
Can you openly solicit people in countries where its legal?

From my understanding if an American citizen travels to a foreign country, they can engage in activities that would be illegal in America. They cant pimp hoes or sell drugs and bring the money back to the US. But, supposedly you can freely engage in prostitutes, drugs etc and not get into any legal trouble.

How does that law apply to US citizens who are in say Germany or Switzerland or the dominican republic. If youre in a country like germany or the DR, can you openly go around soliciting anyone you want, including any US citizens who may also be visiting those countries? Is it dependent on what the particular countrys laws say about propositioning people in public places? Say you see a hot chick working at the airport in Switzerland, can you straight up offer a dollar amount for specific services without facing any legal concerns?


  • RonJax2
    7 days ago
    > Say you see a hot chick working at the airport in Switzerland, can you straight up offer a dollar amount for specific services without facing any legal concerns?

    I don't know the legal answer on this. But just because you *could*, doesn't mean you *should*.
  • dannyboy3
    7 days ago
    Visitors are subject to the laws of the place they are in.
  • shailynn
    7 days ago
    All I know is when I am in Toronto banging escorts and going to massage parlors, when I go through the checkpoint to come back into the USA and they ask what I was doing in Canada, I tell them I was at a Maple Leaves game.
  • Array
    7 days ago
    @Shailynn, when I went to Toronto to bang escorts and strippers I really did go to a Maple Leafs game. That was #2 on my highlights reel. #1 was not an escort or stripper. #1 was the Edge Walk on the CN Tower. If your heart survives that experience you will feel like you just had a very, very, very good fuck.

    (Btw, the escorts and strippers were also very good.)
  • rickdugan
    7 days ago
    ===> "But just because you *could*, doesn't mean you *should*."

    This. Talk about creepy behavior, lol.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    ^nothing creepy about it my friend. Especially in a country where its legal. I would imagine it happens fairly often in those countries, are all the men doing it creepy?
    Also, coming from a guy who regularly does OTC with girls half his age or younger, its nonsensical. I’m much closer in age to begin with.

    I know you dont want prostitution legalized because of your nonsensical concern of young girls working fast food jobs being solicited, but by no means does it mean soliciting is creepy. It’s dishonest to define something as creepy just because you personally want it to remain illegal.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    What if, say, 70% of men in a country have engaged in soliciting. We’re supposed to believe that they’re the creepy ones, and the minority of tourist men from America are the noble, not creepy men? Lol

    The only reason it doesn’t happen in the US is because its illegal and you can get the cops called for soliciting, or get kicked out of a grocery store restaurant etc. you also cant be straightforward about it to begin with, because they may just think your an undercover cop.
  • twentyfive
    7 days ago
    ^ It’s creepy, just as RinJax said ‘just because you can, doesn’t mean you should’
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    ^not at all, not in a country where its legal to do so. Is asking a girl on a date creepy? No. Asking for a paid date is pretty much the same thing. Are people who use seeking arrangements creepy?

    Thankfully im not old and not some hick so i dont have to deal with those aspects. I dont follow the logic of why its creepy to solicit some people but not others.

    We also know that if it were to be legalized, people would be doing it more in the US.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    Is it creepy to ask someone out on a date, for a relationship, or for sex? If the answer is no, nothing changes if you ask for the same thing but with the addition of money.

    Right now the former happens all the time in the US, while the latter almost never happens, and its mostly due to legalities.
  • twentyfive
    7 days ago
    ^ it’s not necessary to be old or a hick to be a rude jerk, venue is relevant and just because a woman is out in a public place doesn’t give you or anyone else the right to harrass her.
    If you want to use seeking as an example, they have a clear code of conduct, if you violate their TOS you’ll get kicked off, if you are in a foreign country and you violate their norms, legal or not you’ll find yourself in a situation that you cannot control, and conceivably will be treated as an offender.
  • Icey
    7 days ago
    Its illegal for American citizens to travel for the purpose of sex tourism. Its a federal crime.

    Cacaplop the autistic Indian aka rickmicrodong is either demented or trolling.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    Icey, you were half right.

    “Sexual tourism is the transporting of individuals who are under the age of 18 years old in interstate commerce and with the intent of engaging them in prostitution and is illegal under federal law 18 U.S.C. 2423.”

    The definition of sex tourism has nothing to do with traveling to foreign countries to visit prostitutes in those countries.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    “it’s not necessary to be old or a hick to be a rude jerk, venue is relevant and just because a woman is out in a public place doesn’t give you or anyone else the right to harrass her.
    If you want to use seeking as an example, they have a clear code of conduct, if you violate their TOS you’ll get kicked off,”

    “Harassment” is a different thing entirely.

    You do in fact have the right to go up to a girl and ask for her number, ask her for sex, you can even straight up ask for sex, even if it may be seen as rude.

    You just cant do all those things alongside offering money, in the US. There may be other countries though where you can say all the above and also mention money on top.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    “Federal law makes it a crime for American citizens and U.S. residents to travel—between states or to a foreign country—to have sex with minors (people younger than 18 years old), but does not address sex with adult prostitutes.”

    I believe Icey is trying to discourage people from seeking out cheaper, better quality escorts and prostitutes in the hopes they stick to overpriced, pimped out scamming hoes in the US.
  • twentyfive
    7 days ago
    ^ Let’s be very clear on something,
    “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”
    is not specifically related to legal rights or behavior. Being rude in a foreign venue might have consequences that you might have never dreamed about. Maybe it would be smart to govern yourself accordingly, discretion is the better part of valor for a reason.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    ^i get your point on venue but the legality determines behavior to an extent, its very possible that in some of these countries soliciting is extremely commonplace, and normal behavior. In that case, there wouldn’t be any social consequences either. Also as far as rudeness, creepiness, i think depends largely on your attitude, demeanor, how youre dressed and the way you ask. Theres polite ways to ask.
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    Good talk anyway @25
  • JamesSD
    7 days ago
    This is going to vary a lot by country. Sometimes activities are legal but contained. Brothels might exist and be generally frowned upon but tolerated and legal. Streetwalkers might be contained to certain blocks and streets. A lot of countries have taken the approach that criminalizing the sex trade only hurts poor women, but containing it is a way to let those who want it seek it out but keep it out of view of the general public not seeking it.
  • caseyx
    7 days ago
    I suspect that you'd get in trouble if you walked up to some random hottie in Switzerland and offered her money for sex. Just because prostitution is legal doesn't mean that contact couldn't be considered harassment or some other offense. For that matter, in countries where prostitution is regulated it might be an offense to solicit someone who isn't in the trade (don't know but it wouldn't surprise me).

  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    I want to point out, my question relates to being more straightforward about things, but even now, if youre subtle and vague enough about things, you probably can solicit people even in the US.
    You cant directly offer money for sex, but you could for instance, wear flashy jewelry or expensive clothes, and ask someone if they want a sugardaddy, or potentially ask them about a paid date. There’s probably other code words you could use that would hint at a potential p4p exchange but wouldn’t be considered illegal. So the question becomes should that be banned too? Should it be illegal to ask someone if they want a sugardaddy or a paid date. Or to for instance say that you really like to spoil girls you date. Theres numerous ways you can hint at the p4p exchange without technically soliciting
  • Icey
    7 days ago
    Solicitation is illegal no matter how you phrase it. Its the action.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Words arent actions…
  • JamesSD
    6 days ago
    A friend once started fucking her then boss for fun. He started paying more and more of her bills (cell phone, car payment, etc). I don't know the exact details of how much of her lifestyle he was covering.

    I do know that she met another guy, got serious about him and stopped banging the former boss. I think she was surprised just how quickly he cut her off.

    In her mind they were fucking for fun and he was just helping her out, and in his mind the money was to make sure she kept fucking him.
  • rickdugan
    6 days ago
    Rationalize all you want, but it's creepy AF.

    A young attractive guy flirting with a young woman in a public place can be OK as long as he doesn'tgo too far. An old dude propositioning her for paid companionship, OTOH, is downright creepyyyy.

    It's not just about legalities dude. It's about proper behavior and social conventions which keep our daughters and other young women safe from harassment or worse.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    ^if someone doesnt want their daughters or young women engaging in prostitution it’s their responsibility to raise them such they dont. Ultimately there is no moral issue with being a prostitute, its just a religious one and society shouldnt be forced to follow any religion.

    But regardless of all that, an old man already can proposition anyone for paid companionship as long as hes smart and subtle enough about it.

    The only thing anti solicitation laws do is punish someone extremely dumb or honest or mentally disabled. Even if solicitation was perfectly legal, it could be seen as rude and disrespectful if you straight up offered money for sex.

    If soliciting women is harassing them and unsafe for women, why are you banging strippers OTC or using the seeking arrangements site? That doesnt make any sense. You’re attempting to argue that solicitation is acceptable with a stripper, acceptable over the internet, but magically becomes “harassment or worse” if its done in public instead of over the internet, over a dating app or at a strip club?

    Again its your own responsibility to keep your daughters and other young women safe from prostitution, in no way is that the responsibility of social conventions or cops or society as a whole.

    A stripper or seeking arrangements girl is still someones daughter anyway.

    The presence of money has no impact on the creepiness. It would be considered creepy if an old man propositioned a younger girl whether money was involved or not. The money just drastically increases the chances the younger girl would be willing to do stuff with him.
  • rickthelion
    6 days ago
    dugan, my brother, there are some creatures that cannot be convinced of their wrongness in life. Fake rick the OP is one of those creatures.

    I think fake rick needs to learn for himself. I suggest he book a trip to Zurich. He should take continuous video of his experience. Perhaps some sort of glasses with a camera.

    Then we can take bets on the outcome of fake rick’s Swiss trip. Will it be successful sexy fun time or something else? This lion is betting on the following outcome: fake rick gets a taser in the nuts within 3 hours of landing. Any other bets? ROAR!!!
  • twentyfive
    6 days ago
    ^ goes back to what I told you earlier, it’s venue son, stop being so fucking obtuse.
    If she’s in church leave her alone, if she’s in a strip club, she’s not going to be offended, if you don’t know the difference, I feel sorry for you.
  • rickdugan
    6 days ago
    Those social conventions exist, in part, to prevent people from treating our daughters like prostitutes in public. Or even behaving as if they could be.

    When a young woman posts on Seeking or works in a strip club, she makes the choice to wade into paid companionship waters and to be propositioned. And yes, they sometimes see the worst side of guys as a result. But that's not something that a 20 year old college kid working a P/T job at Chick-fil-a should reasonably expect to encounter.

    But you just keep rationalizing...
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    ^a shopping mall, or a public sidewalk is a much more neutral area than a church vs strip club. Its ridiculous to assume that because someone is out getting groceries, or at the gym, or at a shopping mall, that theyre also unavailable for relationships or p4p or anything else. A shopping mall is a semi social area.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    “When a young woman posts on Seeking or works in a strip club, she makes the choice to wade into paid companionship waters and to be propositioned. And yes, they sometimes see the worst side of guys as a result. But that's not something that a 20 year old college kid working a P/T job at Chick-fil-a should reasonably expect to encounter.”

    Not everyone knows about seeking, not everyone wants to pay to use it, not everyone wants to use it. Ditto for strip clubs.
    Plenty of people date for money. Its called being a gold digger, and is very similar to a prostitute In many ways.

    I don’t understand your point though Rick. Youre perfectly fine with people flirting with and asking out the 20 year old chic Fil A worker for free, but you draw the line at money being included, because youre worried theyll accept the offer since chic fil A is a low paying job correct?

    Its a freedom of speech restriction to begin with.
    The creepy old man you keep referring to, can easily wear a rolex and ask that chic fil A worker if shes looking for a sugardaddy, or ask her out on a date, possibly even a paid date. The only thing he cant do is directly discuss sex for money transactions, which would be seen as rude anyway.

    As far as “she makes the choice to be propositioned”… thats not how the world works and how human history works. Women have been getting propositioned since humanity has existed, and will continue getting propositioned for years to come. If it really concerns you its up to you to either raise your kids religiously or give them enough money/teach them how to make enough money that they dont consider prostitution. In no way is it society’s responsibility to outlaw prostitution or make it illegal for an old man to ask a younger girl out on a date just because parents are worried about their kids getting propositioned.

    For the record im certain that thousands of fast food girls are being propositioned daily by young and old men. They just arent directly being offered money for sex. Its foolish to pretend it isnt going on just because prostitution is illegal.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Rick your argument is almost like saying guys shouldnt approach women unless the women ask them out first or flirt with them first. It completely goes against human nature and human history. Generally speaking, its guys who approach women first. Just because a girl doesnt post on seeking or work a strip club, in no way does it mean shes not open to dating or p4p. Someone who wants to date or marry a rich men, in a lot of ways is essentially a prostitute. Its just more socially acceptable to marry a rich guy or date rich men than openly admit you want money and will bang some old or ugly or abusive guy for it
  • rickdugan
    6 days ago
    Ah, so in your mind, it's perfectly OK to treat young women going about their business or simply trying to do their jobs like whores. Got it. 😉

    Even by troll standards, you're a fucking retard. Small wonder you have the free time to type up these absurd rationalizing essays. 😆
  • gammanu95
    6 days ago
    No, 25iq cannot openly solicit little boys in Thailand. He can still suck all the ladyboy cock he can find, though. He'll even let them cum in his ass.
  • Icey
    6 days ago
    Rickmicrodong aka cacaplop the autistic indian is just trolling with his socially clueless and sick word salads
  • Icey
    6 days ago
    In other threads he brags about beating up hookers
  • nicespice
    6 days ago

    This is a giant list of how different countries handle things legally.

    But as far as “is that a good idea”, I concur with what other posters have already said.
  • JimGassagain
    6 days ago
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Rick youre a complete hypocrite as well as degenerate to be engaging in the stuff you do whilst talking about protecting young women from the perils of prostitution or whatever nonsense youre on about.

    The good news though, is thanks to people like cardi b and other mainstream celebrities, society is heading in a direction where prostitution is being more and more openly respected and tolerated.

    Im not sure where in my post i said anything about treating anyone like a whore. The act of soliciting in itself is essentially inquiring if they are one. It’s absolutely insane to believe that the only women open to p4p are the ones who openly advertise it on websites or strip clubs.

    Rick you failed to address my most basic point though. There’s already thousands and thousands of men who are in fact propositioning younger girls, so all the anti solicitation laws are really doing is weeding out the subtle from the not subtle approaches. Basically if you ask a girl if she wants a sugardaddy, or if you ask her out on a paid date, or ask her out on a date while mentioning you love spoiling girls you date, youre in the clear.

    Its up to you and whatever family members to raise your kids how you want to, in no way does that mean prostitution should be illegal or soliciting should be illegal just because you have concerns about some poor fast food worker girl being solicited or propositioned. How would a girl become introduced to prostitution? Either a guy introduces her, her friends introduce her, or she learns it from the internet or other media. Its interesting how all your focus is on making it illegal for men to proposition her (which is a freedom of speech restriction) but you arent proposing banning or restricting the seeking arrangements site, banning or restricting media and internet that promotes prostitution culture, or banning or restricting girls from talking to their girlfriends who are potentially into prostitution.

    An old man soliciting a younger girl is only one way out of many that she could be introduced to prostitution. It makes no sense to rally behind banning just that one thing but not want to ban the other ways girls get introduced to it.

    Im not sure why someone so worried about prostitution is even sending their kids to public schools, or allowing them to access the internet. Are you aware of what kind of stuff is being discussed in music, movies, tv, and why theres more and more girls going onto the seeking site or doing onlyfans ? You come across as an undereducated hick with no idea whats going on in the world besides some small hick town in florida.
  • Icey
    6 days ago
    But as Americans, were subject to american laws. Sex tourism is a federal crime.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Lol^ sex tourism doesnt mean touring countries for sex with prostitutes, have you actually looked up the legal definition of sex tourism. The legal definition has nothing to do with what youre assuming those two words imply boy…
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    And no you can use whatever drugs you want overseas
  • Icey
    6 days ago
    The retard is getting excited from the attention. He keeps posting nonsense to get noticed and gets off on it.
  • rickmacrodong
    5 days ago
    Icey youve got no idea of what is and isnt a crime and what terms like sex tourism mean
  • datinman
    5 days ago
    Nicespice, thanks for posting that link. I would smash that like button, if Founder allowed us to have one. I couldn't help but notice on the list that Thailand and the Philippines have prostitution as illegal, yet some of their tourist cities have some of the highest per capita numbers of prostitutes anywhere on the planet. I guess it's just selective enforcement ignoring it if there's a good cash flow.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    I would add that just because prostitution is legal in a country doesnt mean solicitation is also legal. It could be that prostitution is legal only in a brothel or only in a red light district. If a country has laws like that, its going to drastically limit who is willing to become a prostitute. A college student or anyone who just wants to be a part time prostitute, isnt going to want to work at a brothel or red light district. Thankfully we still have the escorting loophole for those people unwilling to be full time, out in the open prostitutes.

    Also Icey, you keep sending me nonsense DMs, how did you know if i jerk off to interracial porn?
  • georgmicrodong
    4 days ago
    Aside from asking randos for paid sex being creepy as fuck, there's a distinct possibility of getting your ass kicked by her friend or relation. And you'd deserve it.
  • rickthelion
    4 days ago
    Icey has apparently suggested that fake rick jacks it to interracial porn. I doubt that. I think fake rick watches romantic porno filmed for women. You know, soft focus stuff where Lusty Bennet has a fiery relationship with Mr. Fuckwilliam Darcy Esquire, who finally bones Lusty when they realize they love each other.

    And I also bet that fake rick is so moved by this Jane Assten story that he cries when Lizzy and Mr. Darcy finally get busy. And then uses his tears as lube to jack it. ROAR!!!
  • rickmacrodong
    2 days ago
    Gmd i dont see how “youd deserve it”.

    Ill say this. Its extremely arrogant, racist and hick behavior to assume that the rest of the world behaves and believes the same things that people in hick towns in kentucky or florida do.

    It’s pretty obvious America is very different from say, Germany or Turkey or Amsterdam or even the UK. Prostitution is illegal here, yet not there. Its arrogant to assume that the whole world follows the social conventions of some hick town in the middle of nowhere.

    Heres another question ill pose. If its not creepy to ask someone out, how does it magically become creepy if you ask someone out on a paid date? Its completely insane to claim that asking someone out = not creepy, but that asking them on a paid date is creepy.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 days ago
    Being a hoe is also becoming cooler as time goes on. Which is a good thing for most guys, not so good if you want your kids being conservative.

    Thankfully theres no hicks in colombia or the dominican republic or Turkey. So nobody to provide the ass beating that a so called right wing, supposed pro free speech conservative would provide, lol.
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