Joined Mar, 2024
Last Seen Mar, 2025
Mr Monger

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Struck out but still enjoyed my (limited) time.How do u strike out buddy lol. It’s literally handed to you

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Never fall for the tricks @Dolfan that’s what I’m looking for spot on. If you look through my reports I usually only frequent extras heavy clubs because that’s what…

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Never fall for the tricks @rickdugan yeah that’s makes sense. I think I just want it too easy and i understand outside of hookers and extra heavy clubs it’s…

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Never fall for the tricks Yes you guys are correct there is a difference between strippers and hookers. As much as I hate to admit it. I’m so use…

Never fall for the tricks Went to a non extras club the other day and a wanted to address something. A lot of dancers want to be seen as…

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How much for HJ & CBJ in strip club? But it looks like you’re in Dallas which has really 0 extras. Just get a hooker which will run you $120-$200 and you get…

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How much for HJ & CBJ in strip club? These clowns gonna pay $400+ for something you can get in Dominican Republic for $80 and she’ll look like a model
But anyway the…
But anyway the…

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Successful Wednesday NightYou scared me for a sec with the $500 I though you were going to agree…glad you didn’t because that could have had bad…

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Wednesday night - good talent, but it didn't materialize as I was hoping....Flight club is so overrated. So many better clubs with sexier girls. I guess if you like no curves than fc is for you…

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Best options in Phoenix/TampaGoing from gold to shit lmao. You are not going to enjoy tampa and sure hell not gonna enjoy phoenix either

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My First Time at Tootsie’sMan it’s a good club but $700 is not worth it I don’t care how bad she is. There’s badder overseas for 1/5 of…

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maybe mongering is more of a waste of money than trying to get a sidepiece?Bro unless you’re in Michigan or Florida sex is not guaranteed in American strip clubs. They will try to get as much money out…

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F-ck Indiana strip clubs The “ how dare they deny me” isn’t what crossed the line because there was no line to cross. I am the buyer there…

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F-ck Indiana strip clubs Whatever dude got a problem just mute me. I can post what I want don’t like it ignore it simple.

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r/stripper Is Absolutely InfuriatingBut nobody will say the have “anger issues” or call them out like they do with me but instead you guys condone their outlandish…

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F-ck Indiana strip clubs Calm down guys..I had a little too many and had one of those nights. I have the right to express my feelings and emotions…

F-ck Indiana strip clubs I’m tired of Indiana in general. Theses whores act like there good for OTC. Especially these Cubans. How dare you deny me but you…

I hate verification I get that meeting strange men for sex can bring unwarrant worry, but do I have to provide social media(don’t have) an ID/Work badge(don’t…