
Does it matter

Does it matter if a girl completely ignores you after you buy dances from her?
She fulfilled her job. She is their working. But, my thought is wouldn't you want to be polite to future customers
in case they may change their minds and buy dances in the future?
Attitude goes a long way with me. I remember who was cool and who wasn't. I am less likely to buy dances from a mean person.
Last Saturday I visited a club and had a great time. I have no complaints. I just noticed that one of the girls who I bought dances from afterwards
walked right by me several times and totally ignored me. That is fine. She doesn't know me at all. That was the first time I had ever seen her their.
I wasn't upset. I just thought it strange. I did have more money to spend. But, I respond better to friendlier women.


  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    It hasn't happened to me. It's part of basic customer service. If you are sitting alone at the bar - and a dancer (you've bought dances from) walks past - I'd expect her to say "Hey" nothing too much to ask.

    That being said - some dancers can be a bit flaky and forgetful...
  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    Some dancers also have a very bad memory. How much time went by between the visit?
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    It matters to me if I understand she's come to know/recognize me initially. However, if I'm not occupying her time I understand she's working and has to get her hustle on. That may mean not speaking to me as she passes so the next PL she's in route to feels special.

    I walk past the same people numerous times throughout the day at work. After that initial hello sometimes it's just passing in silence.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    So let's say I bought dances (or more) from a girl. On a return visit or even in the same night I get one of 2 things:

    1. If I run into the girl again she acts like I am a long lost lover.

    2. She ignores me which is of one of these reasons:
    - she figures her business is done with me and I don't want to be bothered anymore
    - she's too dumb to know about customer service and at the very least acknowledge me
    - she's too shy to come up to me, even though she has already danced for me

    I'm the opposite of you a lot of the time. I will go into a club and I may want to peruse new dancers and then someone I have done dances with comes up and gets all up in my grill. Most of the time I would want to at least check out for new prospects than go back to someone else who was probably average. If it's someone that I WANT to see, I am usually knocking down chairs trying to track her down when I enter the club, kinda like when Juice has a 50% off coupon in hand when entering a Church's Chicken.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Why is it that the ones you don't want to see again keep coming around and the ones you do want to see again just disappear? Murphy's Law?
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    I've gone back to clubs after several months - and I've had dancers come by and just give a "Hi, how have you been?" And I appreciate that. It doesn't have to be a Norm from Cheers type of greeting - but it's nice to be friendly - that's all.
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    I was in Tampa and went to Mons Venus on both Friday and Saturday nights around midnight. The first night the hottest blonde there got my attention and we did about 6-8 dances. I told her I may come back the next night. I went back the next night and not only did she remember me but she remembered my name. I have girls at my regular club at home that take at least a few times to remember my name
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    The general strip club rule of thumb is she'll give you attention BEFORE the dances, but once you've bought, she'll move on to other customers.

    The only way she's going to hang out long after is if you're dropping serious coin. At a lot of clubs that means at least a few hundred for day shift, and more for busy nights.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @JamesSD if that's the rule, then how do they get regulars? That requires....customer service before AND after the dance?
  • serrano
    9 years ago

    The nice things about Mon Venus is the many girl there are very nice and remembering you, even from months and months ago. They will come hug you when you enter club, kissing your cheek, joke about many thing you two enjoyed at club at previous visits. When they dancing for you, they gaze into your eye and smile. Perhaps no alcohol there, a small club layout, the intelligent Florida college girl mind make it easy for this for happen.

    Joe Redner is doing a miracle of heaven's work at Mon Venus with the beautiful roster of girl who breath such life into this hidden gem in the most unlikely of place. I have never been ignore there...
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… Why is it that the ones you don't want to see again keep coming around and the ones you do want to see again just disappear? Murphy's Law? …”

    I think it’s actually PL’s law.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Strip clubs are not reality – best to stop expecting real/genuine behaviors.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    If you wanted more dancers; why didn’t you say hi to her – you not saying hi or trying to get her attention perhaps makes her think you don’t wanna be hit up for more dances/$$$.

    For many dancers is not easy to approach custies and does not come natural to them or to interact w/ custies (just as it can happen in real life to many people).

    I think we sometimes expect too much from these chicks – just my 2 cents.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I too often ignore dancers that pass by me after they’ve danced for me – I feel if I smile at them and make eye contact that they’ll think I want more dances from them and then I’ll feel a bit bad about smiling at them then telling them “no” if they come-up and ask for more dancers after I smiled at them.
  • Ugluck75
    9 years ago
    I have banned a stripper for a similar slight. We had texted and she claimed that she was up for OTC and really liked me, etc. I visited her at the club and got a VIP from her but then she ignored me for the rest of the night. I refuse to let her dance for me again despite the fact that she is quite hot. But I view it as a positive cause after she ignored me I hooked up with current fav dancer to replace her.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I can see how this would irritate you but I think you're being too emotional about it. Unless she is a regular of yours, most dancers are going to ignore you under these circumstances unless they think you might buy more dances. That's just the way it is. Some things it's better to just accept and brush off. This is one of them.
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