
Long Time, No Grope

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 1:11 AM
An old fav took 4 months off from dancing for personal reasons. Met up with her today on her first day back. After chatting for a few minutes to catch up, we headed to the back to get more er, intimately reacquainted. Very nice. So, when it comes to favorites, DOES absence make the heart grow fonder?


  • mrlover2010
    14 years ago
    I doubt if it's your heart, but rather your penis, if it's your heart for real, then be careful !
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    There is one fav..if I ever see her again I would blow my load (money wise and sexually). I wish I would have got her contact info. There was another favorite at kahoot's that appeared after a long absence. I tipped her $10 on stage (which is not usual for me) and then went off to the ATM to pull out $100. However, she did not come and sit with me like I expected. Oh well, I waited until the next 2fer1 was announced and she still did not come over. I left $100 richer. I
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think mrlover makes a good point though steve...we are probably thinking with are penis than our hearts/minds lol.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    It depends. I still wouldn't mind seeing my first ATF again, presuming she's still dancing, even though I wouldn't be surprised if she was too fat to dance, if not too old. She just disappeared. On the other hand, my third ATF would not be someone I want to see again, because we fell out with each other, shortly before her end.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    In dancer terms, absence makes the wallet empty. One of my favs left for a year. I was surprised to find her back at her cluj one day and called her over for some laps. It was a very satisfying lap and grope experience at a higher level than before. Re-establishing regularity coupled with money can go a long way, so to speak.
  • earlyriser60609
    14 years ago
    I consider ATFs like Cable channels and I'm holding the remote which is my wallet...after 2-3 visits with extras I'm more interesting in finding my NEXT ATF :-))
    14 years ago
    "Long time, no grope" = sounds like a guy version of a Hallmark card.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    CT - Actually, that's from a text message I sent her! She has a good sense of humor.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    I had lost contact with a long time fav for six months. I finally found her working in another club unknown to me. We met up and I got my first real extra (of many) from her when I saw her again.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    For me, after a fave has moved on, the flame is dead. I have a very short attention span, and the void she left behind has no doubt already been filled by a new "flavor of the month".
  • Honestly, yes. There was a chick named Zoe who was the first chick I got regularly intimate with. But she left the 418, and I was bummed, but I was horny, so I kept huntin' for others. One day I go into Dream Girls and, by tarnation, there's Zoe! She danced there before going to 418 and she wanted to go back again. Oh, lordy, my cum was rocketing out of me when I went to the back with her!!
  • Quagmire
    14 years ago
    There was this girl at the Olympic Garden in Vegas named Rebecca who was my ATF. We would really tear it up during an LD and even give the other patrons a show. We got to know each other fairly well and the last time I saw her was a few days before she left the biz, since she had gotten her license and was going into real estate. There were actually some strong emotions there when we said goodbye. That was at least seven or eight years ago and I still miss her sometimes.
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