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Strip Club Connoisseur
joined Apr 2023last seen Jan 2025
Check out my article "A Monger's Guide to Spanish": https://tuscl.net/article/60222

Reviews by RonJax2

Discussions started by RonJax2

Media posted by RonJax2

12 days ago
avatar for RonJax2
Strip Club Connoisseur

Comments made by RonJax2

discussion comment
4 days ago
avatar for JayhawkJohn
Two Great Days in TJ! OTC, Here I Come!
Nice Review OP, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! These reviews are like methadone for TJ heroin addicts like myself. Re: "lil blue", I think some mongers are too scared to experiment with it. Unless you're a super fit 18 year old able to fuck without it 5 times a day for days in a row, Vitamin V will improve your weekend in TJ. Even if you don't need it, it allows you to fuck more times in a day, and for longer time periods, than without it. And for those who haven't tried it before, you definitely don't even need to take the whole pill. About a quarter of one of those 100 mg pills does the trick for me personally. And a note on buying it - you can get it at the Roma Farmacia right across the PedEast turnstiles for around $3 a pill. > But, as soon as I leave, I want to return. Yes, I feel your pain OP! My name is RonJax2 and I'm an addict, lol. > . "M" and I have been texting and talking all week since I've gotten home. I had not expected this kind of post-visit relationship. I know my next visit will be different. OTC action is definitely going to happen. This is the way! It sounds like you batted 1000 this trip, OTC is the only way you'll be able to top an amazing trip like this one. Let me know if you need any suggestions on spots in TJ outside the Zona Norte.
article comment
5 days ago
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
I'd live this way again
When Actual PLs “Thought She Was Gonna”
I like your checklist and your advice for negotiating. I strongly agree on not haggling, I think it's much better to negotiate services than haggle on price. The only time I've ever dealt with a ROB, I had kind of the inverse problem you are aiming at with this article. I was biding time at Flight Club, and dancer I wasn't thrilled with wanted to give me dances. I said OK, but that I was only interested in a few dances. Fast forward a few minutes and she suddenly had me in a very compromising position, I stopped the dance, but then she wanted an obscene amount to have gone that far.
article comment
5 days ago
avatar for Ryking75
The Strip Club Paradox: Pleasure, Emptiness, and the Price of Desire
I can relate to the feelings of disillusionment you describe, the gnawing emptiness of having just left the club. Every time I fly home from Tijuana (or another good SC destination) I'm a little bummed out. With that said, I think there's more "highs" to appreciate that you haven't mentioned. * The anticipation of the next visit to the club. Knowing I have a trip planned in X weeks is electrical excitement that carries me through otherwise tough days. * The memories you create in this hobby stay with you. To be blunt: every good encounter at the club is an experience to be stored in the spank bank and relived for years to come.
discussion comment
5 days ago
avatar for LeviF
DMV area update on OTC/extras
EI is the Ebony Inn: https://tuscl.net/listing/592 It's an all AA club in PG county Maryland. Probably the best mileage of all the clubs in the area, except for the "The Block" in Baltimore, which I'm not sure counts as "DC Area." Anyway, I think @TheSingularity is right that EI is worth checking out.
discussion comment
5 days ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
What do you miss? What do you want?
Not sure if @Founder is still reading this thread. But I did notice there is now max length on review/article submission, which is great! My one other idea would be: I would love it if when someone wrote @RonJax2, I would get an alert! Right now, if I leave a comment on a review, and someone responds with a question, I might not ever see that question in response. It would be great to be able to ping people in a thread!