Why do some PL'S spend a crazy amount in the club when ORC can be had for the sa

There is a regular in my main club that comes in a lot and usually spends at least a thousand or more on the same two or three girls he usually does VIPs I'm just wondering does he know that these same girls can probably we had for OTC outside the club? I just don't get it I always use the line if I'm going to spend money like that I'd rather spend it outside of the club maybe some folks just don't know it can be done


  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    He probably just doesn't know or doesn't want it to get that far. I'd be surprised if he was getting ITC and didn't want OTC. I'd think that the stripper is making more ITC as opposed to OTC with a guy like this, because she knows his spending probably wouldn't be up to par with what he's spending ITC even with club fees and tip out.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    OTC isn’t always better than ITC at a high mileage club, with good privacy and the right girl. One of my favorite clubs is a joint with private comfortable booths going for $30 a song. With most dancers, everything is on the menu but FS. I usually pop and leave happy, having only spent $100-150. Who needs the hassle of OTC with that bargain.

    When I meet a honey at a low mileage club, OTC is the only path to a pop. But, that takes time and more money than an ITC pop. There are other advantages to OTC vs ITC, under the right circumstances and with the right girl. However, I’ve learned the hard way to be very discriminating with OTC candidates. I don’t treat OTC like a scored game, it’s serious business from a number of perspectives.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    HungryGiraffe makes good points. Some guys simply prefer itc - they know the cost - and they will pay for the convenience of getting off itc.

    If a guy is married - otc might not be an option.
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    I used to wonder why guys used the private viewing booths at the adult video store. For the money that these guys were spending, they could have bought a few videos. But then I realized that they might not be able to watch privately at home because of a wife, kids, location of the TV, etc. So in this case, the PL's that you talk about are probably high profile people who would otherwise be exposed if they did OTC at their home or at a hotel where they would be recognized. It's a lot easier to be discreet when you drop $1k in a club than it is to be discreet when you rent a room and have the dancers come to your room.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    I very seldom do OTC, really just a handful of times in my 6ish years of being an extras guy. As a married PL, I'm just about the sex and I prefer itc rather than all the pomp and circumstance that comes with OTC. ITC is mention easier for my schedule (I don't have hours and hours of free time in the evenings for dealing with flakey dancers), it limits the paper trail, and keeps the whole situation more grounded in reality. All around it just works best for me.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    There are lots of benefits to itc imo. There’s a lot less chance of drama - less chance of the dancer not showing up (even though I’m sure some dancers have gotten lost on their way to vip!).
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Some guys aren't comfortable with OTC and/or don't find it to be convenient. There is also the issue of leaving a paper trail if one is married and renting hotel rooms for sex.

    There are also some high mileage girls working in high mileage clubs who prefer to keep it ITC. Makes sense really. After all, why take the risk if you can already earn the money in the relative comfort and safety of the club?

    Virtually all of my OTC is sourced in lower mileage clubs. In fact, I specifically avoid taking girls out who I suspect are fucking and sucking ITC. After all, why the fuck to I want to go through the trouble of OTC if I am getting sloppy 10ths? So in the rare instances in which I find myself visiting an UHM club, I am also prone to keep my activities ITC.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    OTC is a totally different game. It's not as simple as, "let's go OTC."

    Obviously you know that, but even still, think of the possible downsides and extra shit you gotta go through:

    * Flakes - There's other girls in the club if a dancer doesn't show.
    * Timing - Some dudes just can't wait around an extra hour or two waiting for the girl to arrive.
    * Scheduling - lol, we all know how easy this is
    * Chances of being spotted - Not and issue for some, but maybe it is an issue, or dude is paranoid

    And all that even if you find one that's willing. Now, I still think it's worth it, but I'm sure there's other reasons which may have some guys prefer not to do it.
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    If I could do ITC extras at will, I would only do ITC. OTC changes the dynamic dramatically.

    I'm one of those guys that genuinely loves the strip club atmosphere. It's a party, I'm drinking and getting laid with all my friends around, so when I done popped, I'm still having fun drinking and looking at other naked party girls. Who might be next on the pop list.

    OTC on the other hand... A lot less of that party atmosphere (unless you're taking her to a sex club), a lot of extra effort beyond just driving to the instant set-up of the established strip club. Plus flaking and other pitfalls. And when you done popped, you still looking at the same bitch.

    No, OTC is a necessity only because not every club can be Follies
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Some of us just don't care enough to pay to stick it in the hole. I know my thrill is through the chase of the unobtainable not through paying for the pse. That's like cheating
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Butter - one day you and others here will realize that what you like and think is smart applies to you and you only. To me OTC is, was and always will be a non-starter. No interest in any of these ladies participating in my real life. Paid sex is never the best imo, I enjoy sex with my wife, we swing and as such sex is and never will be my reason to go to clubs. It happens, but I never expect nor seek it. Its like a great round of golf: when it happens great, but if my enjoyment of golf meant shooting well, or my enjoyment of strip clubs meant extras, I would never go. In fact, right now I am only going to clubs which have high contact dances and where none of the dancers know me well, so ITC isn't happening any longer either. Lastly, how people spend their money is a personal decision. One of my siblings thinks its retarded to pay strippers, but I look at his 2 seat plane which he paid $650,000 when he bought it and I think what a waste, think of all the lap dances......
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Yeah, obviously enough, different people like different things, and the idea of OTC definitely doesn't appeal to everyone. The flip side of the coin is, some people love being in the club. I totally sympathize with that -- for me, going to the SC is often a social event (I'm usually with my buddies), and I enjoy every second I'm there, even though it's a no-extras club. Although now that you mention it, there might be some guys wondering the same question about me: why is he spending money in the club when he can take these girls OTC? Well, I DO take them OTC, and I nevertheless still love going to the club... but no one has any idea that I see them OTC. What makes you think any of the guys you're talking about, aren't also seeing the girls OTC, and just happen to also love being in the strip club?
  • PinkSugarDoll
    7 years ago
    Rick Dugan you are wise!

    Gaca, lol :D

    Everyone said what I was going to say. My best customers are high profile people, others just want a little fun while still respecting their wife, and most people are casual about the strip club experience, they are just stopping by before their next work appointment, on their lunch, on their way to the airport...they have somewhere to be and are just popping into the club for a little spice in their day, nothing more and no time for it.
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    When I was seeing ladies OTC, I still came into the club and had fun there too....I didn't mention to anyone in the club I was fucking anyone...but i did laugh to myself when a girl would show me her pussy or put my had on it.....I remembered before I fucked them how I thought how great it would be....and then I remembered how great it was...and still getting ground on after having fucked, I thought, now I've had that pussy....some of the anxiety is gone... i can just let her shove her titties in my mouth, rub her pussy all over me, and kiss me....and I'm not worried about that thing...I know I can have it when I want it...
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    Why do some PL'S spend a crazy amount in the club when ORC can be had for the same or less?

    simple. 1. it is risky exciting sex.
    2. show yer a baller in the showroom.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Subra, I get what you're saying about still liking being in the club I'm the same way I buy a lot of OTC and still like the club atmosphere and still like going in and seen my CFC in the club sometimes but at this particular club that I'm referring to it's pretty much a non extras Club I doubt seriously if this guy is fucking in the VIP to each his own I guess if he is a married guy maybe it's easier for him just doesn't make since to me to spend that much money and get a whole lot less action than can be had OTC I'm thinking maybe he's a little naive and doesn't know or like some of you said doesn't want to leave a paper trail or something to that effect
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I guess what I'm thinking is if you're going to come into the club and spend five or six hundred dollars on one girl on a regular basis and not be fucking or getting extras in the VIP which I believe is the case here I think that same amount of money can be spent better outside the club but to each his own and maybe meeting outside is not an option for this guy or he doesn't know it's an option
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Butterman just one question, how in the hell would you know how much he spends ?
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Ummm because I know how much the vip sessions cost that he pays duh....
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^That begs the question how do you know what kind of mileage he gets
    I do respect that you know how much they charge but sometimes guys that spend a lot often get a better deal than others.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    If you are talking about a single pl - and you know the club he patronizes - then your question won’t be answered here. We are speculating - based on our experiences.

    This one customer may have a very specific situation - and his cash flow might support his habit without a concern. He might not care to shop around. He might have a sweet discount deal with the itc dancer. The dancer might give everything up in vip.

    The mystery won’t likely be solved here.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I guess what I'm thinking is if you're going to come into the club and spend five or six hundred dollars on one girl on a regular basis and not be fucking or getting extras in the VIP which I believe is the case here I think that same amount of money can be spent better outside the club but to each his own and maybe meeting outside is not an option for this guy or he doesn't know it's an option"

    Butter, I think the key thing here is, you have no idea whether he is also meeting the girls outside or not... I don't believe it's terribly uncommon for guys spending that much to do that. For example, I have an acquaintance he regularly spends $1k-$2k in the club; he gets as much OTC as he can handle, but loves going to the club, too. (Basically, he's the guy I would be if I had waaaay deeper pockets! lol). So for me, what that boils down to is, you're asking that given that he *may* be getting all the OTC he wants, why he still bothers coming into the club. And, the answer may be that he, like me, loves being in the club, and if $XXX is easily affordable for him, why not indulge?
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Most of the time people act as they do for a reason. If I know their reason, I may or may not agree with their thinking in terms of my own decisions but that really doesn’t matter in terms of their choices for themselves.

    Added to that, we rarely know what factors they take into account and need or want to be concerned about. So I don’t think any of us here can answer your question either about a specific PL or about choices made by other strip club customers generally.

    I get your question in terms of self evaluation. Clubs around here are very low mileage and there are a few that charge $1,000 for an hour in VIP. For me, when I realized I could see a top escort for an hour at $400 discreetly and with multiple shots on goal, I have no interest in club VIP at that price range regardless of service level. But that’s just my rationale. Those clubs are still open and enough guys seem to find the experience to their liking. So who knows and who cares what anyone else takes into account when enjoying their strip club experience? I just focus on enjoying my experience.
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