
Comments by Ch3ll (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Would you pay $50 per dance if ...
    Hell no! I'd drive the 90 minutes since I actually do anyway, and pay what I'm used to. I was out in TX a few weeks back, and plain floor dances were $20! Maybe it's a non deep pockets syndrome I have.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Videos and Pictures
    I feel you Subraman. Not too familiar with Instagram, but I learned some stuff about Snapchat here a while back. The there, it's gone, might rest well with her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Videos and Pictures
    Surprising to see others who have had pics or videos with their girl. Well, I went ahead and sent her the pics, some all of which had my face in it. Also, sent her some pics of her and her friend girl playing around once at her place. My whole paranoia isn't so much my face being seen with her, it's just if she'll write something crazy with it. I modified my social media security specifically, Facebook, because that's where we're both on. So I took some precaution.
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    7 years ago
    Videos and Pictures
    @jackslash Lol. You doing it! @warhawks You doing it too! I guess I need to ask or something. Not that I'm seeking pics from them, but only one I recall outright sent me some racy pics without me even asking. This girl the post is about is down for a video and I'm really thinking about doing that our next OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much would you be willing to pay?
    All of them would get $200 or less if we negotiate that way. Regardless of high rank, their pussy doesn't always rank in the same. Can't say I've ever had a 10, but my 5s on up have had some pussy I'd rank a 10.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Phoenix meetup
    I'd come up to Phoenix in September for a meetup. I'm in Sierra Vista which is 3 and a half hours away, but I club in Tucson which is 1 hour 15 minutes away. Anyway, can't speak on the clubs there because haven't had anything aside from SCing to be there for. And the weather, hot! Probably be in the mid 80s to 90s then.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers in the Men's Bathroom talking to the Bathroom Troll
    I've seen it several times. Usually the girls and the bathroom troll get along well. I've seen the dancers be in the bathroom or outside of it. Once one dancer waited outside the bathroom while I went.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Exercise--Lifting and running
    Bj99 hit it spot on with the dad bod. I'm in my early thirties, which I'm guessing the OP is in. If so, you're at a great age you can get the younger 20s as well as anything from 30s up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Exercise--Lifting and running
    I do both, but I'll say cardiovascular not running. I probably ran for exercise 3 or 4 times last year and that doesn't include the days I was running late to work. Anyways both will work in your favor as far as appearance. Also you'll probably see a boost in your confidence. I read an article a few weeks ago and supposedly women are more attracted to the dad body.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Has a Stripper Ever Asked You To Pay Her Tipout?
    So you gave her $10 or $10 in singles? Just wondering. Anyway, I've had it asked indirectly if OTC was involved or if they were supposedly having a bad night. I've tipped the ones with supposedly bad nights, but who knows if it covered tip out. Can't say OTC price went up because of it, but I guess they're like wth give it a shot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best advice ever given on TUSCL?
    Just ask when it comes to wanting to OTC with a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Emotionally attached to ATF....Now what?
    Wow I must say, that was a very long non-paragraph post, almost an SJG move. But on your concern, just enjoy her for the business transaction y'all have. It's okay to care/like a person, but you got to realize you're paying for her time and the SC is where she chooses to work for money. Im sure to her it's great you're a consistent customer, but those other guys are putting out cash too, which may exceed what you're putting out. Bottom line is enjoy her for what it is, a business transaction. It'll never come more than likely, but the day she pays or y'all have sex for free and she consistently returns your text, then I'd say it's probably safer to invest some emotions with this girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Is twice a week club visits excessive?
    I don't think two weeks is excessive. When I first started going went anywhere from 2 - 4 times a week. Now I seem to go once or twice a month. Like others have said let it be you who determines how often you go. And definitely have your set amount. If you're worried about your fav just know you'll find another fav along the road if you continue SCing long enough.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Who SCed on Mother's Day ?
    I did, but during the early AM of it. Surprisingly, given it was the tail end of Saturday night, the club had many girls, but not many customers. 1 hour til closing though the numbers just got slimmer and slimmer. I had a nice time nonetheless, got a few dances with some favs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Evil Lair
    "You're not a cop, are you?"
    In my limited experience only had that asked once. Turned out to be a good time and a few repeats. We're still in touch, but it's been a while since our last OTC. What throws me off is that they'll ask. Just seems counterintuitive.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Late night OTC
    If the posting time is right, you have 38 minutes to go.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    better approach with strippers
    I do a combination of both. The A. part is treating like I would a civilian, but only offering like food after their shift. Nothing above and beyond that would require prior planning. I've almost come to the conclusion that, unless you got it for free the first time, it's all about the money to them. You may have a connection or get along well, but that doesn't mean it's not about the money. Hell, if I could get paid to have sex and hangout with a woman Im somewhat attracted to and we get along well, I'd keep fucking and hanging out with her all the while accepting her money. A fav I've known for about 3 years (latter part of knowing OTC began) could only simply say "I was cool" when I asked her what she liked about me. Note, OTC is never timed especially if she doesn't have to get back to her kids and she's offered and I have stayed the night once with no additional money out of pocket.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Watching the girls in the parking lot just coming in to work.
    Silly me. My bad.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Watching the girls in the parking lot just coming in to work.
    Pretentious? I doubt it. I was just being stereotypical. I could never know unless I truly got to know the dancer. Of the few I've gotten to know outside, meaning OTC, the car may be nice but other aspects of life are hurting. Or vice versa. I myself drive an 03 Suburban that has paint chipped off everywhere and I absolutely love it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Watching the girls in the parking lot just coming in to work.
    I guess SJG is people watching in the parking lot. Lol When I'm coming in or leaving the strip club the parking lot helps me to guage which have a boyfriend or significant other. Also helps to see who really has their stuff together or has a good hustle. As larryfisherman mentioned they look better in the club. I usually see alot of cab catching at the club I frequent most.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Proper way to request a dance.
    Asking them is as appropriate is it is for then to ask you. You may have some of your best dances from a girl you've asked instead of the other way around. Like twentyfive said don't let them sucker you into getting a dance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How should I spend $500 while my wife is away for a week?
    B. quite funny. But if I were you I'd choose D. D. would be a combination of $200 gambling playing blackjack and the other SCing $100, and hopefully scoring OTC at $200. $500 well spent.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How clubs let down their girls.
    I think it was you who started a thread once along the lines of benefits or hourly pay for dancers. I forget what I said then, but I think like some clubs charge a house fee or walk in the door fee just for working that night/day. I think waving that fee would help. I've seen some dancers just give like two lap dances and they've been there for hours. Well in regards to what this thread is about, I do think childcare would help. That'd be interesting to see for sure. The hours are graveyard. Transportation might be another issue for some. Then I think drinking/driving might be an issue. I apologize if this comes off as stereotype, but I do sympathize for the ones with kids. Unless you have good family or friends it'll be hard finding a babysitter for those night hours. My fav doesnt get to work much due to having a babysitter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to approach customers in the SC
    I know you're there to make money so what I'm suggesting may not go over that well with you but here goes. I'm black and I too typically like some small talk before a dance and not just the "hey, want a dance?". So as you mentioned just open up with general convo. If I like a girl I'll try to keep the convo going. Some girls I feel make an effort to keep it going too and most have not said things as to suggest a fantasy, just regular old talk. So I think you should just approach and see how it goes, if the guy is interested he'll let you know. I'm not saying you're conceited or anything, but I wish I could pull every lady I simply say hi to.