
Does Anyone Else Hate Halloween ?

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
How has Halloween become such a major holiday?

People are putting up Halloween decorations in August. Halloween candy has been in the stores for weeks.

Strip clubs have the obligatory Halloween nights. Dancers trot out the same old tired “sexy cop” or “sexy nurse” or “sexy referee” costume.

We are forced to see a month of scary movies on AMC and TCM.

This is a forced major Holiday. Like trying to force the Lansing Lug Nuts to play in Tiger Stadium.


  • FoCoChronic
    12 days ago
    You can either ignore it or find some aspect of Halloween that you do enjoy and latch onto it, so it becomes something to look forward to every year. Never been to a strip club on Halloween, but sexy nurse strippers seem like a good enough reason to me to get excited

    I will say though, it is annoying af when people can’t even wait for the month of the holiday before they put up decorations. Halloween before October and Christmas before Thanksgiving, settle down
  • skibum609
    12 days ago
    Its worse than Valentine's day.
  • misterorange
    12 days ago
    I was at Home Depot yesterday and all the Christmas stuff is out. Half the store is lit up like Santa's Workshop. I think Halloween might be over already.
  • twentyfive
    12 days ago
    ^ My thoughts too, BTW what happened to Thanksgiving?
  • Puddy Tat
    12 days ago
    ^ I've never been a big Thanksgiving guy; the traditional Thanksgiving food is nothing special to me, but it sounds like you could make anyone a Thanksgiving guy.

    I love Halloween. I'm going to get dressed up, walk the streets, and give out candy. It was bigger in college (with slutty everything costumes) but I still like it.

    People putting up holiday decorations 3 months early is a plague on every holiday.
  • rattdog
    12 days ago
    who knows? tyson or purdue or whoever raises turkeys in mass is too busy injecting them with whatever to make them bigger than they're suppose to be.

    i'm going to be part of the minority but costumes just don't appeal to me. an old fave of mine has real nice hair. when she dressed up as cleopatra her hair just looked like shit. and that cleopatra bullshit also took away her normal slutty, sleazy, and sexy look.

    it's only one day so it's no big deal.
  • TheeOSU
    12 days ago
    As i was reading this I thought of home depot, i haven't been in one for a couple weeks but last time i was they had a huge halloween display along the majority of the long aisle know as the 'race track' that spans the front of the store. WTF does home depot have to do with halloween?
  • TheeOSU
    12 days ago
    I'll answer my own question, most big retailers want to cash in and grab as much of a piece of the pie that they can grab regarding every holiday.
  • shadowcat
    12 days ago
    One Atlanta strip club is advertising that it is celebrating Halloween every Friday in October. Obviously a ploy to attract more customers. It won't entice me in but I do enjoy Halloween at my favorite club. I'll even wear a meh costume.

    What I do enjoy is no trick or treaters in my senior citizen neighborhood.

    I don't watch scary movies. There are plenty of other things to watch.
  • drewcareypnw
    12 days ago
    Halloween is ok. I hate thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • TheSingularity
    12 days ago
    Who the fuck would ever hate on halloween?
  • Icey
    12 days ago
    I love Halloween. Its always been my favorite holiday. Its fun. Nuch less contrived than other holidays
  • Studme53
    12 days ago
    It’s ridiculous. Halloween is for little children and college parties. That’s it.
    I have a male gay couple who live on my street who dress up (one is a drag queen- yuck) and make a big production of their house for Halloween every year and it attracts hundreds of weirdos and people from outside the neighborhood to my street. Fucking parents bringing carloads of kids I’ve never seen in my life. Parents wheeling around coolers and swilling beer while they take their kids trick or treating. Fuck it. I love kids. My grandchildren are so cute at Halloween. But this is ri-goddamn-diculous
  • Studme53
    12 days ago
    Btw I love Thanksgiving but feel similar to Christmas as Halloween - it should be a big special day for children, not so much for adults - other than we should all be together as a family and count our blessings.
  • Studme53
    12 days ago
    But I did have a glorious night of ITC sex with a gorgeous ATF of mine while she was in a devil costume during Cheerleaders Philly Halloween party - so, not all bad.
  • wld4tatas
    12 days ago
    Quite a few yards in my area are fully decked out with Halloween decorations right when October starts. I am not a fan. I have to drive by this shit every day for a month.

    OTOH I have enjoyed some of the costumes dancers wear at clubs that have Halloween parties. One time a favorite dancer had a sexy female cop outfit. She handcuffed me first and then got on her knees and took charge. It was kinda hot.
  • wallanon
    12 days ago
    Dancers in costume feeling creative and sexy doesn't have a lot of downside. Makeup and glitter getting onto everything isn't great depending on the costume, but at least it's not everyday lol
  • bang69
    11 days ago
    I love it. The costumes the strippers/dancers wear is very interesting.
  • gammanu95
    11 days ago
    I fucking love Halloween. I go all out pretty hard. Before Ian, I even turned my driveway into a haunted maze for people to go through to get to my driveway (black plastic, strobe light, mirrors, some motion-activated stuff). I give out full-size candy bars or cans of pop. I didn't put out my outdoor decorations this year because the system that became Milton was already being forecast on the heels of Helene. Some of my neighbors put up their outdoor stuff yesterday and brought it in today. No matter what happens, neighborhood trick-or-treating or trunk-or-treat at a neighborhood center, I already bought a bunch of Twix, Crunch, and Kit Kats at Costco. If the storm does hit and the block needs a morale boost, I may even hold a Halloween theme pool party for the grown ups.
  • RonJax2
    11 days ago
    Sexy witch costumes. Sexy cops. Sexy teachers, students, nurses.

    What's not to like?

  • nicespice
    11 days ago
    My condolences with all the cliches of “sexy version of some random occupation”

    Here is some footage from a few years ago of sexy dinosaur!
  • shailynn
    11 days ago
    ^ do they make pumpkin spiced breadsticks at Olive Garden? I bet you’d be all over that.
  • nicespice
    11 days ago
    Holy sugarbombaroli, Olive Garden really does have something pumpkin spiced.

    Also, I personally like Halloween.
  • sfrsox
    11 days ago
    Hate Halloween? Wtf
    Best or 2nd best holiday of the year

    Ladies in skimpy clothing, decent weather in most of the country, what’s not to like?
  • mjx01
    11 days ago
    I've never personally liked Halloween, all though grade school and even college. However, it has two very redeeming qualities. First, particularly in college, it is an excuse for normally reserved women to slut it up for a night. Second, IME the majority of strippers that I've know over the years want their dancing career to fade into the past when the 'retire.' Halloween is an golden opportunity for them to be less identifiable. Not every dancer is into Halloween, but the majority seem to let a bit looser because of it. You seem to get bit more club advertising around Halloween since (I infer) they have a bit easier time get costumed dancers to be in advertisements. IMO.
  • rickthelion
    11 days ago
    RonJax sez => Sexy witch costumes. Sexy cops. Sexy teachers, students, nurses. What's not to like?

    The problem is that people are always walking up to me going “ooo you’re dressed up as a sexy lion” and I then have to answer “no…I AM a sexy lion. I’m rick the frickin’ lion. And I’m frickin’ sexxxy. With extra D’s because I’m so frickin’ sexxxy. ROAR!!!”

    That gets tiresome. Although I often end the night by fucking a sexy witch or teacher or whatever. So I guess it’s okay. ROAR!!!
  • 5footguy
    11 days ago
    "Who the fuck would ever hate on halloween?"

    Anyone who's over the age of 12.
  • rattdog
    11 days ago
    somebody should ask baseball heel albert belle what are his thoughts about halloween.
  • grrlgonebad
    11 days ago
    a couple of years ago.. we did a body painting night at the club... now THAT was fun!
  • ClubFan81077
    11 days ago
    Halloween? I can dig it...

    I'm pretty sure about 99% of my yearly consumption of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups comes during the last half of October and the first half of November.

    I once had a bad experience with the whole "dancer dressed up like a nurse" thing.
    Sure, it started out fine, but then she wanted a copy of my insurance card, and then she demanded a copay, which was like an extra $80 for a specialist. I was then intimidated with talk about deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums, but when she said my plan didn't even cover motorboating...well, that was the last straw. On the way out of the club, I filed a complaint with the dancer who was dressed up as a cop, but I'm pretty sure my concerns were never taken seriously...

    Happy Halloween everyone! :)
  • rickdugan
    11 days ago
    Some of you fuckers are real "get off my lawn" scrooges, lol.

    I like Halloween. So do my kids, two of whom are still young enough to go trick-or-treating. Thankfully they are now old enough to go without me, so I can stay back at the house and hand out candy.

    In my area it is customary to setup a table outside in the driveway rather than have kids come to the door. It's fun to sit out there and watch all the kiddos come by. We get a ton of them too, with a lot of people parking in our neighborhood who clearly don't live around here.

    Oh, and I'm one of those obnoxious neighbors who hands out full size candy bars. I go through easily 250 of them, lol, so I buy them in bulk at Cosco. Anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my ass. 😁
  • rickthelion
    11 days ago
    You tell rick my friend!

    I mean really, the whole being mistaken for a hairless ape dressed up as a sexy lion thing is tiresome, but the hot sex with a sexy witch or teacher or meter maid or whatever is usually worth it. Especially if it is a sexy witch and a sexy teacher and a sexy meter maid all gettin’ some lion lovin’ courtesy of this rick.

    Does it seem like the average TUSCL poster has gotten to be more of a frickin’ snowflake lately? Wah wah wah I don’t like Halloween. Wah wah wah somebody on the internet posted something I don’t like. Wah wah wah I’m smarter than everybody else even though I sound like I flunked the eight grade and was told not to come back to school.

    TUSCL posters would have more fun if the drank more Jack and spent less time going all wah wah wah. ROAR!!!
  • rickthelion
    11 days ago
  • motorhead
    11 days ago
    I know I created the post, but I can’t argue with either of you Rick’s
  • drewcareypnw
    11 days ago
    Dugan: we do the same thing with the table, we light up a portable gas fire and sit out with the neighbors and watch the kids go by.
  • JamesSD
    10 days ago
    The thing I'm most sick of is the cycle retail stores are on. Halloween will be over by mid October in Target, with only a sad bit of undesired merch being pushed out by Christmas Decor.
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