
Comments by Ch3ll (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Approaching the woman for a dance?
    I think you are cutting yourself short of some experiences. I can specifically recall 4 strippers I approached and each turned out to give some of the best lap dances I've had. Two of those were GFE and the other two high mileage. When I first started SCing I felt similar on the thought I shouldn't have to approach them. Slow nights and not having got any dances is what made me ask. And now I know asking may turn out to be a good experience. A far as asking, I won't interrupt if she's talking to another stripper, but I'll stop her in passing and/or approach her if she's alone. As someone mentioned asking a bouncer, waitress, or fellow stripper works too but then you're tipping if you're nice.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    ....came out and she needed...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    Im not sure which was my first OTC experience, but I'll go off my first two. My first best I recall was in Vegas with a stripper from an all nude club. I was excited and cautious at the same time. We first met for some shopping which I thought she'd be doing her own with her own money, but upon checkout at a shoe store I found out what she expected. Well, I didn't buy her shoes and then we discussed what I really wanted. On a side note she was very prompt at meeting at the mall. Thumbs up to that stripper. Well being new to this I guess I wasn't clear enough and we ended up meeting at my hotel. Here is where I was cautious. For a busy strip hotel you'd think not, but nonetheless I met her in the lobby to make sure she was by herself. Well, to end this story we didn't end up having sex and I cut it short because I just didn't want head without me being able to finger her or something, but being a man of my word I paid. My second experience went much more better at least when it happened. She had stood me up like four times before following through. Luckily, these were at the expense of time and not at having a room but not using it. I was cautious here too. Picked her up after her shift and to the hotel we went. I really couldn't believe it was happening because of the amount of times she had stood me up. Well we did the business. But note we never discussed price. Well when I dropped her off at home the next morning, the car note story came out and he needed $300. I tried giving her like the $130 I had in my pocket, but thought she really liked me so yes I went to the ATM for the rest. I guess to sum up this rambling I was excited, but cautious at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The "come visit me" text message
    I'm sure shes texting other customers, but as long as she isn't doing it over a group message it's whatever. So it's slightly more personal, but I don't go crazy about it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you won a big Powerball jackpot.
    I'd still strip club but with a higher budget. Yes a budget, because there was one lottery winner who lost most his winnings due to his strip club endeavors. All while SCing I'd go out more dress very well and try to attract rating 8-10 civies until I had a few to where I didn't have time to go SCing. Now beyond this "someone to love" need I'd get a nice house, car, invest, oh yeah, and get a financial advisor because I'm not accustomed to having this type of money!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Did you know about extras before you first got extras?
    I don't want to get extras mixed with mileage, but I got some nice mileage experiences in before TUSCL. TUSCL helped me to know it's highly likely just a matter of finding the one(s). Now it's something I keep in mind each time I club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When is it time to cut the bitch off?
    I agree with whodey and lopaw. My current two OTC strippers have just about flaked out totally. There's this hot new stripper I encountered and if I can only get her OTC she'd be my go-to.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are you ?
    I'd say c since I don't go as much anymore. I've been probably 5 times total this year. Last year I averaged that in two weeks. I'm more wiser, well informed, but I'm still a big PL because I put up with all the SS and flakiness of my two OTCers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Rules to follow to avoiding getting robbed OTC
    @Subraman I think getting invited to the house might be common if they feel safe with you. One invited me to hers after we found out all the hotels were booked in the area due to some event going on. Another invited me because she was drunk and hungry so she needed a ride to get food.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Rules to follow to avoiding getting robbed OTC
    Pretty good list. I'd add if the hotel you're at has a level that's requires a key card to move the elevator, use it. I'm guessing the stairs to that level would be the same. And don't give her a key to meet you there later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PL Case Study
    Had this been me, I would not have paid $100 and/or her tip out for a first time OTC with her. The tip out would be a big ???, because how am I to know unless I'm there when she's told what to tip out. I might have shown her the money for otc. Ive done that prior a first time OTC. Other than that I would have been down with everything else. The moms place is a ??? but I've done otc at their place and supposedly someone else place (I'm sure it was hers, but that's what she told me).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Remaining Cool with a Stripper
    Seems the consensus is just ask. Yeah in thinking about it all I'm really not anything special to her. We don't text or Facebook msg and we encountered each other over two years ago. I think the first OTC dinner was in the first year and she brought her son which ate adult portions. The second time was last year I believe. Anyway I've always thought her cool and had others OTC so pressing her for sexual OTC wasn't high on my agenda. If we do do another dinner, early AM breakfast I pose the question.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Dealing With Dancers That Overcount
    If it has happened multiple times with the same dancer I'll avoid her forever. If it happens in VIP and if her and I can't settle then it's to the bouncer. If it's the floor and it's off by one I'll pay her, but as mentioned if it happens again I avoid her.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I might have Daddilac beat for PL of the year
    I personally wouldn't do it. Seems she's happy with her boyfriend who takes care of her and you're just extra money for a short amount of time and less commitment. Unless you guys are seeing each other like 3 - 4 times a week to include you having been over to her place and her yours, then she probably doesn't want you as a boyfriend. Also, that's good you are well off, but imagine reaching a low financial point where you can't continue your SC activities. In my opinion, if the stripper knew this, she'd probably not want to OTC anymore or let alone contact you for no reason at all. Then you're left with chit chat in the club and I'm pretty sure she won't be dancing for free for you. Two strippers I was seeing OTC who know I'm "sitting tight" until my funds get back right have been missing in action ever since they found out.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper denying ever dancing for me
    Kind of weird that she would argue it, but I've had strippers forget they gave me dances or their number. One stripper who forgot, held the same conversation starter with me again. It was about her gem collection.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    Okay if you can afford $1k and those travel expenses twice a month I think the 2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year thread by Daddilac would be a good read for you.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Paying Too Much?
    I think you're paying too much in both states. I only have one experience in Vegas and we didn't even have sex, but I got her to go shopping with me (I didn't buy her anything although that's how she thought the shopping would go). Then we headed back to my hotel for her performing fellatio. This was $400 - $600 if I recall correctly. So with Vegas I think you could maybe get by cheaper for the fact it's Vegas. I'd recommend taking her to do something she likes or y'all gamble a set amount with your money. I do believe it'll be difficult to re and keep her. So maybe next one you come upon in Vegas you'll be ready to establish a reasonable cost for you. Not sure of this other state, but in comparison to where I'm at that's $800 more than what I pay for and most of the time it ends up being a couple of hours or overnight. If you can afford these prices as regularly as you'd like then keep up with it until you feel otherwise. I'll look for this one high roller PL who posted on here and how he was out of like $400k after spending on just one girl and post again. I haven't been fortunate enough to travel extensively to pull one elsewhere, but if I had to give an average all around price, I think $400 - $500 would be the acceptable.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Where did I fuck up?
    I think it could have been just 3 options to choose from given the details we know, but anyway. I'd say it's a combo of 4 and 6. Only time will tell if 4 could ever lead to OTC and if it never did/does then you're at 6.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    8PMer Applebees, Kansas City
    Senseless act. Some hideout...he was free for five hours.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Where am I at here?
    I think she was comfortable with you and that's why she did whatever she did itc prior this incident. Yeah, they get down with other customers ITC or OTC, but they don't want the who, what, when, why broadcasted to other strippers. Once I was going to leave OTC with a stripper (we've done OTC before) after she got off. This particular night another dancer who was really close to her was talking with me and her about random stuff. My OTC stripper walks away for a few and her friend asks me how do I know her, upon which I respond "Oh she just cool, I come in here alot.". So my OTC stripper comes back and we continue talking and her friend asks can I get a ride tonight, my OTC stripper response was "I'm not going in that direction tonight.". Note, they supposedly were like road dogs back in the day. Anyway, I think this chick is still comfortable with you, but maybe has some trust issues with you as far as y'all explicit ITC and possible OTC future. She may eventually come around to her old self, but I think you set yourself back as far as where you rated on her customer list.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best time or day to get a stripper to come home with you?
    Once you really get to know them and after the window for early stripper check out has closed, your chances go way up.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Why do strippers lie about their income?
    It's hard to tell, unless you've seen first hand how they are living. From what I've seen in my area, I typically believe them if they are telling me they are hard out for money.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OTC Checkpoint
    I don't feel I'm in that "a lot" category just yet, but I've had a few. It's this older black gentleman at a hotel I like to stay and each time I check in during the wee hours of the night or morning he's always looking at me funny and I don't even have the girl there with me at the front desk. Also, I hate he's always up. Most hotels when it's late late night or early morning the rep is back in the room watching TV or something. Another hotel I like the guy didn't say anything to me, but the stripper made it uncomfortable. We were talking about visiting different locations and the desk clerk said something then the stripper blurts out to the effect " hubby you know I like this". In my head I'm thinking what the hell are you thinking.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What Would You Change About Your Favorite Club?
    I'd change a few things about my favorite club. The music level has been low lately, and I'm not sure if that's because of which DJ or not, but if they could tone it up some. Second I'd change beer prices I think last time I was there on a Saturday fight night it was $5.75 for a beer. On regular nights I think it's $4.25 (see beautiful women have me forgetting what prices are what. Lastly if songs could be a 210 - 240 seconds standard, that'd be great.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What are you looking for in a strip club viait?
    5 then 1 then 3. However, if 3 happens each visit, I've enjoyed my time/money. Going through a 5 drought right now.