been a joke for some time, and I think it looks a LOT better now. Thanks for the effort, and the credit! :)
  • founder
    15 years ago
    guys, I will be adding a blog section that will be a free-for-all part of your profile where you can post anything. The reason I moved them from articles is because they are not really articles. just hang tight!
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    When I hear ShotDisc had articles rejected it makes me think twice. He was once the top reviewer on TUSCL. Do I want to spend the time typing an article that may be rejected or not appreciated? NO. I appreciate the effort that founder puts into this site but I think that blogs will be another miss. The best thing ever was the personal message ability. I use it daily to keep in contact with my TUSCL buddies. BTW, I miss the list of top [view link] helped to separate bull shit from fact. Knowing your reviewer is a big plus. Before wallanon(he does a great job), it was Bones. He now uses a different name and is a personal friend of mine.I was once #3 on the list.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "When I hear ShotDisc had articles rejected it makes me think twice." Don't think too much old man...you'll burn yourself out... "Do I want to spend the time typing an article that may be rejected or not appreciated? NO." Good, because no one really wants to hear what you have to say anyways scat...now quit yer whining... "Before wallanon(he does a great job), it was Bones. He now uses a different name" Yea, and it's TUSCL_Brother...like we all didn't already know that moron...
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I just found out about this articles thing. Is it brand new? It appears there are some old ones.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    ok, the blog section is up now. The main difference between blogs and articles is blogs are not reviewed and no VIP credit is given for them hope this clears up the confusion
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Is there still eventually going to be a blog feature shown on individual profiles? It sounded like a cool feature.
  • founder
    15 years ago
    yes. and commenting on blogs and articles is coming soon
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "I am having a hard time understanding why over a dozen 'articles' that were all posted 6-18 months ago as blog entries were just rejected yesterday. What the hell is going on with this site?" ShotDisc, I have no idea why the hell you have lost your shit over something so minor. I just re-read most of your former "articles" that you simply re-posted as a "blog", and they are almost all waaaaay too short to be real articles on this site. Also, if you were really looking for more input on what people thought about them, then you really should have posted them here on this discussion board, so that others could actually, you know, DISCUSS what you were trying to talk about. Get over it man...no one cares about your whining...
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    ShotDisc...as per usual...you just don't get it...ugh...
  • ShotDisc
    15 years ago
    Mister Guy- thanks for proving what an asshole you are.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Also loved the article on how to pick up a stripper. Lots of truth to what he says. BUT also a lot of hot air, ego and self-interest with his his own agenda. Wouldn't it be better if the articles were limited strictly to reporting or illuminating on a topic instead of sneaking in advertising as the "How to pick up a stripper" item does? Founder?
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    ShotDisc: "Mister Guy- thanks for proving what an asshole you are." LOL!
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