Dancers seem to get into a swing of and endless cycle that keeps them in the game until they are no longer able or wanted to be their any longer. Girls are often in specific and difficult situations ie drugs, single moms, working two jobs and going to school. I have often wondered if it would make sense for the club to invest in the girls to some degree. Things I have complained about or heard complained about before is childcare at night, healthcare, substance abuse in both rehab and in allowing things to go on that shouldn't or even encouraging it. Now I understand that clubs aren't going to hold your hand to make sure your not getting fucked up in the bathroom or whatever but often at some clubs things are caught and nothing is done. I also understand the value of some encouragement on days you aren't in your dancing mood. Maybe helping their girls get into programs they could last longer and it could definitely help them maintain their looks. Also helping get access to childcare could be helpful. Obviously this would be off sight somewhere and probably not available to smaller clubs but some could help with this. In all the places I danced at when I had custody of my kids there were no places that offered overnight babysitting at all. Healthcare is fucked anyway but dancers have been long without it and with the system now no one can afford that. I can already hear the get a real job and all that but I think its honestly worth looking at. regardless of whether you consider it a job or not it is used to support families with. Clubs need to provide more then a stage to their girls.
Not saying provide it but provide a means to it. Help with time off or set things up to help out girls with child care or getting healthcare. Hell bring in a rep to talk about individual plans. things like that
Wouldn't that be the jobs and duties for an independent contractor to figure out? I mean it's your own business, and the club doesn't care how you get your health care.
But lets be honest and say most girl myself included didn't know how to go about the "contractor" stuff including paperwork and how to handle all of that. No one really helps all that much either. Im saying it isn't required but would be helpful.
Strip clubs are in the vice business (sex, alcohol, $$$), it's not the place, custy or stripper, to get one's shit-together or learn life skills, it's the nature of the beast.
Best a girl can do IMO is save her $$$ and try to set herself up for something else - i.e. use stripping instead of it using you.
what expenses do club owners have that are so bad? building rent booze and insurance and power bills. that pretty much it. I mean I know they aren't millionaries at least all of them but there isn't a lot of bills the owners have to pay.
@poledancer you have no idea how hard it is to open up a small business let alone a strip club you are asking for them to be your mommy and daddy as well. When you go to work you are expected to know what you are doing, if you are working in an industry where what you are describing is the norm it would behave you to know this before you start. As a business owner I haven't got time to hold your hand, rent, taxes and all other expenses are my responsibiliy, I can't be responsible for your problems as well, I'd never get my own work done if I needed to deal. With your complaints.
Strip-clubs for the most-part are very transient, a stripper can be there one week and gone the other - so not cost-effective to have programs in place
I am not claiming that I do know anything about it. I am saying invest in the girls you have to keep them around longer. You also have no clue how easy the strip club world can wrap up a girl so quick that she is gone before she knows it also. We are finally starting to talk about PTSD for vets and understand that putting people in certain situations causes them to develop mental problems but we don't do the same for substance abuse. I am not claiming strippers for PTSD obviously but using that as an example. Girls already messed up sometimes and then working at a club are now susceptible to worse things. Not at all claiming its a requirement for clubs to do this but saying it would be nice.
Strip clubs are a microcosm of capitalism - in the American capitalist system responsibly is usually solely placed on the individual - vs a socialist system where the state tries to take care of individuals' needs but thru very high taxes and typically at the expense of upward mobility
I see so I spent a whole bunch of money opening up a strip club providing dozens of mostly unemployable people with a way to earn a living and because they aren't responsible enough to look out for their own well being I now need to be responsible to take care of them for the rest of their life. Girl this ain't the army you have a choice and I'm not sending you into combat give it a rest. Really PTSD !
I said I was using that as an example obviously you didn't read. so the "man" gave us poor hos a place to pay him to let us work and we should be greatful and not ask for more?
Some clubs fit the definition of small businesses, others are part of huge chains. Regardless of their status, none of them care about you. If they did they would treat you like the employee you are instead of maintaining this fiction that you’re an “independent contractor.” Hopefully that will one day be corrected, but even if it is, your club is still your pimp. For the most part all they care about is that they get their cut of your action. So the best you can do there is shop around and find the club that treats you the most fairly, i.e., doesn’t bury you with ridiculous penalties and fees if you show up for work late or gain a few pounds, and has your back when customers or other dancers get out of control.
As you said, health care in America is fucked. But no matter what you do, don’t opt into the Affordable Care act in its present form, i.e, Obamacare. Try to find an alternative plan that works for you, but if you can’t, you’re better off paying the penalty and paying for your own services out of pocket.
Child care. Ask around, what do the other dancers at your club do? If you can’t find a good alternative start your own child care. Get all the single moms together, create a schedule, and take turns taking care of the kids while the others work. The girls working on any night can pay a fee to the designated baby sitter.
Most dancers blow through incredible amounts of money on totally stupid shit. That includes blowing money up your nose. So stop doing it. If mental health or addiction is an issue, get yourself to a counselor.
Put together an exit plan. Plan to go to school, or get certifications, or learn a skill or trade. Just do something. You don’t want to be dropping your bra or dropping your panties at 30 years of age. Every guy who walks into a strip club is potentially a resource. Yeah, a lot of them are douche bags, a lot of them are idiots, but not all of them. Ask guys what they do and what they’re into. If it sounds like he might have expertise in something you need, maybe you can pump him for info while you provide a GFE in the club?
If you need those things, then you are in the wrong line of work. For all of the reasons discussed above, it is both impractical and legally problematic to offer that kind of support to a group of transient independent contractors.
If you are old enough to decide to take your clothes off for a living, you are old enough to manage the good and bad consequences of doing so. The whole idea behind the club model is to give the girls, in theory, unlimited earning potential. The club gets paid not only to give you a place to work, which is not cheap btw, but for whatever it does to keep guys coming in the door. If you don't like working for yourself, then you can always get a job at Starbucks, which will pay you like shit but give you lots of corporate perks.
Anon, the independent contractor model benefits the girls as much as the clubs, which is why most dancers who have a clue prefer it to an employee designation. They like the freedom to follow the money from one club to another, which is much harder for W-2 employees to do. Some dancers also strip while they travel. I can't think of anything that would fuck this industry up more than saddling it with the employer/employee model, for reasons too numerous to easily list.
PoleDancer83, In the organization I am building all of these problems and more are 100% solved on the first day.
Everyone gets healthcare, continuing lifelong education, and career development. Men pay dues. Women who are living via sex work or low wage jobs pay nothing. Women only pay, as the men do, when and if we are able to help them develop high wage long term professional careers.
Those who opt for the inner order, living and working on our properties, get much more. Besides living at zero cost to themselves, clothes, food, transportation, everything else they need provided, they also get an exit parachute. The women get 4x what the men do.
If at some point they decide that they want out, they have the option, subject to vesting rules, of claiming equity shares in corporations set aside for them via ultra low price early purchases, or stock options. Since this is a collective thing, we will be applying all our talents and abilities to make sure this delivers.
So remember, the women get exactly what the men get, except that they get 4x. Roughly they should look forward to about $250k per every two years, and then being subject to only Capital Gains Tax, when they actually sell. Of course they probably would only sell when they are retired, and then only as needed, so they would have no other income.
The ones who get this are the ones who decide to exit. This is not to put either women or men out to pasture, rather it is to give them the option of an exit parachute so that they don't feel trapped or like they are loosing out. If they don't take it, then as they stay, their equity shares will revert to a separate property tax exempt religious non-profit which builds their residence halls. So we want the mature members to stay as they will provide the group's cultural and intellectual content.
So specifically as it pertains to incoming young women, we want to do better by them than they would have with their other options:
1. Marriage, a Russian Roulette level of risk, usually highly abusive, and highly destructive to mental and physical well being. But still can be lucrative.
2. Sex work, an early retirement age, and can be sometimes tough, but also can be lucrative.
We will be giving them a radically better life, an exit parachute option which is more lucrative, and a radically better life if they decide to stay. And we will encourage the later.
And then as far as professional carriers we will be guaranteeing them that, by continuing education and placing them in our own industries or into outside careers, as they desire.
So these problems are 100% solved. And most of life's hassles will be eliminated. And the whole groups is free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, psychiatric medications, psychotherapy, recovery, and Born Again Christianity.
And poledancer83, to further respond to your post, let me also introduce another idea. In places where you have completely decriminalized prostitution, there can still be problems. Like consider Tijuana, totally freeform selections venues, around the clock operation, and the customer can usually get whatever he wants, like quickes, or Toda La Noches with continuing contact.
But the negative side of this is that it is hard on the women's personal lives. In the Zona, they live on the lunar calendar. But the rest of the world, and their kids and their kids' schools still run on the solar clock. So as they remain available to bed down with customers, and knowing that they can then continue making more money off of more customers after, not matter what the time, they provide great service and make great money. But they are trashing their personal lives.
So what is the solution? The solution is in how it has been in the ancient world, that the women live in their own worker run collective. It could be like a labor union, more democratic. Or it could be more like a religious order, more hierarchical.
Either way, they live with their children and in female headed collectives organized around child care and with their own schools. And since the women run it, they can make it all work. Of course they will have hotels and session rooms, and then various types of selection areas. So this way they can service customers and still know that their kids will be fine, and they actually will get to spend more time with their kids, while simultaneously being more available for customers.
I'm not going to run any brothels or strip clubs or be involved in anything else which is sex industry myself. But if women want to do sex work and make it as nice as possible, this sort of worker owned collective would be the way.
What inspired me in thinking this way are the pictures of TJ of the street girls in the school uniforms. They seem to be a day time crew. I think the school uniforms have a political meaning, a kind of feminist meaning. That is, regardless of their marital status they want a good financial future, and they are also saying that they are clean living sane people. Good fair service, healthy lives, and they want to be treated with respect. And of course they want to keep regular hours to they can be with their kids.
So the logical next step would be these worker owned collectives.
Money doesn't come out of nowhere - all those support services cost $$$ and is gonna be passed down to dancers (more fees) and custies and the more expensive clubs get the less customers it will often have (or less spending customers at least)
@rick - I'm aware there's a percentage of dancers who do very well. There was a poster on this board recently claiming that Houston is the worst city for dancers, while I personally know dancers in Houston (and Dallas) who make three figure incomes. But I also know a lot of dancers who don't do nearly that well. Considering how many restrictions most clubs put on dancers, I would consider them employees. But since I don't own a club and since I'm not a dancer this isn't a subject I really care to debate.
The organization I am building solves all of these problems.
What do most guys spend their money on?
First, impressing the opposite sex.
And then after they have done enough of that, they spend it on keeping up with the Jones.
How much does all of this cost? Well it costs you everything you have including your soul, because you are competing with other guys doing exactly the same thing, trying to impress potential GF's, and then trying to placate bossy wives.
The way it all starts is with this idea that you have to prove your worthiness.
Well this completely evaporates once you have it established that at least within a group, everyone is fully legitimate. Then, as you will have hotties jumping in front of each other for a chance to ride your cock 365 days a year, women having a much higher capacity than men do, it all turns into one big bonobo party.
And so then everybody gets to spend their time doing things far more important than trying to prove their legitimacy. They can spend their time in more productive ventures and in life long education.
Poledancer you know what you just did? You pitched a booking idea. Instead of relying on the manager to implement it, why don't you turn it into a profit. Stripping is still lucrative no matter what people on TUSCL says, and if you can get enough dancers to buy this plan, you can stretch it small and big clubs with your clientele as proof. Do it before a real business man reads this thread and hops on it.
@Estafador I appreciate what you meant with booking idea problem is using these girls most of whom don't follow the rules you are looking for a pandering or promoting prostitution charge as soon as one of these girls looks for extra money, or one, will short you, leaving you holding the bag on a tax evasion charge. So many things could go wrong and i don't see it as profitable enough to deal with the risk. @Poledancer > " so the "man" gave us poor hos a place to pay him to let us work"> That's ridiculous and you know it, Go get a job that pays as much with no skills, education or training of any sort. I bet the best job most of you poor ho's get is a burger slinging, or shelf stocking job paying minimum wage or slightly above. I know lots of girls working in the clubs that are happy to make the money they are making, the difference is if they get themselves in trouble, they know who is responsible, and who is irresponsible.
I am a independent contractor in a small business. There are many benefits - being your own boss - being able to call your own shots etc. etc.. The downsides you describe here. I worked in corporate for 20 years - believe me I will take the downsides of being and independent contractor over the benefits of employee status any day. So I guess I am saying - I understand your frustrations but as they say in the Godfather - "This is the Life We Chose". Good luck.
Hey jerk wad have you ever met a payroll or filed a tax form as a legitimate small business, what great accomplishment can you point to and say you accomplished anything more that jerking yourself to completion, you're a loser and a troll.
And what I have also been saying is that it is far better to invest their money in themselves than into things which are really just glorified gambling.
And about our poledancer's original post, there are ways that all the very real problems she outlines can be solved. The problems are really the creation of Capitalism.
This is the enemy right here, after a brief introduction by actor Gerald McRaney:
I think people are being too hard on Poledancer. She only wants the clubs to provide her and other dancers with some benefits that would make their lives better. Of course, the club owners will not do so. They only care about the money dancers bring in, not the dancers themselves.
Before retiring, I worked for a very large corporation which provided all kinds of benefits. But it did not care about its employees either. Benefits and pay are necessary costs, which the corporation would be happy to reduce if it could.
I don't have a solution for Poledancer. Our economic system is pretty heartless.
I think it was you who started a thread once along the lines of benefits or hourly pay for dancers. I forget what I said then, but I think like some clubs charge a house fee or walk in the door fee just for working that night/day. I think waving that fee would help. I've seen some dancers just give like two lap dances and they've been there for hours.
Well in regards to what this thread is about, I do think childcare would help. That'd be interesting to see for sure. The hours are graveyard. Transportation might be another issue for some. Then I think drinking/driving might be an issue. I apologize if this comes off as stereotype, but I do sympathize for the ones with kids. Unless you have good family or friends it'll be hard finding a babysitter for those night hours. My fav doesnt get to work much due to having a babysitter.
@jack, they shouldn''t need the clubs to "make their lives better." With the upside earning potential that many of these girls have, they should be able to make their own lives better. If they cannot, then they are failing in this business and should consider doing something else.
I understand why so many dancers voted for Bernie. It seems nice to get things for free. Free tuition, free childcare, free this, free that. It all sounds great. The reality is everyone or someone ends up paying for it. Do you really think it would be nice to have club bouncers or club staff also be babysitters for your kids? Is it ok if they beat your kids to keep them in line? Someone might call the police if they did but they may be trained for security, not babysitting. If you want to pay a lot extra to the club for babysitting fees, it might work but I bet the club will charge more for that service than a dancer can find on her own.
I can imagine if enough people in a town want all night baby sitting, there could be a business opportunity. In small towns, there probably aren't enough baby sitting services. Clubs could set up an independent company to do so and simply charge all dancers who use it a fee per kid. I'm not sure if the local community would be ok with the strip club being the main funding source for a baby sitting service. Local politicians might pass a law outlawing strip clubs from dong so. Think not? Well if towns outlaw showing nipples in a strip club when it's legal for any mother to show nipples to breast feed in a public restaurant, the stupid politicians can do whatever stupid things they want.
Just remember to vote for politicians who don't try to keep adding new laws and new regulations on businesses. It's these people who stifle businesses from opening and expanding and growing the business. They cause ordinances to get passed requiring pasties, make police spend drug money with agents spending $2000 a visit to get evidence so that someone will break a law and shut down a business or curtail it.
If everyone in this country was progressive, we'd probably have free tuition, child care for late night workers, no pasties in strip clubs, and a very inexpensive health care system that all workers and companies over a certain size pay into as part of taxes, and topless beaches for both sexes, and brothels in every state and free testing for stds everywhere with a good education system.
"TOO OFTEN WE EXCUSE THOSE WHO ARE WILLING TO BUILD THEIR OWN LIVES ON THE SHATTERED DREAMS OF OTHERS" - Robert Kennedy "IF A FREE SOCIETY CANNOT HELP THE MANY WHO ARE POOR, IT CANNOT SAVE THE FEW WHO ARE RICH" - John F Kennedy One of the many contradictions in America, that these words are attributed to the Kennedy brothers some original all american mongers...
jack: " Of course, the club owners will not do so. They only care about the money dancers bring in, not the dancers themselves."
Correct. I don't think they want the dancers to be better off. Because most are only there because of what poledancer called "difficult situations". Take or reduce the "difficult situations" and first thing they'll do (as soon as they fell able) is stop working at these clubs.
Well the title reads "Hiw clubs let down their girls" which leads us to think the responsibility lies on the club and not the girls. If you truly believe that then you're completely uneducated in the form of business and capitalism.
If there is a club that provides the healthcare the door fee will be much higher, dance fees too, and only high end top looking girls would command those prices for people to spend let alone give them extras.
Dancers are told to know their worth, but their is a ceiling in the stripping industry because the landscape says to churn and burn in this environment. It's about the #'s game, for both the girl and the club. Fail at either party and you fail at business. This healthcare thing would bog down the whole business model, and isn't plausible.
Why would a club make a commitment to this when girls can't make commitments? It's wjy so many girls have drug dealing boyfriends, so they don't have to make a commitment to a real life relationship. The lot of them are responsibility dodgers, and typically looking for free handouts while putting g in as little effort. If you had a club that allowed only whales, then maybe this idea is plausible but no way the current economics of club life is.
SJG: "So remember, the women get exactly what the men get, except that they get 4x. Roughly they should look forward to about $250k per every two years, and then being subject to only Capital Gains Tax, when they actually sell"
A couple of little catches, though:
1) Women in his "church" as a precondition for joining have to agree to allow themselves to be fucked by any church at any time. (So 125k/y for being a full-time prostitute. Does he have any other "duties" for them? Doubtful)
2) Does anyone think anyone as non-down-earth, i.e. as dreamy and psych as SJG could run a business which turned a profit? I guess the 125k/y for working a prostitute would be paid out in imaginary money and shares in an insolvent organization.
I considered supporting poledancer in this thread, simply because I enjoy seeing her twat and boobies. But , I can't do it. There is no upside to the business owner.
JackSlash has it right. Unbridled capitalism has some ugly outcomes. I do not feel guilty about my mongering but then I stay away ,far away, from any girl who I think is not operating with a brain and a conscience. Sometimes that take a little time but at least I don't feel I am taking advantage. Strip club owners will do as little as they need to do, any business would do the same. Looking for "Caring" is a fools errand in any capitalistic enterprise.
Another industry rife with substance abuse by its contract workers is the music business. I think all the major "record" labels should have programs for the addicted, brain addled musicians to get free counseling, out care programs and for god's sake, how about some child care while we're in the studio recording or partying like rock stars at strip clubs? After all, musicians are just overgrown children and lack the capacity to make adult decisions. It's not just strippers.
The SAG should do this too. Lots of actors are all fucked up in their personal lives...
@jackslash- We're not being hard on poledancer, we're just giving her a dose of reality. If the truth hurts, then it's on her, not us. That said, the 3 leg equilibrium required for a "viable" strip club industry (1. Enough owners willing to open and operate clubs for the going profit margin 2. Enough customers willing to pay for the going level of entertainment value 3.Enough dancers willing to come in and put up with "whatever" for the going level of "pay".). If enough dancers leave dancing because they found work at a corporation with the benefits that poledancer desires, that will either cause clubs to eventually go out of business, or force them to offer the total compensation/benefits level of "civilian" employers. But that would require charging higher cover. drink, dance, and VIP prices. Which just might drive some customers away and profit margins down. Stating the "just right" equilibrium is above my pay grade.
Strip clubs will never offer anything that even has the whiff of health care (even guidance), as it may count against them if a dancer sues them for violating the laws surrounding independent contractors (and those lawsuits happen regularly).
They will never offer anything like drug counseling/guidance, because that's an indirect admission that drug addiction is a problem in the club's. This will work against the clubs when the news media runs one of their inevitable exposé pieces on strip clubs. (ditto for something like STD testing)
But... I could see a smart strip club negotiating a discount with local daycare services for dancers with kids. The problem there is liability if the daycare facility is found to be endangering their kids.
The real issue is that strip club owners and managers generally don't score high when it comes to compassion.
^^^i wouldn't say compassion has anything to do with running a business, I know plenty of business owners including myself who have been very compassionate to employees included helping them with many of the issues that poledancer described. The problem is when you don't tend to your own responsibilities then you harm all of the people and entities that depend on the business specifically than you harm all of them. That is the nature of capitalism, if everyone took care of their own responsibility everyone would benefit accordingly.
1. "Women in his "church" as a precondition for joining have to agree to allow themselves to be fucked by any church at any time. "
NO! No one is ever obliged or pressured into sex. But it is also true that women, just like men, like sex. And if conditions are right, they will be competing with each other to get it. They have a higher capacity than men do.
No one gets beyond neophyte provisional membership until approved by a senior men's committee and a senior women's committee.
No one gets into the inner order, gets the long term financial benefits, or gets any governing authority until they have shown years of service and been approved by committees. Just as hard to get into this as it is a Roman Catholic or Buddhist order. It takes time because it involves your own spiritual development
Men and women also go thru 'initiations'.
And of course women have to be treated with respect, and this will only work via voluntary cooperation by both men and women. Not as difficult as it looks.
2. I am an extremely practical person. This equity provision is not cash, it is equity, meaning future, meaning not zero risk. Only those who leave will get to have control over their portion. It is a safety valve if things don't work out for them, lowering the risk. And more to protect the women, giving us their best years and all. Those who leave will probably start cashing out. For those who stay, their equity goes into another religious non-profit which builds the larger residence buildings. So yes, this fund management will also probably start cashing out on such.
So yes, per woman we need to be generating $125k, approximately, of equity per year. For the men, only 1/4 that much.
So say 1000 people at the houses in one region. Say 1/2 men 1/2 women. So say about $150k per man - woman pair, there being 500 such. So, that's $75 million in equity per year total. So say for example, create 1x $1 billion equity company, that's more than enough for 10 years. $1 billion equity is not anything like $1 billion annual gross.
Or, just 1x $75 million company per year, and we are set!
Not that hard. The men work in the companies ( no exploited labor ). Many of the women do too. Our people support each other, back each other up, compliment each other's expertise, are free of most of the problems other people face, and are smarter than most people and are pursuing life long education as well. Also our people live and work cheap. The inner order people have basically zero expenses. We give them what they need, but that really is not much when you get down to it, as everything is outside of standard markets.
And what do most men spend money on? Impressing the opposite sex, and keeping up with the Jones. No need for such here, because the women know you and accept you, you don't need to prove yourself. And what do the women need? Mostly high heels and makeup. Every time you come back to the club house temple, they are climbing on you so they can get your load. Women have a much higher capacity than men. These are basically hairless bonobos, its just that our society has been set up to force them to live like hairless chimpanzees. Not in our group.
And one more thing, besides min 10 years of service and being approved by committees of men and committees of women, to gain governing rank, you don't get any share of governance until min age 50 for men and 40 for women.
And also, these equity parachutes only continue to grow up to a certain age, like about middle age. So say a woman joined at age 20. She is giving up marriage and as she becomes full time inner order, she is giving up sex work. So she would be getting nothing, except she gets our equity plan which should give her about $2.5 Meg for 20 years. If she wants to leave shortly after age 40. Maybe that is about it.
So if she leaves she takes it and that is her pension. Not bad as I see it. She might team up with other dissidents and live with them, odds are.
But if she stays, that goes away, but she lives a much higher quality later life than all but very few other people do. All needs provided for, helping run our organization and create it's intellectual content, and still getting her pussy pumped. The people who take to religious orders stay saner and healthier in later life than the general population.
Better than most of the population, much better.
Now where possible, we will let large public firms buy up our startups. So people end up with these large firm shares. But the only people waving their shares around and bragging about it, are the people who have left.
And then of the fund which manages the shares of those who stay, to build the larger residence halls, they just quietly unload shares as needed, and our own people do the construction work.
SJG Principles:
1. Buying dances is a chumps game. 2. Always treat women as civilians in all situations. 3. People do better investing their money in their own ventures. 4. If you change the rules of sex, be prepared to pass out snow shovels, because that manna from heaven will be coming down on you think and heavy, and in all denominations. Once men and women no longer need money to prove their worth, then the people can do bolder and more lucrative things. It happened with Oneida, and it happened with LDS. They got rich, and it was because of this they their neighbors turned against them.
I mean, everyone knows this, that sex and money are two sides of the same coin, and that the rules for sex lock up our money system.
And as far as their being any precedent for something like a sexual monastery, consider Osho / Rajneesh. Good and bad in it, but the sex part worked fine, so long as they were in India.
And as far as women who just want to fuck and fuck and for free, that's how they are in Swinger's Clubs. Its just that they need to have some financial security provided for them. My organization will give them much more than marriage and being middle class ever could.
And we expect losses from the neophytes. The men are held to high standards from the very start. With the women we give them some time to adapt, time to see first hand how it all works.
SJG, planning on being much more than any mere L. Ron Hubbard. And things are already happening!
It sounded like a cry for help by poledancer - unfortunately most of us on this board can't really comprehend nor have experience w/ the issues she or other dancers go thru.
The outer order people live off site, pay dues ( men only ), and my salary is $1 per year.
We help them in carrier development, both men and women, and we help them in housing and education issues too. Their advocate is always just an email away to solve any problem. Never are people expected to "rely on themselves". And we would never sit idly buy and watch one of our people "look for a job". That would be just absurd. Instead we are always grooming people for their next position, which we will hand to them.
Dues money pays for club houses and shuttle van network ( mostly to shuttle women around, but sometimes men need to be shuttled too ) Usually women, suitably screened and trained, drive such vehicles. Other money, less tightly controlled, comes from some companies I will run, making tax deductible contributions. Pays for all the 'extras' and provides dough for getting going in new cities. And of course the core religious group has the Holy Grail, EXEMPT FROM REAL PROPERTY TAX! Welcome to America.
So these outside people get market wages, pay standard taxes, but our dues should be tax deductible.
So say for example.
Male College Grad, Joe Cool
1. Salary: $90k 2. Expenses: chick impressing car, taking girls on dates, impressive apartment, sometimes going to strip clubs and buying dances and paying hookers for sex. Eventually a girl gets her hooks into him, and his life is for all practical purposes over.
Male College Grad, Smart guy, non-conformist, knows that our way is better
1. Salary: $120k because of our continuing education and giving him more opportunities and opening doors for him. 2. Expenses, dues to us, tax deductible, far less than what he is getting in a salary increase by going our way. 3. Other expenses, radically less because he does not need to impress women. Every time he comes to our club house, which we encourage him to do every day, stripper grade hotties won't leave him alone, Can even sleep in a special area, waiting for sun rise, on a foam mat. Our women will bother him, to see if he is ready for more. They compete with each other to see who can ride the most cocks. Women are just that way. They cuddle up and sleep with you, but only after they are sure that no one can go another round.
4. We will mentor people into highly capable technical people, far beyond what you commonly find in corporate America, and exceptional corporate executives. We will even make entrepreneurs of them, where they have full ownership of their companies and all bottom line control, but they avoid income tax for a while by paying us from their day job money to build their first company ( all within legal limits of course). We make sure their first company is a success by providing people, facilities, expertise, and business.
All of our people come out better than they would have otherwise. They just have to understand the program and the premises and voluntarily go along with it.
If women are provided for and they feel safe and secure, they are then free to be horny sluts. And most of all, they have to understand and admire our men, instead of screening them, as young women do in the outside Capitalist society. But then with the kind of men we have, girls will be lining up to get in.
Money from member dues, our corporations, improved by being tax exempt where it counts, improved because our people really need very little, and improved by recirculation and the additional tax benefits that brings.
Papi, guys that know dancers outside will have experience with all such, and its not that much different from the general population of young unattached women.
The people that run a strip club have zero expertise in these areas. At my favorite club they can't even post a schedule without at least four mistakes. I would not trust them to help a dancer with any real issues. Substance abuse? the guys running some clubs depend on dancers have substance abuse issues.
if you need assistance in these areas, contact social services or even your local church. They can at least point you in the right direction to finding people that can help you.
I know that as Dougster reads part 1 and 2 of my treatise, he's going to be LDKing like he just lost 20 years. But the reason I could do it and he couldn't is I am sincere about counter culture and destroying the middle-class and promoting progressive politics. Him, no, he wants his two tier society.
Eli's Coming (1975) - Three Dog Night, this kind of a performance would not use a backing track or be a lip sync.…
As I always tell people, there are three things in this world which have no built in intrinsic cost. Their apparent costs are completely circumstantial.
1. Knowledge 2. Spirituality 3. Sex
But yet, most people spend their entire lives believing that if they had enough money, then they would have these things. And though they may get lots of money, they still never get much of these and they never learn either.
And then someone like Dougster, he really is playing both sides, as he has indeed sold his soul.
I don't even know how many day care places may run night care services for kids. If there are a lot of late night or all night adults out at night, seems like someone would have a business up and running to make money. I can imagine a number of issues may be tough to figure out on your own. Strip club owners like any business owner would want a profit motive to add discounts or incentives. Would keeping dancers working at a club longer be incentive to offer extra services like discounts at a night care service? Depends maybe on how much it costs to hire and train a new dancer. If the answer is 30 minutes, then that's not much incentive for the strip club. It can take a corporation up to 6 months to hire professionals and tie up a lot of company people interviewing and training the new person which represents a major sum to replace someone. If dancers have specialized training, not sure what special training that might be that other dancers don't have, then that could be an incentive to keep dancers. Just brainstorming with posts.
If there are a lot of working parents working night shifts in an area, it could be a profitable business maybe to have a night care service for them to drop kids off at. Most people don't like working nights though so there could be a business opportunity right there and a need not addressed by the business community. I'm not interested in running a day care or night care business so I won't bother to check on it. Someone might be able to get venture funding if there was a definite need for a lot of people in a lot of cities. It makes me wonder. I just recently found out ordinary people can invest in start up companies before they are necessarily selling public stocks. I don't have enough time to research or study everything I want to.
OK instead of reading the 70 or so comments... I stopped half way thru....
I think what Poledancer is asking is just that the clubs can be "human".... ie: take an interest in their "product".... ie: give them a list of day care facilities (if some offer night watches), give them a list of possible health insurance outlets, don't turn a blind eye to the drug usage, and help when you see someone in trouble... help the or approach them about rehab....
This is all well and good...... BUT:
#1 Like others have stated the issue is that "strip clubs" and the culture around them is that of SEX, DRUGS, ROCK N ROLL.... what I mean is that it is still a "taboo" industry. One people want to keep in the dark and possibly shut down. Many have moral issues with it. So they don't want to help the people in the industry. They turn a blind eye.
#2... I hate to say it.... The industry doesn't attract the most up right citizens. What I mean is from Club owners, managers, dancers, customers.... Some of them only care about the $$$, the ass, the sex, etc. They don't care about others per se... only care that they get theirs. Now this is everyone involved.... from owners, dancers, managers, customers, etc.
# 3.... Lets also be honest....This goes with # 1 and # 2.... Most of the people in this industry are not the most responsible.
So like I mentioned above.... I see where Poledancer is coming from. But there is a reason why there isn't these things in place.
IMHO.... There is a possibility for making some $$$ here. What I mean is do a "consulting" type thing. What I am getting at is this.... You go to a club in a city and ask to speak with the manager/owners. Then you ask them do they some of these things in place or would they care to "help out". What your services could be is for a small fee. You will help line up, or create a packet of info for certain things.... examples of things you provide in the "packet" or service..... Daycare providers in the area, health insurance agents in the area, housing in the area, rehab/clinic facilities in the area, financial planners in the area, etc. Basicly you are a yellow pages. Now you can take that one step further and offer that to the dancers for a fee as well.
Now again there is money to possibly be made yet you need the people to buy in. Go see my 1-3 and sometimes the people will buy in... other times they wont.
But again for a small fee you can say to the club manager or owner that you will put together a "booklet" for them and they can hand out to the dancers. Then if the dancers call you.... you can either help them stay on track....if you want too.
What you would be is a "referral" type business. Then you can also talk with the daycare people, the insurance agent, the financial planner, etc... to see if they will give you referral fees too. IE: for every client u get $20 or what ever.
Like I said there is some money to be made. But might be more of a head ache than a money maker.
last commentBest a girl can do IMO is save her $$$ and try to set herself up for something else - i.e. use stripping instead of it using you.
As you said, health care in America is fucked. But no matter what you do, don’t opt into the Affordable Care act in its present form, i.e, Obamacare. Try to find an alternative plan that works for you, but if you can’t, you’re better off paying the penalty and paying for your own services out of pocket.
Child care. Ask around, what do the other dancers at your club do? If you can’t find a good alternative start your own child care. Get all the single moms together, create a schedule, and take turns taking care of the kids while the others work. The girls working on any night can pay a fee to the designated baby sitter.
Most dancers blow through incredible amounts of money on totally stupid shit. That includes blowing money up your nose. So stop doing it. If mental health or addiction is an issue, get yourself to a counselor.
Put together an exit plan. Plan to go to school, or get certifications, or learn a skill or trade. Just do something. You don’t want to be dropping your bra or dropping your panties at 30 years of age. Every guy who walks into a strip club is potentially a resource. Yeah, a lot of them are douche bags, a lot of them are idiots, but not all of them. Ask guys what they do and what they’re into. If it sounds like he might have expertise in something you need, maybe you can pump him for info while you provide a GFE in the club?
If you are old enough to decide to take your clothes off for a living, you are old enough to manage the good and bad consequences of doing so. The whole idea behind the club model is to give the girls, in theory, unlimited earning potential. The club gets paid not only to give you a place to work, which is not cheap btw, but for whatever it does to keep guys coming in the door. If you don't like working for yourself, then you can always get a job at Starbucks, which will pay you like shit but give you lots of corporate perks.
Everyone gets healthcare, continuing lifelong education, and career development. Men pay dues. Women who are living via sex work or low wage jobs pay nothing. Women only pay, as the men do, when and if we are able to help them develop high wage long term professional careers.
Those who opt for the inner order, living and working on our properties, get much more. Besides living at zero cost to themselves, clothes, food, transportation, everything else they need provided, they also get an exit parachute. The women get 4x what the men do.
If at some point they decide that they want out, they have the option, subject to vesting rules, of claiming equity shares in corporations set aside for them via ultra low price early purchases, or stock options. Since this is a collective thing, we will be applying all our talents and abilities to make sure this delivers.
So remember, the women get exactly what the men get, except that they get 4x. Roughly they should look forward to about $250k per every two years, and then being subject to only Capital Gains Tax, when they actually sell. Of course they probably would only sell when they are retired, and then only as needed, so they would have no other income.
The ones who get this are the ones who decide to exit. This is not to put either women or men out to pasture, rather it is to give them the option of an exit parachute so that they don't feel trapped or like they are loosing out. If they don't take it, then as they stay, their equity shares will revert to a separate property tax exempt religious non-profit which builds their residence halls. So we want the mature members to stay as they will provide the group's cultural and intellectual content.
So specifically as it pertains to incoming young women, we want to do better by them than they would have with their other options:
1. Marriage, a Russian Roulette level of risk, usually highly abusive, and highly destructive to mental and physical well being. But still can be lucrative.
2. Sex work, an early retirement age, and can be sometimes tough, but also can be lucrative.
We will be giving them a radically better life, an exit parachute option which is more lucrative, and a radically better life if they decide to stay. And we will encourage the later.
And then as far as professional carriers we will be guaranteeing them that, by continuing education and placing them in our own industries or into outside careers, as they desire.
So these problems are 100% solved. And most of life's hassles will be eliminated. And the whole groups is free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, psychiatric medications, psychotherapy, recovery, and Born Again Christianity.
And poledancer83, to further respond to your post, let me also introduce another idea. In places where you have completely decriminalized prostitution, there can still be problems. Like consider Tijuana, totally freeform selections venues, around the clock operation, and the customer can usually get whatever he wants, like quickes, or Toda La Noches with continuing contact.
But the negative side of this is that it is hard on the women's personal lives. In the Zona, they live on the lunar calendar. But the rest of the world, and their kids and their kids' schools still run on the solar clock. So as they remain available to bed down with customers, and knowing that they can then continue making more money off of more customers after, not matter what the time, they provide great service and make great money. But they are trashing their personal lives.
So what is the solution? The solution is in how it has been in the ancient world, that the women live in their own worker run collective. It could be like a labor union, more democratic. Or it could be more like a religious order, more hierarchical.
Either way, they live with their children and in female headed collectives organized around child care and with their own schools. And since the women run it, they can make it all work. Of course they will have hotels and session rooms, and then various types of selection areas. So this way they can service customers and still know that their kids will be fine, and they actually will get to spend more time with their kids, while simultaneously being more available for customers.
I'm not going to run any brothels or strip clubs or be involved in anything else which is sex industry myself. But if women want to do sex work and make it as nice as possible, this sort of worker owned collective would be the way.
What inspired me in thinking this way are the pictures of TJ of the street girls in the school uniforms. They seem to be a day time crew. I think the school uniforms have a political meaning, a kind of feminist meaning. That is, regardless of their marital status they want a good financial future, and they are also saying that they are clean living sane people. Good fair service, healthy lives, and they want to be treated with respect. And of course they want to keep regular hours to they can be with their kids.
So the logical next step would be these worker owned collectives.
Very good topic!
Do What Thou Wilt: Kenneth Anger, Hammer…
What do most guys spend their money on?
First, impressing the opposite sex.
And then after they have done enough of that, they spend it on keeping up with the Jones.
How much does all of this cost? Well it costs you everything you have including your soul, because you are competing with other guys doing exactly the same thing, trying to impress potential GF's, and then trying to placate bossy wives.
The way it all starts is with this idea that you have to prove your worthiness.
Well this completely evaporates once you have it established that at least within a group, everyone is fully legitimate. Then, as you will have hotties jumping in front of each other for a chance to ride your cock 365 days a year, women having a much higher capacity than men do, it all turns into one big bonobo party.
And so then everybody gets to spend their time doing things far more important than trying to prove their legitimacy. They can spend their time in more productive ventures and in life long education.
Sammy Hagar…
Occult strip club in Pennsylvania?…
> " so the "man" gave us poor hos a place to pay him to let us work">
That's ridiculous and you know it, Go get a job that pays as much with no skills, education or training of any sort. I bet the best job most of you poor ho's get is a burger slinging, or shelf stocking job paying minimum wage or slightly above. I know lots of girls working in the clubs that are happy to make the money they are making, the difference is if they get themselves in trouble, they know who is responsible, and who is irresponsible.
And what I have also been saying is that it is far better to invest their money in themselves than into things which are really just glorified gambling.
And about our poledancer's original post, there are ways that all the very real problems she outlines can be solved. The problems are really the creation of Capitalism.
This is the enemy right here, after a brief introduction by actor Gerald McRaney:…
Before retiring, I worked for a very large corporation which provided all kinds of benefits. But it did not care about its employees either. Benefits and pay are necessary costs, which the corporation would be happy to reduce if it could.
I don't have a solution for Poledancer. Our economic system is pretty heartless.
Well in regards to what this thread is about, I do think childcare would help. That'd be interesting to see for sure. The hours are graveyard. Transportation might be another issue for some. Then I think drinking/driving might be an issue. I apologize if this comes off as stereotype, but I do sympathize for the ones with kids. Unless you have good family or friends it'll be hard finding a babysitter for those night hours. My fav doesnt get to work much due to having a babysitter.
I can imagine if enough people in a town want all night baby sitting, there could be a business opportunity. In small towns, there probably aren't enough baby sitting services. Clubs could set up an independent company to do so and simply charge all dancers who use it a fee per kid. I'm not sure if the local community would be ok with the strip club being the main funding source for a baby sitting service. Local politicians might pass a law outlawing strip clubs from dong so. Think not? Well if towns outlaw showing nipples in a strip club when it's legal for any mother to show nipples to breast feed in a public restaurant, the stupid politicians can do whatever stupid things they want.
If everyone in this country was progressive, we'd probably have free tuition, child care for late night workers, no pasties in strip clubs, and a very inexpensive health care system that all workers and companies over a certain size pay into as part of taxes, and topless beaches for both sexes, and brothels in every state and free testing for stds everywhere with a good education system.
One of the many contradictions in America, that these words are attributed to the Kennedy brothers some original all american mongers...
Correct. I don't think they want the dancers to be better off. Because most are only there because of what poledancer called "difficult situations". Take or reduce the "difficult situations" and first thing they'll do (as soon as they fell able) is stop working at these clubs.
If there is a club that provides the healthcare the door fee will be much higher, dance fees too, and only high end top looking girls would command those prices for people to spend let alone give them extras.
Dancers are told to know their worth, but their is a ceiling in the stripping industry because the landscape says to churn and burn in this environment. It's about the #'s game, for both the girl and the club. Fail at either party and you fail at business. This healthcare thing would bog down the whole business model, and isn't plausible.
Why would a club make a commitment to this when girls can't make commitments? It's wjy so many girls have drug dealing boyfriends, so they don't have to make a commitment to a real life relationship. The lot of them are responsibility dodgers, and typically looking for free handouts while putting g in as little effort. If you had a club that allowed only whales, then maybe this idea is plausible but no way the current economics of club life is.
A couple of little catches, though:
1) Women in his "church" as a precondition for joining have to agree to allow themselves to be fucked by any church at any time. (So 125k/y for being a full-time prostitute. Does he have any other "duties" for them? Doubtful)
2) Does anyone think anyone as non-down-earth, i.e. as dreamy and psych as SJG could run a business which turned a profit? I guess the 125k/y for working a prostitute would be paid out in imaginary money and shares in an insolvent organization.
SJG = complete fuckin' psycho.
The SAG should do this too. Lots of actors are all fucked up in their personal lives...
That said, the 3 leg equilibrium required for a "viable" strip club industry (1. Enough owners willing to open and operate clubs for the going profit margin 2. Enough customers willing to pay for the going level of entertainment value 3.Enough dancers willing to come in and put up with "whatever" for the going level of "pay".). If enough dancers leave dancing because they found work at a corporation with the benefits that poledancer desires, that will either cause clubs to eventually go out of business, or force them to offer the total compensation/benefits level of "civilian" employers. But that would require charging higher cover. drink, dance, and VIP prices. Which just might drive some customers away and profit margins down. Stating the "just right" equilibrium is above my pay grade.
They will never offer anything like drug counseling/guidance, because that's an indirect admission that drug addiction is a problem in the club's. This will work against the clubs when the news media runs one of their inevitable exposé pieces on strip clubs. (ditto for something like STD testing)
But... I could see a smart strip club negotiating a discount with local daycare services for dancers with kids. The problem there is liability if the daycare facility is found to be endangering their kids.
The real issue is that strip club owners and managers generally don't score high when it comes to compassion.
Careful. You're starting to sound like a Republican. ;-)
I agree with you. Take care of your employees and it often produces loyalty. But the SC industry is not built on requiring low turnover rates.
1. "Women in his "church" as a precondition for joining have to agree to allow themselves to be fucked by any church at any time. "
NO! No one is ever obliged or pressured into sex. But it is also true that women, just like men, like sex. And if conditions are right, they will be competing with each other to get it. They have a higher capacity than men do.
No one gets beyond neophyte provisional membership until approved by a senior men's committee and a senior women's committee.
No one gets into the inner order, gets the long term financial benefits, or gets any governing authority until they have shown years of service and been approved by committees. Just as hard to get into this as it is a Roman Catholic or Buddhist order. It takes time because it involves your own spiritual development
Men and women also go thru 'initiations'.
And of course women have to be treated with respect, and this will only work via voluntary cooperation by both men and women. Not as difficult as it looks.
2. I am an extremely practical person. This equity provision is not cash, it is equity, meaning future, meaning not zero risk. Only those who leave will get to have control over their portion. It is a safety valve if things don't work out for them, lowering the risk. And more to protect the women, giving us their best years and all. Those who leave will probably start cashing out. For those who stay, their equity goes into another religious non-profit which builds the larger residence buildings. So yes, this fund management will also probably start cashing out on such.
So yes, per woman we need to be generating $125k, approximately, of equity per year. For the men, only 1/4 that much.
So say 1000 people at the houses in one region. Say 1/2 men 1/2 women. So say about $150k per man - woman pair, there being 500 such. So, that's $75 million in equity per year total. So say for example, create 1x $1 billion equity company, that's more than enough for 10 years. $1 billion equity is not anything like $1 billion annual gross.
Or, just 1x $75 million company per year, and we are set!
Not that hard. The men work in the companies ( no exploited labor ). Many of the women do too. Our people support each other, back each other up, compliment each other's expertise, are free of most of the problems other people face, and are smarter than most people and are pursuing life long education as well. Also our people live and work cheap. The inner order people have basically zero expenses. We give them what they need, but that really is not much when you get down to it, as everything is outside of standard markets.
And what do most men spend money on? Impressing the opposite sex, and keeping up with the Jones. No need for such here, because the women know you and accept you, you don't need to prove yourself. And what do the women need? Mostly high heels and makeup. Every time you come back to the club house temple, they are climbing on you so they can get your load. Women have a much higher capacity than men. These are basically hairless bonobos, its just that our society has been set up to force them to live like hairless chimpanzees. Not in our group.
And one more thing, besides min 10 years of service and being approved by committees of men and committees of women, to gain governing rank, you don't get any share of governance until min age 50 for men and 40 for women.
And also, these equity parachutes only continue to grow up to a certain age, like about middle age. So say a woman joined at age 20. She is giving up marriage and as she becomes full time inner order, she is giving up sex work. So she would be getting nothing, except she gets our equity plan which should give her about $2.5 Meg for 20 years. If she wants to leave shortly after age 40. Maybe that is about it.
So if she leaves she takes it and that is her pension. Not bad as I see it. She might team up with other dissidents and live with them, odds are.
But if she stays, that goes away, but she lives a much higher quality later life than all but very few other people do. All needs provided for, helping run our organization and create it's intellectual content, and still getting her pussy pumped. The people who take to religious orders stay saner and healthier in later life than the general population.
Better than most of the population, much better.
Now where possible, we will let large public firms buy up our startups. So people end up with these large firm shares. But the only people waving their shares around and bragging about it, are the people who have left.
And then of the fund which manages the shares of those who stay, to build the larger residence halls, they just quietly unload shares as needed, and our own people do the construction work.
SJG Principles:
1. Buying dances is a chumps game.
2. Always treat women as civilians in all situations.
3. People do better investing their money in their own ventures.
4. If you change the rules of sex, be prepared to pass out snow shovels, because that manna from heaven will be coming down on you think and heavy, and in all denominations. Once men and women no longer need money to prove their worth, then the people can do bolder and more lucrative things. It happened with Oneida, and it happened with LDS. They got rich, and it was because of this they their neighbors turned against them.
I mean, everyone knows this, that sex and money are two sides of the same coin, and that the rules for sex lock up our money system.
And as far as their being any precedent for something like a sexual monastery, consider Osho / Rajneesh. Good and bad in it, but the sex part worked fine, so long as they were in India.
And as far as women who just want to fuck and fuck and for free, that's how they are in Swinger's Clubs. Its just that they need to have some financial security provided for them. My organization will give them much more than marriage and being middle class ever could.
And we expect losses from the neophytes. The men are held to high standards from the very start. With the women we give them some time to adapt, time to see first hand how it all works.
SJG, planning on being much more than any mere L. Ron Hubbard. And things are already happening!
We help them in carrier development, both men and women, and we help them in housing and education issues too. Their advocate is always just an email away to solve any problem. Never are people expected to "rely on themselves". And we would never sit idly buy and watch one of our people "look for a job". That would be just absurd. Instead we are always grooming people for their next position, which we will hand to them.
Dues money pays for club houses and shuttle van network ( mostly to shuttle women around, but sometimes men need to be shuttled too ) Usually women, suitably screened and trained, drive such vehicles. Other money, less tightly controlled, comes from some companies I will run, making tax deductible contributions. Pays for all the 'extras' and provides dough for getting going in new cities. And of course the core religious group has the Holy Grail, EXEMPT FROM REAL PROPERTY TAX! Welcome to America.
So these outside people get market wages, pay standard taxes, but our dues should be tax deductible.
So say for example.
Male College Grad, Joe Cool
1. Salary: $90k
2. Expenses: chick impressing car, taking girls on dates, impressive apartment, sometimes going to strip clubs and buying dances and paying hookers for sex. Eventually a girl gets her hooks into him, and his life is for all practical purposes over.
Male College Grad, Smart guy, non-conformist, knows that our way is better
1. Salary: $120k because of our continuing education and giving him more opportunities and opening doors for him.
2. Expenses, dues to us, tax deductible, far less than what he is getting in a salary increase by going our way.
3. Other expenses, radically less because he does not need to impress women. Every time he comes to our club house, which we encourage him to do every day, stripper grade hotties won't leave him alone, Can even sleep in a special area, waiting for sun rise, on a foam mat. Our women will bother him, to see if he is ready for more. They compete with each other to see who can ride the most cocks. Women are just that way. They cuddle up and sleep with you, but only after they are sure that no one can go another round.
4. We will mentor people into highly capable technical people, far beyond what you commonly find in corporate America, and exceptional corporate executives. We will even make entrepreneurs of them, where they have full ownership of their companies and all bottom line control, but they avoid income tax for a while by paying us from their day job money to build their first company ( all within legal limits of course). We make sure their first company is a success by providing people, facilities, expertise, and business.
All of our people come out better than they would have otherwise. They just have to understand the program and the premises and voluntarily go along with it.
If women are provided for and they feel safe and secure, they are then free to be horny sluts. And most of all, they have to understand and admire our men, instead of screening them, as young women do in the outside Capitalist society. But then with the kind of men we have, girls will be lining up to get in.
Money from member dues, our corporations, improved by being tax exempt where it counts, improved because our people really need very little, and improved by recirculation and the additional tax benefits that brings.
SJG, the guy who's got it all figured out.
Rolling Stones .. All Down the line…
Linda Ronstadt "You're No Good" Live 1976…
if you need assistance in these areas, contact social services or even your local church. They can at least point you in the right direction to finding people that can help you.
Jim and Artie Mitchell were to an extent exceptions, and there was both good and bad in this.
Mandatory reading for any strip club enthusiasts or dancers:…
I know that as Dougster reads part 1 and 2 of my treatise, he's going to be LDKing like he just lost 20 years. But the reason I could do it and he couldn't is I am sincere about counter culture and destroying the middle-class and promoting progressive politics. Him, no, he wants his two tier society.
Eli's Coming (1975) - Three Dog Night, this kind of a performance would not use a backing track or be a lip sync.…
Three Dog Night - Try A Little Tenderness (Live)…
1. Knowledge
2. Spirituality
3. Sex
But yet, most people spend their entire lives believing that if they had enough money, then they would have these things. And though they may get lots of money, they still never get much of these and they never learn either.
And then someone like Dougster, he really is playing both sides, as he has indeed sold his soul.
Shambala (1975) - Three Dog Night…
I think what Poledancer is asking is just that the clubs can be "human".... ie: take an interest in their "product".... ie: give them a list of day care facilities (if some offer night watches), give them a list of possible health insurance outlets, don't turn a blind eye to the drug usage, and help when you see someone in trouble... help the or approach them about rehab....
This is all well and good...... BUT:
#1 Like others have stated the issue is that "strip clubs" and the culture around them is that of SEX, DRUGS, ROCK N ROLL.... what I mean is that it is still a "taboo" industry. One people want to keep in the dark and possibly shut down. Many have moral issues with it. So they don't want to help the people in the industry. They turn a blind eye.
#2... I hate to say it.... The industry doesn't attract the most up right citizens. What I mean is from Club owners, managers, dancers, customers.... Some of them only care about the $$$, the ass, the sex, etc. They don't care about others per se... only care that they get theirs. Now this is everyone involved.... from owners, dancers, managers, customers, etc.
# 3.... Lets also be honest....This goes with # 1 and # 2.... Most of the people in this industry are not the most responsible.
So like I mentioned above.... I see where Poledancer is coming from. But there is a reason why there isn't these things in place.
IMHO.... There is a possibility for making some $$$ here. What I mean is do a "consulting" type thing. What I am getting at is this.... You go to a club in a city and ask to speak with the manager/owners. Then you ask them do they some of these things in place or would they care to "help out". What your services could be is for a small fee. You will help line up, or create a packet of info for certain things.... examples of things you provide in the "packet" or service..... Daycare providers in the area, health insurance agents in the area, housing in the area, rehab/clinic facilities in the area, financial planners in the area, etc. Basicly you are a yellow pages. Now you can take that one step further and offer that to the dancers for a fee as well.
Now again there is money to possibly be made yet you need the people to buy in. Go see my 1-3 and sometimes the people will buy in... other times they wont.
But again for a small fee you can say to the club manager or owner that you will put together a "booklet" for them and they can hand out to the dancers. Then if the dancers call you.... you can either help them stay on track....if you want too.
What you would be is a "referral" type business. Then you can also talk with the daycare people, the insurance agent, the financial planner, etc... to see if they will give you referral fees too. IE: for every client u get $20 or what ever.
Like I said there is some money to be made. But might be more of a head ache than a money maker.