
Comments by nicespice (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Low-end high-mileage fun clubs
    It sounds like it’s the cheap individual lapdances that has more draw than anything else.(Even if the “anything else” is also very much welcome.) San Antonio and Austin TX also have some clubs with cheap dance options. There was a club in Tulsa OK that was cheap as long as you committed to at least 15 minutes in a communal dance area.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
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    3 months ago
    How many strippers do you think are on the spectrum?
    ^Apparently Book Guy has been sometimes diagnosed with ADHD and sometimes not. So I guess flip a coin and that’s the answer.
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    3 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    What if you can't have both?
    If the dancers are selling extras in that hypothetical club, then they probably have a flask to offer in the rooms as well.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What accounts for Good or Bad Strip Club Culture in a City?
    I think in the smaller town environment, the club managers or staff members like bartenders make or break the environment. In the somewhat bigger towns, do the clubs have different owners, or is there a “cornered market.” For example, I’ve never been but I’ve heard negative things about the MAL chain somewhere in the Carolinas. Or I guess in the even way way bigger towns, there may be an issue (I’m looking at you, Vu chain in San Francisco). In the cities, I’m not completely sure on the most important thing for club culture. I like different clubs for different reasons, and appreciate the variety. Some of the things already mentioned are the answers.
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    3 months ago
    How many strippers do you think are on the spectrum?
    Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t say that the amount of autistic strippers are zero, but that one comment the other day about essentially finding a whole social group had me side eyeing. By CDC statistics, 1 out of 45 adults are estimated to have autism. Males are 4 times more likely to be diagnosed than females, so roughly speaking that’s about 1 out of 180 women in general. And idk about gender breakdowns, but when it comes to high school graduation stats, about 20% will graduate with a certificate instead of a diploma. Certificate tracks usually indicates a more severe type of disability that may prevent them from following the basic expectations of the club, especially when clubs aren’t exactly ADA friendly. And then of course, it gets even rarer because you have to eliminate the adult women who don’t fit the aesthetic standards any club has. I’m not sure what % that would be. Even if diagnosis are being underreported, it’s still probably safe that the chances are less than 1%. I was personally screened for autism when I was a child, and came up negative for it. But I do have a family history with it and have met many autistic people before. And the vibes are just off. (I do have an ADHD diagnosis though, so I’m plenty neurodivergent 😁) I could see certain clubs having appeal for those on the spectrum, but they probably wouldn’t be for clubs that have the glamorous 4 figure rooms. So those strippers would probably be at the laid back smaller clubs. But @rightfield made a good point that full service sex work would be something more likely. Ilbai’s description with the Clint Eastwood imagery is hilarious. I hope the like button comes back. 😂 As far as SJG…I don’t think that individual is returning. Not even the Testosterone Lifeboat forum has been posted on. I remember the very last PM I received from him had nice phrasing but it was to the effect of “get over it if I keep posting on your thread about neurodivergence”. The disappearance is probably for a sad reason though 🙁 But it sounds like the consensus is that autistic strippers are probably not that prevalent, even if it may be slightly (but only slightly) more likely for those below a certain age. That’s good, because I was seriously wondering “am I missing something” lol
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    avatars disapearing...
    That’s weird. Oh whale
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    3 months ago
    Red Bull
    What a shame. Good thing alcohol is known for being zero calorie with minimal health affects 🥳
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    I like my women like I like my ________, _______ and _______.
    I told him I like my blahblah23 wife, bitter and burning ☕️
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the average life span of a stripper posting on here?
    I’ve been posting on the discussion board in one way or another for six years. I think blah’s been posting around as long as that as well? And ninabambina has been kinda quiet lately, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she pops back in again at some point and she has/had been posting intermittently for slightly over a decade and has the record of the most prolific.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    Okay sure I’ll take the bait and explain the so-called “nuance” that some on here are incels. Some comments on this thread are from some agreeing with each other that stripper participation is not worthwhile because strippers cannot give actionable advice of “how to monger.” Except there have been, and still are, plenty of contributors who get all the mileage that they want. Some individuals are extras hounds, and some are more go-with-the flow-types. And whichever category applies to them, they are/were pretty cheery about their fun at the club. Starving people are more likely to consider food extra important than others would. Sick people are more likely to consider breathing through their noses more important than others would. And incels are more likely to consider discussion board posts of how to ask for extras in extras clubs, or OTC at clubs—during a time period with a precarious economy and all-time-low amounts of shaming from dancers at each other for x rated activities with customers—as a more important topic over anything else. And from that perspective, a post from a stripper isn’t just something to scroll past, but something that is something worth getting grumpy about. Never mind this discussion board could and previously has benefitted from a variety of other subjects. Some could write erotica recollections about filthy sex involving body fluids going all sorts of weird directions. Some could write goofy puns for this site. Some may post “scrotum” below other people’s posts for their own entertainment. Some like to think about deepthroating Olive Garden breadsticks. Some may just simply write about something random like food options in a city, tv shows, or other whatever other topics might be amusing. And in reply to muddy-yep, I do have lifetime vip membership on this site.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    And the incel types, while they have always existed on this site, seem to have increased their posting activity as well. This thread is exhibit A. 👀
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Retired Burlesque Belly Dancing GoGo Girl
    Own a piece of history...Unveiled Philadelphia Magazine
    That looks pretty cool
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Baby, Savvy & Rockin' Strippers Rule!
    A Dancer's Skin
    I concur with the lion
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    Sadly, I think posting activity is down in general anyways. I’m not sure whether dancer participation has decreased more than the male posters.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    School Budget Elections
    School budgets in most areas never really recovered after 2008 until Covid stimmy money came in. (But the mandates from the top down didn’t skip a beat. The double whammy is the combination of *both* “high rigor and expectations” mixed with “stop punishing kids and implement restorative justice and positive reinforcement only” ideals simultaneously. And it gets even goofier when the educational consultants who haven’t been in a classroom since the Bush Era are on the sidelines ready to evangelize the Best Way To Teach that school districts for force teachers to implement, and then implement the next fad from another consultant a few years after.Teachers need to implement all that, and yet teaching is still oriented towards standardized tests that are used against schools when students don’t do well. And it finally took students collectively falling in test score growth year after year to get Pearson to finally knock it off and stop redesigning the tests to make them more difficult. (To perhaps encourage selling their own proprietary course materials?) Though the stimmy funds are set to expire in September later this year. That may be tough to observe in NY though, because that state is an outlier there in how much it’s willing to spend. For better or worse, they already fund so much that it makes sense to use up what’s there on a library. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2024/04/public-school-spending.html#:~:text=Related%20Statistics&text=In%20FY2021%2C%20spending%20per%20U.S.,and%20enrollment%20was%2049.6%20million.&text=Provides%20statistics%20about%20the%20finances%20of%20elementary%20and%20secondary%20public%20school%20systems. But what part of the school district funding would you like to cut specifically? If there is something you want cut, then is there something federally mandated on the school districts that make it tough to get rid of that thing?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OnlyFans Has a 'Murky Yet Vital' Secret
    Lowkey, I wonder if learning to get bussin obnoxious with any slang would throw off the chat box and reveal itself to be all cap.🧢 That might deter the sus, bet (At least until AI figures out how to do that better than a human. Which sadly would probably be pretty quick)
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    I thought that club closed after Covid? Anyways, even on the off chance somebody knew, they probably still wouldn’t tell you. Or at least I hope not :/
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Are Strip Clubs and Strip Culture Dying Out
    In addition to some other comments I agree with, I have some other possible explanations. #1 There is less of a potential supply of dancers for club managers. And many managers have held on to their post-2008 stance that they contract dancers in a way to maximize their potential house fees. (From what I’ve heard, things were a bit different before then) I think some of the it is what families are stronger than ever, many young adults still live with their parents. https://www.statista.com/statistics/595249/millennials-live-in-their-parents-home-gender/ I did know some dancers whose family members knew where they were working, but I figure for every one of that type of situation, there are quite a few more that is “OHHH HELLL NO YOU WON’T WORK THERE”. I’ve seen a bunch of stripper board posts over the year of “I wanna start but idk how to keep it hidden.” I’m sure the vast majority of them never make it into the club. Heck, it was a couple of aggrieved mothers. The next one: increasing protective attitudes towards young adult women. The legislation requiring 21+ to dance in Texas was bipartisan, ditto with Florida. That puts a damper on the potential dancer supply. That will get even worse because starting in 2026, the potential supply of young adult women is going to start dropping as well. (18 years from 2008) #2 there is the obvious economic anxieties. But culture also affects potential club customers. With vanilla dating, age gaps have gotten more stigmatized. Can probably blame the #metoo Hollywood cretins and the Epstein-and-co cretins for a lot of what they were doing. With the increasing public stigma there, that probably demotivates more and more 40+ year old men from wanting to play with the 20somethings . I know this site thinks such notions are absurd, and going to the club is the point. But my guess is that that trend won’t reverse soon. Heck, Leonardo DiCaprio has gotten several memes of public shaming for never dating someone over 25, when some other colleagues of his have gotten into much more than that. It’s tougher to convince the boys to go out to the nudie bar when they are afraid of looking like a creep. If that’s true, then a decline in sites like Seeking will follow. At least with the dynamic of “go out to places in public with the dating facade”. I’m sure meeting in private spaces to boink and possibly chit chat about whatever will still be a thing. #3 As far as attitudes of dancers in their 20s to early 30s…meh. I’ll give my own perspectives and maybe speculation of some others? I personally am completely guilty of some of those things. A lot of strip clubs are overstimulating environments in large doses, and the phone is a pacifier. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Even dayshifts at some clubs are too obnoxious with the noise levels. A lot of the customers who like me like me very much, some customers will drop either their arrogant attitudes or ambivalent attitudes at me if I start to walk away from them and come back later, and the rest of them may be a sale I could have gotten, but meh. Is it the money maximizing way to go about things? No. But on the other hand, I haven’t really gotten the same level of traumatized that other dancers have reported feeling after a while. So idk, by my standards I am doing okay. As far as anybody else, I think a lot of us grew up learning in the k-12 system that working hard just means the standards get raised to something ridiculous. God forbid, if the students achieve and do well on tests and then schools have to get funded because of that, so those always get redesigned. Then you go into the workforce in the vanilla world. A few above and beyond people working suddenly turn that type of scenario the standard, and now lean staffing is the standard with people constantly overworked and stressed because that kind of output would be okay occasionally, but now it’s ridiculous. Especially for the lower paying jobs that people from lower SES backgrounds (potential strippers) would get to see. And strip clubs follow a similar pattern. Working that has to do with “outcompete the other through grit and rise to the top” is less appealing, and therefore many lazy dancers. And as for the ones who do have a competitive drive (and are probably different than the phone scroller goof off), they will have studied sales skills and are negotiating for the highest they can. Can you blame them from trying to charge the highest amount they can (even if unsustainable) when that’s the standard practice for many businesses at the moment? (Restaurants,housing, rental complexes, university tuition, etc) Don’t hate the player, hate the game. #4 And sadly, the Pleasers brand of shoes has declined in quality in the past few years. I haven’t noticed much with torn up shoes, but that observation probably is common.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    A Facebook Memory from 11 Years ago today, made me smile.
    That seems like a friend who made the most of life while he was around. My condolences for the loss.
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    5 months ago
    5/5 ALL ASSS
    Great. Thanks to this thread title, I have that Migos song with the same name stuck in my head.
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    5 months ago
    SE Portland Club to be come a Chick-Fil-A
    Yeah, I just remember the time I was in Portland and whenever I said I was from Texas, then there would be instant glaring. And they would ask where in Texas and I’d reply Austin. Then it would be okay again because I was from the “one good part of Texas.” I learned to just automatically claim to be from Austin. 😒
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Mayor of Titty City
    Let's get Derek in on the fun
    I’ve danced for a couple of customers with severe neurodivergence. Both times, they were with older male relatives. The family member would pay upfront for like a dance or two and ask me to be kind and understanding. I remember this one person who would bring an adult who doesn’t live independently with him. But apparently, there was a time that guy caused an issue during lap dances that caused them both to get kicked out of the club by bouncers that night. So that guy was forbidden from getting dances, but he would be given singles for stage tipping. He wasn’t a bad guy. We became friends on PokemonGo. There were a couple of customers I remember who were wheelchair bound.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    Going with 2 or more friends to a strip club
    Like Blah, I also like groups. I’m not naturally the life of the party or anything, but I’ve noticed that once I get a dance off one in the group, then it’s likely somebody else will also get a dance. But on a somewhat off topic note: have most of the tuscl meetups been in sunshine states? I remember the Follies group would have no problems. There have been meetups in Florida and Georgia. The only northern area I can think of is the Detroit area. What’s up with you Northerner types?
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Chicken and the Egg + Story Time
    I remember somebody saying on stripperweb once (rip) that in some smaller areas, new girls are harder to come by, so they will absolutely accommodate the craziness of who they know will be there consistently.