
Comments by nicespice (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Mayor of Titty City
    Let's get Derek in on the fun
    I’ve danced for a couple of customers with severe neurodivergence. Both times, they were with older male relatives. The family member would pay upfront for like a dance or two and ask me to be kind and understanding. I remember this one person who would bring an adult who doesn’t live independently with him. But apparently, there was a time that guy caused an issue during lap dances that caused them both to get kicked out of the club by bouncers that night. So that guy was forbidden from getting dances, but he would be given singles for stage tipping. He wasn’t a bad guy. We became friends on PokemonGo. There were a couple of customers I remember who were wheelchair bound.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    Going with 2 or more friends to a strip club
    Like Blah, I also like groups. I’m not naturally the life of the party or anything, but I’ve noticed that once I get a dance off one in the group, then it’s likely somebody else will also get a dance. But on a somewhat off topic note: have most of the tuscl meetups been in sunshine states? I remember the Follies group would have no problems. There have been meetups in Florida and Georgia. The only northern area I can think of is the Detroit area. What’s up with you Northerner types?
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Chicken and the Egg + Story Time
    I remember somebody saying on stripperweb once (rip) that in some smaller areas, new girls are harder to come by, so they will absolutely accommodate the craziness of who they know will be there consistently.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    SE Portland Club to be come a Chick-Fil-A
    I’m surprised that Chick Fil A is making an appearance there. It’s, as far as I know, a “red” branded business.
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    5 months ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Campus Protests
    I’m still scratching my head at all this. Does anybody have any ideas what is driving a lot of these attitudes? I know admission to elite universities is still more competitive than it used to be a couple of decades ago. I know a few years back, the universities got crap for their Asian quotas, that persist to this day. And from what I’ve gathered, the Jewish population at Ivy League schools are a lower percentage than they used to be. Is there a chance a lot of this is motivated by a declining amount of cushy spots/opportunities out in the “real world” (like Wall Street, etc) where the Ivies are supposed to feed students to…and anti-Semitism is the way some students are trying to push out their would-be competition? This isn’t a rhetorical question, I’m just wondering.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why is it called a "fantasy"?
    Per the theme of the other recent thread made: A dancer who won’t work it=a dancer who isn’t participating in any type of fantasy. The vast majority of dancers wanna make money and not have to participate in any of the nonsense most customers want, whether physically or emotional labor. 👀 Most end up participating anyways.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Girls who won't Work It
    Per the theme of the other recent thread made: A dancer who won’t work it=a dancer who isn’t participating in any type of fantasy. The vast majority of dancers wanna make money and not have to participate in any of the nonsense most customers want, whether physically or emotional labor. 👀 Most end up participating anyways.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Shadowcat Update
    Feel better soon.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Camden NJ?
    Good detail there. Thanks for that info 😋
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Customer service experience just sucks in most strip clubs
    @clubfan I would agree. I think the best balance is a club that either a club that sets firm boundaries for what is expected from both dancers and customers, and enforces it consistently. OR, if managers want to be more libertine, is so in a way that it’s easy for both dancers and customers to get away from whoever they don’t like. For example, Texas clubs have both a lot of dancers and a lot of customers, so people are pretty good at getting away from whoever they don’t like. I think some get jaded by the idea of good customer service because some customers are given an inch, and then write these grumpy “we need to hold these dancers ACCOUNTABLE to not ripping us off”(dude, if it’s a club like Desire, Hiliter, Red Raven etc, then stfu. Things are going well enough as it is). And some not only out their favorite dancer providers on their activities, but feel the need to also mention what car they drive, etc. Heck, at one particular club, I’ve met customers who will smugly point across the room and say “that is so-and-so, I don’t remember her dancer name”, when I had only been working there for like one shift or two. I really hope those dancers were bullshitting when they gave out their legal names.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Customer service experience just sucks in most strip clubs
    There recently was a whole dancer subreddit that got deleted without warning—without even notification to the person who created/moderated that group. Some dancers have been wondering whether other dancer related subreddits are next on the chopping block, and I wondered whether there may be a chance dancers end up jumping ship to somewhere like here where they won’t be deleted. But then I see this thread (which is far from being the most inflammatory), and I remember why that is unlikely. 👀
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Camden NJ?
    Not yet. I’m hoping to make it out there sometime this summer though 😋
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    All Cuban Everything. Almost.
    Aww, I thought this club was more of a mixed club. I guess not
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Inflation: You’re Never Going To Move Again*
    So feel free to carry on with the Trump vs Biden America yadda yadda yadda but just a PSA to everyone…be sure to watch your alcohol intake from the club when driving home from the club and don’t crash your car into anything. The worst of the inflation seems to be coming from motor vehicle insurance, motor vehicle repair, and hospital services. 🫣 https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/w4nu0gaA0s
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Does anyone else hate talking to dancers?
    Maybe one day some strip clubs can take from the Brazilian steakhouse playbook. Get a card and when flipped to the res side, that means don’t approach. Green side means it’s absolutely good to do so. I feel like a lot of customers below a certain age hate socializing unless they have gotten to know a dancer, and the old customers are the opposite.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Mettler's Wet T-Shirt Contest, Mankato MN
    I don’t think small town clubs get that much attention on here. The last review is from 2023 though. But considering the review said cover charge is usually $3, it’s probably worth it to go on and take a look. Please write a review if you go
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Highest paid dancer at best strip club ever
    Yeah, some of the YouTube comments were just as snarky as comments in this thread. But I kinda suspect that it was just a different time period back then with beauty standards. Here’s some photos of strippers back in the 1980s. https://flashbak.com/dragon-ladies-huge-stash-of-1980s-la-stripper-photos-found-in-garage-52005/ I would have thought the Y2K era was when the pickiness on women to look a certain cookie cutter way would have already hit by then, but I guess there were pockets where that wasn’t the case, idk But that was a pretty cool video, with a club owner willing to pay the attorney fees of several dancers and willing to do jail time instead of them. I could never imagine something happening like that nowadays.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Inflation: You’re Never Going To Move Again*
    Yeah housing prices are awful. But good thing a few years ago, during Covid, people collectively have figured out how to make work-from-home feasible. And since then, office workers have now been permanently moving to areas that already have homes available and don’t have to be concentrated in centrally located metro areas to have access to those jobs. And ever since the office workers have been settled in their new homes, the individuals who work jobs that require face-to-face contact have also adjusted and also moved into the communities that previously had a declining population.And even if there aren’t enough incentives to build non-luxury homes. ,thanks to people being able to spread out more, younger people without families can help each other build their own tiny homes communities on cheaper land. It sucks for all the people who have their residential and commercial property portfolios that are taking a hit. And with more empty spaces in those cities, some homeless people have started squatting in those buildings. But at least most people are starting to do better now. And the cities can focus on improving their public transportation systems and make their communities more walkable. Thank goodness we told the crybabies who screamed about return-to-office to get fucked 😊
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    I'd live this way again
    Strippers Being Called Hustlers Make Me Uncomfortable
    “Hustle” is such an ambiguous word. Sometimes people use that word to describe scamming or grifting others. Sometimes people use that word to describe being willing to work long hours. And then some people use that word for goofy stuff like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SFzMs2SN--s&pp=ygUSZG8gdGhlIGh1c3RsZSBzb25n
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    court war between clubs Spearmint Rhino and Peppermint Hippo
    Meanwhile, the South Park creators seem to not have cared at all about this. Not when that club name was just in a couple of rural areas of Wisconsin and Arkansas, and not when it somehow ended up in Vegas. Good for these Hippo guys 😂 https://youtu.be/eXNASkTzlUM?si=KUAqWO_oDuV5Vk6o
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    5 months ago
    Credit Card ONLY
    What da fudge? I wonder if it’s a way to track sales more?
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Underwhelmed and frustrated in San Antonio
    Yeah, pasties that are painted on over the boobs is the law in San Antonio. Bottoms also cover over a certain amount of butt.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The Best of the Best at Desire
    Somebody should start creating funko dolls of the Desire dancers. https://funko.com/category/pop/
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Public Service Announcement: Beware "Too Eager" Dancers.
    —>“If the mods have a problem with this post, or there are some additional rules I need to follow” Ahahahahaha -clears throat- Welcome to tuscl.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Is Figueroa St L.A. as good as it looks?
    Just remember: the existence of the Figueroa street as shown in the videos are a testament to the white NIMBYs artificially blocking out urban density to keep property values restricted and their values artificially high and the poors out of their neighborhoods…putting people onto the street in tents. And the desperation from that extreme inequality (in addition to laced cheap drugs for people coping with their ailments) is what leads to the bottom priced sex work out there and the LA area in general. :D