Has a Stripper Ever Asked You To Pay Her Tipout?

avatar for Dlee305
I decided to get some dances from this petite, dark, tight-body dancer at The Body Miami in Miami. I get 2 songs and we're transitioning into the third song, she stops. Says to me "Give me $40."

I was instantly livid. I said "Why would I do that?" Thinking she was trying to charge me $20 per song like I was a novice. She seen the anger in my eyes. I wanted to punch that hoe's head off. She apologized and said "I want $40 so I can leave and make money at another club."

My only response as a man was "WTF that has to do me?" I ordered her to get off my lap so I go get change. I broke a $20 and gave her 10 $1 and left. I was pissed!

Has this happened to anyone before?


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Strippers have asked me to pay their tipout and just about everything else. Why shouldn't they ask? Some loser will do it.
And this drove you to an over-emotional tantrum? If you're that thin-skinned, then I suspect that you're going to be throwing a lot of hissy fits if you continue to visit strip clubs. She ran a hamfisted hustle. Don't take it personally - this is what they do.
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
She probably has 90% of the guys she dances for ask her for extras or OTC. She is just doing the same on the tip out. If you don't ask, you won't get what you want. It works both ways. I don't think you need to get upset about it. You could have used it as an opportunity to get at least a handy for that $40 if not more.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
To Rick: my grievance is she doesn't asked to all guys. She could have made that in dances. Sorry ass hoe wanted something for nothing.
One has to learn to let what strippers say go in one ear and out the other - if they were nice girls they would not be strippers - as long as you know what you're doing and in control strippers will be strippers
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I agree w rh48. You could have played along, and at least asked what you'd get for it in appreciation.
I've had strippers IDK just come up to me and tell me to buy them food
"Sorry ass hoe wanted something for nothing."

Nothing wrong with wanting something for nothing, wouldn't you like her to give you a BJ for free?

Just don't give it to her if you don't want to. Now, if she got her panties all in a bunch because you didn't give it, then I'd think WTF.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
I personally didn't want any extras that day. I was pissed off that she killed the mood. I was self-aware that it shouldn't have bother me but it did.
A few years ago I had a dancer dancing for me and she was wearing some kinda fancy belt - the belt broke during the dances - she was pissed - a few minutes later one of her dancer buds came up to me and told me w/ a bad attitude that I should pay for the belt
What makes you special, she prolly asks everyone for money be it cigarettes or tip out, gas money, money to pay her babysitter. I hate to agree with Rick Dugan but if that gets you all worked up you need to find another hobby. May I suggest Philatelics.
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Man, if you think that's bad, I had one ask me for $100 to buy groceries for her kid. To make matters worse, she wasn't even registered as a 501(c)(3)
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Strippers ask me for money all the time for this and that, and sometimes I even give it to them. For example, if a hottie joins me at the stage and asks for a dollar or two to tip the girl currently on stage, I almost certainly will. If she asks me to buy her a drink and I like her looks and think she'll stick around at least long enough to drink it (which doesn't always happen!), I'll do that, too! I've even been known to pay a $20-30 tip-out for a favorite if it's close to her deadline. What I don't do is let it upset me if a stripper asks for money and then absconds with it. I just say "No dances for her -- ever!".
I have had similar things happen to me. I say "no thank you" pay up at the end and walk away. Hysterical overreaction isn't my style.
I actually like it when strippers try to hustle me. Its usually the young ones. I just laugh at that shit and pay them to leave.

Don't let a stripper of all people, fuck up your mood bro.
Next time ask the DJ if you can borrow his mic so you can let all the dancers know at one time that you won't be paying for anything other than the standard rates for services rendered. I bet that would keep them from coming over asking for handouts.
My very first OTC at the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus. I asked her about OTC and she said yes and we could do it right now if I gave her the $40 for her tip out. I did and she showed up at my hotel 30 minutes later with her hair still wet from a shower.

I guess you could call it beginners luck. Knowing what I know today, I'd probably balk at paying anything upfront.
You can get lap dances for less than $20 a song in Miami???

Anyways, I'd probably offer her a way to earn it faster, rather than get upset about it and storm off.
Dances at the Miami black clubs are $5 and $10 - mixed clubs are $25
I think I'd convert to the black clubs if I moved back to Miami then.

I used to hit Mint Lounge and Rolexxx occasionally back in the early 90s. They were definitely more freaky than the mixed clubs back then.
I had one dancer ask me to buy her a car - had another one ask me to be her BF (I was in my early 30s and she mid-20s but I'm sure she was just looking for someone to take care of her)
You should have asked what she was willing to do to earn that $40
My CF has never asked me to pay her tip out, but I actually volunteered to pay it once, and of course she accepted.
The first few times she danced for me I would always include a tip, and the first few times she asked if I wanted change! Never had a stripper ask me that before.
I know they are all about money, but some, like my CF, are just smarter about how they take it out of your wallet.
If you are tipping her front room, like getting a makeout session going, because you plan to take her to the back room, or just to take her home with you. You could easily supply her with enough money for her tipout.

I say this because one of our most respected members has frequently posted about a girl asking him to pay her tipout, and then do OTC. Sounds like it was his first.

So I have thought about this.

avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
Besides Papi_chulo, most of yall never stepped foot The Body. It's a science where they scope chumps. I go there too often to have been tried that way. Being nice to hoes is what makes them act up. I bet she will move different. The bartending there was bad. After my steady complaints, the service is better. Read the recent comments. Yall are the causes for these hoes thinking they are worth more than they are. $180 for bbbj!?!? Smh

I am assuming we all work an honest job or biz and doing these hoes a favor. Its not the other way around.
@Dlee305 I have been in The Body Club dozens of times, it's a fairly cheap way to club, but I have had some awesome visits there.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
SJC - Slow down. No sucker shit here. I don't do that. Tell these they're fucking up and dont go about things in messed up ways.
I used to pay my ATF's tip out and late fees all the time. Basically every time we met in the club.

Yes. I was a pathetic loser and a regular in love back then..

Don't be like me. lol.
@ DLee:

Most of us on this board are in our 40s, 50s, & 60s, and have been at this for a while and why we have a different POV - don't take the responses here personally - many of us have been thru all sorts of shit w/ these girls and why we don't normally sweat many of their games - I personally don't expect much from women that allow themselves to be groped (and more) by strangers - strip clubs are a different animal and played by different rules , one just has to understand that and know how to play the game - stripper shit is gonna nna be as common as custies asking for fuck & suck (it's just the other side of the coin)
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
25 - It doesn't matter. Respect is the ultimate currency.
One needs to know enough to not get played but also know enough to not sweat the SS
avatar for motownkid
8 years ago
Dude I hear your frustration and I get it but in the stripper world balancing what you pay for what you get - part of the deal. She was taking a shot - been to the Body Club a million times - that request to me would all depend upon the dancer and yes what is in it for me? I would work it to my advantage and probably use some humor with her in response - with a counter offer. Then decide what she was worth - you can't sweat it. You left pissed off and she probably didn't think about it ever again. Not winning...
Okay, I am going to write something a little nicer than my first response...

Dlee, it's the nature of the game. We try to get as much xyz as we can for as little cash as possible while they try to maximize income for as little effort as possible. Taking this shit personally is both silly and counter-productive.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Yes, I told her I ate bad guacamole and couldn't stop shitting
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
I understand everybody and usually am under control and maneuver thru BS or SS but I was likely upset about something outside the place and that pushed me over. I ended up linking with my old faithful whore and even got a rimjob out of here.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
RickDugan - I majored in econ so I comprehend entirely. Just one of those days, I guess.
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
" she had forgotten about it by my next visit."

Just because strippers don't bring a thing up doesn't mean it was forgotten. Strippers are women, too. But if it didn't get in the way of future fun then that's a good thing.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
So you gave her $10 or $10 in singles? Just wondering.

Anyway, I've had it asked indirectly if OTC was involved or if they were supposedly having a bad night. I've tipped the ones with supposedly bad nights, but who knows if it covered tip out. Can't say OTC price went up because of it, but I guess they're like wth give it a shot.
Being a New Yorker, used to $20 a song, so if I was super high I'd probably say ok. Under normal circumstances, if dances over there truly are $10, I'd have calmly say no. I can't blame her cause I'd look for cheap ways to get bop.

Try not to bring outside problems in a inside fun house
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
I've had them ask me to pay their rent, car insurance and medical bills. most of us on this board have. Why would I get upset at her asking me to cover her tip out?

As with those examples, if I like the way she looks and performs, I offer her the opportunity to earn the money. if all she needed was 40 she probably needed to do only one or two more dances for you.

I had a girl ask me once, but with the proper "attitute" It wasthe very end of her shift. She said she had had a very slow day and needed another $43 for tipout. Could she blow me for it? This was at a club with VIP dance booths that you had to pay to go back to. She told the guy at the front (that normally takes your $20) we were not dancing (technically true) and she was showing me around. Went to the very back, somewhat rushed BBBJCIM. I gave her $50. she went to her garter for $7 change, but I told her to keep it. She lit up like a Christmas tree over that $7!
I had one ask for fifty dollars for a blowjob once! The nerve of that gut!
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
Ch3ll - 10 singles.
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