
Unpleasant odor

South Carolina
Saturday, October 3, 2009 4:00 AM
If a dancer gives off an unpleasant odor in the Y region, should you let her know about it?


  • Tough call
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just be careful not to be too harsh to the dancer or you will hurt her self-esteem...she might go complain to the bouncer/manager who will ask you to leave. Maybe this does not happen where you are from but it has happened at columbus clubs (not to me personally but I have read reviews and heard stories). I once was getting a LD and the dancer kept sticking her smelly pussy in my face...I just toughed it out though. I am glad I did because she was a friendly dancer afterwards and I have seen her several times since that night. I politely decline LDs from her now but at least she is friendly with me.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Shekitout, I think the best policy is to grin and bear it. You do not want an unpleasant dialect to follow. Just ignore her in the future. Thanks for emailing her name to me. I will avoid her. I remember an infamous review of our favorite club done by StripShopper. He said that Lilly stuck her pussy in his face and it smelled like ass.She is still working there and is high mileage but also wants high prices. Her odor stems from putting too much energy into her dances. Fast and furious. I'll pass. I like soft and sensual. A while back I was getting a lap dance from gridgets best friend. After wards I told gridget that her friend needed to bathe. That I had tried to suckle her right tit and it tasted nasty. She informed that her friend had a tattoo on the upper part of her right tit and that she spent a lot of time in the dressing room applying makeup to cover it up. I was tasting the makeup. I'll stick with the left tit in the future.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    If the smell is overwhelming, she doesn't get a second dance. You would have to know the dancer really well to be able to tell her she stinks without her being offended. It's all in the delivery.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Why tell her? Perhaps she will get the hint if you tell her you are going to take a second to smell a urinal to clean out your "smeller".
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I like the grin and bear it answer. Or should we say grin and bare it? I've been tempted to mention something on occassion but I never have. Never wanted to make soomebody feel bad or self conscious. Of course, if its really bad, I suspect they know it!
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Forgot to mention, if it's bad, as mentioned previously, just never go back!
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Maybe a handwritten note delivered by a bartender or waitress on your way out? Just a thought.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    You could always carry a small spray bottle of perfume and offer to spritz her before further dances.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    While you're at it, be sure to tell her if her outfit makes her look fat. Seriously, it has to be pretty bad to make me give her up for good. Almost every woman has an occasional bad pussy day.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    If the girl reeks, then I am done the lap dance at 1.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, Wonderful "logic"! "Almost every woman has an occasional bad pussy day." It her line of work, that is she needs to pay extra attention to that. Why not say, almost every doctor or airline pilot has an occasional bad day when they come to work drunk?
  • flguytampa21
    15 years ago
    I might tell her. Sometimes I ask if a girl has a breath mint, because i can smell the cigarette she inhaled. Down there might be trickier, but if she is looking at my face at all, she will probably guess that something is wrong.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Clubber, I don't claim to be any master logician, but your choice of analogy, how shall I say, needs work. If you regard a whiff of an unpleasant odor as comparable to a plane crash or botched surgery, suit yourself. I see it as an occasional fact of life for a woman, try as she might to prevent it. Something less than fatal, and in some cases forgivable.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    There really is no tactful way to tell a woman something like that. Best to cut your losses, be polite, and make a note to yourself to not go down that particular path with her again.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, The "overkill" was used to help point out the absurdity of your "logic". Guess that went over your head! Sorry.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    lopaw, So how do the dancers tell you? Just kidding, of course. :)
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Clubber, whatever point you had in mind, I'm sure it would make for a real zinger if you were able to articulate it. Maybe next time, sport.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    It appears to me his point was clear to all but a few. And to justify a smelly pussy on a dancer as just having a bad day, exemplifies your low standards.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, If I ever plan to stoop to your intellectual level, I'll let you know, sport!
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Clubber, I, of course, am always fresh as the morning dew. Don't make me mail you my panties to prove it! ;)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    lopaw, Oh stop my heart from palpitating!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Cute insult, Clubber. For a schoolboy. Think about letting us know when you grow up.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    ^^^ Sorry chandler, you're the dumbass this time.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, I don't know your problem, but you are quickly becoming a laughing stock in the mold of jablake and the other guy! Not worth the typing!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Clubber, you're not the first clown to make a career out of trying to pick a fight with me. Keep popping a vein over it. I'm not worried about what you and a couple of trolls say.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, A fight? A battle, perhaps. What I can't understand is why you come to a battle of wits half prepared?
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    well I got the Y region shoved in my face by a dancer the other day(wearing a very tight thong that was pulled aside). I had my tongue out very briefly (right before her scent became overwhelmingly awful and I moved my head away) but I am worried I might have caught something... I have a Dr. appointment so I will find out soon. I doubt any thing serious but maybe a bacterial infection, yeast infection, etc. Anyone have any advice about what I should say to the Dr. or what to ask to be checked? Yeah I know I was very stupid...but got caught up in the heat of the moment.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Sorry, chandler, but it's not just Clubber who think you are a complete joke. It's the whole board. In your imagination you are posting your brilliant insights here worthy of the illustrious writing career you never were able to succeed at in reality. The truth, however, is that everyone just reads your posts and goes "man, what a self-important weirdo whose head is 100% of the way up his ass."
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Ooh, scintillating, Clubber. Just when it seems your put-downs can't get any cornier, you outdo yourself. BTW, you muffed the line. It should be half-*armed*. Get it? Battle, armed... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, No, it did just what I intended, annoyed you enough that you replied! Also, I do not think you a "complete joke" as stated by Dougster. I believe you have room for growth in that area. As I said above, "...you are quickly becoming a laughing stock in the mold of jablake and the other guy!" Keep up the good work!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Clubber, you've been a pretty good sport, but you're making this too easy for me. Citing support from a sock puppet takes you beyond farce to a level of Clubberdom too embarrassing to witness any longer. Yeah, yeah, we know, you meant to to that. Check please!
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    You know, chandler, maybe in strip clubs you feel all big and powerful because the girls pretend to like you because you are paying them, but on this board everyone instantly sees you for the complete d'bag that you are.
  • Shekitout
    15 years ago
    How in the hell did this topic turn into a battle of wits between 2 witless idiots? Y'all just sniff each other's crotches & get it over with!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    chandler, You state, "Citing support from a sock puppet ..."! I would like to know where you saw this. Perhaps it is in the same imagination that thinks you are meaningful!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Shekitout, Yet you join in!
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Sheik: You can thank chandler for that one. You see, in reality, he is nothing but a failed writer mad at the world because it did not appreciate his insights that he imagines were so brilliant. These days he works out his frustrations by trying to start fights on this board. He really needs to get over it and get a life.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have known shekiout for about 8 years. We once shared the same ATF.He is not a smooth talker but he will give you a piece of his mind. Hang in there buddy.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Thanks for bumping this thread. A thread with posts by some of best: Clubber, Dougster, Chandler, and Lopaw No surprise the only one left standing is a female. "I Will Survive" [view link] MH
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