
"Standers" get no play

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
When I go to the SC, I often prefer to stand. I know right away if I want a dance from someone, so I'm just wasting the dancer's time for her to give me her schpeal. I'm not very good at making conversation with strangers anyway. My question is, why do dancers seem hesitant to ask a guy who is standing if he wants a dance? Also, if a dancer is sitting alone or with other dancers, is it OK to walk over and tell her you'd like a dance whenever she's ready?


  • mrlover2010
    15 years ago
    of course you can, you as a man especially when you're a customer can do whatever you want. I used to have the same problem, so much of a nice guy syndrome; if you see a hot dancer walking by, gentle tap her shoulder and say hi, most likely she'll stop and introduce her self...the same applies if she's with other dancers. Why are you standing (the whole time ?)...to me if I see you're standing, you're about to leave.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have to disagree. At least at my favorite club. The main bar has no stools. The girls pick up their customers from there. The regulars (me included)sit at tables.I get ignored for awhile. They want to make the fast buck and know that I will still be there. They are right. I have so many that I do NOT wait too long. My question is how to handle 6 favorites at once? Believe me this has happened.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    don't know what club you're talking about. when i go to the clubs in vegas, standing, sitting, or doing handstands, i always get approached.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Detroit clubs charge to sit in booths. Dancers assume that guys who stand or sit at the bar are cheap. If the booths are slow or empty the guys sitting at the bar will get hit on for dances, then the standees. A pecking order.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Charged for sitting down? God damn why do people still go to those places? And I thought the bathroom monkey was bad enough!
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Why have a problem starting a conversation with a stripper? She WILL talk to you. Guaranteed.
  • Jmoney007
    15 years ago
    i had a stripper once tell me that normally they wait till a patron
    (that just arrived) buys a drink or 2 before they approach them.


    they only charge to sit in the booths


    you would be surprised how hard it is to talk to a stripper when the music is playing so loud or when you just don't have much to say
  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    Yep, deogol, in Detroit as SuperDude said,that is part of the stripclub experience being charged to sit in a booth. If you just want to sit at a table, most places don't charge you. Sitting at the bar is fine with me, I can see the dancers come and go. I watch the "players" paying the gals to sit in the booths with them, and save my money for dances. I get hit on often enough, or ask a dancer that catches my interest so everything works out
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    "of course you can, you as a man especially when you're a customer can do whatever you want"

    now THAT'S funny.
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    I move around alot while in the clubs. Many dancers will laugh because they see me at the bar, 15 minutes later I am at a table, and a little later I will be caught standing near the exit. I actually find myself talking to more girls when I am standing then when at the bar. While standing, they will ask if I am leaving..."hey, don't you want one dance before you leave?". If I say no, many times they will just stand there and talk. This is where I get to know many dancers as it seems like they stop the stripper talk and just shoot the breeze. I also end up talking with the wait staff and bouncers there...always good to know the help.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    I don't like guys who are just standing there...blocking my view.
  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    jmoney, if only all of them at every club would wait for customers to buy a drink or two before approaching. I still don't understand why they hit me up the moment I walk in the door - I always like to get a drink or two first and get the feel of the club that day. All of my regulars know and will stop by and say hey but know I like to have a drink or two before getting the sell.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    uscue13, it is fresh meat. You know me. Even G---knows that I do NOT want to cum too soon. It was prearranged for the day I got put in jail. "we are on the same page". It will probably happen on my birthday.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I rarely have to stand at any of the clubs I regularly visit, since none of them get super crowded anymore. Nevertheless, they will come up to me if I'm standing, but that's mostly dancers I've bought dances from previously.

    @neoguy- I move around a lot, too, and I get the exact same reaction.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    I enjoy standing at my favorite club. I don't think my standing has interferred with getting offered lap dances. Practically all my favorites have been met while I was standing at the bar. Sometimes I do get hit on before I am ready, but I can handle that. If the bar has seats, I usually sit there and again have no trouble attracting dancers. They are there to get dances from us typically, so I don't see it makes any difference. I do sit once I've made contact and find a dancer I want to spend time with.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    magicrat, you certainly were having fun sitting at the club 2 weeks ago. Remember M----- sitting in your lap? lol.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I enjoy standing for a while too. But I do it at the bar so I always have a place to sit back down when I get tired standing. Also, being willing to stand for a while enables you to offer your seat to a dancer for for rest and chit chat or whatever. It's a good way to get to know them. So your premis seems to bew one that applies to only certain situations and certain clubs. But if standing is keeping dancers away from you, who's making you stand?
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Tycoons in Detroit has a few standing cocktail tables, like you see at most political receptions. You can get a drink served while standing at the table and facing the stage. It's the only redeeming feature of the place.
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    I stand because I get tired of sitting, want a different view or I am thinking of leaving and want a good reason to stay. Usually the good reason will find me. You know, it is nice sometimes to slip your hand around the girls waist and her around yours. Sometimes they are plumb tired and just want to lay their head on your shoulder for a few minutes. This is always nice as again, they are more human for a few minutes and not the stripper in my lap.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat..of course I do...lots of fun with her that night for sure. But I did say once I made contact with a dancer I'm interested in, I sit down at a table. We were sitting right?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    magicrat, yeah you were sitting and groping a lot. lol...Too bad her husband was not there. When he is, he becomes the designated driver, she gets shit faced and wilder. Actually I think that she uses a taxi when he is not there. She lost her drivers license last year. 2 DUI's in 3 or 4 months. I know him by sight but have never talked to him. Don't want to either.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Most of the clubs I go to are too small to have a large enough standing area.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat..she was talking about getting one of the blow things in her car and was pissed when I told her she would have to use it for at least 2 years. She should have just gone back to my room and avoided the dui's lol.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    magicrat, I have known her for 7 or 8 years. She does not have kids. She and her hubby bought a $175,000 home in Lexington 3 or 4 years ago. Pissed her off. In order to qualify for the loan, she had to declare $60,000/year in strip club earnings and now must pay income taxes on it.He is retired army.She does have her limits. She would never go to your room and says that she does not fuck. Of course "money does talk". She told me about a Champagne Room gig awhile back. Customer shelled out $1100.00 for an hour. She made $650.00 and said he did NOT get laid.Said that she will do a BBBJ but is not cheap.G--- will do that for 4 dances plus a $20 tip. She has quoted me FS ITC for $120. $150 at my hotel. g----- says stay away. STD danger.T---- quoted me $500 for FS at my hotel. P---- said $120. I have done her ITC but only see her about every 3 months. She drives down from VA to visit family. She might be moving back. I know the limits on about 20 of them. Just about any of them will do HJ's for $40.00. Happy hunting!
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Also, if a dancer is sitting alone or with other dancers, is it OK to walk over and tell her you'd like a dance whenever she's ready?"


    "now THAT'S funny."

    LOL...OK then lopaw...you've got the pussy, so you make the rules...
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    My pussy never gets to make the rules, especially in a SC. She plays 2nd fiddle to the dancer's there, who make it VERY clear that their pussies will be making the decisions for me. I'm not complaining, mind you.....just accepting my place in their pussy....er....I mean their world.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Dancers are sensitive to "rejection" and appearances, too.

    If they can't tell if a guy is coming or going, many are not going to approach. A lot of the time when I hit a new club I would stand long enough to decide if I wanted to stick around. Some places they're on you like hawks the second a new face walks in, but most of the time it was a polite hi and a smile while standing.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Here's hoping that you find a nice, warm, tight, wet place in the world of stripper pussy lopaw. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "if a dancer is sitting alone or with other dancers, is it OK to walk over and tell her you'd like a dance whenever she's ready?"

    Of course it is. I prefer to approach the girls and engage with them myself. It carries more weight with them when I do that. But I don't fault them in the least for approaching me.

    Now it is easier to approach them at the stage, and this is always great fun, but you can approach them off stage too.

    Now of course the most interesting clubs are going to be those where the approaches can get physical.

    Dr. F.'s Girl by Girl Account:

    There one almost has to stand, if they want to be the one who picks the girl. If you sit, they will jump you.


    Billy Strayhorn
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    you get the most attention when you have an empty chair next to you for the dancers to plop down in. I usually stand when I know the girl I want and am just waiting to grab her.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    " I usually stand when I know the girl I want and am just waiting to grab her."

    To me that sounds best!

  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    When I went to Pure Platinum (Fort Lauderdale) a couple of months ago, the girl I eventually ended up getting dances from said she didn't approach me at the beginning because I was standing. I thought it was weird, especially since the club was so empty.

    I usually prefer standing, as sitting always gets me attention from undesirables. Funny thing is it ends up working into a Murphy's Law of SCs: doing things (standing, moving constantly) to avoid dancers I don't want ends up turning off dancers I do want...and the ones I don't want approach me anyway.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I'm a stander also, I don't want constantly girls sitting down besides me which leads to waitresses coming around which lead to buying them drinks which leads to a lot of money spent.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    For me again, it's that I want to pick the girl myself, and I want her to see that I am doing so.

    So either I approach the stage after she is already on it, or I approach her when she is off stage.

    If she approaches me, then I have to find someway to politely get out of it.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the places where the girls are the very most aggressive.

    I am looking forward to TJ.

    Dr. F.'s Girl by Girl Account

    The more aggressive they are being, then the easier it will be for me when I advance on one of them.

    But I still want to do it myself. She and I will only have one first meeting and I want her to see that I picked her. I will have exactly one chance to do this with her.

  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Stand if you want, just please don't stand in front of where I'm sitting. I hate it when I get a good seat and some motherfucker who doesn't feel like taking a seat blocks my view with his ugly ass. I don't go to strip clubs to look at that.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I'm careful about not standing in front of people. I know that that would be rude.

  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    I was reading this and something didn't seem right. Then I noticed


    "Standers" get no play
    Last Comment: 1 Hour Ago

    January 3, 2010

    This was started in January of 2010? How far back do these things go? Might be good information from way back out wherever it is.
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