
Comments by gk (page 19)

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    15 years ago
    Playoffs? Playoffs!?
    Do what you want, Get home before the wife, but be armed with the score and some game details.
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    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    How do you get free from a fave?
    Funny, we've been posting a lot about this lately. Here's some thing I do. Show independence: 1. Make a big isssue of tipping and flirting with a dancer on stage while the fav is sitting with you. 2. Ask the fav sitting with you the name of another dancer you've been eyeing and say you'd like to get to know her. Possessive fav: 1. Have a discusssion about liking variety that includes her. 2. Blatantly flirt with another dancer after she's come over to you. 3. Start buyng drinks for someone else. 4. Invite another dancer to come sit with you and her. Pay more attention to #2. Unless you make it a big party, one will eventually leave. If you wannnt to kekep her and stil play with others: 1. Pick a day and say that will always be hers. 2. Be consistent with her so she knows she can still count on you for money as you stay inddpendent.
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    15 years ago
    Ever get sick from a SC visit?
    Yep. Cold, flu and something funny. Never DFK a stripper who has a runny nose or is caughing too much! I alweays try to find out if my potential lapper is feeling good or sick before heading back for business. Stripers are always hot from working, but if they have fever, stay away. A while back a stripper whno I didn't know was really giving me a good dance, including sticking her tounge in my ears alot. I ended up with an infection in both ears similar to "swimmers ear" that took me months to clear up. I guess it should now be called "strippers ear!" In this particular case, I'm glad we weren't more playful. Maybe clubs should start installing those antiseptic wipes you find in grocery stores for cleaning shoppping cart handles. I do remember seeinn big pump bottls of Purel in various clubs for dancers. I helped myself to some once or twice.
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    15 years ago
    Back to my ATF
    NEOG, You know the answer. You're already at the "too much" marker--yoou've been making an investment for a payoff that is never happening. She knows what yhou want ant isn't cooperating, so any continued ivvestmentby you is going to be driven by an emotional fantasy, not reality. Now if you can still enjoy her basic dance company--fine, but don't overpay for basics. She has more boundaries that you do right now. Your boundary for her needs to be no more investment in her well being until she takes care of you. Use your big head, not the little one. She's not the one. If you do stop and I'm wrong/you're wrong, she'll eventually let you know. Move on to better hunting for peace of mind and the for the security of your wallet. And, I wouldn't payoff a bouncer unless I know I'm getting real protection for it.
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    15 years ago
    Girls who give full service
    I think they are selective by looking for ability-to-pay.
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    15 years ago
    Married guys who secretly visit clubs
    Your wife knows, so it's time to admit it. My take on it is that she wants to learm more or simply have it acknowledged. If she was going to bash you after learning about it, she would have already. So next time she drops the hints, be prepared to engage her in a quick. shallow conversation about strip clubs. Nothing defensive. No confession. Just the facts. This is your chance to spin the "news" in the best light for you. You need talking points for this. Here's what I suggest: 1. SCs are basically bars. 2. But they very common, very mainstream today. 2. Nearly every guy visits one sometime. 3. Me included. 4. It's harmless fun. 5. Girls dance on stage for tips. 6. It's an inducement to make guys drink more, that's their job. 7. Re: A lapdance? It's a fantasy sideshow, highly regulated by liquor laws. 8. Laws prohibit excessive nudity. 9. RE: Is there contact with dancers? No, that's also highly regulated. (BUT, by this time, you may have an idea of how informed she is so this point should be held back if she understands more reality.) 10. Preferable: You don't really know too many details about these businesses. 11. Bailout: It's all fantasy policed by bouncer goon types who would toss out anyhbody doing something bad. 12. It's a place where guys gather to watch football, baseball etc. 13. Sex? It's a bar with bouncers. There's probably more sex in taxi cabs. Good luck.
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    15 years ago
    Jealous Regulars
    Right, no room for jealousy in strip clubs. If you understand her business, you know that she flirts for a living. If you're aproaching that line that divides business from a true relationship, then you or others can't handle the flirting, etc. But that line is, with some exceptions allowed for, usually a mental mirage, not reality. I have a SC buddy who once went ga ga over his long time ATF. We all knew he was fixated on her, but we had no idea how much. She was in a relationship of her own, but he wanted her for himself, offered to have her move in with him, marry him etc. It really made her uncomfortable. I didnt find this out from my buddy, I found it out from the dancer. Was he jealous at times? Sure he was. But more often he was just being overly protective.
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    15 years ago
    Long Time, No Grope
    In dancer terms, absence makes the wallet empty. One of my favs left for a year. I was surprised to find her back at her cluj one day and called her over for some laps. It was a very satisfying lap and grope experience at a higher level than before. Re-establishing regularity coupled with money can go a long way, so to speak.
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    15 years ago
    A CALL TO ARMS!!!!!
    Let's go brothers! I raise my flag every day (possible with the help of my dancer friends).
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    15 years ago
    Recession, baialout, and a real "option".
    LOL. I might be lapping on the wrong side of the strip club tracks. Seriously, I wish I could get to visit the several establishments under the Rick's corporate umbrella. (They saeem to be doing a great job jo niche marketing. To date, I've only been to Tootsies in N. Miami Beach.) But for the most part, I visit locally owned clubs where patronage is way down as a factor of the economic slowdown. In other words, the average guy has given up strip clubs, for the time-being. Now we in TUSCL don't count because we're hardly in the average profile. But around here things look dim. A regular not showing up could rip the bottom out of a dancer's weekly or monthly budget. This is a local, rustbelt perspective based on a benchmark of several years ago. I'm sure there's a world of difference elsewhere, there usually is. Satire aside of the original post aside, it's resulting in several dancers leavng the industry for the certainty of paltry, low wage jobs in some instances. And younger dancers coming into the industry with unrealistic expectations. However, it does make for some great deal-making opportunities on our end.
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    15 years ago
    If a dancer gives you her number, how do you interpret that?
    You'll learn a lot by just calling the number and asking what she's up for. Most likely she just wants your number for marketing reasons as many have said. It's not hard to figure out what's real and what's not in these cases.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    A lot of moving on...
    Some coments: sjc, potheadpi: Agree. I'm sad to see favs go but alsos happy when they move on to better things and it works out successfully. Every dancer should have an exit strategy and if possible, a timetable in mind. Some do, but for many it's not that easy.... On coming back--I'm close to a former dancer who just burned out and was ready to move on but is now comtemplating returning because of the potential money/cash flow relative to a real-world job, even in these underperform,oing times of SC payouts. It's really depressing her, but she may not have a choice unless something comes up. In the meantime she's getting into a college program. "I've seen women in their 40's"... Just encountered one yesterday. She had spent time is two big cities dancing but was now back to her roots for family reasons but not a marraige or relationsip as she explained it. The interesting thing that came out was that she had danced for several years but was coming back only afdter a 10 year hiatus! Imagne the potential factors behind that decision.
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    15 years ago
    Escort Gals vs Strippers - Which do you Prefer
    Another thought, strippers are usually a better value--dollarwise and confortzone-wise. If you like familiarity and continuity, you can have it with stripper sex. With escorts, the bureaucracy of connecting can be a turnoff and then when you're together, there's often a remoteness to the whole thing. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions.
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    15 years ago
    Too possessive?
    I've learned to vary my days to avoid Miss Obnoxious when I'm not in the mood for her. That's a partial solution but there's no planning around her showing up on days when she is typically not scheduled. This whole possessive thing is annoying but I guess it stems from these desparate times for dancers (at least in some regions). Miss Obnoxiousx is actually fun when she acts the right way and we're both connecting, but she's getting close to being a permanent turn-off. There's another dancer at the same club where Miss Obnoxious works who also used to be a fav of mine (again fav, not ATF type). But she started taking me me for granted, didn't want to flirt, became too business-like, too mechanical, and just basically annoying to the point where I just wasn't turned on by her anymore. So one day I told her straight up 'this just doesn't work for me in here anymore so I think I need to move on, but if you want to go out sometime, let's try it. I've never bought dances from her since and we never did OTC because she was all BS about that. Adventures in stripper land!
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    15 years ago
    Nickelback Dubbed Band Of Decade By Billboard
    Nickelback can change a downer mood in a club instantly.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do the strippers know that you post on here?
    I also don't have any need to use TUSCL for my M.O. in clubs. I prefer the anonymity that allows us to say how things really are without trying to be politally correct with regard to clubs and dancers. I suppose if you're joing fellow Tusclers and somebody in the club knows that itit wouold be OK, but other than that, I just don't feel the need to make any specific reference to my participatiuon here. I've mentioned this forum as well as SCL in passing to dancers once or twice but just don't like to allude to anything I'e posted. There's one exceptioon to this and looking back I would not make the revelation again. But to each his own, it's your personal choice. I don't want to make any generalizations about computer use, but I know many dancers who don't have/can't afford them. Some do.
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    15 years ago
    Tootsie's Cabaret in Miami Teams up with Vivid Entertainment to Throw the Ultima
    Sounds like a good way to separate the gawkers from the spenders. I've been to the old Tootsies once and thought it was huge, but reports on here say the new one is even bigger. It was definitely fun and could have been even more fun if I had understood the value-pricing options available, but I didn't at the time.
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    15 years ago
    Escort Gals vs Strippers - Which do you Prefer
    If you go escoret, try to find an independent or group of indepentents. Around here I'm familiar with Indies of Toledo and Indies of Pittsburgh, for example. They seem less remote. I don't have a lot to compare to on the escort side, but my experience has always been that the stripper take out was a lot more rewarding. But then I know other guys would would say just the opposite!
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    15 years ago
    Cruising and Strippers
    I'm not too keen about big ocean liner cruising and prefer smaller Windjammer type sailing, but that's not to say I won't try one sometime. So, with that in mind, I have reserched them. One thing I noticed is that some itineraries have two night layovers in certain ports (although not too often). So you would want to search the cruise line website sites and find an itinerary with a two night layover in a port that would have the action you're looking for. Hope you find something and let us know how it works out if you do. I would imagine the Mexican resort ports of Cozumel, Playa Del Carmen (Caribean coast) and Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco(Pacifric coast)would have escorts. I know the SCs there always have take out.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No G spot...
    Disappearance of the G-spot? No way. I intend to personally continue searchjing and probing to reveal the truth. BTW, if you performed this study on British women, wouldn't that make it flawed from the start? Shadowcat, I get that size thing all the time too. I just write it off as stripper shit.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I love to get away with all kinds of shit in the main room too. At three of my favorite clubs I've had the following experiences. Early afternoon, place is nearly empty. Me and dancer are sipping drinks. I'm a regular and she's a fav so we know each other well. So she wants to play at the bar to get me in the spending mood, unzips me and starts yanking my crank. Same bar another day, different dancer is also trying to get me in the spending mood. She's being very grabby with Mr. Happy, so I reeturn the favor and start fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit to the point where she was afraid she was going to nut. Another daner I'm getting to know is fun for lap dances and private dances but basically cautious about what she does. So I ask her what's the craziest thing she every did here. She quickly says that she really doesn't do anything crazy, but then she pauses and says, "well, one day I was a little buzzed and hardly anyne was her so I climbed onto this guys lap and did him at the bar. (No it wasn't me.) This dancer isn't one to throw out blatant stripper shit, so I believe her. Another time in a crowded main room at the bar, a buzzed dancer friend comes up to me and starts playing with Mr. Happy. First outside, then she sticks her hand down the waist of my pants, then she unzips me to play some more. Then before I could stop her she starts pulling my pants down to get a better grip and a mouthful. I told her to quit and be careful becausse there were too many people at the time and we weren't in a secluded part of the room. All real experiences, different clubs.
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    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    "Standers" get no play
    I enjoy standing for a while too. But I do it at the bar so I always have a place to sit back down when I get tired standing. Also, being willing to stand for a while enables you to offer your seat to a dancer for for rest and chit chat or whatever. It's a good way to get to know them. So your premis seems to bew one that applies to only certain situations and certain clubs. But if standing is keeping dancers away from you, who's making you stand?
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    15 years ago
    Favorite charity?
    Shadowcat, same with me. I know former dancers who are now nurses, one attorney, several medical asistants, several sales reps and a few others in various professions--then there are the rest who transition into non-skillled jobs hoping to find something lucrative, but most don't. And finally there are a few lost souls who just can't figure anythning out; they seem too helpless, still live in the moment, don't make plans--these are the types whou could benefit from some help.
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    15 years ago
    Favorite charity?
    Samsung, that probably was BACE, Buckeye Association of Club Executives. But they were a trade association lobbying the legislature and fighting the new sc legislation in Ohio. I'm sure they didn't have 503c qualifications. But what an inept group they were. Their efforts didn't change any outcomes in Ohio. They could have had a better impact if they had allied themselves with other business interests. (Maybe that's easier said that done.) If anyone did donate to their coffers there is a good chance the money never went to any lobbying effort as the group was highly criticized among other owners for the way it was run. It turns out that one woman who was giving them legal advice a few years ago didn't even have a law degree. SuperDude, seriously, there actually should be a non-profit for dancers who want to transition to other jobs. That would make it safer to become a dance, to the benefit of the rest of us.
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    15 years ago
    Breaking all the Rules
    I guess we're always breaking the rules, aren't we? But it is fun, I agree. Like How says, when a dancer breaks her own rules for you. Similar situation for me--I know, she told me and I can vereify it by her performance at another club where she now works. She's at a competitive disadvantage there because of what she won't do, but did for me. Love those memories! Like the first time I got a BBBJ from my first AFT. Or when a lap dance in a semi private cubicle turned out pretty good when Mr Happy went slip sliding away unexpectedly. Now the real question--what makes the unlikely types do it? I suggest one or more of these. 1. Time of the month (money, e.g.) 2. Jealous of other dancers familiarity with us. 3. Haven't scored big yet for the day. 4. Our great personalities(!!!???) 5. Reputations (usually exagerated) from other dancers who need to CYA Any other ideas?