Former club(s) will turn into a seafood restaurant

avatar for nicespice

I never went to Vanity Factory back when it was around. Heck, even when I first started dancing, I thought it was some kinda furniture store. But at least the building is getting used, lol


last comment
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 mos ago

Cue the jokes about the fishy smell not being from the fish.

avatar for ATACdawg
5 mos ago

Old tuna fish, anyone?

avatar for drewcareypnw
5 mos ago

These jokes write themselves!!!

avatar for JamesSD
5 mos ago

The fact is in most cities it is almost impossible to open a new club and more and more are shutting down and being turned into something else.

avatar for rattdog
5 mos ago

vanity factory-furniture store-seafood....

well if the restaurant is full maybe the hostess can grind on my lap on a raymour and flanagan sofa in the waiting area until a table becomes available. question: i've never tried sitting on a raymour sofa before-are they comfortable and worth their price?

avatar for gammanu95
5 mos ago

try the bearded clam

avatar for Icey
5 mos ago

Ive seen clubs convert like that. They fail because of the locations. Most wont want to go for seafood in a sketchy area.

Jamessd clubs are just being driven underground. But theyre damgerous and poorly organized

avatar for skibum609
5 mos ago

There are two things on earth that smell like tuna....and one of them is tuna.

avatar for DesertVVolf
5 mos ago

What’s funny is where I’m at (Tucson, AZ) there’s a club that used to be a seafood restaurant but got turned into a SC. It’s boat shaped and nicked named literally “The Boat” lmao

avatar for nicespice
5 mos ago

^Ahahah, I have heard about Raiders Reef. I really should have driven by the building at least back when I had visited Tucson for a few days.

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