
Comments by gk (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Double BJ's
    Agree, the 2 girls have to be compatible. Any time I've taken the bait of two girls who tag teamed on the floor they never performed up to the tease once back in the private room. But I know a few that I would like to pair up. As for the double BJ, no I haven't experienced it. I'm usually satisfied with the one girl at a time approach. Every time I get two girls in a strip club I usually regret it becaue some part of the experience seems to be dilluted in the process. Maybe that's a venue thing, I don't know. The two girl thing has to be more of a PSE thing for me.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strippers BI-Polar?
    "Ppsycho bitch" is actually a clinical term created to describe a certain type of dancer. Hey, you crazy bitch. I know several who admit being bi-polar and take meds for it. And I know a few others who should be taking meds for it!
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    15 years ago
    "I'm an Artist"
    I'll take an ass shaker to some pretentious nonsense any day.
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    15 years ago
    The Myth of Seperation of Strip Clubs and Christian Chruches
    It was Thomas Jefferson, speaking on the natural order of things, who wrote: "We hold these tits to be self-evident." (And to this day, we still hold them!) And let's not forget the famous words from the War of 1812: "Don't fire (your load) until you see their clit rings." And the best advice from our forefathers was from George Washington in his Farewll Address(actually a letter) who forewarned us about East European strippers with these words: "Beware of foreign entanglements."
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    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Reports 3.74 Percent Rise in Sales for Septem
    A leading indicator--the recession's over! Small print: Of course, it may take time to get to your city.
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    15 years ago
    Shelf Life of Favorites?
    Like a wife or a girlfriend: when they start taking you for granted or when they are not sexy anymore or simply go through the motions--it's time to move on.
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    15 years ago
    Nothing like a gal who gives a good HJ
    When you get down to it, there is a range of capabilty on the HJ scene. The best ones are the confident ones who anticipate/ask/know (whatever the case) what you want and are determined to give it to you. The worst are the super cautious who worry too much about who's watching them. Next to worst are the timid grippers, sometimes they can put you to sleep!
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    15 years ago
    "Pretend you like me."
    Here's how I see it. What she asked you to do was rescue her. And yes, I've done that as a favor to the requestor, even if I didn't know her very well. But it's really a favor to her unseen dancer friend who I likely know very well and by doing this favor I've ingratiated myself to her even more. This happens all the time. Maybe the customer is asking for something she doesn't want to do, like OTC when she's not interested, maybe she senses that he's a potential stalker or something like that. I've had dancers asked to be "rescued" because someone had bad breath, bad body odor, or manhandled her the wrong way on a previous encounter. The point is, if you are a regular customer and are well known, you need to do this type of favor. But if you're not a regular or if you're at a club for the first time, it sounds like a lousy come-on to me.
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    15 years ago
    Strangest song at a SC
    Crazy, by Patsy Cline, a hit from the fifties. Seems it's a favorite of one ofd the dancers who has eclectic music tastes. The song is a classic, I like it because my music taste is all emcompassing as well, but I just don't associate it with a strip club--until now.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wanna Dance?
    "Ready yet?" (spoken while sucking the tip of a beer bottle)
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    15 years ago
    The Myth of the Separation of Church and State
    I'm well read on history and can debate this with some assertiveness and comfort in knowing what the facts are and what the founders were and did--they were far more religious that we are today, for instance. So mitciv, you are way out in left field on this one, pun intended. BUT, I am a member here to find escape from such things--the same reason I go to strip clubs. I got caught up in this once, but not again. There are more appropriate forums where we can hash these things out. Not here. Leave us with our fun. BTW, I've read that Benjamin Frranklin was a nudist (at times) and quite the flirter with women. I think he would have loved strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Know any strippers who have had an abortion?
    I know a few that have had abortions; also know one or two that should have but didn't. For example, I know one dancer who has five kids and just had a sixth. And All the kids have different fathers. It seems this sixth one is a hook to keep a particular man in her life. Another dancer who I was close to has had two abortions but I just learned she is pregmant again and has waited too long and will deliver this baby. But unfortunately for her, the father is a creep and she left him. So many of these stories are sad when you get the details.
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    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Hustler Club comes to Metro Detroit
    The Hustler Clubs are owned by DejaVu. They license the name from you know who. They run a nice club but it can sometimes be too pretentious. I know the Hustler Club's original $30 dances in Cleveland didn't go over big. Corporate was stubborn for a long time but the market drove the price down to $20--credit a bad bad economy in N.E.Ohio. Had some good times there before it closed, but what I didn't like was the corporate rule book approach to running the club. For example, corporate rules dictated that a bird dogger would pass through the private dance area past every booth at the start of each song. Don't know if that goes on in other cities' Hustler Clubs, but they never varied from it in C-town. Bouncer types seemed more goon squad like in Hustler and other brand name corporate clubs. I'll probably check out the new Detroit club to see if things are any different.
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    15 years ago
    Anybody get a free extra?
    Sure, it happens all the time in the right places but usually not to strangers or a newbie customer.
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    15 years ago
    Do you occasionally encounter a dancer biting you on your neck?
    Nibbles are good, had them s. Bites I'vbe encountered only a few times and they have not been enjoyable. They were usually done in some sort of faux passion scene and seemed too contradictory to everyting else that was going on. I can see them fitting in if someone is getting into a BDSM scene, which I have nothing to do with, but injecting it into a lap dance/private dance encounter is a bit much unless the dancer knows it's wanted. I've had dancers who gave sort of erotic bites, really enhanced nibbbling, and vice versa, but only a few seem to know how to pull that off the right way. Flipping it around, I know a dancer who once was bitten so hard on the ass by a customer that he left teeth marks! Now she didn't like that.
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    15 years ago
    They're not employees... or are they?
    Just read my own post above and I must comment: I'm a terrible proofreader--on this forum. In other things I'm precise and fussy. But here, for some reason, I let that aspect of my behaviour and training slip a little. It's hard to say why but I attribute it to this being escape and recreation so I give myself a little slack in areas where, professionally, I would otherwise never get away with being so careless. Anyone else have a take on how their "hobby" habits compare to their work habits or other routines like this? Just curious.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    They're not employees... or are they?
    I call it a hybrid situation. Yes, dancers pay a fee to dance at the club. But dancers go through a so-called hiring process to work at a club also. Fopr example, auditioning is like a job interview. Many times they have to fill out an application on which they give they names address and phone numbers--and show and ID to prove their age and that they are who they clain to be. But they do operate as indep[endent contractors in the sense that management takes no responsibility for them as employees in most cases. But still they must follow the klwork rules esttablished by the club that "employs" them. For example, they may be independent contractors, but are usualy required to work a minimuim number of days per week. In many clubs, management dictates what shift a dancer works. And if a dancer shows up late too many times at many clubs, they will be "fired." Indepoendent contractors, yes, but still with many employee-employer obligations just like the rest of us. All of the examples of dancers standing up against club-established work rules to establish their "rights" seem to occur on what some call the "left coast" (east coast or west coast) where social policies and governmental structures are more friendly to such demands for worker rights, whatever yoou want to call them. But move away from that area and you find very little of that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How old is the oldest dancer you have ever had?
    One of the hotest dancers I everr kew was 36/37 when I started doing OTC the club with her. Previously we had been doing BBBJs ITC, but things progressed to a higher level. I still see another former dancer who retired and is now in her early 40's. I've had some of the best sex with her--ever.
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    15 years ago
    Fox TV trying new tack
    Watched the clip, makes me want to head out for some fun right now!
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    15 years ago
    Double Feature?
    I've done the double feature a few times. Being a day regular, sometimes I like the change of pace/change of style that the night shift offers. It's like the hunt is on sometimes. Other times it's anticipating one particular dancer and if she sees me hanging around after shift change, she knows I'm waiting for her. I also agree about the allure of girls coming in fresh etc. I patronize a certain club that does not have a separate entrance for dancers,so they parade in past everybody at shift change in their street clothes. For me that's sometimes a turn-on, seeing the package all wrapped up and knowing that in a few minutes I'll see it unwrapped.
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    15 years ago
    Freshly shaved legs
    SS1, I like to take in the whole landscape. I can usually tell how a dancer takes care of herself by how smooth her legs are. Some do it every day, but I know others who prefer to do it only a few times a week--and I can tell the in between days! One dancer friend tells me in advance which days she shaves or plans to shave her legs and her kitty. And she always proves it to me (both). Personally, I prefer the feel of freshly shaved, smooth legs on a woman. Whhen you're rubbing your hand over something, you don't want it it to make scratchy sounds!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    why are some woman at clubs full service and others are not?
    Sems to me it's a simple business decision. Some of the not-me's are ROBs and some are not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a threesome??
    GILF? I don't think so! I've had two at a time dances several times, but I find them too impersonal. If I'm paaying for two dancers, I would much prefer a special two-girl show arrangement, which is sommething that I do like to see.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    2001 Odyssey online
    Myu thoughts: Dancers need a private space of ther own. If a club wants to tap a voyeur market, set something up and charge for it. But, pay dancers to participate. And, don't take something away from dancers in the process.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fall is here. Time to change strip club attire?
    Up here I've already stopped wearing shorts. Just too uncomfortable when the weather is 50 something. This simply means it's time to rely on other means to promote easy access.