
Reasons Strippers get Fired / Suspended

Thursday, March 24, 2016 2:55 PM
One of my lovelies is suspended from the strip club. She claims that she blew too high a number and they suspended her, but I know she has a mouth on her that has no limits. Not to mention her friend was going to drive her home, so there was no reason for the club to test her. Alas I provided a soft shoulder for her to cry on. Here is the dumbest reason for a stripper to be fired that I have been told. She claimed she got fired for giving a BJ to a guy in VIP. I knew it was an extras club, so questioned her about it. Then she says she didn't get fired for giving a BJ, but she got fired because she gave a BJ to a guy the bouncers did NOT know. The club was under investigation at the time, so could understand that they were super cautious. The girl was just doing her job and got booted. What crazy stories have strippers told you to fired / suspended?


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    :) The stuff that really makes them impossible to work with is always coming in late, or not showing up at all, or making excuses and leaving early. A large portion of these girls have such attitudes that they wouldn't last 20 min in any other type of job. But fighting or stealing money does it. One got her contract not renewed because another girl was mad that she peed in a cup instead of using the bathroom. Then boyfriends coming cause them all sorts of problems, sometimes even fights. And then there are drugs. And then there is what you are talking about, just going over the limits, the actual limits, not the stated limits. I think most of it is true. But they might not always be telling you what actually happened. The club really shouldn't be telling people. Some have been busted for drugs while on the job. Unless you know the girl outside I would not worry about it, and probably you never will know the real story anyway. SJG [view link]
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Haha "Why you giving blowjobs to strangers!?!?"
  • UKfan
    8 years ago
    Stealing is the reason I have always been given. Also girls have told me that they quit because management wanted them to do sexual favors. I never really believe them though because I honestly think it's just laziness and attitude.
  • DaOnion
    8 years ago
    "One of my lovelies is suspended from the strip club. She claims that she blew too high a number and they suspended her" I misunderstood at first. I thought you meant she went over the blowjob quota for the month!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    CF said she threw a her shoe at the manager - suspended one week.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Those kinds of shoes can be deadly. In the first decades of MBOT Artie was accustomed to entering the dressing room and just picking one and cornering her and not taking no for an answer. They all went along with it. When he detected a lesbian couple, he would do one, and then the next day the other. He was downright predatory. Not cool at all. Finally he cornered one when it was near closing time and no one else was around. She turned on him and beat him up with her high heels. He was covered with little red heel marks. But the girl was still really upset when she ended up off the schedule. It was out of this that the 2nd Lap Dancing Club opened, being much more dancer friendly, New Century. [view link] SJG Starts off just doing C note octaves, then the dominant G with a trumpet. Maybe a leading tone B. But then the tympani plays a series of E and Eb, so it is like man's choice in the world of major or minor mode. This performance includes pipe organ sounding 32' C, about 16.8 hz. Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra - Dudamel [view link]
  • K
    8 years ago
    1. Former CF kicked a customer. 2. CF worked with a woman that punched another dancer for unknown reasons. 3. Several I know or kmow of for drugs. 4. CF number 2 for meeting a customer in the parking lot for a cigarette. The club had an area for dancers. 5. Former favorite , husband came into the club. 6. Several for providing extara
  • Clackport
    8 years ago
    I've heard it all, it's been mainly suspended or fired for fighting, but I do remember a few instances that stick out •I knew a girl that got fired for doing extras ITC •a stripper sucker punched another stripper from behind and got fired •a drunk stripper slapped a customer and threw a drink in his face, she was only suspended (not fired) because she was the hottest stripper there •a stripper pulled a knife on another stripper, she was suspended
  • neon44
    8 years ago
    My aft was fired for either coming in late, couldnt stay the last half hour and/or being overweight. She was definitely the hottest girl there during the day.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Not showing up on time is a big problem for many dancers, amazingly enough.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Stiletto heel to another dancer + a few punches ITC.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    One of my faves was fired because she had car issues and couldn't get into work when she was scheduled. Club told her to figure it out or she was fired. She didn't live close to the club and no other dancers would help her so she didn't go in.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I have yet to know of any suspensions or firing of strippers I saw often in the club and never saw there anymore. I don't ask either, don't want to put their business out there or others get suspicious. To all who knew strippers who got fired for extras ITC, was it at a club where extras were known/norm or they really had to be discreet about it? I'd hate to be the one one gets fired over, but at the same time it's us both consenting to it.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    The usual reasons for my historical favorites have been physical altercations with other girls or heated arguments with club managers. But other reasons that I have seen include drugs, stealing, utter meltdowns on the floor and fights with customers.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Nothing to add. It;s pretty much the same at all clubs.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    A girl told me last week the club was monitoring her drinking via a breathalyzer. She said she had been warned about being drunk at work and was in danger of being fired. She wasn't my type so I could have not cared less so I sent her on her way.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "Stiletto heel to another dancer + a few punches ITC." Hopefully that girl got fired... Stilettos can actually be considered a deadly weapon. I have a female family member who was in prison for a short while and met a woman who was doing hard time for beating another women with a stiletto (former stripper).
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Typically girls get fired or suspended for fighting and drug use. Also for extras in clubs that aren't extras. Some competitive clubs will also randomly fire girls for being overweight or black. I've never been fired or suspended :)
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    My CF at my #2 club got fired from my #1 club because she flung her shoe at the manager, or so she said. To be fair, I met said manager once and he isn't the brightest bulb in the box.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    "It's pretty much the same at all clubs" I thought "meeting a customer in the parking lot for a cigarette" seems rather extreme. Next thing you know, we might have people that wanna ban large sodas and french fries too
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The parking lot cigarette thing surprises me, too. At the club I go too the dancers offer that perk to regulars and good tipping customers all the time. I actually (for once) wished I smoked to I could go out there and chat with my dancer, the other dancers, and the cool customers.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I did know one that got fired because her BF was a club bouncer/manager and they kept getting into it at work.
  • K
    8 years ago
    The cigarette in parking lot was at a club that wanted to avoid any appearance of extras or drugs on the premises. The dancers had a designated area to smoke by the back door. The town had been trying for years to shut it down.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Girls will get fired at my club for smoking without a bounder present in the parking lot, let alone with a customer! Also, the management will fire dancers who put adds on C/L, if they find out.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    As mentioned, fighting, stealing, drugs are among the top reasons and going too far regarding mileage and extras in lower mileage clubs is up there too.
  • culvercityboy
    8 years ago
    I witnessed a dancer get fired at a nude club for walking the floor immediately at her stage shift--she didn't put her g-string back on before she started walking the floor. She made one circle around the stage thanking those who tipped her. As she headed for the DR, management fired her on the spot. She literally dropped to her knees begging. She was escorted into the DR and 5 minutes later was escorted out of the club. I'm guessing nudity on the floor will get a club fined/closed. Management was clearly pissed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think dancers should get fired for giving air-dances :)
  • dtek
    8 years ago
    Reasons I've personally seen strippers fired: Fighting Stealing from the other girls Caught with drugs Caught by one customer fucking another customer Mouthing off too often or angrily or drunkenly to management And once, when a girl was sent home for being too drunk, she ran behind the bar and started chucking pint glasses into the crowd. She managed to launch half a dozen before the bouncer wrestled her to the ground. That one got fired and then jailed.
  • VeryBigDawg
    8 years ago
    "I think dancers should get fired for giving air-dances" I am in agreement on that. A couple years ago say a great cat fight at Follies. The bouncers had to break it up, and fired the girl who started it. She was super hot with fiery personality and was sorry to see her go.
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