Exercise--Lifting and running

avatar for FTS
Do you guys exercise? I imagine there has got to be at least a few guys on here who are in decent shape.

I'm young compared to most of you, so I'm gonna throw this out there. I'm wondering which type of exercise is "better," in terms of maintaining health, youth, etc. Running (cardiovascular) vs lifting (strength and/or hypertrophy). I'm also wondering which type is better for pulling women (e.g. muscled man gives her vagina the tingles). My guess is that running is better for health (just look at all those native tribes with people who can run like a gazelle and live to be 100 years old), and muscle is better for pulling women (just look at all the hot young girls with jacked boyfriends).

IME, muscle gets you the girls, but damn it takes a lot of effort. I'm naturally more of a gazelle who runs in the woods...


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avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
I'm in pretty good shape for late 50's but no expert on the question. Work out 6 days a week. To me a blend, 70% cardio 30%, lifting gives the best results. Cardio provides the stamina and lifting, even if just dumbbells, the firmness/muscularity that many of the ladies like. Of course the most important muscle is between your ears.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Does maturation count as exercise?
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Damn phone!!!!
Masturbation not Maturation
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
So are you saying I should both masturbate and mature in moderation?
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Road cycling is my favorite, followed by swimming laps. I doubt women are into the steroid-induced muscle look.

Prostitutes just care about your money.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I think I've been doing too much of the first and not enough of the second.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
A lot of it has to do with your body type. Some people can't build muscle, some guys can't run a marathon. Olympic and compound lifts are great for everyone. Some girls want guys with a six pack others want a guy with 18 inch biceps. I am fan of weight lifting but I also do cardio but that is for general health and to burn a few extra calories getting back in shape. I find HIIT for cardio is a bitch when you do it but the results are undeniable.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
no matter what you do make sure you do leg lifts its good for muscle growth raising testosterone and so when you get old you can get around. It seems like a lot of older guys once they are in like 80's have a hard time getting around, saw it with my own grandfather
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Strippers don't give a fuck as long as you don't squish them.

I know a lot of guys who lift weights all day and can probably lift a pick up truck but have a gut. Gotta do a decent amount of cardio to slim yourself out.

I'm the exact opposite, I love cardio and don't like to lift, swimming, paddle boarding and biking are what I like to do.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I don't do any cardio, maybe I should start. I mainly just weight lift.
avatar for s275ironman
8 years ago
I workout anywhere from 5-6 times a week. I've tried several different workout routines throughout the years. Some worked great while some did not. I have to change my workout routine every few months or so as my body becomes immune to it and I will no longer get the results I desire.

The one benefit I've seen the most is that exercising regularly and eating healthy, as well as not smoking and only drinking in moderation, I have managed to not age at all over the past 10-12 years or so. I'm in my mid-30's, but if you saw me, you'd think I was in my early 20's.

A mix of cardio and weight training is recommended. I've tried several workouts that were heavy on cardio and light on weights (when training to run in 5k's), but I've also had stretches where I've focused more on weights (so I can build muscle).

Recent studies I've read say that you should do a mix that consists of heavy weight-training sessions, and HIIT (high intensity inverval training) in order to burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. HIIT workouts are usually short, but brutal. For example, it may only be 15 minutes, but it is a repeated pattern where you do something like sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds, rest for a couple minutes, and then repeat.

HIIT is prefered over long-distance cardio as running a long distance non-stop hurts muscle growth (and could actually result in the loss of muscle mass). This explains why so many marathon runners, while being skinny and physically fit, tend to have arms and legs that looks like twigs.

Of course, going with the right workout plan is only part of the equation. You also have to have the right foods in your diet. Things like chicken breast, salmon, steak and eggs for protein. Potatoes, fresh fruits and oatmeal for carbs. Lots of fresh vegetables. Drink plenty of water (probably more than you drink daily). Even though it may be expensive, buy organic as that will make a big difference too.
avatar for Ironcat
8 years ago
The Ironcat lifts iron - best anti-aging approach. Running gives you stringy muscles while lifting gives you thick, juicy muscles. at age 65 I can still bench press 300 lb. with my body weight at 205. Running just wears out your joints.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
^^ don't you care about what your arteries look like?
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
The best exercise is whatever you find fun enough to keep up, regularly. Doesn't matter if HIIT (or whatever is popular this week) is the best exercise in the world, if you hate it. I advise spending all your time figuring out what you love, or alternatively, what types of goals you love working towards, and build a program around that.

For myself, I've always hated aerobic exercise and "fitness" or bodybuilding type strengthwork. So, I haven't done aerobic exercise in over 10 years, and have never looked back. My program is goal-based strength & conditioning, my conditioning work is mostly HIIT based, my strength work is targeted around building max strength and explosive power. I spend time engaging in proper, high-performance program creation -- but that's because I"m a nerd and love the science to the extent I can understand it, but again, not strictly required. Love my program, it's the right thing for me, but if you love aerobic exercise, or bodybuilding, or playing basketball, or whatever, then those things will be better for you.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Juice wants to know if masturbating is considered working out?
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
As far as I know, Juice's entire exercise program is built around masturbating, and after decades of sticking to this regimen, plus drinking only bottom shelf whiskey and Redbulls, he's managed to build himself the body of an Armenian tugboat captain.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I work out on and off - work out 2 or 3 months then quit for 2 or 3 months - I've never liked doing cardio so stuck to moderate lifting mostly Smith machines type stuff.

As has been mentioned previously, running can affect one's joints as one gets older - resistance training is important the older one gets in order to maintain muscle mass but also strong bones - IDK what is the best ratio of cardio to lifting but if I had to choose one I'd choose lifting b/c you also are doing some cardio while lifting - and has been mentioned proper eating is just as important.

w.r.t. female attention, I def think lifting will get you more attention - you don't have to be Lou Ferrigno but having some decent definition and toneness does help IMO.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I biked 20 miles this morning. In the summer months I bike 15 to 30 miles almost every day of the week. In the winter I have a stationary bike. I also do a 45 minute workout when I get up--loosening up, sit ups, stair climbing and so on. Exercise has many benefits for the body and the mind.

avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
^^ my cycling habits are almost the same
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
When I haven't worked out for a while and start lifting again my body def responds and my muscles do grow significantly for the first few weeks b/f I plateau (probably need to mix my routine as s275 mentioned) .

Anyway it's not uncommon for dancers to be feeling me up when I first start working out again and my muscles are peaking - I def notice the difference when I work out and don't work out (although I know this sounds like PL shit).
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I most prefer a naturally fit look, like when a guy is fit bc he has a physical job, especially on younger guys.
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
Im 34 5'10 and 168 with an athletic build. I workout 4 days a week and I lift heavy. For cardio, I use a punching bag I have in my garage. The main thing with cardio is that you want to be breathing heavy after you do it. And trust me punching a 100lb punching bag for 45seconds straight is a damn good workout.

As far as for lifting. You want to shock your muscles and workout on an empty stomach/fasted state. This will get you ripped and build up your six pack faster.

But like someone mentioned earlier broad shoulders, huge traps, and a V shape back will make you look big. I have a small frame but my muscles pop out which gives the illusion that Im bigger than what I am.

Also for getting attention from the ladies, make sure you work your forearms and your calves. These are "show" muscles. Meaning they will notice your forearms first (assuming wearing a short sleeve shirt) and calves (assuming shorts). If those 2 areas are developed she'll make the assumption that your whole body is on point.

Last but not least. Change your fucking diet. Cut down on bread to get rid of your gut and only eat like a pig on the weekend. You don't need any fancy nutrition plan. Just keep it simple and substitute bad foods for good foods.
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
@Futuretrackstar Are you a dancer posing as a custy? If you are which I am about 91% sure based on your previous discussion threads, reviews and comments, there's no need to be cute, we are accepting of dancers.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
^ Only guys think women want pumped up muscle men.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Good advice for us senior citizens.

avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
Working out keeps your face smooth. Running just keeps you regular and from becoming fat. And helps your respiratory system. Double points for doing it in the country side; cleaner air.
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
And how old are you really? I'm 26 so I'm still the youngest.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Lol @ asking this question on a board about strip clubs.
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
@Bj99 sorry bro, but to any female 16 years or older, the skinny kind gentleman will always come second to the alpha buff jerk in raw desire. You may have lived inside the strip club too long but if you remember what life was like when you were young, women were completely open another guys they "desired" vs what their checklist is. Hell tinder can tell you the facts better than I can.
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
Estafador, yes, you are probably the youngest, but I am probably a close second.
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
And estafador, I think BJ99's comment may be accurate depending on what she considers "fit". A guy can get some pretty damn impressive muscles without taking steroids. That's probably what she means when she says "fit" as opposed to the steroid infused bodybuilder.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@Estafador Bj99 is a sis not a bro just clarifying a bit and as far as us old guys working out let's see what kind of shape you're in at fifty. One other point most of us old farts aren't interested in sixteen year olds (well maybe JS69 is) but more likely a hot babe is usually older, late twenties to a well cared for fourtiish even some women in their fifties and sixties look pretty godamned good
I bet a fit older guy, with a nice bankroll will generally attract whatever type he desires.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
@25....yes, yes we can..... But according to some, all that matters is the bankroll and they don't care and fuck everyone with equal abandon. Sorry....couldn't resist.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^You may be right ; )
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ bubba my comment was actually about women in general not just strippers.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
Ace comment Bj99! And any girl that uses BJ in her handle is doing something brilliant!

I used to like running and biking. I still use an Exercycle but I've now started doing yoga. I had a treadmill but it was a piece of crap and it died when I tried to clean it. I've been thinking of buying a new one.

I've tried to lift weights but found it was non-brilliant, at least for me!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I like running. Never could get into lifting. Guys who are too into lifting, fashion, what they look like tend to be gay. (And we do have a couple of those on TUSCL: RickyBoy and jestie214.)
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Thinking back to when I was 18, I was on the track team and never worked out other than running. My weight stayed around 155 well into my 40's and I never had a problem attracting the ladies. I had no need for strip clubs.

At 75 walking and daily chores is all the exercise I can do. I'm up to 200 now but my wallet keeps me going in the strip clubs.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Lol shaylnne I actually had a stripper tell me she loved me on top just because the weight on her body was comforting

I've weight lifted my whole life. I've never been into cardio until know in my life.

Been getting underweight off now that I've been doing a hour or two of cardio 3-4 times a week

I lift 3-4 times a week currently. I no longer train for strength so I focus on reps in the 15-25 area and 4-6 sets

But I only use compounding movements..no isolation movements.

So I stick with a push and pull work out days just like I did in my power lifting days except with less weight and much higher reps
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
I'm in good shape. I do kettlebells and bodyweight work mostly. Some barbell / dumbbell stuff.

Running wreaks havoc on the joints. Swimming, cycling, and walking/hiking are best for aerobic activity. HIIT method is good for fast(er) weight loss and hitting the 80/20 on overall health benefits.

Strippers care mostly about money, but if they can choose to get their money from a fit guy versus Jabba the Hutt in pajama bottoms, then the fit guy has the advantage.

Generally, swimmer / gymnast-type bodies work for the widest range of women (stripper or civilian). I'm not there yet.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
There's nothing but good things to come from a couple days weight lifting, and a couple cardio, per week, and a reasonably healthy diet, but I hate when guys make a big project ab body building and start taking muscle gaining supplements and eating all crazy. I remember a couple of the Jersey shore girls specifically wanting "gorilla meatheads," but lots of hot girls just like a guy who in decent shape, and their type.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
@ 4got lol! I had no idea there was a discussion board when I joined.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
@25...yep. @che, preach it...remember for the younger guys it may be the muscle between the ears. Remember the movie "the sure thing". I relate. I didn't have confidence for shit until my early-mid thirties.

@BJ69, I have to admit I didn't think you were real when I first read your posts but I do now and appreciate your perspective.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Thank you, bubba267. I can't resist a logic problem, even if it's, "help, how do I find a prostitute to pay for sex, and pay her the least possible!" So I really enjoy this discussion board, plus it's good homework for me to relate to customers. My tolerance for customer shit, and average, has gone up. :)
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@Bj99 why don't you start a thread about customer shit. I'm sure it'll be interesting from our POV and you have the ability to educate us a bit I would be very interested in your take.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
What the hell is customer shit? PLs don't lie to strippers.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
I'm 26 also.

I think you will find most women don't prefer the muscled out meatheads. They like a guy that's fit, but not a fucking bodybuilder.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Why? It's just a natural part of things, and there's no reason for me to whine ab it. I'm more of a reward good behavior type. Keeps me positive.

But, I hate to be evasive when asked a question. To be honest, w customers, it's not so much lying, as being needy, jealous, unintentionally obnoxious, and having hidden agendas. I see now that customers have more complicated thoughts and needs in their SCing than I'd realized, and I am less offended when they try to push my boundaries, or gracelessly attempt to pay me for sex, or just get me to go home w them bc they are sure I just wanna fuck lol (that one's actually kinda cute).
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Also, I would never accuse any of you of being attached to your cf's, but I had no idea guys spent looked into stuff so much, or spent so much time wondering ab stuff we just take for granted. I feel kinda bad bc some guys do spend a decent ammt of their extra cash on me, so I want to give them a good experience. I've tried to be more thoughtful ab replying to texts, and appreciating when a guy tells me he only comes in for me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I grew up in Miami where it's hot all year round and lots of people work out and were skimpy clothes - in my younger days when I would hit the beach the dudes w/ the muscles would def get more attention from the girls over guys w/ just avg/normal bodies.

Having muscles does not mean looking like a professional bodybuilder - yeah there are women that find that unattractive but even then growing up most guys that I knew that were muscle-heads usually had nice looking GFs - it's not the end all be all but all things being equal I do believe most women are attracted to guys w/ nice muscles even if they say different but when they see a muscular guy w/ his shirt off they will often look/stare even if they say "oh no I don't care for guys w/ muscles" - if this was the case then why are Chippendale dancers super ripped if it was not considered attractive/desirable and why do women in the audience run their hands over their 6-packs - having nice muscles may not be a "requirement" but I do believe most women find it attractive/desirable.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago

Just a guess, but I would imagine in this respect ladies may be a lot like us. I know, it kinda blows my mind too.

To them Muscleheads might be eye candy. Some superficial ones may think that's the perfect specimen, but many may have no attraction to them other than to look at. To the other extreme some may be intimidated by them.

It seems like the same way a lot of guys look at the heavily made up, extremely fit, majorly enhanced strippers.

Or maybe this is another subject that I opine about despite being completely ignorant.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
So @Papi you go to Chippendale's tell us other stuff about you we didn't know. ; )
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I think it'a an issue of most guys on here never having had muscles and thus not knowing there is a difference or not wanting to admit there is one :)

Again - not saying it's a requirement but I do believe it makes a difference - most male models often also tend to be ripped w/ chiseled chests and 6-packs
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"... So @Papi you go to Chippendale's tell us other stuff about you we didn't know ..."

I don't go to Chippendales; I just perform w/ them on and off

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
-^^^Dont lie to me now ;)
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
^ that supports what I said. Male models are only there as eye candy.
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
Yea... and the eye-candy is attractive. That's why it's called eye-"candy" not eye-poop. It's like, is water wet? Do healthy girls find guys with big muscles to be physically attractive? Is 2+2=4?
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
But just because they find them physically attractive to look at doesn't mean that they are drawn to want to spend time with them.

I use that as my excuse why I don't draw a crowd of ladies wherever I go.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Hmm.. my best friend in college did prefer muscular guys, who looked stocky and fake to me. I prefer taller, lean guys, even if they are kinda skinny. We both had a major crush on this 6'2," beautifully built Lebanese guy. for me, a guy has to be tall, if he's going to be built bc I like the proportionate look, but she just liked muscles. I do have to admit that she was the one always going home w guys from the clubs, but they had to have money too.

There's also the perception of being insecure and arrogant and having an annoying lifestyle to overcome for bodybuilder, so many they appeal more to women just looking for a fling.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Are you going to introduce us to this college friend? She sounds like fun
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 years ago

I decided last year that I should live to 100, since I'm exactly halfway there. For me, that seemed like a sensible goal, but now I'm wondering. I want to live to 100 and not be bed-bound for 99.9999% of it. No tubes, no constant back-and-forth to the doctor or the clinic, no funny mind-altering continual drug regimens just to control blood pressure or ear-to-eye coordination or whatever.

I've done a lot of internet research, but it's still rather up-in-the-air among the medical community what exactly I SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do to bring this about. There are hairball theories abounding, some of which contradict others. All we really know (IMO) are two things.

First, avoid the major stressors, and thereby, also avoid the major mortality-causing incidents. So, for example, don't get cancer, don't get a heart-attack, don't get into a car accident, don't catch ebola, don't get shot. This is (of course) easier said than done. Getting entirely rid of the risk of the onset of cancer of SOME sort is a rather difficult proposition, no guarantees. You can only do your best. Whereas, avoiding getting shot is a little bit more under your own control, though even that, sometimes I think ... well anyway ... Avoiding the fatality-causing incidents is largely a question of DIET and LIFESTYLE, but also one of exercise as it relates to reducing the likelihoods of things like heart attacks and strokes. Thus, for me, EXERCISE can be a positive contributor, but you have to remember what it's there for. It's NOT there for WINNING a triathlon ever; rather, it's there for nixing strokes and heart attacks.

Second, after avoid the major stressors, is, replenish. This is a term I've come up with personally, to lump in together a lot of different practices that seem to relate to longevity. Less stressful commute, more meditation -- this will REPLENISH your mental reserves. Similarly, less fatty foods, more fiber -- this will REPLENISH your bloodstream's cleanliness. I'm not exactly an expert on the replenish portion of the equation and I may modify accordingly as I read more.

Replenishing is is significantly a mental exercise. For example, to stay mentally capable, you should take up a new major multi-year challenge at least once every decade or even every five years. Start meditating and get good at it; also, later, start playing a musical instrument of a sort you've never played before and continue to get good at IT too; also, later, take up something you quit when you were in grade-school again (stamp collecting?) and over a decade get good at THAT thing too; also, later, take up a new type of exercise (if you're doing Crossfit, start doing yoga; or vice versa); also, later, take up a new problem-solving regimen (get really good at Sudoku, or at Chess, or at Scrabble, or at whichever one of the three you've never previously tried); also, later, take a graduate degree or a second bachelor's in a field you've never been involved in; also, later, serve a group of people by means of your volunteerism who have never been within your group of acquaintances before (if you're a typical White suburban middle-class office cubicle dweller, help homeless immigrant Blacks, f.e., and learn their cultural mores); also, later ... well, you get the point.

I can kind-of go for it, kind-of not. Mentally, the challenge sounds like FUN to me. Physically, wow, I hit-or-miss it every day. Sometimes I'm on the band-wagon, sometimes I really fall off of it. Major drinking binges are a problem, though major binges of being a lap-dance-customer don't seem to me to be a problem at all. This would change my strip-clubbing habits considerably.

Basically, the two aspects -- 1. avoid stressors and fatality risks; 2. replenish -- are forward-looking and backward-looking, in my mind. For number 1., don't do things that maximize your chance of death, but rather things that maximize your chance of longer life. For number 2., don't do that which you have always done, but rather, mix it up so that you are opening up your capabilities in always-new directions (physically as well as mentally).

Exercise? Well, difficult concept ...

Just tried Crossfit, liked it a lot due to the set-up and context (lots of people from "normal life," wide range of abilities, helpful beefy dudes hanging around making sure you don't hurt yourself, ONE HOUR is the ENTIRE workout including warmup and cooldown and little "fun game" for conviviality at the end; and always with someone who is demanding that you do it, right there, they tell you what it is, you do it, and then it's over) but found it very heavy on (A) grip requirement (lots of pullups, chinups, hanging abdominals knee-raises, rope-climbs, etc.) which bothers me for my musical instrument skills, after a crossfit workout I can't practice an instrument; (B) quads, thighs, glutes (lots of squat-like or single-leg-stand-like motions, holding weights or not, up on a step or as a lunge, etc.) which bothers me for the imbalance relative to arms, back, neck. So, I'm 50 / 50 on it.

In general, I want my exercise to be "fitness for longevity" not "fitness for fitness's sakes" and so far I feel like Crossfit is only partly filling that bill. I do benefit from the contextual set-up, as mentioned, so I'm not quitting for a while, maybe a year or two before I really re-consider it.

Additionally, when you get all of the above done, there's another problem -- earning a living while you're doing it. What garbage that shit is. All it does is prevent you from living your life. If you can afford to be a retiree and cut down to the level of 1. avoid and 2. replenish, then I would recommend that retirement should start immediately. Otherwise Western work will kill you.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
She was fun :) I miss her. She's all married and stuff now.
avatar for FTS
8 years ago
@Bookguy, I didn't read that entire massive wall of text that you wrote. But, for what it's worth, my grandpa is 94 years old. His life is basically sitting on the couch watching tv, relaxing, reading the paper, and he also chops wood for the fireplace and doesn't hold back when he tells his wife to shut her mouth. He lives on a farm.

I've also heard that the number 1 predictor of longevity is leg strength and VO2 max.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
I do both, but I'll say cardiovascular not running. I probably ran for exercise 3 or 4 times last year and that doesn't include the days I was running late to work.

Anyways both will work in your favor as far as appearance. Also you'll probably see a boost in your confidence.

I read an article a few weeks ago and supposedly women are more attracted to the dad body.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Bookguy be more of a cliff notes guy.
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
What is the "dad body"?
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Muscular, but w a slight beer belly, and some little love handles, and a bit more ass. Think Chris Pratt. My boyfriend tends toward this. It's pretty nice actually. I find him seriously sexy.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I'm older tho. In my thirties. I liked lean way more when I was youner.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
Bj99 hit it spot on with the dad bod. I'm in my early thirties, which I'm guessing the OP is in. If so, you're at a great age you can get the younger 20s as well as anything from 30s up.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I didn't know so many TUSCLers were into physical fitness. Does exercise turn men into pervs?

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ BookGuy if you want to live to a hundred first thing you need to do is condense what you are saying down to magazine form, otherwise SJG is gonna get you for stealing his publisher. )
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Omg.. 25, lol!
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
@Bj99 got cha... I was thinking more of Al Bundy though lol
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@FTS Don't mean to be stupid but what is VO2 max ?
avatar for JackAstor
8 years ago
A collective of Run, swim , bike , Hike, lift six days a week. The older I get the less I run and the more time I spend in the pool, hiking and on the bike. I also cut lifting down from the 6 day cycle a lot of guys do to three days. Sometimes at the pool i'll skip the laps and just tread water for an hour. The days I blow it all off are the days I do yard work.

I don't know how the 300-400 lbs slobs I see at Walmart do it. The 10-15 extra lbs over the holidays makes me feel like shit .

The commercial says it best " A body in motion stays in .........."

And the strippers I know could care less what you look like . Short , overweight and bald Benjamin Franklin and his clones are all they care about .
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Reorganizing one's affairs so that you can move around by bicycle makes a big difference. Not everyone can or wants to devote special 'exercise time'. And then time driving in an automobile, listening to the pistons go up and down, is just time wasted.

So as much as possible now, rain or shine, anytime day or night, I get around by bicycle.

But are their problems? Yes there can be, as in this country motor vehicle transportation and dressing in a manner which requires that, are considered minimal requirements for social standing, in some quarters.

avatar for FTS
8 years ago
@25 VO2 max is a measure of aerobic efficiency. I have forgotten the precise definition but it is something like: the maximum volume of oxygen (O2) that your body can utilize per unit weight per unit time. It is a very accurate predictor of performance for various activities, e.g. For a VO2 max of X you can run a 5k in about Y time.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
In my opinion, after you reach 40 or even earlier, avoid extra sugar, avoid high fructose corn syrup, do some walking or something just about every day, throw in some dumbbell lifting or weight resistance training evry other day two or 3 times a week and you will get fit without a lot of running, jumping, and all the highly active exercises I see advertised on tv. Eat too much or get too little sleep and you will gain weight. Little changes add up. Over 15 years I made little changes in my diet without really adding in much exercise. I got in a bad habit of staying up late working long hours and that didn't help. I gained over 30 pounds from when I started a job over 20 years ago. 3 years ago I decided to make changes. I got more sleep and lost weight just by sleeping more. Only 4 or 5 hours will kill you over time and it does something to make you hungrier and you eat more. Then I counted calories roughly over 2 days, well actually just a few minutes since I eat mostly the same. A little bit of extra bread or buns every day, a littl extra this or that every day, adds up. I didn't use to eat all that 15 years ago. I cut back on the sodas. Soon I was losing weight without even trying. Oh I also read the obesity epidemic in the US started when they started adding high fructose corn syrup as a cheap substitute for sugar in many foods.i read our bodies have trouble processing the food. Coincidence? The food industry that adds it will deny it. Reminds me of the tobacco industry denying cigarettes are bad for you like they did decades ago before being proved wrong.

Anyway start making little changes. Get a pedometer and add some walking, add some weight resistance training during the week, not much, just a little. After 3 years, I've lost over 25 pounds without much effort. My weight hasn't dropped in the last few weeks but I haven't been doing any exercise except working around my house. That can be enough if you are busy.

I do have a lot of muscles already from when I used to bicycle in my 20's and had a PE class involving weight lifting. My muscles grew fast in college. They don't now but losing muscle mass as you age causes weight gain along with a drop in testerone levels. I read extra fat will make things worse. Little things can add up. My younger brother used to be lighter than me, now he's at least 30 pounds heavier and it's not muscle even though I'm older than him. He only gets 5 hours of sleep a night. Sounds like a slow death I'm afraid. I hope he succeeds in his efforts. His family won't let him sleep in on the weekend and his wife always has some project for him to work on.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Oh I also read a little cheat day once week is ok. I like eating pizza once a week , maybe a few leftovers. I noticed I get hot revving up my metabolism eating all the extra calories and do temporally gain weight for a day but my weight drops faster after that. Of course everyone may be different. I did read from others that cheating once a week from a low fat or low calorie diet will increase something in you that helps burn calories.

If I ate pasta every day, I would get bigger than Juice.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I no longer do any bicycling but once did 15 to 30 miles at a time at speeds up to 50 mph. I hated when I accidentally broke the steel pedals off or warped them. Put too much pressure on the pedals, and steel will bend or break.
I remember roughly 15 years ago I told a stripper I thought I was starting to get out of shape but then bicycled a record 48 miles the next day. I would feel that so called runners high after 45 to 60 minutes and it would last for hours. Exercise can get addictive. I had to be lighter doing all that. I don't remember what my weight was.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I had an accident with the wheel coming loose and woke up in the hospital with a doctor saying good news, we don't need to operate.my helmet was dented a lot. I hit the side walk. My stupid insurance denied paying the full amount for the ambulance and the full amount they should have paid claiming a hospital about 80 miles away charged less and denied my full claim and I ended up paying over $2000 out of pocket even though I had no surgery and was released the next day after getting a Tylenol or something. That probably cost me 30 or 40 by itself. I didn't trust any of the bicycles anymore with a quick release for the wheels. I want a nut and bolt and threads showing past the bolt before I ride again. No quick wheel releases.
avatar for TheDevil66
8 years ago
I lift and run hell
avatar for edak94
8 years ago
I'm 63 and lost 20+ pounds in the last year. Train 3 times a week and run twice a week (5-6 miles). I was always had a slim build but the everyone has noticed the lost weight and increased muscle definition and the dances have gotten better. My advice: a mixture of weight training (at a high tempo so you build up stamina) and running for added endurance and weight loss. Eat what you want, but no seconds.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->". I was always had a slim build but the everyone has noticed the lost weight and increased muscle definition and the dances have gotten better."

This is an interesting part of the conversation. For my part, I went through a major body recomposition (for the better) 12 years ago, and I, too, feel that the dances got better. And not just by a little bit -- by a lot Which made a lot of sense to me. I am not under the illusion that the girls are getting turned on by my relatively-fitter but still middle-age bod. But I am under the (Illusion?) impression that they are far less repulsed than they were with my paunchy dad-bod, and that resulted in more willingness to touch, and touch longer. The girls ARE actually people (Yes! it's true!) and just like, given two women you're not attracted to, if you had to touch the fat slob or the fitter one, you'd take the fitter one, they do get relatively more or less repulsed. Of course, I'm not unaware that perhaps this is all confirmation bias, and I was desperately hoping for that reaction, so I saw it everywhere. However, the difference in dance quality seemed so stark and obvious that I'm skeptical I imagined it.

On the other hand:
JackAstor-->"And the strippers I know could care less what you look like . Short , overweight and bald Benjamin Franklin and his clones are all they care about ."

I agree they'll fuck you no matter what. I just suspect a guy who is fit and relatively less repulsive, may get a bit more effort and contact, than a guy who is relatively paunchier and far more repulsive, all other things being equal.
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