Why do strippers ask for your name and then never use it

avatar for sfrsox
If you ask first and then they just regurgitate the question ok but when they ask you name first

Then you get table dances from them then you get a private dance from them then you get a ViP and then you correspond for OTP and they use “baby”

There is really no point in using your name if they’re not going to use it (it’s hot when they actually do, even before bed)


last comment
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
OTC lol
avatar for Context21
5 months ago
Easy conversation starter.
avatar for wallanon
5 months ago
You down with OTP?
avatar for wallanon
5 months ago
Anyway, with my favs the only time time I hear my name these days is when they're annoyed or trying to put emphasis on something they said. Some days I really do think I should just start dating again and get complained at for cheap lol.
avatar for stripperlover777
5 months ago
🚦 Funny, Coz I Call Girls "Baby".
It's Easy Ta' Use Vocab Words Dat' Da' Strippers Can Use For Just Anybody. Remembering "Individual" Names Is Harder Coz It's A Lot More In Da' Amount Of Clientele. After A Few Visits, Or OTC, Strippers Should Call Ya' With Ya' Name 🤠
avatar for ClubFan81077
5 months ago
@wallanon that song is going to be stuck in my head for the 24 hours...lol

@sfrsox in honor of a fantastic Janet Jackson song, which I also need to listen to ASAP, you can always tell them:

"My first name ain't baby, it's Steve...Mr. Johnson if your nasty."
avatar for shailynn
5 months ago
Where’s Waldo? See if you can spot the autistic person in this thread?
avatar for nelly76
5 months ago
I agree about "easy conversation starter", but also for these girls:

- they meet a ton of guys, and sometimes have 15+ conversations 15 min in length in a day
- they didn't get this job for their memory
- they think you care much more about the dance than remembering your name
- most guys never say, "do you remember my name", so they don't even realize they might want to try
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
It’s just acting kinda shady, that’s all
avatar for grrlgonebad
5 months ago
I really try... I know that saying a guy's name is almost guaranteed to make him be more engaged... more... open to possibilities... and call it what it is.. open to tipping better...

Your name is literally your favorite word... I try to use them when I can! It is just good business!
avatar for blahblahblahs
5 months ago
My name isn't my favorite word. My name is quite blah.
avatar for blahblahblahs
5 months ago
Maybe if I was named Rick I'd feel differently.
avatar for sfrsox
5 months ago
Yeah my name isn’t favorite either, except in sexual/women situations then it is
Hate hearing my name during thanksgiving stuff for example
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Asking for your name is a normal intro. They always use my name....
avatar for Rightfield
5 months ago
Hey- anybody remember that "How to Pick Up Girls" book that was advertised in Penthouse magazine back in the day? It actually had some pretty good tips. One was that a girl's name is music to her ears. They recommended using her name in conversation whenever possible.

I forgive dancers for forgetting my name. I understand. On the other hand, I met a dancer in Vegas once, and a few moments into the conversation, I asked her for her name again, as I had forgotten. Her answer was: "You suck!" (and not in a joking way). I wish I had told her to take a hike right then, but like a stooge I bought a useless dance from her and her friend who didn't take her top off. Then they asked for tips because "They took care of me." Yeah, I don't think so. Even a soft touch like me didn't fall for that.

I have had dancers ask me for my name for the second time about 5 minutes in, and it doesn't bother me at all.
avatar for loper
5 months ago
A number of dancers I know have an amazing memory for names. Some have greeted me by name after not seeing me for years.
avatar for JamesSD
5 months ago
I've had strippers remember my name months later even when I didn't buy any dances.

But yeah most don't
avatar for Manuellabore
5 months ago
Short term memory loss from weed could help explain. That's my excuse when I don't remember a dancer's name, which is a lot of the time. I figure that since the names are fake, they probably don't cherish them all that much anyway.
When they share their "real" name, I remember better, but then I forget their fake name, which gets awkward when another dancer asks who I'm looking for on a repeat visit.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
Our favs use our names when they're complaining to each other about us in the dressing room.
avatar for DandyDan
4 months ago
There was a song once that said "I don't remember names but I remember faces". It's easier to call someone Baby than remember an actual name. OTOH:

1. I had a favorite who'd always call me Danny Boy, which is sorta right.

2. I had one stripper who remembered my name after being away from the club we saw each other at for many years.
avatar for CJKent₋band
4 months ago
Send me your dick pics.
avatar for Nixur68
4 months ago
Asking for someone's name is just general friendliness.
avatar for grrlgonebad
4 months ago
...One night I told the DJ to use my "real" name... and literally no one believed it was my real name... they thought I was trying to be "too normal"

My "real" name is so blah and bland.. no one would want to hear a stripper announced on stage by that name...
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
I got dances once with a black dancer who went by Tammy. Gave her no end of shit, did you pick the whitest name possible? She insisted there were two black chicks named Tammy who went to high school with her. Yeah and there were two white chicks name Lokwanda at my high school.
avatar for grrlgonebad
4 months ago
Strippers names no one wants to hear:


I could go on and on...
avatar for sfrsox
4 months ago
Martha and Carol perhaps
The others are fine

GND if they have an above average face and body is totally fine
avatar for nicespice
4 months ago
I’ve noticed there’s been a couple of times there have been like 3-4 Davids in one room at the same time. Ditto with Steves and Johns
avatar for BGSD3100
4 months ago
Same reason they ask what you do for work or what hobbies you have. They are just making small talk until they feel it's the right moment to ask if you want to do a private.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 months ago
My strip club name is Thor. Why? I was put into service the same time as the Thor rocket. We both last about 3 minutes.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
One of my favs was Shiloh. I was hoping the other strippers in that club would get inspired, and all name themselves after major battles of the Civil War. Would have been cool.
avatar for sfrsox
4 months ago
Chickamauga is too generic (sort of, Chicka for short) and the others don't really work
avatar for Manuellabore
4 months ago
@ilbbaicnl: Tammi Tyrell was one of the most soulful performers ever, and definitely not white.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
Oh I just assumed she meant with a y my bad.
avatar for grrlgonebad
4 months ago
Ohhh... damn... I am DEFFO using Appomattox as my stage name from now on!!!

Bull Run... either first or second... is probably not a good one though!
avatar for Jascoi
4 months ago
I have a very common first name so I make my self kind of distinctive by using the name Poindexter.
avatar for Jascoi
4 months ago
I get a lot of chuckles.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
My all time actually used favorite stripper name: Apathy
avatar for grrlgonebad
4 months ago
^^^^ That is total truth in advertising right there ^^^^
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
Strippers names no one wants to hear:


@grrlgonebad Now that you mention it, out of that list, I can really only REMEMBER an Amy and a Michelle, perhaps one time each? But then again, plenty of club visits have long since faded from my memory... There's probably not a club anywhere where you'll ever hear more than one name from The Brady Bunch called out...lol
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
"My strip club name is Thor. Why? I was put into service the same time as the Thor rocket. We both last about 3 minutes."

Who is it we're supposed to call if our rocket lasts more than 4 hours??? NASA?
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@grrlgonebad Oh, and I also have a very bland real name... If I ever go into porn, I think for my porn name I might choose "Rusty Johnson", since I don't get a lot of action...hahaha
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@ilbbaicnl Apathy?!? Haha, that's freakin' hysterical!
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