
Do the strippers know that you post on here?

Atlanta suburb
There are at least 20 that know I post on here. I know of 4 that have posted on here. 1 just to bash me. I know a couple of others that come here occasionally but have never posted.Most tell me not to use their names and I never do unless they piss me off. They do trust me. There have been 3 that said to use their names. "I could use the business". I do not mix names with mileage. That is what emails/PM's are for. Of course only my buddies get the real dirt. I do protect my flock.


  • how
    15 years ago
    No. I see no value in talking with them about how I might discuss SC activities on this site.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    how, there are 2 values. It lets them know I am not an amateur and I know the score. Second it is a conversation topic. I have sat there with 2 or 3 TUSCL buddies with 2 or 3 strippers. They even know the nick names of my closest buddies. It is fun.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I know one stripper who signed up and posted reviews. They were more like personal stories and advertisements to go see her. I even know one tuscl member who went to visit House of Babes in hopes to see her. She signed up one month over the summer but never has logged in since.

    I have talked to a couple of strippers about tuscl and SCL. One knew about SCL but none have known about tuscl. None of them seem to really take an interest though and always end up asking "wanna dance?" within the next few minutes. I usually end up passing on their rushed offers.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    There is a mainstream movie starring porn star Sasha Grey called The Girlfriend Experience. To be honest the movie kind of sucked but I enjoyed watching it because it was about an escort (sasha grey)

    Anyways, the movie illustrates about how important review sites are for escorts. She also pays her web designer extra to try to get her in the top spot for google searches. I am sure the same is true for strip clubs, when someone searches on google for columbus strip clubs , kahoot's is the top link and I am sure they paid their web designer to get there.
    I just hope I don't end up like the creepy guy in the movie who owned a escort review forum and was threatening to post bad reviews on the escort if she did not sleep with him to let him sample her.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    I was shocked, shocked the first time a dancer thanked me for mentioning her in a review. I asked how she knew it was me. She said, "Well, STEVE, it was pretty obvious." D'oh! Happened a couple more times since then. On one hand I felt like that my "cover" had been blown, on the other hand the girls were very hands-on in showing their appreciation.

    None that I know of are aware of the discussion portion. That's probably a very good thing. Most of the stuff I post is tongue-in-cheek, and not intended to do anyone harm, but I could easily see how a dancer might take things the wrong way.
  • rockie
    15 years ago
    I'd say a total of 3 could put my nickname with my customer face in some of the clubs I visit. A retired dancer certainly paid attention to some of my early posts here, because some of my comments were bounced back at me in a couple of club visits. I'm not a fan of the "bolt on" look or feel and that topic was addressed by a dancer who felt I had her in mind when I originally made that statement. The two current dancer's seem to have no interest in my posting.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Dancers could learn a lot about what guys think by reading and posting here. But they really don't care. So, even if a dancer knew about a RIL posting here, she would not log on.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    SuperDude, I disagree. The main problem is that most strippers do not have computers. Can't afford them.Find that strange? My ATF has my pass word but does not use it because she is no longer in the business. My other favorites already know what I like but some of them still come on here to get a feel of what customers like, etc.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    My current favorite doesn't even have a stinking phone, for Pete's sake.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I believe most strippers would be offended by a lot of the posts at this site. Many are in a state of denial, a sort of ROB mentality. Whenever I posted on SW I was viciously criticized, insulted, and eventually kicked off. My main conclusion of it all is that my comments conflicted with the people pushing "Dancer's Wealth." Sorry, I am an experienced Strip Clubber and tell it like it is.

    I do not mention these sites to strippers I know as this site is probably more of a SC Customer insiders site like the Stripper Only areas of EDN. I operate with a "need to know" strategy as far as Strippers are concerned and try to keep the conversation positive and then get an idea of just what the gal might do as far as my SC goals. If you tell a gal in the club you post here, she might tell the other gals....
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    george, my ATF's cell died 3 weeks ago I.sent her $200 for a new one. Yeah, I am the ultimate PL.

    Player I posted on SW about 5 years ago. It was a topic about kissing customers. Ewe! I got run off and have not been there since. I still get kisses.

    TUSCL has not hurt me. It has helped me.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I am not upset by strippers not caring to come on here. Strippers just want to make money when they go to work and they consider their stripping career to be a stepping stone to something better (being a singer, actress, etc.) Few young strippers I know claim they want to work in SC/sex business for the rest of their lives but most will have alternative plans.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I went on SW to dig up shadowcat's old post out of curiousity:

    shadowcat 08-25-2005, 03:53 PM
    "This is my first post on this board but I am well known on TUSCL. I have had many dancers kiss me on the lips after a lap dance as an additon to "thank you". A week ago, my #2 favortie dancer was french kissing me all during our lap dances. Says she wants to hook up with me outside the club for "dinner and hang out at my hotel room". I haven't done that much kissing in 30 years. I'm 63 and she is 27. Is this just more stripper shit?"

    242_fair 08-25-2005, 03:58 PM
    Is this just more stripper shit?

    Is this just more customer shit?

    Because if it is you can keep it on TUSCL

    Bella21 08-25-2005, 04:15 PM

    This is my first post on this board but I am well known on TUSCL. I have had many dancers kiss me on the lips after a lap dance as an additon to "thank you". A week ago, my #2 favortie dancer was french kissing me all during our lap dances. Says she wants to hook up with me outside the club for "dinner and hang out at my hotel room". I haven't done that much kissing in 30 years. I'm 63 and she is 27. Is this just more stripper shit?

    Prime example of the kinda dirt that makes me wanna puke. I knew a customer who kept pushing sex. I made soooo much money off him, I wanted to lead him on as long as possible... So I told him to get an STD test (hey, a few more days is a few more thousand bucks!). He had both kinds of herpes. Really freaked him out. Just an example here...
  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    No, once I told a favorite that I post reviews and things on here and SCL, she got pissed off, and told me never to write anything about her. Since then, I don't tell dancers and everyone stays happy.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Hey VM, I like the new profile pic!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    vm is back on my LIST!
  • neoguy
    15 years ago
    I have wanted to post more personal things on here, but have worried that a few of my favorites would find me here and not be happy with me.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Shadow, I can accept that some strippers can't afford computers, even as the prices continue to drop. I still feel that most of those dancers who have computers feel no interest in reading posts from customers--ignorance is bliss. And I agree that disclosures about TUSCL should be on a need to know basis only, if at all.
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, you're really starting to piss me off!! Dancers don't have computers? What era are you even coming from? Gosh, Shadow, can you please say that dancers are computer-illiterate any more? Many dancers that I know are very smart and very intelligent! And yes they have computers. Smarter than me even sometimes!! They know what's going on, at least here in Wisconsin!! You pay their goddam phone bill cuz they know that you will. See, smart!! They are a girl, just like any other girl!! You're the one that's nieve!! I mean, when you die, do you really think that they will show up at your funeral?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    brewerfan, sorry I piss you off but I can only report on my own personal experiences. Only about 10% of the strippers that I know have computers.I have one favorite that is back in school to launch a new career in computer sciences. I am a computer nerd myself.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    My goodness, I only know of one dancer who ever knew TUSCL existed, and this was at a club far out of town. I have known several who posted on SCL, one of whom I corresponded with on a semi-regular basis. I don't know that I would want any of them on here, although I try to keep things real general in reviews and try to avoid naming names (although that doesn't always happen).
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    shadowcat: Maybe you are a PL, but it sounds like you get tour money's worth. To paraphrase a common military saying, "if it's pathetic and it works, it's not pathetic."

    I've thought about getting my fav one of those go/trac phones, the pay-as-you-use kind. Some of them can *receive* calls even if you have no minutes left, so I might still be able to call *her* even if she didn't buy more time. :)
  • how
    15 years ago
    I've never been on SW, but reading the excerpts above, it seems many of the strippers who post there are bitter and vengeful. They resent anyone who may enjoy themselves. Sad. They also seem deluded into thinking we don't recognize their BS.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I have absolutely no need to discuss TUSCL with dancers. I do however tell them my name is Dougster from TUSCL when I want them to leave me alone. It works every time.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I think some I have talked to heard about SCL, but none said TUSCL (will say some could have been referring to here shortened name for all I know).
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    I mentioned TUSCL to my atf once and she had heard of it. After that, she did go on the site and read the reviews. All of hers are very positive and it actually made her feel good to read them. She was telling me about one review where another dancer was mentioned with an attempt at being funny with the description of the dancer. I fessed up and told her that I wrote that review. She thought it was funny because, of course, she knew the dancer and agreed with the comment. She's the coolest dancer I've ever met
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Many dancers I meet have heard of our local SC board (zbone), but no one has heard of TUSCL. Guess I gotta start getting the word out.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I'll have to agree with shadowcat on many strippers in South Carolina not using computers that much. I remember one stripper even was somewhat hostile when I even mentioned something about the pc. She said she hated computers. Now when it comes to cell phones though, a lot or almost everyone seems to have one. Maybe there are a lot more poorer strippers here who aren't into pc's that much. They have their cell phones and whatever else they want. Now I have met a few dancers who had their own web site as well. I remember years ago one dancer even had a public web cam. She didn't want me to tell anyone but she said a few people already knew. I had a few dancers give me a web site to go and see pics of the dancer.

    I rarely mention TUSCL to anyone in a club. Most dancers I talk to have never heard about it whenever I do bring up the subject. PP in Columbia dancers seem to be most aware of the site compared to dancers in other clubs. I suspect someone there may be talking to dancers about it. :)

    Once or twice I mentioned something about posting reviews about a dancers club online and said I could mention a dancers name if she wanted. That just raised all kinds of fear in the dancer. I said I would not to calm her down. Oh, I just thought if the dancer is treating me special with prices or in other ways, she might not want me posting that information. As if others don't already know.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I would not ever post a dancers real name. I doubt most people in a club would even know most dancers real name since they go by nicknames and stage names so much. I believe this applies to dancers and not just customers. Some smaller clubs may be different especially if the turnover is not high. I believe when there are lots of dancers working a club and lots of turnover, many dancers just don't know the names of a lot of the other dancers.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    casualguy, it is me. about 20 of them. lol...
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I also don't have any need to use TUSCL for my M.O. in clubs. I prefer the anonymity that allows us to say how things really are without trying to be politally correct with regard to clubs and dancers. I suppose if you're joing fellow Tusclers and somebody in the club knows that itit wouold be OK, but other than that, I just don't feel the need to make any specific reference to my participatiuon here.

    I've mentioned this forum as well as SCL in passing to dancers once or twice but just don't like to allude to anything I'e posted. There's one exceptioon to this and looking back I would not make the revelation again. But to each his own, it's your personal choice.

    I don't want to make any generalizations about computer use, but I know many dancers who don't have/can't afford them. Some do.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I cringe at the thought of say an ATF reading what I post over here on tuscl as I have been very candid. I do not discuss tuscl or SC messge boards with gals I meet in real world. The best convo with strippers IMO is keep it mainly need to know.

    I would suggest keeping a low profile with strippers on participation here.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Most around here seem to read stripclublist and they'll, occasionally, post there. I've known a couple of strippers who have heard of TUSCL.
  • womanlover
    15 years ago
    I tell dancers about the site and they seem interested, then tell them to treat me good and I'll put in a good word for them if they want it. Sometimes I get better dance.
  • LoneLurker
    15 years ago
    I've never discussed TUSCL with dancers. In discussions with one of my favorites, I've gotten the feeling she monitored it from time to time. She didn't say anything direct but things she was saying made me think she was clued in. Keep in mind we're talking about PP-Columbia; we know that a significant number of the dancers are TUSCL-aware.

    Interestingly enough, apparently one dancer has thought she knew who I was and pointed "LoneLurker" out to Shadowcat. (To my knowledge, I've never been in the club at the same time as SC.)I've always wondered about that. Was someone masquerading as me? (Talk about pathetic.) Or had the dancer in question thought she'd figured out who I was based on my posts here and confused me with another regular? I reckon we'll never know for sure.

  • Jpac73
    15 years ago
    No most of the dancers I have met don't know of this site nor do they spend their free time talking about "stripclubs" on the internet.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    LoneLurker, that was weird. The dancer was Peaches and I have known her about 7 years. I was getting a LD from my ATF and overheard my name mentioned. Later I asked her who you were and she said LoneLurker. Where did she get that name? I saw no reason for her to lie but see no reason for you to lie either.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    tx: Do you also tell them to short treasuries the day before they bottom, genius that you are? China did stop buying right?
  • LoneLurker
    15 years ago

    I have no doubt she thought she knew what she was talking about. She was either misled or made a bad deduction. Heck, with the way the volume is in that place, she may have even misheard.
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