
How long do you usually stay at a strip club and how often do you visit in a wee

Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
Friday, March 23, 2018 12:19 PM
I'll stay at a strip club somewhere between 3-5 hours and visit twice a week (not necessarily the same strip club)


  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    A very rough estimate is about twice a month - about 2-3 hours each visit. I will hit clubs weekly during certain months - so my monthly amount of visits can jump to 4-5.
  • lick-that
    6 years ago
    @Red DAMN. What do you do there for 5 hours? Frankly I'm bored after 1-2 hours. I've seen guys like you Who I leave and come back much later to pick a girl up, and they're still there. But I assume they're just the local drunks. Please, break down a 5 hour visit for our benefit.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I binge. Don't go into one for 3 weeks. Then I'll go into 3-4 in a few days. Time depends on how long it takes for me to get what I want. I"m probably on a business trip so efficiency is important to me. Probably don't want to spend more than a couple of hours there if possible. A strip club that would let me bring my laptop in could make the perfect office for me though.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Twice a week 1-5 hours depending on whether or not I do a VIP.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    i usually stay about 2 hours. after that, i've had enough. i go about twice a month. the one thing i've learned is that clubbing is so unpredictable. i've learned that its not so much about the club, but who is working when you go that makes or breaks your visit.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I usually go every week to 10 days spend anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on who is available to hang out with, I don’t have any favorites right now because I’ve been seen a civilian girl much more lately. I do binge from time to time but not recently.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Usually twice a week, for about an hour. I scan for a bit, pick a girl, get my dances, then leave.
  • RamPaige
    6 years ago
    2 hours give or take, once every 2-3 months.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    My trips are 3-5 hours, usually. Never shorter, sometimes longer. That's on top of 2-3 hours roundtrip commute time, depending on whether I'm driving or taking the train It's all over the map how often I go. I've been through periods where it was a sustained once/week, week after week. I'm in this weird period where it's been less than once per month, just been spending my time, money, and energy on SA, my ATATF (who is strictly OTC for me), re-discovering FBSM, and some conventional dating. This leaves me for almost no other free time for SCing. Ironically, I might go this weekend to a local club rather than the ones I go to now, with an eye towards seeing if it's worth spending time there to find OTCs... that would let me do much more frequent SCing
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Avg visit is 2 to 3 hours. w.r.t. frequency - I don't plan my visits; mainly go when in the mood - in the past it averaged out to 1x/wk but I could go 2x or 3x in one week then not go for 2 weeks - been burned out for a while and currently averaging about a visit every 10-days to 2-weeks.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I usually go about once a week and stay for about 3-4 hours. My strip club habits are pretty erratic though. I tend to binge a bit, skipping a few weeks and then going several times in one week. Sometimes I'll binge in the way of club hopping, hitting a few clubs in one day. Sometimes I'm in & out pretty quick, other times I'm there all damn day or night.
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    Probably weekly, with visits averaging 2 hours here in Harrisburg (around 3.5 if I'm at Savannah's, since I watch the UFC PPVs there). If I'm anywhere else, the average bumps up to four hours. I like clubs in general, so I listen to the music and just take in the scene. Follies, I'll routinely stay 6-7 hours: get there early before valet and then stay until 7 or so. Ideally, I would stay 3 hours...but Atlanta traffic is so bad it makes more sense to stay in the club. Tootsies, if it's a non-UFC night I get there around midnight. UFC night, around 10:30. I stay until close (6), especially now that I don't live down there anymore. Going to Ebony Inn tomorrow, I'll probably get there around 11 and close it out.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    I've only been to 3 clubs so far this year. One visit was 1 1/2 hours. The others were about 30 and 15 minutes. Wait, it's 4 and the last visit was about 1 1/2 hours. It's rare I'm at a club more than 2 hours anymore.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I’ll usually take a month off, then go binge clubbing 3 or 4 times a week for a couple of weeks then take another month. So I basically go a lot until I’m tired with the clubs, then I take a break, then I repeat the cycle.
  • orangepicture
    6 years ago
    I've been averaging once a week since early October. My typical visit is 2.5-3 hours. Usually, I'll get a set of dances as soon as I get there, then recuperate for for 1.5 hours, then do another dance session.
  • JordanBelfort
    6 years ago
    I go probably once a month and stay 5 or 6 hours. Enter at 9 leave at 2am
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Lately I’ve averaged once a week. Average visit is 1-2 hours. At times, I’ve taken fairly long breaks from clubbing, sometimes with FBSM or escort visits being more my interest.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    3 to 4 times a week, 1.5 hours or so each time
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    2 to 4 times per month. Short visit: 1 to 2 hours. Long visit: 3 to 5 hours.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I used to go once a week since I could only visit on the weekend or Saturday night after my only good day to sleep in and stay up late. I worked days and strip club drives took too long. I fell asleep one night and it scared me. Didn't want to do any more long drives while sleepy. I read beer has a lot of melatonin in it which makes things worse at night if you drink any at all and you didn't get much sleep. Depending upon how many clubs I want to see and how long I want to stay depends on my club time. If clubs close at 2 am and you don't arrive until 10 pm, max time is 4 hours. Like to leave before all the drunks leave though. If clubs stay open later, could club hop, like to allow at least 2 hours per club. I like seeing dancers on stage. Might want to get dances too. It all takes time. Used to like drinking enough to feel a slight buzz and then sitting around inaclub without drinking but now that Greenville clubs required to close at 2am, will have to rethink that. That sucks. i net they cut off drinks sooner now as well too. I haven't been to any clubs in a few months.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I have spent only a matter of minutes in a club. Wasn't happy about something.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    It varies on both accounts. Right now once every 4-5 weeks. Anywhere from 1-3 hours. Time is dependent on the club.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    3-5 hours once a month. I usually wait through one rotation of girls on stage to see who's available and get dances occasionally. Most of the time is just waiting in my seat, watching the girls on stage.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Once every 2-3 weeks for 2-4 hours
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I never leave.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I was just about to make a discussion like this at least the length of stay part... Oh well. I usually spend at least a couple hours at a club. Usually long enough to go through at least one full rotation (some rotations are over 30 girls) on the stage, and often two or more rotations as a girl or two or more get skipped on a rotation or i'll be so inconveniently getting a dance when that girl is called up. And sometimes a girl doesn't ever get on stage from her own choice or whatever, and i don't figure it out the first or second time. And usually there are a few girls that come in every now and then throughout the evening. So i've spent as much as over 6 hours in a club, which doesn't feel as long as it sounds (it's like watching a double feature), although you have to be disciplined with your money. If i don't find anything good in a couple hours, i'm off to another club usually. Otherwise, i stick around; I'm pretty patient and picky about girls i want to dance with, unless it's the ATF, and then i don't have to wait much at all. Also there really aren't any clubs that close to me (less than 20 minutes, without traffic/construction), so in the back of my mind i anticipate spending at least as much time in the club as i do on the road. I'm not going to drive over two hours both ways to spend half an hour in a club. I usually go 2-3 times a month, and two of those visits might fall in the same week, but i don't usually go more than once in a week and often skip a week. I mean even for TUSCLers, spending 6-10 hours (not including traveling time) every week in the strip club like the OP is like having a second home...
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Right now I club a fraction of what I used to because I have a steady “side piece” that costs nothing, compared to OTC with a stripper, ITC or sole sugar baby. Probably averages out to once every six to eight weeks and I’ll stay around 2-3 hours.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    When I go it's for 3-4 hours but there are times I am not in one for a few weeks, other times 2-3 times a week. It depends based on where I travel and what I have going on at the time.
  • geunther
    6 years ago
    My frequency depends entirely on available extra cash, and of course the desire. As I have aged, I find the desire less frequent, but the funds more plentiful. It has been different since retirement. (early 50's) Another limiting factor is the retirement of my favorites at my favorite club. Three down in 8 months. I was never in enough to be considered a regular, but was in often enough to be recognized and remembered by my Faves. My usual stay is about two hours. The replacements at my favorite club are woefully inadequate. Some downright fat, most ugly. I can't tell if this is the real situation, or I am holding them to a mental standard that cannot be attained. I have tried several other clubs in the area, but none as good as my regular club. I can't decide if I should stop entirely, or just lower my standards. On the bright side, one of the replacements is more than happy to provide any extras, even if you don't ask. I am hoping that the club will get back to it's former lineup of hotties, but if not, perhaps a higher end club, but less often. The local 'gown' club has so many cameras now, that you have to spend a fairly large sum to not be in front of one. Tough decision, as this is definitely a seven up factory. Time will tell.....
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Saturday 5 hours Drink
  • Ch3ll
    6 years ago
    I usually stay at a club for 1 - 2 hours, because when I always go it's night shift. If it's a weekday I have to leave at a reasonable time since I'm working the next day and if it's the weekend it's close to closing so I leave. As far as amount of visits per week, my norm is once, maybe twice a week if something in my normal schedule changed and I have some new free time. I may visit 1 - 2 clubs on that particular night out, but if it's two clubs in a night it's because I didn't see anything I liked at the other.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Typical club run is 2+ hours at first clubt then switch to another club for 2+ hours. Don’t go as often as I’d like, depends on how busy I am at work and on home front. Sometimes I can go only every 2 months. But when kitty is away, this mouse plays and then it’s binge time, doing 2-3 club runs in a one week span.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    A lot for me depends on how long it takes me to get there. For instance, a trip to a local club (20-25 minutes) my stay will be 45 minutes to 1-1/2 hours; also, those clubs are Virginia pasties or DC nude no touch clubs. On the other hand, when I travel to Baltimore, it's 60 minutes to 90 minutes travel and my typical stay increases to 4 or so hours. How often? Every three months or so I get a one to two week window and will visit multiple clubs.
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