What's the deal with "Free lunch" needing TWO drinks?
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I love boobies
Like seriously. Other than Cheetah's (thank you, Cheetah's they understand things and are not pound foolish, so they;re getting more of my business), why are other SFL clubs requiring 2 drinks. BT, Solid Gold, Scores, all asking for drinks. 2 cokes is $12+ tip even with "happy hour" F that, that's not free. I understand that you don't want free loaders, but if someone is getting a VIP or $100 in dances or something, plus paying the $2 for he stupid widely available parking (only BT here), 1 drink should be enough for our advertised free lunch.
1 drink sure. 2 is a bit much.
/end rant
1 drink sure. 2 is a bit much.
/end rant
I usually don't drink when I'm clubbing, but I've never had a club enforce the 2 drink minimum as long as I am spending money in the club. The only time I've had a club bring it up was when I had arranged to meet a particular dancer at the club at a certain time. Of course she was late so I was sitting around waiting and I hadn't bought any dances or anything while I was waiting. I had a waitress come over and remind me of the two drink minimum, I told her I didn't feel like a drink and gave her $20 and told her she could either use that to pay for my two drinks or keep it as a tip for herself. She thanked me for the tip and never mentioned the 2 drink minimum again.
F at a place in the north with no/little contact, I got zero drinks and tipped every or almost every girl on stage and got zero dances and it wasn't enforced.
A 2 drink minimum has been the norm for as long as I can remember . It was always inferred it's one drink for you and one for a girl
No one likes "furniture."
I've never seen the two drink thing enforced, but I've seen plenty of guys some in and sit next to me at the bar, get lunch and a drink, eat, then leave. At least I've seen that at BT & Cheetah, I don't go to SG much and I honestly didn't even know Scores did a free lunch. BT used to not enforce it at all, and before they handed out those little paper chits, you used to see guys sitting there with 3-4 plates of the free food. I presume they gave the bartender a little tip.
Given that experience, it wouldn't surprise me if BT started enforcing it. Especially since according to the rumor mill, two more long time managers were recently let go for skimming. That sorta thing always prompts a knee jerk reaction with all sorts of stupid policies.
Now, you and I may not like it, but if they enforce 2 drink minimum and charge 12$ for pepsi, it is their deal... If they do have enough customers to make a profit happen, more power to htem. If they do not have enough profit to make it happen, guess what will happen... Their pricing or policies will come back down... That is how capitalism works, and you and I and the whole bunch of people in this group isn't gonna make a dent into their pockets.
Sorry, but not sorry.
Great deal, no.