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1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903

Should kids be allowed in the building?

avatar for Hungryhunnypot
I saw something not that long ago that stuck with me. It looked like a house mom or someone like that was babysitting a young kid while their mom was dancing. I saw the handoff. The kid had been upstairs somewhere so maybe it was on a day when Lust was closed. The babysitter brought him down the stairs that the valets use. I didn’t see any abusive behavior. It looked like the woman watching the kid and the dancer mom cared for the kid. But it just surprised the heck out of me to see a kid here at all. I definitely sympathize with the single moms who work here but I was shocked to see a kid here and wonder if that’s really a good idea. It seems like this place should be a no-go zone for any minors and am just curious what others might think.


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avatar for blahblahblahs
3 months ago
Friday Night Lights has a scene about this, sorta.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
I googled it and there was a story about a stripper in AZ doing it and all these people were applauding it. Again I don’t think the kid was being abused at all but it kind of shocked me and I wondered how safe it is. Not because of the women or the staff here but let’s face it, you never know who the customers will be on any given day. Plus for them to be seeing it on any level just seems like something they shouldn’t be exposed to.
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago
"Plus for them to be seeing it on any level just seems like something they shouldn’t be exposed to."

That's really the gist of it. If the kid sees girls in stripper clothes, or hears the girls saying dirty words, or anything PG or worse, it's got to be bad for the kid.

However, if she's in a jam and got stuck with the kid because the deadbeat dad wasn't around for his turn, and the girls all understand to tone it down that day, and they keep the kid busy in a closed Lust area, maybe it isn't as bad.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
Isn't this story part of the plot from "Striptease"
avatar for rickdugan
3 months ago
I'm not going to criticize a girl who does what she must to feed her kid and pay the bills. Sure it's far from ideal, but maybe her options were limited.

Heck, who knows? Maybe they're on to something by using Lust as a daycare center on slower nights when it is closed. 😁
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
I've seen a kid there before I think he is actually a member of the owner's family.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 months ago
One of the owners (who is actively in the building a lot) has a kid who used to come in presumably after school. At that time, I'm guessing he was 5th or 6th grade. He wasn't just in the building, but in the front room where he'd chat with a bartender and a couple of dancers and then head to the back office. It weirded me out the first time I saw it, even after I was told that it was an owner's kid.

Setting aside for a moment that it's not a great place for a child, consider what might happen if someone surreptitiously shot some video or images of a minor in a strip club and that went viral. That's not the sort of attention any strip club wants, let alone an extras club.

That said, single parenta plus childcare emergencies equals sometimes having to make the best bad decision. I'd like to think that everyone involved realized that, outside of such an emergency, this shouldn't be a regular thing.
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
3 months ago
The club is a family business. Family includes grandchildren that occasionally visit Nona at work.
I don't think it was a stripper's child you saw.
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
^ They're just jealous of the kid lol.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Ishmael now you’re making me worried. I mean imagine if the club were raided with a kid in it. And we’re on the arrest list just for being there. It’s not going to look good even though we are there to see our 32 year old favorite and not some kid coming home from Weebalos.
avatar for PapaBear
3 months ago
It's not a dancer's child. It's a child of someone in the family that owns the place. I've heard the girls complain that they let him go in the dressing room and he watches all the girls change. Totally inappropriate, but what can you do? Kid will probably grow up to either be Hugh Heffner or the gayest guy you ever met.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Now that the consensus is that it’s an owners kid… what kind of judgement is that? It just seems like asking for trouble. They should be going out of their way to keep minors out of there, starting with girls applying for jobs. This place is excellent. Is it going to get shut down because someone’s too cheap to hire a babysitter?
avatar for sfrsox
3 months ago

That’s definitely Crossing the line
Wtf is going in society

avatar for scarface03
3 months ago
A dancer once told me the kid has seen so many naked women that he sees it has no big deal. I didn't really believe her, consider how I was at that age.
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago
This isn't society.
This is a strip joint.
It's much different that the rest of society.
And I love 90% of it.
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago
"The thing about naked women is, ...
if you've seen one naked,
you want to see all of them naked"

- Ron White
avatar for CryptoBrah
3 months ago
Minors are allowed to be in an establishment that serves alcohol in RI as long as they are accompanied by a parent / guardian and aren’t being served any alcohol. The optics of a kid being in a strip joint isn’t great but technically they aren’t breaking any rules.

Now if they employed an underage dancer they are screwed and asking for trouble, but no club is stupid enough to do that.
avatar for shadowcat
3 months ago
We have all read the stories about parents and dancers leaving young children alone so that they could go to a strip club. Too bad that society would never go for a strip club to offer baby sitting for their employees and customers.
avatar for sfrsox
3 months ago
If it’s real babysitting and they don’t go into dressing rooms I’m fine with that
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Yeah but apparently the kid IS hanging out on the floor, by the bar and in the dressing rooms while the chicks are getting naked. I mean in one sense he’s a lucky kid but it’s probably not the best thing for him and as a customer I have to say it creeps me out seeing a kid in there. And Cryptobrah ever hear of Cheetah’s? It’s now Silouettes because they hired a 15 year old stripper. I don’t know I just think the whole thing is nuts. If dancers can hire babysitters for their kids and keep them at home then why can’t the owners?
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
Bunch of fucking hypocrites whining. Sorry the kid has a better life than all y'all. It won't hurt him a bit. Except for the fact the women are hotter how is it different than if he was at a family-oriented clothing optional resort or nudist camp?
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
3 months ago
This is like the political discussions when someone ignores the story being completely debunked but keeps repeating it.
It is NOT babysitting.
The teenage boy that's often in soccer gear is Gerard's son. He's seen more tits and ass than any of us and he's fine.
Occasionally, Gerard's sister comes in with her kids to see Maggie.and they usually go up the back stairs to the office on the second floor as opposed to the floor of the club.

ALL of them are less scarred than some 2nd grader forced to sit through Drag Queen Story Hour!
avatar for PapaBear
3 months ago
I agree with Nelly about the 90% haha

Skibum, I don't think it's crazy for customers to be uncomfortable seeing a child in a place where there is an expectation of adults only. I also appreciate that this forum allows us a place to discuss things like this. Most of us really like the club, but it's ok for us to point out things we don't like about it. And a kid being present sometimes is something I definitely don't enjoy. I don't view that as "whining."
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
^ I have no objection to people having differing opinions. I know plenty of guys who feel the same about women customers, couples, smoking etc.. If they bitched, I would tell them they are whining, because they are. I respect everyone's right to state their opinion, but why can't I look at it as whining? I respect the fact you don't view it as whining. Life is filled with disappointment, strip-clubs are unique. I admit I whined at Desires last night when every dancer seemed to have been cut from the same fat fake ass and giant fake tits mold. I am still whining today....
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 months ago
So, none of us actually know who that kid in OP's story might be. Could be a dancer's kid, could be Gerard's kid, could be some other kid entirely. And sure, it's a bit strange to see, but also no one's business.

My only concern remains the possibility that someone would post an image or video of a kid in a strip club to social media, and seeing that go viral in a not-great way. But, ultimately, that's also none of my business.

If everyone in Club Desire (customers, dancers, or staff) made nothing but the best decisions, then a lot of the fun we have in Club Desire wouldn't 't happen at all. So, I'm willing to live with some bad decision making in exchange for a great strip club experience.
avatar for WiseToo
3 months ago
Kids should not be allowed in strip clubs, it's that simple. It's for the protection of the customers and the kid. If someone should complain there are underage kids watching the dancers, I surely wouldn't want to be the club if the police or media show up to investigate. I would take my business elsewhere.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Yeah it was a young kid too. Not a teenager. They were holding the hand of the woman bringing them to the car.
avatar for PapaBear
3 months ago
@skibum I agree with you. The fake asses have gotten completely out of control and I can't fault you for whining about that!
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
The fake ass thing has to stop. It ruined what’s her names ass that begins with an N
avatar for nicespice
3 months ago
I feel like the past few years has had an extra surge of panic against anything sexual and minors, whether correctly or incorrectly. Powerful individuals even are getting more flack for behaviors that used to be okay for them to do. And legal age gap relationships seem more shamed on than there used to be.

I believe allowing a kid in a titty bar is a very bad idea. This isn’t the 1990s when 14 year olds were allegedly working at clubs.
avatar for WiseToo
3 months ago
^Except each year on the fourth Thursday in April, National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day encourages parents to take their children to work.
avatar for rattdog
3 months ago
"I've heard the girls complain that they let him go in the dressing room and he watches all the girls change."

wow. this is some pretty wild shit. what's going to happen say 2 years later when his pals start getting deflowered? is the club son going to to try and keep up by pressuring one of the girls to be his first? will the father side with the kid and say get the kid off or else lose your club gig? this sounds like it could lead to some real nasty lawsuits within the next few years.
avatar for Lochlin
3 months ago
Child care is expense. Especially if it’s a single income household. Sometimes you do what you have to do.

Besides, there’s kids at bars nowadays. Besides the nudity, strip clubs and bars are kinda similar in the vulgar conversations and drinking.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
I don’t think this passes the smell test. I have a friend whose band just reunited and his kids couldn’t see the show because it was in a club/bar that serves alcohol. And now some of you are claiming that it’s perfectly legal to have a kid in a strip club? Customers here include the Hells Angels, Aaron Hernandez right after the murder, etc. It’s a great club but it’s not Chuck E. Cheese.
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago

Aaron Hernandez was there right after the murder? Are you sure?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 months ago
Rather than engaging in six days of online pearl clutching, go ahead and complain to management.

See how that goes for you.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Ishmael- I think this is a legit conversation. And I’m not bashing the club. I questioned the appropriateness of having kids here but was not going beyond that and claiming abuse. I’m doing the club and the customers a solid here. The last thing we need is someone taking a picture of a kid in here and that blowing up in the local media. We’ve seen what happens when Channel 10 comes in with a camera.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
My point was if dancers can afford to pay for daycare for their kids I don’t see why the club owners can’t. They’re making a million dollars a year just off of me from all the lapdances I’m getting in here. :)
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago

Funny that Hernandez was there, but you also know that the newspapers love pushing stories that make the strip joints look bad, so I'm sure they made a bigger deal about it than it actually was. If he was meeting his gangster friends at a local dive bar every night, that's not as salacious.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
I don’t think the paper was trying to make the strip club look bad. Did you read the story? He tried using being at Desire as an alibi to prove that he couldn’t have committed the murders. I believe the club was cooperative with police and gave them their surveillance video. I just mentioned him and the biker gangs to question whether this was a safe place for kids. If I remember correctly Hernandez murdered a couple of guys in Boston just because they accidentally bumped into him at a club in the theater district there. He got away with that one. But it was hair raising hearing he went here after the final murder.
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago

I read the article and it didn't say Hernandez used it as an alibi. It just said that the police wanted to see if he was there, and with friends, on some weekend (which was probably the weekend of the murder). But it seemed like they were fishing more than anything.

Odin Lloyd was killed about 3:30 am on a Monday morning, so a bar couldn't be used as an alibi. The Providence Journal article says they wanted to see if Hernandez was there on a weekend, then mentions the other strip joints, and they went as far as to interview a guy from the Cadillac Lounge.

I think someone just had the agenda to associate the murderer with the strip joints. SOme people in the media hate the strip joints (probably because their wives won't let them go).

The timeline:


I agree in general that there is no upside to having kids there, although strippers with no babysitter have limited options.
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
^Strip clubbing here always involved a lot of Patriots players and Mo Vaughn was a fixture at the Foxy. None of the clubs had anything to do with closeted killer Aaron Hernandez.
avatar for nelly76
3 months ago
My point is that the suckbag nwespapers and TV stations love to make an association between crime and strip joints.

The Providence Journal article, for no reason, says that murderer Aaron Hernandez went to Providence strip clubs, and gets a quote from the Cadillac Lounge, who was stupid to give the quote.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
3 months ago
Hernandez told Kraft he had an alibi and was out in the public or something so I just figured he tried to go to clubs and use that as an alibi. But he was there according to multiple accounts. That doesn’t mean the club did anything wrong. I just mentioned it as one of several reasons it’s probably not like having your kid at Chuck E Cheese.
avatar for OldWhiteGuy
3 months ago
Some of the girls that hung out with him were stunned when everything came out because they say he was always quiet and respectful towards them
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
2 months ago
He was more interested in the bouncers
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