
At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?

Off again on again PL
At what point do you ask for a dancers contact info? First time? Tenth visit? What is normal?


  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    If I "connect" with the girl, it's on the first time. I don't ask until we are finished with whatever we are doing. Then I've decided that I want to see her again, I bring it up. If they don't give it, then I didn't have the "connection" I thought I did so I move on.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I would say as early as possible. You know how it goes, girls deal with zillions of guys, and these are beautiful girls all dolled up and showing their stuff. But most guys don't want to see them again, or they will try to keep them on a shelf for 6 weeks and then return.

    So I would say to offer her your contact info as early as convenient. Printed business card is best, then write on it any needed additional information. Introduce yourself to her, let her know all the things a girl will want to know, but also has learned that in that situation they should not ask. Let her know where you are from, why you are in town, why you stopped at a strip club, and how often you plan to be there. Talk about your outside life and living, in order to let her know that you are not married, without having to specifically say that, and that she is to be a part of your personal life. Try to gently learn about her life, like where she lives and with who. In all of this hand her the card and tell her anything else she should know.

    You're doing this as you're letting both people get comfortable and shifted from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, so that you can let an intense makeout session ensue and let her see that you plan to be waking up with her in the mornings regularly.

    And if that strip club does not have girls who evoke those sorts of feelings in you, then definitely you need to go someplace else.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Not until if/when I think that I would like to meet her OTC.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    honestly, in all the time I’ve been on here, I’ve only had one favorite, and I didn’t ask for her number. She voluntarily gave it to me after the second or third time I visited her. this is a dancer I’ve known for a few years, but the last time I saw her she wasn’t as friendly as she normally is. She was distant. It was weird. I might be moving on from her

    at the beginning of this month, I met another dancer who was so fun that she has the potential to replace my old favorite.....but when I went back a couple weeks ago....she wasn’t there and nobody seemed to know when she works :-(
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs are a crapshoot - one usually has a better chance for "better service" the longer a dancer knows you and has gotten more comfortable with you, but there are no guarantees (could be after the 1st visit or never)
  • K
    7 years ago
    When i have decided i want to communicate with her and believe she will give it to me. This past saturday it happened on a first visit. Beautiful young latina. Others were after a few years if knowing her
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It can also depend on the dancer's experience - many newbs can be guarded and many losen up after a while in the game (and some don't)
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    My usual M.O. is, I ask for her number on whatever visit I realize I want to see her again -- I do most of my SCing by appointment, and I need her # to make an appointment. Sometimes this is the first time I see her, sometimes the second or third. Usually, but not always, I know by my 3rd time I see her whether I want to make appointments with her.

    What this translates to is, most of the time, I ask her the first time I hang out with her.

    The fact that you're asking at all, makes me think that you might be making a bigger deal of this than it is. This isn't asking a civilian for her phone number. Think of it like asking your stock broker for his phone number -- fuck yes, he wants you calling him early and often. You should ask your stock broker for his number, the moment you know you want to continue to do business with him, right? As Papi mentions above, some new girls might be guarded, but everyone else will be more than happy to give you their number. Whether she'll text you back is the real question :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It doesn't hurt to offer her a dick-pic when asking for her #, you know to make things more romantic
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Nice touch. I usually write her name on my dick, to really personalize it and make it a pic she'll cherish forever.

    In other news, I am also an expert at micro-printing. Total coincidence.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    I’m just not use to asking for a dancers number because over the years I’ve only had one favorite

    But this new girl I met was so cool that I’ve gotta find out when she works

    How can I find out the next time I visit her club? Help me guys
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    When you ask for her number keep in mind you are asking for her business number on a cell phone used in most cases just for guys who meet her at the club. So in reality it isn't that big a deal. No bigger a deal than asking anyone who works for their business card.

    At some point (maybe) depending on how comfortable she is with you she'll offer up a different number.
  • lolruned
    7 years ago
    I've thought about this question for a couple days now and I probably won't give my number to a stripper anytime soon. If she wanted to write her number on a piece of paper and give it to me, then maybe I'll give her a call some day. Otherwise, I'll just see her when I'm at that club next
  • lolruned
    7 years ago
    I've thought about this question for a couple days now and I probably won't give my number to a stripper anytime soon. If she wanted to write her number on a piece of paper and give it to me, then maybe I'll give her a call some day. Otherwise, I'll just see her when I'm at that club next
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    The absolute last thing any stripper wants you to do is "give her a call", so maybe not taking or giving numbers is for the best :)
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Subraman I read a funny article about calling a stripper and how the odds of ever getting her to pick up are slim to none and the odds of her voice mail either working or not being full of messages from weeks if not months ago is even smaller. I wish I had kept a link.

    Most women under the age of 25 don't like calls as a means to communicate anymore and dancers/strippers even less so.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Once I get 42,350 lap dances from a dancer I ask for their number. While I admit I have an ATF I will never for the life of me understand why people make appointments, establish relationships and go to see specific dancers. Maybe its because around here full contact is normal and so are extras. You know its a good club when there are 15 dancers on a shift and 11 of them have provided you with orgasmic thrills.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago

    Many custies and dancers don't necessarily give "their #" - they often use a burn-app or Google-Voice where the parties don't have access to the real # but can still communicate via a fake/burn #.
  • JordanBelfort
    7 years ago
    My CF gave me her number the first time I met her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ and w/ the burn-app or Google-Voice, it's usually easy to block a # or just as easy to generate a new burn-#
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... I usually write her name on my dick, to really personalize it and make it a pic she'll cherish forever ..."

    Aweeeee - I guess that's why you get the "you're so sweet" comment so often - you deserve it big-guy
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Best to identify the girl that you do want to be seeing regularly, and then approach her yourself.

  • lolruned
    7 years ago

    Yes, I am very well aware of those apps
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    What shadowcat, subra, and K said.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    It varies.
    -My CF at one club offered it the 3rd time I took her for VIP dances. I didn't accept then, but took it after VIP visit #5.

    -A CF at another club didn't give me her number until around the 12th time I took her back for dances; she gave me her real number too (not a burner number) and said I was the first guy she has ever given it too. I have no reason to not believe her; I could tell she was really really hesitant to do so. I had given her my number two visits prior. So far, it has only been used to make dance appointments with her and she has returned all of my texts within minutes or a couple of hours maximum.

    -Another favorite won't give me her number, real or burner, despite having danced with her 11 times in the past 4 months.

    -Then, I met a dancer at a club a couple weeks ago for the first time that offered me OTC bar side before we had our first dances together. We discussed the OTC options while dancing and I told her I'd think about it, but to expect me to ask for her number the next time I see her. I'm guessing she has a burner number and said she uses whatsapp to communicate with dates.

  • SuperDude
    7 years ago
    None of the numbers I have been given work.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I ask as soon as I know I’d like to see her again, either ITC or OTC. In practice, I often give *her* *my* number. Seems less pushy that way, and some girls who’ve been reluctant to give me theirs have taken mine and then contacted me later.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I have never asked for or received a number from a dancer. Last year at this time I was regularly seeing a dancer I would've loved to arrange OTC with, but after a few visits it became obvious that was not an option. If she was open to it, she would've been working at a one of the many extras clubs in my area.

    Besides, it would've been nearly impossible to exchange numbers with any dancer at this club. This club has a strict policy against cell phone usage in the club. That policy seems to apply to both customers and dancers as all dancers seem to leave their phones in their lockers. Never once at this club have I seen a dancer on the main floor with her phone out.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"If she was open to it, she would've been working at a one of the many extras clubs in my area. "

    Are you saying that's the reason she told you, or are you making a general philosophical point? Because I've been pulling girls from the most diligently no-extras clubs for years -- those girls, too, are very proud of the fact that they don't work in extras clubs and don't have to do extras in the club. They are no less likely to go OTC than girls from extras club, IME, and they'll do so for less money. So, if that's the reasoning she gave you, fine, but if that's an assumption you're making, I'd urge you to re-think it.

    -->"Besides, it would've been nearly impossible to exchange numbers with any dancer at this club."

    If by "nearly impossible" you mean incredibly easy -- as in, she just tells you her number and you remember it and walk to the front lobby and put it in your phone there, or she writes it in a little piece of paper that she shoves in your hand in the dark where it would be nearly impossibly for anyone to catch it -- then that makes sense :) There's a VERY strict no-cell-phones policy in one of the clubs I pull girls out of all the time. These are easy problems to get around
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
    Why get their phone numbers when you can join SJG's organization instead?

    SJG's Organization linked below--Includes the explanation as to why he uses "we" when he talks about the members of his tree house club.

  • Hank Moody
    7 years ago
    The dancer turnover in the clubs is so high that I ask as soon as I know I want to see a girl again in the club. Helps to know when they move or find out when they are working. As others said, it’s her “work” number and is an easy ask. “Can I text you to find out when you’re working?” is all it takes. I try to ask outside of the common area so mgmt or other customers and dancers won’t see, but most people DGAF. I might be disappointed if she says no, but I’ll be distracted as soon as some other shiny thing wiggles by.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    @Subraman, I actually did ask her after about 5 or so visits, but trying to be respectful, my exact wording was, "Would you be interested in having some fun outside the club?" Her exact response was, "I have a boyfriend, and he does not like that. But if that changes, I'll let you know." Then she asked me, "What did you have in mind?" I told her, "Stuff we can't do here". She gave me this very curious smile and that was the end of the conversation.

    After that, I stayed away from her club for 3 months before I returned. Our discussion from the last time was never brought up, but I did talk to her about the reason why I had not been at her club for a while, which simply was because I was going to other clubs and getting extras. She did tell me she worked at one of those extras clubs and she told me what it was like working at that club. Some nights she hardly made any money. On nights where she did make a decent amount of money, it was because she found some clever ways to get extras-seeking customers to buy dances from her.

    One thing I will say though, the reason why she was my favorite at this non-extras club was because she gave better dance mileage than all the other girls who have never worked at an extras club.

    I did learn a lot from my failed OTC attempt, and I do believe the next time I may get a better result with a different girl.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    After wasting too much time and money on dancers I was only marginally attracted too, i've developed very high standards for those I pursue which are usually top talent.

    I try to wait for them to offer their number and not ask for it. If they offer it too fast, I assume they are handing it out like MnM's.

  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    Usually the first time. Occasionally the second time. I dont think I would do a 3rd visit with a stripper if we didnt share enough of a connection for her to give her number. I guess I did that 10 years ago when I was a rookie, but not anymore.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    "What is normal?"

    It's a strip club. Nothing is normal. Sometimes I've gotten contact info very quickly. Sometimes it takes a while. It's all over the map.

    The most important thing is to not be afraid to ask.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I did learn a lot from my failed OTC attempt, and I do believe the next time I may get a better result with a different girl."

    What would you do differently? Just curious... I will tell you that the thing that struck me in your story was that she asked what you have in mind. You really can divine their motives, but most of the time, a girl who is uninterested in OTC will change the topic entirely, whereas those being cautious will sometimes ask questions. If it were me, I would not have been coy or opaque -- that's exactly what a cautious girl doesn't want to hear. If I detect any kind of hesitancy, but there's an opportunity to open the door (which I believe is where you stripper might have been), it's straight to re-assuring her: "we'll go have some drinks and a little fun, and I want you to be comfortable, so if you want to call it off after that, no harm / no foul... and I'm fine with just a BJ (or a HJ)". That's what I believe a girl who is unsure wants to hear -- it'll be easy and fun, she can change her mind if she wants (she will not), we can stop at BJ or HJ if she wants (which also rarely happens).

    Anyway, just some thoughts ... the main thing for me is, if she keeps pursuing the conversation, that's your opportunity to be mysterious and opaque and confirming that she made the right choice by saying no, or by reassuring her with your forthrightness. IME.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    * You really CAN NOT divine their motives
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    Subra, it is very simple what I would do different. If I find an OTC candidate, I will ask a lot sooner and I won't be coy about it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think that's the right lesson!
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    @Subraman - I am not thinking at all that this is like asking a civilian for her number. Just haven't crossed into making appointments before and figured this would be a good topic (and from the number of responses it appears to be).
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I've had dancers give me their number and on other occasions I've asked. In my experience, it's been after at least two visits.
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    I don't typically ask anymore, because if they want they'll offer it. But in regards to times I've asked, it's usually at the first visit or after a soon second or third visit and we get along good. So....the contact info that's the easy part, now actually having them respond in a timely matter or at all for something simple as wyd, is the who knows part!
  • rossl
    7 years ago
    1st BJ.
    Unless you know she’s there all the time, anyways.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    First visit usually for me. Not every number I ask for will get used, but it's nice to have a backup plan.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I don't typically ask anymore, because if they want they'll offer it."

    A few of you have said this. Perhaps because of club or regional differences, or whatever else, my experience is solidly the opposite... Up until a year ago, the number of girls who offered me their number first was incredibly low -- less than five in the past 5 years, I'd say. If I'd waited for them to offer, I'm guessing I'd have been waiting a long time. If I want their number, I have to ask -- but once requested, the number comes easily.

    All of that changed a year or so ago, when I started working "hey, I'm on SA, looking for a sugarbaby" into my conversations; most strippers are on SA also, and we usually end up swapping profile info, etc. That's been the main exception for me, on getting strippers to offer their number -- and even meeting OTC -- first
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    When there is a stripper I think I’d like to see again ITC or OTC, I pretty much just give her my number the first time I meet her or the first time I think it might be worth having each other’s number. It used to seem like a big deal to me. Now it doesn’t. It’s a burner phone for me and probably a burner phone or number for them too.

    What happens once contact info is shared...it’s all over the map.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I ask after I get my first set of dances from a dancer. I have a good idea of whether I want to fuck her otc after I’ve found how dirty she is itc.

    After a dirty itc session - some girls will offer their contact info. That might be to setup more itc sessions - so she can text me if it’s slow. So I make sure to bring up otc.

    It’s important to speak about otc in person at first. You can judge if the girl is comfortable right there.
  • K
    7 years ago
    It isnt just otc. I may want to know when and where she is dancing.
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