Cubans are ruining this place

avatar for basictoken
It’s not that they are Cuban or Latina per se. it’s the constant hustle, the aggressiveness and getting pissed when you tell them no. Sorry, I am buying dances, just not from you. I need someone who can speak English and hold a conversation that consists of more than “where are you from?” . Why management keeps hiring these girls is beyond me


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avatar for nicespice
6 months ago
Sooo many customers will outright say “thank you” when we get to a dance area, and I tell them we will sit there and start at the next song. The Cubans really dgaf. But idk, in a lot of Texas clubs it’s a bunch of dancers and a lot of customers, and so easy for either party to get from one person to the next.

I think sometimes that tends to encourage petty and aggressive behavior sometimes, from both dancers and customers. I think the Cubans just see what’s there, and up the ante a bit.

But if it makes you feel better, the Cubans do that with Hispanic customers too. There was one Mexican who got lots of dances from me, and then after a Cuban started chewing him out in Spanish for not getting a dance from one of his own kind. 😂
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
I see what you mean. I don’t doubt they do that with all customers regardless of background!
A lot of clubs are struggling to get enough dancers to work. They do not audition and hire dancers, They will take just about anyone that comes in and are happy to get their tip out. My favorite club has about 85% Cuban dancers. I don't like them due to their lack of English. Even Goolge translate can't make your VIP wishes understood. A condom and $200 will get you laid but what do you do with the other 20 minutes of your 30 minute VIP?
They do it everywhere. They don't hustle. They scam. And lots speak English. They just pretend not to. And if you do speak Spanish. They have the personality of doorknobs.
There are plenty of dancers. Oversaturation is the problem. That's why there's so much bad talent out now
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
Oversaturation is right. Even my regular club, which is a big one, seems over saturated compared to 10 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
6 months ago
It's on the club, if dancers get away with showing their ass, but not in a good way. There are plenty of annoying US-born dancers, and non-annoying Cubans.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Lol Icee the Cubans scam? Nonsense. They even travel all around the east coast for escorting. A lot of times they dont even have pimps because they travel together. You hate Cubans because they provide better service at lower rates than the pimped scammer hoes you like pushing
They should build a bridge from Key West to Matanzas, like the Sky one in Tampa.
But only allow 18-29 females in northbound.
avatar for basictoken
6 months ago
avatar for rawhide2
6 months ago
certain clubs this is becoming a real issue.
avatar for WiseToo
New York
6 months ago
Icey is right about pretending not to speak English. I've even experienced that at a car rental place in San Diego. The clerk at the counter spoke very broken English. I was then given a car which was in a less expensive category than the car I had reserved on line, but they would still bill me for the more expensive car I had reserved. When I tried to get the clerk to correct the billing error, they acted all confused and pretended they didn't understand what I was saying. Eventually, they spoke to someone in Spanish on the phone. Then a miracle happened. They began to speak in perfect English and corrected the problem. It seemed they made a slip and inadvertently admitted they were trying to scam me with their broken English bullshit.
They ruin the whole vibe of a club with their scams and bad attitudes. They pick pockets, over charge, do shit like claim you were recording them cause a scene and demand money then badmouth you to everyone when you don't fall for it. Are lazy with the worst attitudes. The US isn't getting Cubas best.
I've seen clubs go Cuban then shut down.
Speaking Spanish isn't even a plus with them.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 months ago
Maybe it's just my clubbing hiatus, and only a few (though increasing number) have made it to the Northeast, but I've never had a bad experience with them even clubbing in Atlanta. They've always delivered, contra Icey they've never run any of that shit on me (picking pockets, making false claims, or overcharging).

They are straight to the point though. Wanna dance, wanna fuck, get right to business in the VIP.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Lol Icee, it’s laughable to say trump is racist when he says mexico isnt sending their best but then use the word for word exact same line and swap out mexico for cuba. What you prove is that hardcore liberals will do the exact same racist stuff they accuse the right of doing as soon as the immigrants are affecting them in some way. In this case, your pimp income is affected by cubans who look better, and perform better at far lower rates,
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
The reason Cubans take over clubs isnt because of them pulling scams, youre talking about fringe examples. Every race/nationality will have some scammers. The american hoes are actually more likely to be scammers and pimped than the foreign ones.

I hope nobody takes your claims on cubans seriously, youre simply posting nonsense in the hopes you can create more demand for the american crackhos you used to pimp out
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
They arent just taking over clubs theyre also taking over some escort sites, thankfully because they actually deliver
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
How cute that Rick thinks the Cuban girls aren't pimped....just because they kiss amd allow him to DATY.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
^they often travel together which reduces the need for a pimp. Ive been to a house in maryland 3 of them rented out to use for escorting. If there was a pimp, he wasnt the boyfriend pimp hanging out in a nearby room. Additionally the ones ive dealt with always want verification like doing a live video call. Its not a guarantee but often the pimped ones will just send you rhe address without any verification or rarely, just ask your age race or for a photo
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Usually they just want a photo of the cash.
Cuban girls are some of the main victims of trafficking. Prostitution rings lure Cuban hookers here with false hopes and promises. And many find themselves doing anything at low prices, become volume girls to pay off their traffickers. When you see them in groups or travelling together to hoe. That's usually a sign theyre trafficked. Many are already hardened prostitutes in Cuba though.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
No they arent, there are actually no Cuban girls “doing anything at low prices” where are you finding these Cubans? I mean if they’re Afro Latinas and dark skinned, it’s possible, but the white ones are all charging above the norm rates like $500 and even $600 an hour. And they arent offering anything, just standard GFE services at best. What youre talking about is more applicable to Venezuelans and other latinas.
No if they flew from Miami to other cities on the east coast and travel in a group of 3 or 4 its because they have security and can cut down on rent expenses. In addition to that they still screen clients. There is no pimp involved otherwise they wouldn’t bother doing screening.
And regardless, being pimped by a gang or cartel is better than being pimped by a lazy leech boyfriend. Its more comparable to working for an agency or a club. Its better for the girl and the clients, the biggest loser is the leech boyfriend who wished he could personally profit off her earnings.
Is that rickmacrodong 🤡 the new sjg?
Rick, disagree. No customer wants to be get extortion letters from cartels with networks of people who can do bad things.
avatar for Grjax
6 months ago
They gotta bills + “renta” ifykyk
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